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Latest revision as of 21:16, 10 April 2023

At Least I Can See The Resemblance
Date of Scene: 09 April 2023
Location: Garage and Stables
Synopsis: Kitty runs into Mystique at the mansion. It could have gone better.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Raven Darkholme

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde is busy storing boxes in the storage space of the garage's rafters. Lockheed is just hanging out nearby, watching her and not helping. But then the boxes are kind of big. Not that he couldn't lift them, but gripping them could be tough for him.

Kitty picks up a box, oofing slightly at the weight. And then she starts walking upwards through the air, much like there were invisible stairs that she were climbing. Once she gets up phasing through the rafters, she finds a good spot to set the box down. Then back down to the ground.

Rather than bending over and picking up boxes - yo, that can hurt your back! - she just phases into the ground until it's at torso level, grabs the box and then climbs back out the ground. Safety first.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It was rare for Raven to not simply be teleported onto the ground and off again, but this time she had decided to ride one of her many motorcycles up from New York City to visit her son. She had parked beside the garage, so as not to have her bike in the way, in fact every she did when she came to the Mansion was about not being in the way. In spite of the white flag and all the work she'd done over the past year and a half, she still felt unwelcome at the school.

Entering the garage to pass through, that being the easiest way to get to where she parked, the blue mutant pauses a moment to watch Kitty performing manual labor. It's not that she had ever thought the woman incapable of it, she had just never actually /seen/ her do it.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde places the second box, then drops back down to the ground, slowing herself on molecules of air as she nears the ground. Looking up she sees Mystique standing there.

Some people aren't happy to see Mystique's blue skin and red hair. And Kitty can relate. There have been enough fights in the past that involved trying to kill her that grudges are understandable.

Of course, the only time you can really be certain about Mystique's presence is when she's there, with blue skin and red hair. So maybe that's a positive, Kitty thinks.

What an odd thought.

"Hey. What brings you by?" she says, doing her best to keep her voice neutral. She's forgiven other people their criminal ways. And trying to kill her. But some are tougher than others. But if Mystique is not doing evil now, Kitty won't be the one to drive her back to it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With her usual grace and superior acting skills, Raven offers a charming smile that actually looks genuine, while at the same time keeping a certain distance from the woman. She never knew who had issues with her, and who might start in on her again, as if in their denial or inability to accept that the blue mutant had changed, they wanted her to return to her old ways. It wasn't going to happen, she'd lost everything too many times to play that game any more. The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result, and Raven was not insane.

"I come by most Saturdays to visit Kurt," she replies with that smile, her voice calm, smooth, no indications of anything in her tone beyond the pleasure of a mother seeing her son. "I try to visit Rogue while I'm here as well, though she is often busy."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sinks down into the ground to her waist, grabbing another box without needing to use her back, and then beginning the climb out of the ground and up into the air. "Visiting Kurt," she says, pausing and looking at the woman's blue skin. "Yeah, I can see the resemblance," Kitty tells her. "Rogue not so much. Unless you want to do a little white thing there," she says, intending to point towards her own hair to indicate the spot. Though she's got an armful of box. Mystique can figure it out.

She climbs the rest of the way up to the storage space in the rafters, depositing the box and dropping back down again. "So what do you guys do when you get together anyway? Tea? Does he try to talk you into going to an Easter service?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Although there is no change to Raven's facial features, a streak of the flaming red hair goes white like Rogue's and /then/ the smile on her face broadens to something a little more natural and friendly. Her yellow eyes remain neutral however, giving away nothing.

"Yes, Kurt is my son, and Rogue is my adopted daughter," she then says, her tone showing just a hint of pride. "I thought everyone had been made aware of that, especially Rogue as she used to curse the very ground I walked on, and for damn good reason too."

Folding her arms lightly across her chest, for a moment her eyes look off toward the trees. Kurt preferred meeting her out at the camp sites rather than in the mansion, she never asked why and merely honored it. "We talk," she continues, then looks back to Kitty. "About all kind of things really, and yes, he did try to talk me into going to Easter service with him."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a nod. "Yeah, I knew. Just... ah, sorry it's kind of an odd family to me, you know? And, yeah, like that with Rogue," Kitty says. Mentally kicking herself. That wasn't nice. Ok but it was honest.

She gets another box. She did the big ones first, and grabs two smaller ones this time as she begins climbing back up through the air. "So? Are you going to go with him? I mean, maybe a little religion would be a good thing for you. And you can tell Erik that too. If he wants to go to synagogue with me sometime, I'll get him a yamaka myself."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The years of keeping a neutral expression pay off once again as Kitty suggests Erik, a formerly persecuted Jew, return to the faith he had cast aside long ago. The mere thought of it sent an internal cringe through Raven, but her exterior remained just as calm as it has been when she first started talking.

"Religion would require a believe in God," she says plainly with a soft smile. "I do not believe in God, and I Erik lost his faith in God a very long time ago, thus there is no need for you to get him a yamaka."

Adjusting the leather jacket that may or may not actually be a part of herself, she continued speaking just as calm and smooth, "As for tomorrow, I may attend Easter mass with my son, in fact I'm very likely to get a hotel room tonight and return tomorrow morning to join him. He has been wanting to do more things as a family, and it is the thought that counts. I have no belief in Zombie Jesus, but for Kurt I will attempt to listen and believe."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty comes back down after dropping off the two boxes. "Well, maybe if Erik hadn't lost his faith... a lot of things that happened wouldn't have. Stuff that you've since renounced doing," Kitty points out.

She pauses by the few remaining boxes. "Don't get me wrong. I understand why he lost his faith. But it wasn't the faith that was the problem, it was the persecution. My family faced the same. My great aunts and great grandparents were in those... those living hells, with him. He never deserved to have done to him what they did, nor did my family. But the world would be better if Erik Lensherr had managed to hold onto his faith."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Straightening her spine, and lifting her head a touch higher, Raven watches Kitty in silence as she moves the boxes. It was the same debate that had been argued for years now, the same sort of question as which came first the chicken or the egg. All these young mutants who had no idea about the past, save what they read in history books, and even though weren't as accurate as they should be.

Kitty did have just one saving grace in Raven's eyes and that was the that the girl had family who had faced the camps, but any sort of connection to the situation ended there. "Actually, it was the faith," she says bluntly, plainly. "Had he been any religion but Jewish, what happened to he and his family would not have happened... but you presume to know more than you actually do Miss Pryde."

Running her hand through her hair, she steps toward the open garage doors but pauses again. "There is more to Erik Lensherr than you know, things you could not fathom, pains you could never endure. Is his way the only possible way for mutants? No, but if you believe for even a moment that what I have done was without his approval, or that he is not seeking to find a new way for mutants as well, then you'd be wrong... just as you wrong that the world would have been a better place without him. I forgive your ignorance Miss Pryde, about a great many things, but I do ask that in the future you not insult the man who saved my life."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde straightens up starkly. "No, don't you even. Don't you blame Jews because other people persecute them. That's like blaming the humans because you choose to-" Kitty says, and then cuts herself off mid-sentence. Not that what she says isn't, in her opinion, completely warranted. But it's somewhere she didn't want to go while Mystique has stopped trying to kill humans.

But that doesn't prevent her anger. Kitty boots one of the boxes she was moving to the rafter, sending it flying across the garage and into the wall. It doesn't sound like whatever was inside survived it fully. There's a little bit of a shattering sound.

Without another word, Kitty storms off. Lockheed flying over to land on her shoulder to be phased with her when Kitty walks through the wall back into the mansion.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With a cant of her head, Raven lifts one brow, "/I/ do not blame Jews for what happened to him, he does...." but she goes silent as Kitty loses her temper. She doesn't flinch, she doesn't cringe, in fact her only reaction to the box flying across the garage is to watch it sail by.

There was no point to any further attempt at a conversation, and with the young woman storming off like a child, Raven merely shrugs and walks out of the garage. She knew Erik too well, just how deeply his hatred for his own religion went.

Sliding her leg over her motorcycle, she formed a a helmet over her head to remain legal in the state of New York, then started the bike up. Yes, it was true, most people at the mansion were still trying to adjust to Raven not being a mindless human murdering terrorist any more... and apparently, she wasn't doing herself any favors by pausing to talk to people outside of her family.