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Latest revision as of 13:56, 23 March 2023

The Warrior
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: Workshop - Garage
Synopsis: Rhona seeks out a wise claw-fu master.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Rhona Lauren

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan's Tuesday afternoon woodworking class had just been dismissed, most of the students having milled out to go enjoy a few hours of free time before dinner. It was grading season, so with a grunt of protest Logan pushes himself up from his chair and begins to move around the classroom. The semester's projects weren't done by any stretch of the imagination, but he could at least take a look at them and see how they were coming.

He pauses to pick up a half-assembled birdhouse, turning it over in his hands.

"Hnh," he gruns, muttering to himself, "Bad joinery. Gonna fall apart."

Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona had had a bit weekend... an unexpected action hero movie in reality. It had been on her mind since then, she'd not gotten a lot of sleep since either. The fear of being way out of her element, of easily she could've been killed. She /felt/ under prepared for it. But today, she'd told herself that this was the kind of life she wanted to live, she wanted to do more things like that, to help Mutants... to help her people.

Who could help her get better at it though?

The young woman appears in the workshop doorway, her backpack worn over her shoulders, a white t-shirt on, with a picture of Betty Boop with a machine gun on her chest. She has low-rise blue-jeans on, torn out knees, a large white belt wrapped around her waist, and some ankle boots in black leather, with a black leather choker collar around her small neck. Her brown hair is tied up, loose tendrils framing her face as she looks around the woodworking area.

She spies him, and approaches, with thumbs hooked under her backpack straps. "Nice bird house." The young English girl says to the rather intimidating teacher. "I was recently listening to a podcast about how Bat Houses are a great thing to hang up, to keep... annoying insects away." She tells him, following it up with a little smile. "Do you know how to make those?"

This is the 17 year old's way of 'breaking the ice' with the scary teacher.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Joints are shit," Logan answers without looking up, placing the birdhouse back on table, "But the heart's in it."

When Rhona makes mention of the Bat Houses, the gruff Canadian raises his eyes to look at her. He recognizes her, of course - he recognized all the students - but he hadn't had much in the way of conversation with this one. Hell, he didn't even know she was English.

"Haven't made one, no, but reckon the principle'd be the same. Why? You lookin' for some extra-curriculars?"

Rhona Lauren has posed:
"Nah." rhona says at his question, following it up with a nervous little laugh. "I mean, it would be rather fun to have around, but no. I just thought it was an interesting idea, one I'd... not had before." She moves her right hand up to push her right length of hair back behind her ear then. "Umm, no. Actually I wanted to talk to you about something else." She says before she steps over to one of the tables and leans over against it, her arms going to cross over her stomach then.

"I did something this past weekend. Something I'm not really supposed to talk about to anyone. But I thought, you might understand." She smirks then and there, before glancing back to the door to the garage, but nobody is there.

Her brown eyes go back to his. "I went on a mission... On the 'Blackbird'." She whispers that last part. "With Tabitha Smith, Monet... I don't know her last name... and this guy. Kinda old, kinda grumpy, he had a plethora of rather unsettling firearms strewn about his person." Cable.

"Anyway... the mission, I guess, well, it got pretty wild. I don't think I really should've been there at all, if I'm being honest."

She might be rambling a bit, it might be bothersome to Logan.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Yeah, reckon I know who you're talking about," Logan answers quietly, eyes narrowing as he stares off thoughtfully into the middle-distance, "They shouldn't be takin' you out on missions like that. You're here to learn first, then maybe worry 'bout that after."

But there's a shrug of his shoulders. What's done is done.

"Just tell me why you came down here. I'm guessin' it's cause you heard I did a lot of violent things in my life and you want me to show you how. Am I close?"

Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona's eyes widen at the man's question, a series of three quick little nods coming there-after. "Yes." She says back to him. "I mean... I know I could go in to town and sign up for some jiu-jitsu classes, or something. But some of the other students said I should just ask you. They ... well they made you sound like you knew what you were doing." She summons a sweet smile for him then, her thumbs once more hooking under the straps of her black and maroon colored backpack.

"Hand to hand combat. Specifically. I mean, if that is the right term." She once more glances toward the door, then back to Logan. "I had my archery equipment with me on the mission. I only fired one shot at someone, a man who had a gun... they were shooting at us. Tabitha says I hit him, but the arrow didn't penetrate his body armor...."

More rambling. At least her voice is nice though!

Logan Howlett has posed:
"Reason I opted out of teachin' a self-defense class or somethin'," Logan explains, leaning forward on the table, "Is because most kids don't have the dedication. Don't want to learn fundamentals. Want to just go straight to the five point palm exploding heart technique or whatever. Well, sorry to say there ain't anythin' like that. An' part of bein' good is bein' bad first and learnin' how to take a beatin'."

He takes a deep breath, running a hand over the back of his head thoughtfully.

"I'll do it. But you start gettin' lazy, you're off to town to learn jiu-jitsu instead, got it?"

Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona shows a little smile then as she shuffles her weight from one sneaker-wearing foot to the other. "I can handle it." She tells him. "I learned piano, archery, horse riding, and a few other things, I know that when you start a new skill set that you're not good at it... and it, takes time."

She stops herself from rambling then, and takes in a breath. "So... where do you do your classes for such things?" She asks him next. "I assume it's at a really inconvenient time of day for a person of my age demographic too?" She asks, now showing him the sparkle of a little grin.

Logan Howlett has posed:
"If you're talkin' about wakin' up at the ass-crack of dawn? Forget it. I wanna sleep in, too, an' I'm not missin' my beauty rest for anyone's sake. Even yours, darlin'."

He rolls his shoulders a little bit, leaning down to take another close look at a birdhouse that is a little less shabbily-built.

"I'll rent out a space down in town. But if it's a nice day out, might just find somewhere outdoors. Come meet me tomorrow mornin'."

Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona just nods her head a couple times again as he indicates. She too glances at the other birdhouse before she looks back at him. "Alright. I'll track you down in the morning then." She says before summoning another small smile. She sweeps both her hands up then to tuck the strands of loose dark hair back behind her ears, and then hesitates in that awkward-teenager-fashion before she turns and starts back toward the way she'd come.

"If you decide to do Bat Houses, let me know. I'll sign up for that." She says back to him, giving another little grin as she walks out of the woodshop now, her sneakers making little swiffy noises as she goes.