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Latest revision as of 02:53, 14 April 2020

Legal Entanglement
Date of Scene: 13 April 2020
Location: Jennifer Walter's Law Office, NYC
Synopsis: Jennifer Walters, esq. gets a visit from a certain arachnid, in the hope they can put some bad guys away for good.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Walters, Peter Parker

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Standing outside her office in Brooklyn, Jennifer Walters waits for her mysterious contact Peter told her about could a huge help to her on this case. She needs immediate action on this and Peter promised his mysterious contact could help, since he's familar with New York.

Jennifer glances at her cellphone and plays the case over in her head. Her new client has been threatened by the mob, but not just the mob, some well-organized people veteran to the mob Jennifer has never encountered before. She is also carrying a manilla folder for Peter's mysterious contact, but she insisted on meeting in order to explain the finer details about what has just happened to make this a DANGEROUS situation! Drama.

Peter Parker has posed:
Jennifer's phone buzzes with a new text. This one comes from an unknown number, but the message is fairly direct.

<Hello, Miss Walters. Look up.>

Doing so reveals a shape standing on the streetlight. The light obscures him as he is above it, but he tumbles forward and falls down towards the street.
Very slowly. The reason comes into view at the same time he does, hanging from a thin tether from the streetlight.

Spider-Man descends until he is eye-to-eye with the amazonian lawyer. "Hi, there, Miss Walters."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Spider-Man!" Jennifer Walters lets out with a surprised smile as she looks up, and then ahem ahems, shushing herself, "I mean, Spider-Man..." she whispers, "Thanks for coming," she says super quietly.

"I have an issue, maybe Peter told you about it, hmm? He works for the Bugle and said you could help since you might have info about this sort of thing. You don't mind helping right?" she asks him.

"My new client was threatened by...some branch of the New York mob. I didn't think they were operating anymore. My client is a dock worker and that's how he knows their ...import/export business."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. Upside-down, of course.
"He did say something about that. Can we head up to your office and talk?" He looks to the left and the right, then says, "Someone DANGEROUS might show up..."

He snerks, but only a little.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters motions to the door nearby, "Sure Spider-Man, come on in," she tells him. She leads him inside the darkened building and up to the office, which is eerie and still, since it is deserted this time of night. Jennifer walks to her desk where the moonlight is streaming in behind her from a large window. It flickers ominously as some dark clouds pass by.

Jennifer puts down the manilla folder on the desk, "Here Spider-Man, I have a copy of the case file for ya. I think what's going on is that since my client is not really that important, he's going to be easy to intimidate...or maybe even bump off. I'm not sure if it goes that far. Right now it's just a threat."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man follows, without any additional snark. He steps into the office and looks around, nodding to himself.

When Jennifer provides the file, Spidey picks it up and looks through it. "Parker told me about this because I've been doing a little independent surveillance on the Manfredi properties. Going after the bigger fish after webbing up the small fry for the cops." He tilts his head. "Wait...McGee? Hunh. I think I have a recording of an underboss mentioning this guy's name..."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters hmms and rubs her chin, "Yes, Manny McGee. If you have a recording with people talking about him then that's pretty significant---" she begins and then stops with a furrow her brow.

"I don't think...undercover recordings would be admissable as evidence of wrong-doing. Unless you're a certified private detective of course. Or the recording is from a business. Or you've got a writ or warrant."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man tilts his head. "That's the thing. It's One-Party Consent. As long as one person knows the conversation is being recorded, it's admissible as evidence in the State of New York, as well as if it is a federal case. And since I'm the party that recorded it, it's fully-admissible."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters grins at Spider-Man as she tilts her head, "You're so smart, Spider-Man. A University grad?" she wonders amusedly.

"So they knew they were being recorded? Well that's a whole different ballgame," she tells him, "What does the recording have on it? Can you turn it over to me?" she asks.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man brings up a rather beat-up-looking phone. "I have them stored as cloud files. I spent about six months on the street when I realized I was webbing up the same mooks over and over. That's when I realized I had to get smart about criminal law and forensics."

He taps a few buttons, then said, "Okay. I have three video recordings with full audio from a CCTV I don't think they knew was working." He looked to Jennifer. "I can email them to you."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer Walters plops down in her seat at her desk and looks frustrated, "So it's a different ballgame," she repeats and sighs, "Security footage has to be proven relevant, which I guess depends on a whole lot of factors. Okay, let me look at it. I'm tired now, Spider-Man. I need some tea. And a pillow. Thanks for coming by."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then emails the links. "All right...you should be getting them in a minute or two. I hope it helps."

He walks towards the door, then pauses. He sighs, then steps out. It's a lot easier when all you had to worry about fighting bad guys was knowing how hard to punch to knock them out without sending their lower jaw to Poughkeepsie. He sure didn't envy her job.

Spidey headed up to the roof, fired a webline, then swung off.