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Drinks are on me!
Date of Scene: 09 April 2020
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Tremors and Matt go for a drink a couple of nights after the Defenders and her took down a weapon trafficker in Hell's Kitchen. And of course that it can' be just drinks so two drug dealing bikers get some well deserved beating up.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
As it turned out after the raid on the warehouse it was Matt who reached out to Daisy for a drink, sending her a text and inviting her down to a bar called Josie's which to no surprise of none, was in Hell's Kitchen.

Off work for the day, Matt is waiting at one of the little raised booths to the side, with a scotch in a tumbler in front of him. Idly listening as a pair of bikers by the pool table were talking business, the sort of business Matt was going to need to drop in on later. For now though, he was just here for a quiet drink.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
After the raid done at the weapons dealer earlier in the week Daisy also got a couple of days off, having taken that time to catch up on a few Happy Harbor matters. She was just about giving her van a small drive when she receives that message from Matt.

"Another time." She whispers to her van. (Who talks to their vehicles anyway?!)

And then she sets off to go meet up with Matt.

Jeans. Black shirt. Leather Jacket. Check.

It doesn't take her too long to reach Hell's Kitchen, going through those streets that for some reason she rather enjoys walking through. Old memories, and some rather new. It's a good feeling. But she eventually arrives at the bar, opening the door.

Bit of a dive. But Daisy's been in worse. A lot worse. So she just takes a quick look around and once she spots Matt she starts on her way there. She is easy to notice, considering those vibrations she emits, as if to let Matt know she is here.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Clearly Daisy talks to her vehicles, that's who! No judgement from Matt even if he had been there to hear it!

Matt for his part is dressed (shocker!) in a suit, though he's got the tie undone just enough to look a touch more relaxed than he might be at the office. A little nod to the fact that he's off duty.

He senses Daisy coming before she steps through the door, catching that good mood in the easy of her movements, and a dozen other little signs.

He clears his throat, to get her attention but doesn't give his act away by waving to the girl the blind man clearly can't see. Sipping his drink he waits for her to come over.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You clearly don't know the dress code of this high society establishment, sir." Is Daisy's first words to Matt when she arrives near him, hands resting on the backpockets of her jeans. There is indeed a good humored tone to her, perhaps happy at the mission well done, or visiting Matt. Or could be a million other things! Or just all of them together!

She leans in, placing a shoulder against Matt's as if in greeting and then she settles in on a seat next to him. "Hey." she says, sliding herself out of her jacket and letting it hang back on the chair.

"Good to see you again." She touches one hand over his arm briefly, sending one of those vibrations out of her, a soothing one. Indeed she has come a long way since their training in the past.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt looks up as if startled, "Daisy? Hey," he says leaning fully into his act in a way he didn't have to in private. "And what? Is my tie crooked?" he asks her biting back a comment about her jeans and t-shirt combo.

He smiles at the vibration she lets run through his arm, both for the sensation and it's many layers of meaning. She had come a long way, both with the subtle control like that touch and the much bigger effects like sending that gun runner goon flying the other day!

"Missed you too," Matt says offering a warm smile before touching Daisy's hand with his own, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. "So, can I get you something? Wouldn't recommend the food in good conscience but the alcohol cleans itself."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, lets ..., go with drinks and not food." Daisy squints her eyes, taking a look at the place, a brief sweep over the leather-clad bikers, then across to the bar. "Think I will start with a beer. Simple enough." she murmurs, her attention then falling down to that hand atop hers, letting out a soft breath. Yes, there is clearly something there. Intense.

"I didn't know you guys were going to be there the other day." She then says in a more quiet manner. "No heat came your way I hope?" it's not like she had an high clearance at SHIELD, but from what she had seen and (ahem) accessed through other means all seemed clear. But nothing like checking.

She turns her hand to give Matt's a squeeze and then she lets it go.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The crowd here looks pretty rough, minus Matt and a couple of locals. More ink to go around than a box full of pens, and leather seems to be a theme as well. Though except for the two lording over the pool table at the back, most of them look rough and feel harmless. "Beer is good," Matt says and then lifting a hand calls out. "Josie, beer over here," the weathered proprietress nods and gets one from under the bar and hands it to her server to bring it over. A bottle of something cheap and domestic.

Matt can hear that breath clearly, and finds himself feeling the same way. He smiles.

"Yeah, no heat, we're good and glad you guys got those weapons off the street. Louie give up anyone interesting?" of course he doesn't expect her to betray her oaths to SHIELD, just drop whatever she could in his lap. "And got to say, it was interesting to run into you at work," he grins, squeezing back before he pulls back his hand.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
In her times as Skye, and even as Daisy, she has learned to read a room, those street smarts still running strong on her. So it's those two on the pool area that she focuses more. "Friendly types.." but she says it in the direction of the pool table, to let Matt know she noticed them. When the beer comes she smiles up at the waiter. "Thanks. Just what my night needed." she leans back on her seat, taking a swig off the beer, then a brief nod.

"Not yet, still working him up. But should be soon. Just ..." a pause, she knows she can trust him. "... don't tell anyone but there were some weapons out there of a tech that really shouldn't be out. So we are tracking them down."

And then she grins at Matt. "And yes, it was. I was very impressed with your guys teamwork."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"No problem babe," the waiter says. "Lemme know and I'll keep 'em comin'," he says before heading off, leaving Matt smiling wryly. "I think he thought the cane means I'm deaf," he jokes to Daisy.

As for the guys at the back Matt nods, pitching his voice low, "Dogs of Hell, talking about a drug buy earlier too, sloppy," he says shaking his head. "Should leave them on the street just to make things easier for the cops." Dumb crooks made for easy collars.

He nods about the weapons, "I'll keep my ears open, and my mouth shut," he promises. "If I hear anything you'll be my first call."

"Thanks. That's mostly Danny and Luke, they do a lot of work together, I just tend to stay out of the way and clean up the stragglers. You did some good work there too, beats old party tricks," he grins.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It makes Daisy laugh, amusedly, both at what the waiter tells her, to which she replies. "You bet." then to Matt, "Well, he should know better than to mess with the most well-dressed person in here." she grins, clearly still teasing about Matt coming in a suit. Though she keeps her hand close, and seems to appreciate the way he speaks as if they were together even if she doesn't touch him and simply lets him know that through a shift on the vibrations inside her.

"Maybe they should be taken care of.." she says with a small frown. But she also knows this isn't exactly her turf, so it'd be Matt's call. "A lot of my old friends went down because of these kind of drug pushers.." well, if she could call those people her friends. But life out in the streets is hard enough as it is. People support each other in whatever way they can.

"And you only saw the tip of the iceberg. I didn't even fly around this time." now she's showing off... Who did she pick that from though?!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Feeling those vibrations, Matt smiles. "Definitely, nobody wants to mess with a Shark with a Heart," he says with wry humour in his voice.

Matt's attention shifts to the bikers, and then he nods, understanding where Daisy's coming from, he'd known people like that too, claimed by drugs. "We can deal with them." It was simple as that a quiet drink turning into a night of crime fighting. He checks the men again, their beers were getting low. "Probably going to leave after this round, how do we want to play this?" he asks.

Though the strategy session stops short, as his brows raise, "You can fly?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Or with Agent Tremors.." Daisy says in a low tone back at Matt, with that same kind of wry humour to her tone. Yes, someone still had to pay for that. The rumor spreads! But she can't help but grin when Matt mentions that name she had given him years back.

Her eyes travel to the men, thoughtful, then back. "Can you tell which are their bikes? We can wait outside and casually drop some beer on one as we are going. That should spark them up to action." she murmurs, because nothing like manipulating big guys into a fight.

"Not easily, but I can manage. Really need my gloves for that though." Gloves which were absent today so whatever they did she wouldn't be able to rely too much on her powers. Though she -has- been training with the best SHIELD has to offer, and with Matt as well so...

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt chuckles, "Sorry for dropping that name in front of the others, but couldn't help myself," he grins, clearly not too broken up over that slip. He feels that grin though, and it's something he shares.

As for the bikes? Matt's nostrils flare, "With how those two smell, yeah, shouldn't be an issue," he says. "Wanna take that beer on the road then?" he asks downing his scotch before setting down the glass. "Out in the open you'll have to handle most of the fighting, but, I can trip them up a bit." He has to play blind, but that doesn't rule out some 'accidental' kicks or trips.

"Another time for the flying then, but you're arms okay?" he asks unsure if she ever learned to beat that problem with her gifts or not.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Couldn't help yourself ..." Pfffttt. Daisy eyes Matthew but the focus on the bikers does get her to sober up quickly enough. She nods. "Good to me." she drinks a little more of it and starts getting up to her feet, getting her jacket on. She rolls her neck, brushing hands under her hair to loosen it up some. "Shall we go, sir?" she reaches over to take his arm, a squeeze, to tell him she is ready to go.

To the waiter and Josie she smiles. "Take care, yea? Love the place." an easiness to her tone, the type which just likes to make friends most places she goes through.

"As long as I got the gloves they are good. Without them I can use them somewhat, but I am limited." though also with more unpredictable results from her powers, which often can be destructive. "Jemma's been a sweet in always making sure my gloves are top notch."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt gets to his feet, then when Daisy takes his arm and squeezes, he lets her lead him out of the bar.

Matt liked that about Daisy, that easy friendliness, it was something he put on for others but she just lived it naturally.

"Glad she's got your back, has she got together with Fitz yet?" he asks remembering their previous chats about Simmons. "And glad the gloves help."

Outside on the street, Matt's nose points the way to two bikes leaning against a post. "Those ones," he says with a nod.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy takes in the scent of the night air outside, closing her eyes and inhaling. She always enjoyed coming here to Hell's Kitchen, those smells and sounds that told so much to her, along with the familiar vibrations she was now so attuned to.

When she re-opens her eyes she glances up at Matt, smiling. "They are too secretive. I have yet to breach into that. But soon enough I shall." she says in that assured manner of hers that one way or the other she will. They walk for a bit more, checking the bikes. A glance about, the alleyway that gives way to the back of Josie's isn't far. Could be a spot for fighting too if things get hairy..., but the rest seems fine. Not a lot of people out in the streets tonight.

"Can you scent if they got the drugs out here in their bikes?" She asks quietly.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt grins at the continued story of Fitz and Simmons. "What kind of spy are you anyhow," he teases as he scents the air near the bikes. "There's definitely the scent of cat piss and old socks," the smell of crystal meth, "But not here, my bet is they've got it inside with them or they stashed it.

He turns to Daisy. "So, Agent Tremors, how do we want to do this?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Mmmmm, one reason why I don't envy your sense of smell sometimes..." Daisy murmurs when Matt mentions what he is being able to scent. There is some amusement to her though, even if in those shoulders there's an unmistakable preparedness to what may be coming. On how they skipped from just a nice out for drinks to playing vigilantes.

"Seems like we always find a way to interrupt our outs.." And she apparently deciding to not answer the 'what kind of spy am I!', just letting out a brief pffftt.

"I would say linger about, when they are coming we provoke the fight. We need to figure out if they got the drugs with them though, if not we might have to follow them to their place. Because if we want to call in the cops on them we will need something tangible." then a glance up to Matt. "What is your opinion?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Yeah, that advanced sense of smell? Definitely a double edged sword, his nose wrinkles as they stand next to the bikes, head tilting as he considers their plan. "Well, so far I'm liking this interruption better than the last one." he remarks with the hint of a smile.

Daisy had a point though, if they were going to jam these guys up with any sort of real time they needed to have the drugs on them when the cops scooped them up. "We linger out here, check if they've got the stuff, if they do we start something, if not, we follow them. I should, unfortunately, be able to smell them from a few blocks away if I focus on it." It was good news for tracking them but bad news for Matt's nose. "What do you think?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You and me both..." Daisy lets out a soft sigh. Memories. But long gone now. It does make her take another swig out of her beer though. She steps across the sidewalk to rest her back the side of the building, one foot tucked back against it, free hand inside a pocket. "Think we got a plan, my dear sidekick.." she teases with a grin to her lips.

And then after a moment she adds as an afterthought. "If you think your nose will be able to handle it.." she glances aside to the doorway, thoughtful. No weapons and no gloves. But this wasn't exactly the same Skye of the past, the keyboard warrior. This one could be a warrior without a keyboard now.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt does his best not to linger on the memories of their last interruption, that had been one of the more painful moments of his life, letting Skye go, not knowing if they'd see each other again. He shakes it off, steals her beer for a swig after she's done and hands it back, "What?" he asks innocently, before shaking his head at the sidekick remark, "Guess I deserved that for the agent Tremors thing, huh?" he asks.

Matt may not have changed as much as Daisy had these past three years but there were changes. He was more confident and kept things closer to the chest, like a leader, someone used to hiding any of their own doubts or concerns to keep up the spirits of those around him.

"They're coming," Matt says moments before the bikers push their way out the bar and into the night air. Sniffing Matt shakes his head, they didn't have the drugs with them, "We'll have to let them get on their bikes and go, you have wheels nearby?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, you do deserve more than just that for Agent Tremors..." Daisy mumbles about it. But the way it's been catching up it may just become her codename one day. The horror of it ... She lets out an inner sigh but chuckles when he steals her beer, "Though have you no shame, Matt Murdock? Stealing my beer." she reaches over to take it again and sips. It's good to relax a bit before what might be a rather tense moment. Yet with her years with SHIELD she has learned to not let it affect her too much anymore. Though not enough to be completely immune to being nervous.

It's noticeable when her posture shifts as Matt announces they are coming out, then the announcement they don't have the drugs on with them. It does make her frown, but she then says up to Matt. "I do." which might also mean Matt will be finally riding out on her VW van. Lucky for the two of them it's had a bit of repairs recently by one of her prodigy students.

"Think it's time for you to meet my baby girl."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Really?" Matt asks about the whole Agent Tremors business,"What do I deserve for that then?" he asks, grinning as he steals her beer and gives it back again. It was just the sort of tension breaking thing he needed before a fight. "Well I am a lawyer, I don't think we're allowed to have shame."

The smile remains in place as he feels the two men get onto their bikes, the roar of their engines starting, then the sound of them moving off down the street.

As for the wheels, he grins, "Lead the way."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am a spy, remember? I never tell all my secrets.." Daisy says in that low tone of hers even if there is a rather open grin to her lips now, to which then she adds, ".. Though maybe I will let you know later tonight, mmm?" Some promise there on her tone. But then they are on the move. No banter just now. She takes note of the two men, watching their posture, figure, how they go to the bikes.

She then nods her head, "Around the corner.." she begins wandering there, at the last moment remembering to place her arm about Matt's. Appearances! And then they are off. And indeed it doesn't take them long. They near what is an old-looking VW van, green-colored, a bit "square" really, but for some reason there is also a scent of newness to it, at least underneath. As if there had been a recent lookover on the whole thing.

"She's been with me since.., well.., forever almost. I already had it when we met back at St. Agnes." when both their lives were about to change. She opens the doors for them to get in.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
That promise sounded well, promisng, and Matt smiles, "Alright," he says before they're on the move.

The bikers, when Daisy scopes them out look like men used to violence, Men who took what they wanted and didn't care who that taking hurt though out of the two of them only one, the younger fitter looking one seemed dangerous hand to hand, the other one was older, fatter, but still dangerous if he had a weapon on him. They get on their bikes and ride off, turning north at the next light.

Reaching the van Matt lets his senses roam over it as he gets inside. It was like meeting a member of her family, someone she talked about a lot but he hadn't had a chance to meet until now. "The fabled van," he says as he buckles up. "How's she running after so long?" he asks before nodding and directing, "Head north when you get a chance."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
They are just about to settle in when Daisy lets out a, "Wait...!!!!" just before Matt settles in. She quickly reaches over, getting a few magazines, a lipstick and even an eyeliner case off the passenger seat.. What? She wanted to look nice if she was going for drinks with Matt. Even if it wasn't exactly the way in which they normally perceived each other. The visual senses.

She tosses it behind her. "Just, uh, wasn't expecting visits here today." and really, the place isn't exactly a mess but it's not like she keeps that well-kept. A smile and then she speaks up. "She's been holding up well, now better that one of the students gave it a checkup. Bit of a genius that kid." she then attempting to get the engine going. Doesn't go at first.

"One sec..." she gives it up a little flick of the wrist on the key and then the engine finally roars to life. "She's still got her hiccups though." but then they are following north, and to her credit the engine seems to be running somewhat smoothly right now.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Clint blinks as Daisy stops him short of sitting and clears the seat of various items, he can identify the magazine by its shape and the flapping of its pages and the rest felt like makeup to him. "Make up?" he asks a little amused smile coming to his lips. "Have a hot date after this?" he teases. Though honestly he's a little touched by the effort, even if he couldn't fully appreciate it, it shows in how his smile transitions swiftly from amused to warm.

"Good to hear," he says about the van only to chuckle when the car doesn't start right away. "I can push if that'd-" he begins only to be cut off by the sound of the engine starting up as they get under way. "Clearly," he says of the little hiccups.

As for their quarry, the two bikers don't go too far, and by the time the pair catch up with them they've parked their bikes and the two men are heading up the steps of a run down looking brownstone pounding heavily on the door, before stepping back and looking up. A second story window opens and a brown paper bag is dropped into the fat one's hands. Definitely a stash house. They head back to the bikes and get back on, clearly heading to where they plan to make their deal.

"Figure we can tail them in this thing?" he asks Daisy.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ah. Ah. You are so funny. Right after you lawyer jokes!" Daisy replies to Matt with a soft, gentle chuckle but she does note that transition on his smile, her own turning warmer too. She reaching over to give him a light punch on the arm, "But wait up until we get going for a bit inside this van and you will see how hot this gets." literally, most likely!

And then they are off. She begins to drive up the road, and truth be told whoever did the checkup on that van made quite the good work. Specially considering how many years the thing has. There are, of course, all those little things that Matt can notice. The transmission somewhat jumpy, the engine does hiccup.

She glances over to Matt, saying. "Matt. I used to live in this. Evading SHIELD and the authorities. Noone suspects this van as being a cop van, or anything of that sort." it is a good thing that Matt can't see the paint job on it. That green and white. Awful. It reminds her she could do a little lift-up on how she looks up. But then there's that sentimental value ...

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Chuckling at the punch to his arm he continues to smile before Daisy's joke about the heat gets his brows to knit just a little. "I am pretty sure that's not a good sign," he says mostly amused.

"Fair point," he says. "Let's just hope they don't see the van and think of a rival gang." Though from what his senses told him about the van it didn't seem to be giving off that van either. Your standard gang van tended to be more low key, and usually a rental.

As it turns out the two bikers don't seem to notice the van at all, or expect anyone to be tailing them since they drive right from their stash house to the deal with no unexpected turns or run lights to lose anyone following them. They're clearly expecting a milk run.

The two bikes pull into an alley where a black man in a brown leather jacket waits by a much smaller van. "Park past the alley," Matt instructs. "And do you have a shirt or something I can use to cover my face?" he asks already taking off his tie and suit jacket.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
To her credit, Daisy seems like an ok enough driver, eyes intent on their prey while they continue their pursuit, sometimes losing them a bit as they take a turn, or go a bit faster than she is comfortable on following with. But with the help of Matt's nose they catch up well enough. And so they are closing in on that alley. She nods, not even an hesitation to her. She parks the van.

"I used to live here, remember?" She grins, then slides out to reach the back where she begins digging about. And she is nice enough to find a fresh one too. One of her favorites! The black with the matrix writings on. It's cleaned up, but still has some of her scent lingering. She offers it to him.

"Remember, I want it back afterwards." she says, then gets out of the van. She keeps her jacket on, staying close to the Van while she waits for Matt, having parked it where there's little light, so they have some privacy to get ready.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt takes the shirt when offered and wraps it around the top of his head, covering his eyes like his old black costume. His suit jacket and tie are tossed into the back.

He takes a breath and breathes in Daisy's scent. "Nice shirt," he tells her with a smile. "And we'll see if you get it back or not."

Then he's out of the car and moving to the edge of the alley, not needing to peer down to 'see' what's happening.

The two bikers were talking to their contact, trying to set a price for their product.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am filing a complaint with the Shark association." Is Daisy's quip back when Matt announces he may not be delivering that shirt back. The nerve! But then it's go time, her steps becoming more quiet, certainly not 'invisible' but that SHIELD training has been working well. And so she walks along with Matt to the edge of the alley. A pause as she listens in momentarily..

"This is pure material, man. You tryin' to rip us off..?" The younger biker says over to the contact, shaking his head. "Maybe we should shank you and go look for another buyer, uh?" he does sound like a very nice fellow! The older biker just rumbles out a laugh, arms crossed, perhaps used to this kind of dialogue from the other. There's some tension up in the air though. Their contact then replies. "Fine, fine..."

As for Daisy she glances up at Matt, saying in a very low whisper that she knows he will listen. "Move in now?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt flashes Daisy a grin at filing a complaint about her her stolen shirt. "Be sure to file in triplicate, you know how we sharks can be," he replies before he slips out of the car, his steps are near silent, but how quiet Daisy's steps have become speaks to her training, confirming the signs of it in confidence she carries herself with.

Matt listens too, smiling when he hears the voice of their contact. "That's Turk," he smiles knowing the bottom feeding snitch from their encounters around the Kitchen. "And yeah," he says about moving in. "Can you still do your thing without your gloves?" he means blasting people across a room. "Or are we doing this the old fashioned way?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Triplicate forms! Ugh, that reminds Daisy of SHIELD bureaucracy and her superior officer. So she only grimaces instead of replying to Matt, she moving along, quiet, watching. "Seems like he is being bummed around." She comments about Turk.

Yet the question brings a small shake of her head, "Not with the same kind of intensity. And there's still a risk." she informs him, taking in a breath as she gets ready to step out into the open. "But you know me, old fashioned kinda girl..." says the keyboard warrior that once upon a time lived in a van.

The men continue on their trade, though it's true that Turk might be lucky in getting out of this all in one piece, considering the kind of aggression on the younger biker. Doesn't help they have been filling up with beers back at Josie's. "Yea, so don't try to scam us. Now cough up the fuckin' money."

Daisy steps out slowly but seems to mostly wait for Matt's lead for now. This is his turf afterall!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Bureaucracy it's everywhere! If only Matt knew the evils of Agent Thornton he might not have joked about such a sensitive subject. As it was though he grins wryly about Turk. "Sort of his lot in life." He was something of a Defenders punching bag. The guy they shook down when they wanted info, and it looked like the bikers had sussed out his weakness as well. Given how hyped up the young biker was, this might turn ugly.

Old fashioned it was then. Matt had to admit he was curious to see Daisy's training in action, so, the lack of powers wasn't going to be a huge issue. Though, the knife the young biker just drew was.

"Hey, maybe we'll just take your money and keep our product, punk!" he snarls at Turk and Turk backs up, hands raised. "Easy man, easy, let's not ruin a good potential relationship here-"

That's when Matt walks into the alley, picks up a length of fallen pipe and throws it at the young biker's head. Hit cracks squarely into the back of the man's skull sending him staggering forward, throwing the whole little buy into confusion as Matt runs forward.

Turk takes one look and curses, "Shit, it's the Daredevil," he'd seen the hero enough to recognize him even in a makeshift costume he starts for his van, "Pleasure doing business with you," he calls to the bikers.

As to the bikers the old one turns, reaching into his jacket for the grip of the revolver stuck in his pants, while the younger one whirls knife in hand. "Who the fuck threw that shit?" he demands.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is no losing time for Daisy either. Because just as Matt begins on his way forward, tossing that pipe at one of the bikers that sends him staggering she is running in too, long hair flowing. With Matt focusing on the young one she gets to square off against the older one. And that gun -is- problematic. A stray shot could mean someone getting seriously hurt, and while she may not be exactly a saint she doesn't go around killing drug dealers.

"Street cleaning service." Daisy replies to the biker when he asks who's interfering. Because hey, nothing like some banter with the bad guys, right?

She moves in, intent, fast, reaching forward just as the man is drawing the pistol. It was one of the first lessons with May, disarm and disable. So she slides both her hands forward to clasp the man's wrist between hers, twisting. A grunt out of the man but the weapon clatters down to the ground.

As for the young biker he moves in towards Daredevil. Dare-who? They apparently aren't from this neighborhood or else they might had ran if they recognized the name! He attempts a few slashing attacks, side to side. To his credit, he looks fast! Just as Matt had predicted back at the bar

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The big biker shouts in surprise as Daisy takes his weapon from him. He turns throwing a sloppy punch at her with his other hand. Though in the hold she has him in, it's not likely to land. Though it's a distraction and he tries to force himself backwards sandwiching Daisy between his bulk and the wall.

That other biker? He's fast but Matt is faster. He gets ready to stab with that knife and Matt slips past the point to deliver a crushing blow to the man's nose, blinding him with pain and the splatter of his own blood. Matt follows up by grabbing the man's knife hand, then twisting into a shoulder throw that lays the man out hard on his back.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Better safe than sorry though. Daisy raises one arm up to block the big biker's punch, it making her feel the wall against her as she shifts back with the impact. Though she uses that momentum to use the wall almost like a springboard, one foot tucking back against it and then she tossing herself up in the air. To normal ears this probably would go unnoticed but Matt can see the small 'boost' she gives herself with her vibration powers, making her jump up a little higher.

When she falls she smashes her forehead against the man's face to send him reeling back, wobbly on his feet and just at arm's reach to Matt. "You fuckin' ---" he murmurs, face all tingly with pain.

As for the man on the ground he groans in pain, still struggling to get up after being layed out on the floor. He is still surprised, never having been beat up like this!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The sound of that little boost is unmistakable and Matt's attention shifts to Daisy through that little flip ending in a headbut. Impressive. But also distracting. So much so the guy on the ground manages to land a kick against Matt's leg before Matt's attention snaps back to him and Matt lands a couple quick stomps to put the guy out for the count.

As for the big biker? He shakes off the pain, blood running down where Daisy's forehead had hit his own and rushes at her, "C'mere bitch!" he shouts taking wild swings, still woozy from having hit his head so hard.

For his part, Turk finally gets in his van and backs out of the alley narrowly missing a delivery truck before he drives off wildly away from danger.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
'Take that you weird masked gu----' That's what the young one was thinking while delivering that kick, thinking it was now his time to get the upper-hand. But those stomps take away any notions that the man had any chance in the fight. Flat out cold on the ground, just a short mumble of pain before their lights go out. Poor guy, Matt didn't even let him get the ten count.

The wild swings tossed her way means Daisy can smell victory getting closer, the desperation. And she takes advantage of just that, dodging the first strike, one punch to the belly. Then the second. Another punch on it, finding that sweet spot that makes him bend forward with a urgh and then she rises her fist up to hit his chin, sending him down for the count as well.

She glances over at the other man on the floor, then up to Matt, nodding. "Got'em." she grins, letting out an exhale and placing one foot atop the pistol, sliding it away from the two bikers.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Once Matt is sure his guy is out he turns to help Daisy only to find she doesn't need it. The older fatter biker is soon down on the ground and dozing alongside the younger one.

Matt grins over at Daisy. "Whoever handled your hand to hand training knows their stuff." By which he means Daisy did too.

He bends down to grab the gun, careful to use anything but the tips of his fingers to do it and open the cylinder and spill the bullets on the ground at his feet before sliding the gun itself under a trash can. He didn't want these guys waking up and re-arming themselves.

"What do you say we call the cops for these guys and head out of here? Now that we've had our little workout for the evening."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"On it." Daisy replies to Matt about calling the cops, just a brief pause to roll her wrist at a small ache there. Indeed she should be careful about pushing on her powers. Sometimes she feels she is getting too reliant on them. When did happen? A small frown. She takes the phone out, and for a SHIELD tech phone, along with her own skills it's rather easy to send an untraceable call to the police to come pick up these two.

"She is probably the most badass woman I have met too. Though I had some help from a certain shark as well." A grin across to the masked vigilante and then she steps aside, picking up the knife carefully to toss it into the same container too. Just in case.

She is still breathing a touch hard after the exertion, that adrenaline boost having been perhaps what she needed tonight, because one can never have too much excitement. "I will even give you a ride home." she says, approaching.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
This bit of practice should do Daisy some good then if she's become too reliant on her powers, though from what Matt saw, her other skills certainly weren't lacking.

He smiles at the assessment of her trainer, "Sounds like a good teacher," he says. "Hope I get to meet her someday," he says, knowing his encounters with SHIELD people could be complicated. What he did wasn't exactly legal to say nothing of his secret identity.

Matt can hear that hard breathing from Daisy as she approaches, his own breathing and heart rate is elevated, "Sounds good," he says of that ride, before he bends his head to brush a kiss against her lips if she lets him. "Any chance of you staying?" he asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Maybe. Who knows what the future holds for us, mmm?" Daisy knows how Matt feels about the division in his life, and about hers too, much of what has kept them apart all these years. Though the way they have surpassed the obstacles on their way makes her feel as if nothing is truly a permanent barrier.

And then she is closer to Matt, one leg moving up to rest against his chest, feeling that heartbeat, in more ways than just the touch, sensing those vibrations within. A smile comes to her lips at that familiar beat, so easy for her to recover those memories of the past each time she hears it.

And then they are kissing, slow, a kiss that does not linger for too long though she finds herself nodding. "I could be convinced.." she replies, but that way she speaks, and the way her heart beats seems to tell she has been convinced by now.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt too finds himself being drawn into those pleasant memories by Daisy's hand against his chest. He smiles letting himself enjoy the moment before he kisses her all too briefly.

"Good to hear," he smiles wryly. "Well then, let's get going, and who knows... if you play your cards right you might even get your shirt back," he says before guiding her back towards the van and leaving the two bikers to their fates.