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Godfellas: Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli
Date of Scene: 21 March 2023
Location: The Office of Representative Aaron
Synopsis: Ares gives Daisy and Alexander what intel he has, then immediately makes both of them flee the scene.
Cast of Characters: Ares, Alexander Aaron, Daisy Johnson

Ares has posed:
The bad news? John Aaron was still perturbed at this entire situation with the Union and their concerns for his safety. But as had been pointed out by his son, as much as John knew that he could deal with any such threats, there was no way for them to know that. Additionally, were he to reveal that tidbit of information, he likely would ruin his son's life of normalcy. Or as close as the boy had gotten to it between work and friends.

The good news is he wasn't as bad as he had been so he wasn't taking it out on his assistant anymore. Instead, he had been polite and dealing with things as he normally did. Certainly, there were items that came across the desk that would get him muttering or even yelling at the ceiling because it was the closest he could get to yelling at the person who wrote whatever proposal it was. But he wasn't as aching to go out and cut someone's head off. Literally.

Admittedly, he probably was an odd sight because the desk was made for a normal sized person. And John Aaron was a bit taller than normal, broader of chest and shoulder. He just was a mountain of a human being. And thus the desk seemed just a little too short and the chair just a little too small. Not in a comedic level but enough that some people might notice.

He was dressed as he would be for work which was basically a pair of jeans, work boots, and a t-shirt. His heavy leather jacket hung on a peg over by the door that led out to his assistant's area. Not a lot of decorations or things unless she had put them in here.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Ares was, as Alexander had learned long ago, an unreliable narrator.
    Not out of malice or desire to deceive. But simply because Ares' narrative style tended to wander at times. His emotions would take him, he would roar and rage and stomp and strain. He was a man who expressed himself beautifully, but for the conveying of factual information... not always the best of use. Especially when trying to formulate a course of action.
    Which in this case was very important to come up with.
    So after the phone call, Alexander had touched base with his comrades and friends. He had given them a heads up about what was happening and endured their evil evil giggles and laughter. But then when all was said and done he turned toward Daisy. His handler. His guidance counselor. His team leader. They had met and talked about the situation, and she had aided him in the past when issues with his family had reared their ugly heads.
    So it's understandable that he'd trust her.
    Trust her enough to bring her with into downtown Manhattan where John Aaron's office was. As they walked down the hall he told her, "So he's going to likely be... loud." He offers. "He's also likely going to be simmering. Don't let him frighten you. He can't sense it like I can. But he can still... sense it."
    They reached the door, he rapped his knuckles on it and then pushed it open since tacitly it was a place of business for union members to come request meetings, as well as the general public able to come to express grievances with the union itself.
    After a moment they wandered on in.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy is no giggler. There may have been a snicker or three. Maybe even a smirk. But never a giggle! She needed to keep responsible demeanor after all. "It's okay." she assures Alexander about the loudness.

The next words coming in a whisper. "I can dampen his sound waves so he will be purring like a kitten." which is a mental image all in itself. Of course that a moment later Daisy considers how smart that would be if Ares figured out what she was doing. "I will admit it will be easier if he doesn't start ..., manifesting powers. I can just think of him as your father. I know all about difficult parents..."

A sigh and then she walks in after Alex, taking in the very ..., normal room. And the normal table. Perhaps not what she expected. Maybe heads of his enemies and such along the walls.

Ares has posed:
They entered into Mrs. Cunningham's office, which was a bit more welcoming. Though quite tidy and it was obvious she ran a tight ship. Might be why she worked well with John Aaron.

Hearing the front room open, John lifted his head and then raised his voice. "In here. Come come. Do not linger in the entry."

And he rose from behind his desk to walk around toward the door between Mrs. Cunningham's office and his own. Which was, thankfully, oversized. Why? Because he worked in construction! He'd fixed that the first week he was in this office. That way it didn't there was no concern he was going to bump his noggin each time he went through the doorframe.

He stepped into that doorway and gave a nod to each of them. Then motioned to his office. Before moving back into that space and opening a mini fridge he had behind his desk. "Would you like something to drink? I have...what do I have?" Because he sure didn't keep it stocked or it likely would be full of beer. This was again all Mrs. Cunningham. "Water. Coca-Cola. Something called Tab. And Caprisun." That last had him looking thoroughly confused but then he glanced back to the pair of them. Anything they liked would be offered then he would return to his seat behind the desk, looking at them curiously.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "He doesn't often do that," Alexander confesses to Daisy as they enter.
    "Though he does have a certain... presence." Those words are given voice just as they're entering and then that's the last they can share unnoticed as abruptly they are in the presence of John Aaron, God of War. Alex lifts a hand in a small wave and says simply, "Hey dad."
    Into the reception area such as it is they go. He gestures with a shoulder in Daisy's direction and murmurs, "You might remember Daisy, she knows all the things, and told her a little of what's been going down."
    He waves off the offer of something to drink and steps in, his body language offering some measure of deference to Agent Johnson since she is his superior after all. Then it was into Ares' office proper that he strolls. "Hope you're in a chatty mood, we were going to ask you a ton of questions. Like, figure you should tell us in your own words what you think happened and why. We need leads."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
This clearly isn't Ares's office. Yes, a feminine touch to it too. Not that Daisy questions whose office it might be. She's too busy arching her brows at Ares's offer of .., juice? She's too stunned to say anything besides, "Caprisun." it's almost blurted out. Sure, Daisy. Drink a kids' drink while here. She takes the juice and smiles thankfully even if she doesn't verbalize it. Still trying to get it all rolling in her mind.

"What Agent Aaron means is that we hope we might be able to help in this situation, considering all the circumstances." Diplomacy! Daisy is learning that. She nods her head at Ares, then at Alexander.

"So anything you may know about this will help us." she remains standing for now.

Ares has posed:
"Caprisun. A fine choice. It teaches valuable lessons to the children."

Which for John means they have to stab it first to be able to devour it. It's an important lesson that is lost on this generation. And the last. And the one before that. Well, lots of them. The people of that company have figured out such skills were being lost and chose to bring humans back to the core of gaining sustenance.

Alexander likely heard it as a child. Daisy may have gone up a notch by her choice of beverage but one would never know it.

At mention of the situation, there is that dark stormcloud of reaction as his expression darkens a bit, lips turned down at the corners. "It is ridiculous. But I understand the Union does not wish to leave their representatives unprotected. They do not and cannot understand the sheer scope of insanity it is that I might need protection."

And he looked particularly grumpy at that, as though he had been personally insulted. Or someone had called his Mama a bad name. But no, in their family that was really unlikely to rile someone up. Hell, he'd probably said worse to his family than any outsider could.

Back to the topic at hand, he considered. "The authorities requested a list of potential suspects. I have thought of three though I suspect the first. Being the "legitimate" businessmen who approached me for a nefarious ploy which I refused to assist. There were threats made. That I would "be sorry" and would be "shown the error" of my ways." A hint of amusement, a smirk in fact. "I would like to see them try."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Ares mentions the lessons that caprisun teaches, he sort of slightly shakes his head in Daisy's direction as if to indicate that perhaps... she shouldn't ask or follow that line of inquiry.
    Instead he steps inside and around one of those chairs used for visitors who have the courage to face a John Aaron in his lair. He drops into that seat unceremoniously, pulling one leg into his lap and resting his hands on his ankle as he considers the older deity. "Yeah, you can't fault people for operating under false intel." Alexander offers with a slight smile, as if that was an old point of contention between them.
    Then Ares relates to them about the three possible suspects he told to the authorities. But at the last few words he answers with his own smirk, "Well, I mean, they kinda are trying now. Right? But take us through it first. The guys you most strongly suspect. Relate to use the event and what happened. Explain it to us like we have no frame of reference."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy doesn't pursue that line of inquiry even if she does stab her Caprisun. Then drinks. Perhaps an uncomfortable silence as the only sound from her is the sucking on the straw. Now that's a blast from the past, it's been ..., years since she had one of these.

"And what ploy they were wanting to do." She adds to Alexander's words. She moves to sit as well, pulling on one of the chairs to settle down.


That's when Mrs. C decides to come in, a slight knock on the door and then she is making her way in. A stack of papers in her hands, "The board expects your meeting to be in two hours and--" she pauses and smiles gently at Alexander. "Ah, young master Aaron." warmness exuding out of her to the Godling. "Came to see about your father's safety. I am glad you are here." the look is telling. She is glad and also relieved, considering all she had been hearing John Aaron would do to those Maggia people. "Oh, and you brought a girl friend. How nice." she doesn't miss a beat while walking to Ares's table.

The stack of papers is placed in front of him. "For your perusal before the meeting, Sir." then she walks back out.

Ares has posed:
As Mrs. Cunningham comes in, John glances to her then to the pile of papers in her hands. He accepts them with a nod. "I will do so as soon as we are done, Mrs. Cunningham."

He glanced to the papers but then turned his attention back to the pair visiting and their questions. "One of the foremen over on a project was approached by several men. They wore suits and were polite enough but they wanted to offer a proposal. They wanted the people living in a certain nearby neighborhood to vacate their homes. Their wish was for our crews to start using the street as a place for equipment and other things, to create as many problems for the residents as possible so they would be encouraged to move. Noise, road blockages, that sort of thing." He waved a hand in the air as though that was obvious. "He brought it to my attention as Union Rep and I told him I would take care of the problem. Thus the next week, when the men arrived, I was there instead of the foreman."

He looked a bit smug, as though this had to be the best idea ever. "When they asked for the previous foreman, I explained I had taken over and was aware of their requests. I then informed them we would not be helping them. In fact, should they continue to harass the people in that neighborhood in an attempt to get them to sell their properties, I would personally make their lives Hell."

One might start to see why they got upset with him.

"That is when they made the threats. Then with some gestures and quite many foul words that are not fit for a lady to hear." He at least didn't look pointedly at Daisy when he said it. "They departed."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A polite smile is given to Mrs. C. as she strolls in and he holds his tongue while she conducts her business with his father. When she addresses him he meets her eyes and his smile broadens a touch. But then she makes a small presumption which has Alexander's eyebrows rising, "Oh she's not..."
    But by then it's likely too late as she's already on her way out. He exhales a little, crinkling his nose toward Daisy, then flares his hands as if to say, 'what can you do?'
    His attention returns to his father and he listens as the tale is related. He chews the inside of his cheek thoughtfully then nods near the end. "Alright, so... anything you can tell us about the individuals. Descriptions, names, references they may have dropped. And the neighborhood they were talking about, could check that out. Did they say they were speaking to you on behalf of anyone? Did they seem to get inordinately stressed/annoyed at any particular thing you said or mentioned? Just need as much as you can give us, dad."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ahhh." Daisy murmurs once Mrs. C leaves. As if it explained quite a few many things she had seen around the office. Then some more drinking on the juice. sip sip.

"Sounds like Maggia tactics." She focusing back on the matter at hand. A nod at what Alexander asks, "They usually don't take well to people going against them. But that they -may- go forward with realizing those threats instead of only just making them means it might be someone higher up."

"And yes, any details you can provide will help."

Ares has posed:
At the question, he pulled out a few aerial photos of the area that probably came from Google Earth. And someone had actually printed them. On paper. The good stuff, not cheap, thus Mrs. C likely had done it for them. Ares slid it to the center of the desk then pointed specifically to a spot near the Bronx County Animal Hospital. "Our site is up in the Bronx on Morris Park Avenue. A block south is Van Nest Avenue and that is where they wanted us to cause problems for the customers. Between Lurting and Colden specifically. You can have the paper." As though that was a boon on his part to be willing to give it to them.

"The person I spoke to was called Armani Rossi." A snort came from John as he shook his head. "I did not get the names of his associates though. About 5'8", slim build, hair bleached blond, brown eyes, only manages to win fights because he brings guns." It sounded like he was scoffing at that inability of the man to protect himself without them. Which was exactly what John was doing. "He is a foul little man but he commands a crew working on taking over that area."

Then he pulled out a piece of paper and slid it over, another photo. But this time it was 5th Avenue in an area dubbed Billionaire's Row. "Second possible suspect is the owner of the new high rise going on in the Row, over at 244 5th Ave. Jonathan Bowers. He's wanting us to cut corners so he can get his building up sooner than a nearby competitor, ignoring safety measures, getting sub par supplies, so forth. I also told him to got hell and told him I would pull the crew entirely if he tried that again. He was displeased."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Armani Rossi," Alexander repeats after his father says it. He then shoots a glance sidelong toward Daisy to see if the name means anything to her. When their eyes meet he shakes his head slightly, indicating that he has never heard of the name before, himself. But that was definitely one of their takeaways.
    He turned his head and leaned around the table a little more to get an eyeball on things from a more upright position and furrows his brow. He motions to the area that is indicated, "I am not exactly like, in the know," He chews his lower lip for a moment, "But a year back I ran into some of the Yingtze Tong in that area. So maybe there's a war or a scuffle going on there." Which causes him to quirk an eyebrow at his father, as if the man might be able to sense a gang 'war'. Something perhaps to ask about in the future.
    "Or maybe they're trying to solidify their grip." He rubs the back of his neck thoughtfully.
    The second photo of Jonathan Bowers is then considered and he frowned at the words given. "Feels like if these guys did an ounce of research none of this would have happened." Since Ares' pride in what he does even in his mortal guise... is difficult to hide.
    "Alright, we have a few good leads to work here. Two guys, the neighborhood. You have anything else for us?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The look is answered by a brief shake of Daisy's head. It doesn't ring a bell. But doesn't mean she can't get the SHIELD spy machine working to figure out who this no-good gangsta is. "Could be." she says in agreement to Alexander's assessment that it may be a turf war, "Gangs are always vying for supremacy. And construction is still one of their big golden eggs. Corruption is specially high there.." a beat, "Not with your people, of course." she is quick to add. Just in case Mr. Aaron Sir gets the wrong idea.

And we don't Mr. Aaron getting the wrong idea, do we?

"What do you say we pay a visit to some Yingtze Tong and figure things out?" Because Daisy is quite the hands-on kind of Agent!

"The second one might be harder to get a more direct approach on. We can have a looksee on his finances to figure out if he has connections to organized crime."

Her eyes are on the images as well, taking in the Google Earth images in that FINE paper. Mmhmm, such detail.

Ares has posed:
At the question from his son, there is a moment where John smiles. Only it isn't a nice smile. It's sort of got an edge to it that hints at something almost sinister. "There are always multiple turf wars happening in the city." And then that edge is gone and he's just the same polite construction worker, expression carefully schooled to neutral.

"I have...heard rumors of the Italians and the Tongs both trying to make a move into Little Yemen which isn't far from the first site." And he left it at that. "All good options."

He pushed the papers all the way over to their side of the desk, making it known they were theirs to take.

"Oh!" And there was a moment of surprise. "I just remembered. There was also a man down at the bar two weeks ago. Howl at the Moon Grill & Bar on 189th. He was drunk. I was bored. He lost a few teeth and we both got thrown out." A happy smile. "It was a good night. No idea what his name was but as he was stumbling away down the street he said he'd find me and kill me and my entire family. So there's that." A succinct nod.

"That's all I can think of. Hopefully you can resolve this before the board...takes steps."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Alexander pulls his cellphone out for a brief moment, and it's far from the capabilities of Daisy's simply because Daisy is Daisy, but he uses it for a good old fashioned web search as he considers a few things. He lifts his eyebrows and then extends it toward Daisy for her to glance at, and then his father in case he feels left out.
    On the phone is an image of Jonathan Bowers, and apparently he's in pursuit of good press because on there is an article from the New York Post about him hosting an oh so heartfelt charity fundraiser and gathering. "This is an angle, could get some cover credentials and attend..."
    Then his eyes distance and he smiles slightly, "Or I might be able to convince one of the X-People to give us a hand. She normally does the high society thing."
    But at the revelation given about the bar brawl, Alex sits up slightly. "Seriously, you got into a brawl with some guy at a grill?" Which if Daisy's familiar with the expression... it's a rare one to be seen on the young Olympian's features. For it is exasperation. The relationship with his father one of the few things that seems to... humanize him. "We really need to get you dating again. You have too much free time."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is some silence for a time. Daisy mulling over the consequences of Ares punching it out at a bar, "We can probably rule that one out." she says after a time. Just to fill in the void of her shocked silence! "Those first two are the ones that are most likely to have done such.."

A moment's pause as Alexander goes through his phone. She leans over to watch, eyebrows arching. A faint grin. "Good angle, actually. Would be the perfect cover for some old fashioned investigation.." yes, Daisy saw all the old James Bond movies. The talk about the Xs has her hmmm in curiosity. "Oh, who are you speaking of?"

But then Alexander speaks about Ares dating and .... Daisy looks at Ares. Then at Alexander. Then at Ares. "Plenty of fish in the sea..."

Ares has posed:
At the mention of dating, John's brow furrows and those storm clouds seem to be rolling back into his expression as he frowns. "One does not relate to the other. There is nothing wrong with a good fight." Because in his mind, that was sort of like going to a party. But he knew that was not what society approved of and he did have a role to play.

A slight sigh as he shook his head. "I will date if I choose to. It is difficult to find a woman worthy of my attention." And he let out a disdainful sniff. "A soft generation currently. So few warriors among them."

But then those brown eyes shifted to focus on Daisy. "Fish? I leave those to my uncle."

A moment of consideration and a tilt of his head. "You have a warrior spirit about you. And you are comely enough. For a mortal." Which he thought was important to add for whatever reason. Then a look between the two of them. "Though perhaps that would be improper since you work with my son."

And just like that it was dismissed. He waved a had in the air. "I will take care of my needs when I choose. Dating is unncessary. And ...weird. These days. Now. I have work do to do unless you have further questions?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A look is given toward Daisy and Alexander answers, "Psylocke?" In case she's heard of the woman. If she has then she could likely definitely see it. The whole telepathic ninja angle makes for good covert ops. But then there's also the whole socialite international super model angle as well. Definitely something right up her alley and very fitting.
    He then gives a nod as he seems to mull a few thoughts over about the possible ways to come at that charity fundraiser...
    Which is when Ares...
    And there is a sudden realization there that Alexander can blush, Daisy's probably never seen it. But around his dad it's a common enough occurrence.
    He takes a deep breath, "What? No. We're good, we have... like four things to investigate. Just... go back to... whatever it is you do. Normally. And not telling us about it."
    The chair scrapes a bit as he pushes himself to his feet. "Armani. Bower. Morris Park Avenue and Van Nest Avenue neighborhood. And some... guy you fought with in the Moon Grill and Bar. Got it." He turns to start to leave, doing that hovering thing in the doorway when the desire is to flee the scene but one still is attached to the location by social mores.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The Psylocke name doesn't seem to ring a bell so there's another shake out of Daisy. What? She doesn't know every X-men out there! Or even many of them, secretive bunch that they are. Though whatever further questions she could have about that are cut short when Ares speaks about ..., her?

Big rollercoaster of emotions there. Eyebrows shoot up, mouth opens as if to answer. But then Ares is dismissing it which is for the best really. This gal has been taken already afterall! To her merit she doesn't go as far as blushing. She leaves that to the blushing violet Alexander.

"Right, off we go..." even if there's a burning desire there to ask more about what he meant about leaving the fish to his uncle and what his uncle does with the fishes. Some questions are better left unanswered, Daisy!

The hacker gets up to her feet and takes in a breath, composing herself. "Thank you for your time, Sir. We will figure out what's going on. In the meantime keep us in the loop about the bodyguard matter."

She starts on her way to the door. Time to flee! In a composed manner.

Ares has posed:
And as they rise, John doesn't even bother getting up from his desk. Instead he looks to the papers that Mrs. C had last brought, that he needs to review before the upcoming meeting.

If they had wanted some sort of polite goodbye and the niceties that went with it, they should've visited Athena.