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Latest revision as of 02:52, 14 April 2020

Delivering the Law
Date of Scene: 13 April 2020
Location: Brooklyn: Jennifer Walter's Law Office
Synopsis: Kyani is working with Jenifers Law Firm
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Jennifer Walters

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It was another normal day at Macks and Kyani was chillin' in the lounge when Mack calls for him. Many of the messengers were relaxing, it's been nice and slow for a change, they didn't know why but sometimes you deserve a bit of a break. "Sup!" Kyani calls as he gets up to see what Mack wanted. There was a seriousness to Mack today and he looks around and hands him a package, "These are some classified files that need to be delivered ASAP to Brooklyn. The name and address is one the package, get it there now." he says. "There was a sizeable payment given to us part of it is yours as normal." Kyani whistles and nods his head, "A'ight." is all he says.

    Tucking the package into his messenger bag. He walks out the door and if a burst of speed Kyani is gone, moving at over 350mph everything around him is a blur, slight trickles of white lightning flicker along him as he runs. He sees a kid run into the street after a ball, he is able to scoop the kid and ball up and put the kid back on the porch in just a blink of a eye. Shaking his head, 'Parent need to be watching their kids.' he thinks to himself. It's not but moments before he's in Brooklyn and going into the law office. He looks for Jennifer Walters office, when he finds it he knocks on the door. He did blur into the main building, stopping and getting frisked by security and all of that was annoying when doing deliveries like this so he made sure to bypass it. He waits for her to answer.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
The building is brick and there are a few tenants of nondescript stature, and Jennifer Walters Attourneys too. The security isn't all that high tech but there is a doorman and surveillance. The camera zooms in on Kyani as he takes the elevator up to the third floor.

The office of Jennifer Walters, PLLC is occupied by many people, not just Jennifer Walters herself. It is a large room but it has several partitions and cubicals set up to separate different areas. A young woman with red hair looks up from her little desk and motions Kyani into the office, "Welcome to the law offices of Jennifer Walters and Professionals," she says blandly and snaps her gum, "How can I help ya?" she asks as she works the gum loudly.

"Candy! Is that a delivery or lunch?!" someone calls out from across the room.

"Aye don't know yet, I'm talkin to him right now!" Candy yells back, "Sorry bout that, come in."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani walks into the office and he smiels as he looks at Candy, "I'm Kyani with Mack's Messengers or Deliveries. It's interchangeable. I have a package for Jennifer Walters." he says to her and he takes out the iPad he uses for work with a stylus. The blandness in which Candy speaks is just smiled at, "I could go for something to eat." he says with a grin as he rubs his stomach. He hadn't eaten yet and running at high speeds burns up so many damn calories its not funny. "Is she in, this was a rush delivery for her." he states.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"You could huh?" Candy says dubiously and snaps her gum, "Poor thing," she says smirkily. "JENNNNN!" she yells back at the office, "DELIVERYYYYY!" she adds helpfully.

Jennifer Walters walks to the front of the office while Candy helpfully signs for the package. Jennifer smiles at Kyani, "Okay okay Candy, I'm here," she tells the woman. She takes the package from Kyani, "Oh I think these are the files out of storage. Thank you...uhh sir. What's your name?" she asks him obliviously. Jennifer is a tall green lawyer dressed in her business grey outfit.

The Taco Guy comes up from behind Kyani and tries to look around him and over his shoulder, "Somebody order tacos? Hey, this the lawyer place? Hey tacos, right? I got a mega taco delivery for a Jennifer...Watters..." the guy says as he reads the receipt and won't stop talking about tacos. Candy eyes him annoyedly.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks to Jennifer and blinks a few times, he than smiles as he sees her and offers her the package. "I don't know, my boss just told me to get these here quick, and that was about three minutes ago." Jennifer if she knows about Macks isn't even in the Bronx at all, it's on the other side of New York. "Everyting looks good and he checks Candy's signature and he smirks a little bit and he shakes his head knowing how that sounded. "Yeah."

    He is about to say something when the Taco guy comes up and the smell of tacos hit Kyani and his stomach audibly growls. He lowers his head a little and laughs, though the taco guy starts to become annoying, "Yo, my man, I think they all heard you. Here." he says as he takes money out of his pocket and pays the guy and suddenly the taco guy has no food in his hands at all and Kyani is holding the bag, "I gave you a tip too, you should be good, please stop disturbing these people will ya'?" he asks typical New York fashion.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
The Taco Guy looks at Kyani strangely and shrugs, "Hey enjoy your tacos, bud," he tells him and leaves. Jennifer is looking over the package, then she looks at her watch, "Fast delivery. I didn't think you'd beat the Taco Guy," she says.

"The guy is dying for a taco, Jen," Candy tells Jennifer as she refers to Kyani and snaps her gum amusedly. She shakes her head.

"Okay?" Jennifer says, wondering what's going on, "He hasn't...even told me his name yet. Why don't you come in while I open the package. Have a taco," she tells Kyani. Candy walks with Kyani closely, perhaps to guard the tacos, "Hey, help me pass out the rest of the tacos, will ya?" she asks Kyani, now sounding sweet cause she wants something.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani shakes his head a little bit, "Sorry, my mistake Jennifer. I'm Kyani." he says as he holds out his hand to Jennifer as he introduces himself to her. The taco guy is all forgotten and as Candy ask for him to pass out food, "Who gets what?" he asks as looks at her. Once he's told, everyone suddenly have their food and he is now following behind Jennifer.

    With Candy following them, he looks to her "So how long have you been working for Jen?" he asks her and he does watch Jennifer and once in her office he has a bag of food for her as well. "Where do you want this?" he asks. "I'm sure you're probably hungry too." he smiles.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Candy gives Kyani directions on where to pass out the tacos and smiles at him, "You're awesome at passing out tacos," she says and then adds, "What? Oh, as long as we've been here! Put the rest on the central table, I gotta get the phone! Hey hey, I got it!" she lets out and darts off like a squirrel when she hears the phone.

Jennifer is already at the table when Kyani comes up to put down the tacos, "Save Candy's. It's the chickpea taco," she tells him, as she picks up the scissors to open the package, "How come I've never seen you deliver here before?" she wonders.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He does as instruucted and he smiles as he sits down. He shakes his head at the tacos, "I will get something to eat on my way back, it's my fault for not eating before doing this delivery." he says to Candy and Jenn. "So I hope everything is there and here." he says as he hands Jenn a card, it's a card of his own with just his information. "This is my personal info, I'm doing deliveries outside of working with Mack, building up my own clientel with comparative rates." he says to her. "So Do you want me to call you Jennifer or is Jenn cool?" he asks.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer takes the card and holds it up for inspection, "Hmm, conservative rates huh?" she wonders. Candy is on the phone at the front of the office and doesn't pay attention to Jen and Kyani talking.

"Pretty confident huh? How about Miss Walters?" Jennifer chuckles and shakes her head, "I'm just teasing. Jennifer is fine," she tells.

"I'm sure we can use a quick delivery guy in the future. We have to move all the files over from the old office. They're in storage right now, you see," Jennifer explains to him, "Would you like to help with that?" she asks.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani looks over to where Candy is and nods his head to her. "Comparative. Sorry about that." he says to her. Rubbing his head a little bit, he leans back and smiles when she teases him. "Alright Jennifer it is." he smiles. "As for helping you move files, I can do that, how much and where at, I will give you a price and we can go from there." he says to her. "I'm good at what I do and as you can see pretty fast at that." he says to her.

    He looks at her, "How long have you been a lawyer?" he asks trying to strike up some conversation with Jen.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters smiles and nods to what Kyani says, "Great, I'm sure that'd be fine. Set it up with Candy and she'll get your information," she tells him. "The storage place is across town. It's a set off storage lots and the office has a few up there. I used to work in California a couple years ago then moved here," she explains.

"You sure you dont want a taco? Veggie taco? Soy taco? Tofu taco? Flamin' taco?" she smiles.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "A'ight will do." he says to her. "WHen do you want to get those files moved?" he asks as he opens his iPad and begins looking through dates. As Jennifer begins speaking about where she worked before, Kyani leans back in his seat and he smiles as he listens. "Why did you move up here if you were working in Cali?" he asks. "Better opprotunities?" he asks hoping that it was. "No I'm good, I will get something on my way home." he says. "So how long have you been here at this location?" he asks.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters slides the bag of tacos slowly in Kyani's direction until it's front of him and then smiles innocently. "I was subbing for The Thing and helping the Avengers with some junk," she explains to him, "So I set up my office here."

"Well you can start as soon as you want. Next week?" Jennifer says, "Candy's gotta get you set up and give you the keys, of course."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Seeing that Jennifer isn't going to let him leave without eating he just smiles at her, "Thank you." he says as he takes out a flaming taco and begins eating it. He raises a brow, "Oh that's pretty kick ass." he says. "You're the second Avenger that I've met now." He stops, "Do you like working with the Avengers?" he asks curiously. He reaches in and eats another taco, "You hungry?" he asks.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters smiles and nods, "Yeah it's okay. They have a pretty full roster now so I only help where needed," she explains to him. She has had her taco in front of her the whole time Kyani has been sitting there, "I didn't want to eat in front of you but if you insist," she tells him and bites into her taco.

Candy returns from the front of the office, "Jen! You got a message!" she bellows.

"Candy, get Kyani's info. He's going to do some more deliveries and organize the file room. You don't mind helping organize too right, Kyani?" Jennifer asks.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    "Sweet, I'm trying to get into that field myself right now." he says to her. He quirks a brow up at her, "If you're not doing it a lot with the Avengets, maybe if you want, we can team up and do some city cleanup?" he suggests as he looks to her. "Jennifer, eat." he says to her. "You were going to eat even if I wasn't here, no need to be shy around me. I know i'm good looking but goodness." he winks at her.

    WHen Candy comes back over, and Jennifer tells him to get his info, he just hands her one of his cards with his info on it, "Sure, I can help you with it, just make sure you let me know where your files are supposed to be in I will have it done in seconds." he shrugs.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Candy takes the card from Kyani and looks at it strangely, "You gotta sign some forms, mister!" she lets out loudly and tugs on his below to follow her to get the forms.

Jennifer shakes her head and smiles, finishing her taco.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani gets up and follows Candy, he likes her. He does sign some forms, "You hiring me or somoething?" he asks as he looks between Candy and Jen quirking a brow up at them both now. Once he finishes signing forms, "You should eat now Candy." he chuckles and walks back to join Jen. He sits down with her, "So you up for it, and besides you can show me the ropes on how things are done."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Whaddya mean!" Candy lets out loudly, "You're making some deliveries! We're paying you!" she asks and smirks, snapping her gum. "Sure I'll show ya the ropes, but try to pay attention k?" she asks, "Sign here!" she says and taps the form with her fingernail repeatedly,

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani does sign where Candy asks him to. He did say he would out here and so he will do what is needed. He makes sure his signature is legible and once he's done, "Anything else I need ot do now?" he asks ashe looks to Cnady.