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Latest revision as of 00:54, 2 May 2023

A night to catch up
Date of Scene: 30 April 2023
Location: Big Belly Burgers
Synopsis: Bart and Emiko have a good day
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Emiko Queen

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has asked Emiko out for dinner, figuring they could hit Big Belly Burger. It might have something to do with them having their newest line of Belly Meal toys in, but thats probably just a coincidence. He would have offered to pick her up or meet her here which ever she preferred. He probably should learn to drive a car at some time, but he might end up taking it apart and putting it back together where he wants to go, if traffic is to bad.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Not the most glamourous dinner date... but considering the lives the two lead just doing something 'normal' has a definite charm to it. Meeting up with someone who knows him means Bart doesn't have to wait too much either, Emiko knows how much waiting bothers him, and gets there within a short amount of time after him. "I'd tease you about not having a car, but I don't think you'd handle having to move -slower- very well."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to her and smiles a bit and says "Hey I can drive my couch, if need be." He jokes and yea Bart has a remote control couch as well as some other furniture, when your friends with Cyborg and furnishing your apartment for the first time, you get a few odds and ends." He will offer her a hug and a kiss in greeting. "So, what would you like this evening hon?" He asks her.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen hooks an arm around him for the hug, but avoiding making a big show of it while they're in public. She does give a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back though. "Eh. Probably stick to the basics... Well, for me. Your metabolism doesn't have a 'basic'."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and nods. He does make a rather large order, but seems the locals here are used to it. He gets the ticket, and then finds them a place to sit where they are abit out of the center of things but can still see the room well. Seems he knows how some folks like to see anyone coming "So, how has your day been?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen can just imagine the sort of looks he originally got. In comparison her order of your standard bacon cheeseburger combo looks small. She scoots into the seat next to him with a bit of a shrug. "Fairly quiet, at least as much as New York can be quiet. Ollie has been busy with the business side of life."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea, we have had a pretty easy time at the zoo lately. They have let me feed a few more animals on my own. Pretty much I have free roam of the place at night now, just make sure I show up in certain areas on camera at specific times. Thought about having Rob patch into the camera to make sure of things but not sure since there is an occasional problem.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen nods. "Probably best to not push it unless necessary. No need to make it more complicated. Getting to spend more time amongst the animals is cool though."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "So, what was the deal with the mole looking guys the other night?" He will ask quietly. "It seemed some where on our side and some not so much."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"The mean ones stole that building, with a bunch of people on a field trip inside. Probably using that big tank-like thing." Emiko pauses a moment to pull the various details from her memory. "We got called in to investigate, and while following the tunnels came across the Undefeatable's crew, whom apparently others had met before." She keeps her voice down a bit and avoids using actual names, even though they're unlikely to be unheard in their corner. It's just a habit that was drilled into her by her training. "So they knew 'surface dwellers'," she doesn't do the quote fingers because that's horribly cringy, "aren't all bad.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms and nods a bit to this and says "Sounds like we maybe should talk to them a bit more, and see if we can keep in contact with them, might help us avoid issues in the future." As the number is called, he moves to get the food bringing it back over to them. "Had any other interesting things recently?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Just the typical days of our lives." A pause as their food is brought. Her order probably would of been done faster but she asked to have them brought together. It'd be rude if she started eating first after all. "Queen Consolidated bought out a slum apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Ollie wants to restore it to a proper facility for the less capable people in the neighborhood... but I guess there's been complications in it's history that have kept his attention. So I've been doing other things in his stead." The unspoken translation being more patrol time for Red Arrow while Green Arrow's civilian side is wrapped up in corperate red tape matters.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "Yea, I nods a bit and says "I have had to pick up a bit for my cousin and my grandpa, so I know what ya mean there." That might explain a bit why some of the latest "flash" sightings he seemed a bit different to folks who might know him. "Did I tell ya got to go to Themyscira? They made a special exemption let some guys go there for Terry's birthday party. It is when they offered him the job."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen unwraps her burger and takes a few bites, listening. They were both familiar with having to sometimes pick up the slack of the 'family' business at times. It can be a little awkward at times to hear Bart refer to 'grandpa' because said man is not nearly that old but she's gotten use to it. Just part of dating a speedster that's also from the future. "You told me about the wedding when you brought the cats home. Things seem to be going well for the two of them, too."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Yea, not sure how they are fitting Kian in for sure still, but thats their thing." He munches a bit on some of his fries, and says "I am thinking of trying to start having Irie come out on patrols with me some. Trying to see if I can help her out. She was upset about a friend of hers moving across country.'

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Just spending time with her probably do some good. It can be hard having someone you were close to be far away." Emiko dabs a few fries in her ketchup cup. She knows the feeling, even if her and her mother weren't necessarily on the best of terms much of the time. Still family.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "It is a bit hard for her, with the whole time travel and then the whole ageing thing. I know what part of it is like, but my aging was different than hers. When I aged super fast was in VR so seemed normal to me."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen munches on the fries. Washes it down with a long sip of soda. "Still good that she has someone with similar experience that she can relate to."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and eats a bit more and does check out to see which of the toys he has. This time, being Mario themed instead of Sonic to match the movie. "So, you going to be able to pick up on your classes?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen rolls her eyes for a moment, though she's hardly surprised the kid's meal was included in Bart's order. Guy has to have hobbies. "Yeah, it's no big issue." She was already learning to manage school between Titans and Outsider ventures, and having to take time away for 'personal matters' like she did while she was away is hardly unusual. "Having an actual job in the family company is a fair enough reason I can remote study on a lot of them to get back up to speed."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "If you need anyone to study with let me know, and I will read the books to help out as best I can." He offers and while he may not have the classes, once Bart reads something he does remember it. "And if there is anything else ya need you know all ya got to do it call."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen slips her arm around for another quick hug. "I know, Bart. One of the hardest things for me was learning I could trust and rely on others, but having people like you and my brother to turn to makes it easier." Then it's back to eating, because there's still part of a burger to finish.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles at her, and nods. He munches a bit more, on his third or fourth burger. He mops a fry through some ketchup, and says "So you want to hit a movie, and once it is a bit later maybe do a patrol?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen finishes the end of her own burger. Works on the remaining fries. "Sounds like a good night. Be nice change of pace to not go out by myself."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Cool, figured a movie would give us a bit of time before starting, as most of the goons wait a bit before they try to get out and about.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko Queen chuckles a little. "Got to get in the quality entertainment time while we can." Goodness knows how rare the oppritunity to just do normal people things can be at times.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to that and reaches over giving her hand a squeeze. "So, what city you want to patrol tonight?" He asks her. the nice thing with BArt your patrol range can grow vastly.