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Latest revision as of 21:43, 26 March 2023

Only Mostly Dead
Date of Scene: 25 March 2023
Location: Spyscape Museum
Synopsis: Gabby catches up with Cain after an absence from faking her death.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Cain Marko

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It had been a rather sudden absence for Gabby from New York and Gotham. Then again, the fact that Alchemax had hired Saberooth to assassinate her had been rather sudden as well. Unfortunately for them, the two had spoken and decided to work together to fake her death to get the stubborn labs off her back for awhile. Once she'd healed from their 'fight' it meant laying low awhile to keep off the radar of any who might think to check the legitimacy of whether or not someone with a healing factor had actually kicked the bucket.

A few quick texts had been shot off to let her friends and allies know she was actually okay. Silly, short things without explanation though, from a burner phone. Things like quoting Monty Python or the like. Some got it. Some may have been just confused. Either way, she tried.

It had been a few weeks now and she was figuring things were fine, so she's back in New York and -Wait there's an espionage museum? The things you learn while on vacation from the city you live in!

Gabby's dressed comfortably for the weather in leggings and ankle boots with a hoodie to match from that Gotham clothing manufacturer Roberto Costa had gifted her for Christmas. The 'hero/vigilante inspired' design the hoodie represented today was Black Canary so the sleeves was imprinted with a fishnet pattern (Not actual fishnet though) and the back had a design of a broken birdcage with the sillouhette of birds flying out of it. All of it looked a bit like it was designed by a graffitti artist gone legit. Which it was.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain has been giving serious thought to just starting to demolish any of Alchemax's holdings he can find. Possibly kill any of the shareholders he can get his hands on. They've started to truly annoy him. He did get a message from her. It was mostly confusing. But, he knows from personal experience how hard it is to kill a regenerator. So he suspected something was up, and never thought she was really gone. Which is why he didn't throw Sabertooth into space. He definitely would have if he'd gotten confirmation, though.

A less cryptic and more welcome message came today. And so the giant of a man went somebody he normally wouldn't. A museum. He arrived at the place, immediately scanning at a bit below normal eye level for any familiar silhouettes. Spotting Gabby, he quickly makes his way towards the not so dead feral, his big shadow falling over her before he swoops down. An oversized hand gripping her rump and lifting her for him to gently crush her against his broad chest, lips finding her own for a warm kiss before he tucked his chin onto her head. "Hey there kid. Good to see you again." He gives the impression he might have missed her some! Well, there's not THAT many people he genuinely considers friends after all.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney became aware of Cain's presence before he'd actually gotten to her. It wasn't even her super senses that clued her in so much as the heavy footfalls that always seemed to herald his arrival. He was a big guy and there was no way to hide that, really. She hadn't immediately turned around though because she was staring at a cryptography puzzle trying to figure it out with squinted eyes, and thoughtful attention.

Attention she loses as soon as he scoops her up earning a little yip of surprise. The noise is quickly silenced by that sudden kiss, and she reacts by just lifting her arms to rest on his shoulders for balance. Not that she thought he would really drop her, it was just instinctive.

"Hello to you too, Cain," she greets back with a burgeoning grin at her friend. "Sorry for vanishing like that. Kind of a surprise situation after all," she explains with a chuckle. "Plus Vic gave me enough pocket cash to disapear for a bit so that helped." A more serious look flits over him only to ask the most ridiculous question of, "How're you doing?" Of COURSE he was probably fine, just as she was.

Cain Marko has posed:
The giant of a mercenary looks like a parent. Or, well. More like a boyfriend with a much shorter girlfriend, since a parent probably wouldn't be squeezing certain plush parts of her quite like that. Not that he is one, but...well. Whatever. He strokes along her neck and back, nodding slightly at her words. "Yeah. Glad to see you're alright. I was trying to figure out if you were really dead or not. I was gonna tear off Creed's head and punt it into the sun if you were." He sounds serious when he says that. Probably because he was. He loosens his grip on her enough to look her in the eyes after a time. "Me? I'm fine. Works been a little boring at times. Though I have one job that may be coming up soon that could be fun." Assuming it ever got off the ground. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to put her back on the ground, while they're at it. He glances around the museum. "So. This place, huh? What made you want to come here?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That little squeak of surprise that didn't come out at first certainly does now as she's held in such a manner, still. Maybe it was the squeezes. A little rush of color warms up her cheeks while she grins in response giving his shoulder a little pat. "Careful, my boyfriend and girlfriend might get jealous," she teases. Though they might be more VERY CONCERNED about her being this close to Juggernaut to begin with.

Glancing back over her shoulder toward the display she considers a quiet moment. "This is the sort of thing I was raised and trained to do. Got away from it, obviously, but that learning is still in my brain. Every now and then I feel the urge to keep up on things, or practice. Seemed like a good place to peek around and see what else might be out there to learn."

Cain Marko has posed:
The words from the pint-sized assassin draw a deep grunt out of Cain. "Yeah, well. Tell 'em I knew you first." He gives another squeeze, then lowers her down to her booted feet. Resting a big hand on her head. "I want to meet this boyfriend and girlfriend, by the way." No doubt that would go well. He definitely wouldn't give them some sort of cliched 'If you hurt her I'll hurt you' spiel or anything. He looks around again after her explanation. "Hunh. Yeah. I s'pose you were. Mmm. I've always been a lot more direct in my profession. Though there's times where you have to be a bit subtler." Was he GOOD at being subtle? Not really. But he tried! Sometimes.

He starts to walk deeper into the museum, checking out the various displays there. It's not like he never watched spy movies or the like. "Oh yeah. Where you staying right now anyway? Still at Blake's place?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney doesn't resist being put down again, nor does she step too far away leaning in against his side a bit. It was nice to see him again after all. The head pat earns a little snort of amused laughter before she reaches up to smooth out her messed up hair again. It was a common enough occurance she hardly got upset about it in the first place.

"You could, but they'd probably be scared of you at first. Tommy's especially a bit nervous. Bunny... Well, I dunno what her reaction would be actually." A little shrug comes as she moves along walking beside him to look over the displays as well.

The question of where she's staying earns a little scrunch of her nose in consternation. "Nah, I mostly gave that place over to Bellona at this point. I sometimes stay at Tommy's, sometimes over in Gotham, sometimes in New York with the group I run, and occasionally back at the school. I think it's time to actually find my own place," she reasons with a little nod. "Especially after this last situation."

Cain Marko has posed:
With her against his side, Cain rests his hand on the small of her back. Well, with his hand it stretches higher than that as well. "Scared of me? Good, good. Don't want them thinkin they can take advantage of you." Yeah, because in that relationship, it's the highly trained, unkillable assassin that has to be worried. Maybe his protectiveness of her isn't quite necessary. He stops at one display, bending over a bit to peer into it. This was the first time in he doesn't know how long he was at a museum and not there to rob the place. Which he doesn't say out loud, because it wouldn't be that fun to have security following them around everywhere. He taps the glass a little. "Radio watches huh." He glances back down at Gabby. "I could put you in contact with the person who sold me the brownstone. Nice untraceable properties. So Alchemax can't track you down too easy at home."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Don't scare them too much, they're young and impressionable. Very fragile," Gabby assures only to grin in amusement at the very thought of them. "Compared to me at least. They're both mutants, too, but don't have the training I have. Neither went to the school," she adds knowing full well he knew exactly what she meant there.

As he stops to regard the display, the suggestion comes that has her grinning. "Oh, that would be great! I had a connection with a realtor, kinda, but she moved back to Texas after a falling out with her husband." With a new excitement of potential house hunting coming up she continues through the museum catching up and chatting with Cain for awhile.