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Latest revision as of 14:17, 14 March 2023

The Moon over Miami
Date of Scene: 13 March 2023
Location: Recreation Deck - Watchtower
Synopsis: Kate and Kendra catch up in the JL Moon Base
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Kendra Saunders

Kate Kane has posed:
Is the moon over Miami? Probably. Is Kate listening to the song? She is not. Because part of her lives in fear of Batman catching her listening to music while she's on monitor duty.

Apparently, she figures, a significant part of her because she's purposely avoiding listening to music /on her break/. That break has taken her to the Recreation Deck for a quick protein shake... and apparently a five mile run on a treadmill. Because you just can't beat that view of Earth from the workout room.

And while music would make it more entertaining, Kate's got her own steady rhythm going, feet landing on the treadmill like she's born to run, like she's a finely tuned machine on autopilot, aside from the occasional flurry of blows she's throwing at the air.

This, it could be said, _is_ Kate relaxing. She used to relax with a glass of bourbon, but one would become ten would become her friends talking about intervention.

So now she runs. She runs and she punches.

Kendra Saunders has posed:
The door opens and a familiar voice is heard behind Kate. "Did you run all the way up here, Kate?" Kendra Saunders isn't on duty, at least not for another 12 hours. Hawkgirl is dressed in workout clothes, silvery wings folded neatly against her back. She offers a smile, then settles onto the cross-country ski machine.

A few adjustments to the settings, then Kendra's arms and legs are both swinging with a steady, if pretty rapid, rhythm. It's not intentional, but there's the reminder that her physique is certainly above human levels.

"Does Batman know you're taking a break?" she asks casually, only the sparkle in her brown eyes giving away the humor.

Kate Kane has posed:
For a brief moment, Kate's forced to admit her self-imposed lack of music out of a truly Bat-appropriate level of paranoia about being caught slacking off has a benefit. Sure, running's more of a chore than a fun passtime because of it.

But it means she's expecting Kendra behind her after hearing her footsteps, so as she slows her pace and turns her head to peer over her shoulder it's with a lopsided grin and not a look of shock.

"Well, I figured asking for a lift would be like calling my only friend with a truck to move a couch." Her eyes follow Kendra as she prepares her own machine and begins her workout, whistling out playfully. Green eyes glint.

"We're actually /allowed/ a break. Twenty minutes every three hours, according to League policies. It's _Gotham_ where he grumbles ab out how blinking is when crime strikes or something."

Those green eyes stay locked, lips pressing in a thin, stern line. Clearly she's appraising Kendra's form and pace. Probably a little jealously. Kate has to push herself to get near that pace. And she can't do it while looking like she's practically not putting any effort in. "You're not going to tell on me, are you? Try to blackmail me about how I /dared/ to let my eyes rest?"

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders's breathing quickens, and her skin is actually starting to get moist. Not full-on sweaty, at least not yet. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of terms..." she replies with a small smile. "And you know you can count on me for a lift anytime. Truck or no truck."

Her gaze shifts fully to Kate for a moment, then she asks. "So how ARE things in Gotham these days? I usually try to stay clear of the smell."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly and murmurs dryly, "Well, as long as it doesn't involve you doing that flying kick again. Seriously, I've been thinking about it since we sparred. Very cool."

She snickers and sighs out, "Not bad! I mean, okay, it's as bad as ever, but it's not any worse. There was an attack on Arkham, but that was about it. Frankly, I can't blame you, I'd stick to NYC except the last time I was there this crazy mutant attacked me. I guess he took exception to me shooting him once."

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders doesn't break stride, her breathing low and steady. "So did you shoot him again?" she asks casually, after a few moments. And yes, there's a grin to go along with the quip. "Seriously, though, I might have to drop down to Gotham sometime and pitch in. I'll be sure to bring an assortment of weapons."

"So are you off duty, or going back on after a break?" she asks

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate falters in her pace a little at the question... her own breathing a little heavier, labored... and interrupted by an almost choking snort, "Uhhh, not... technically? Claymores don't count as shooting. They're just... explosives! Technically different, no?" She shrugs lightly, her pace slowing, from 'Olympic training' to... just intense training, but apparently enough for her to converse easily, "Well, apparently he has a habit of healing up and coming back. So if he does, I'll put you on the list of people who want to help." She shrugs and laughs softly, "Oh, no, I've got like ten minutes after my break but I'm sure whoever's next after me will be a little early. They always are. You got plans after this little workout?"

Kendra Saunders has posed:
Kendra Saunders is working at a significantly faster pace, but at least she's sweating now. The silver wings half-open, making small adjustments to her balance. "Just explosives? Well then, I suppose that doesn't really count." she offers wryly. "So this one has a habit of healing up and coming back? I'll bring my broadsword. It's harder to heal if you can't find all the pieces." She shrugs at the last question, then. "No plans, really. I'll probably still be here when you clock out...." There's an unspoken offer in there somewhere.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate sighs out as her treadmill slows gradually and her pace follows, "Yeah, I mean, there was no report of finding him in the building we... finished our fight in. But then, maybe he's weak to fire?" She shrugs helplessly in a little 'Who's to say?' motion.

But then there's a mention of broadswords and she's grinning wide. "Well! Maybe when I get back from clocking out and whatnot you can regale me with details of just how skilled you are with a sword." She quirks an eyebrow and murmurs dryly, "Don't break the cross country machine. It's only designed to take so much abuse, and you... well, I'm not saying you seem like you're wanting to go at it hard. But..." She pops her eyebrows again. Because she's not /not/ saying. Even as her watch starts chirping and she heaves out a sigh, "Back to the paperwork and the communication feeds. Ski a couple miles for me."