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Latest revision as of 05:16, 18 May 2023

And Extra Sour Cream
Date of Scene: 18 May 2023
Location: Burrito Wagon
Synopsis: Rogue gives Kitty a ride back from the city in her muscle car. They meet up with Warren at the Burrito Wagon food truck in Salem Center. Rogue might have done some bouncing.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Warren Worthington

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It was a day that Kitty needed to work in the city. She hasn't gone into a lot of detail on what she's doing at Stark Industries, mainly for figuring it wasn't a topic Rogue really wanted to hear Kitty delve deeply into. "Building computer brains. You know, AI," did come out at one point along the way. But since starting up at Stark she's worked from home about half the time, and gone into the office about half the time.

Only now that is made a little tougher since her car was totaled when she phased it into a light armored vehicle attacking the school, disabling both of them permanently. It's an early trip out to catch a bus to the city. If not quite as bad on the trip back, when Rogue offered a ride from the city back to the school, Kitty had jumped at it.

She's wearing a dark skirt and white blouse. Her hair left to hang about her shoulders for a change instead of in the ponytail. Her laptop bag is in Rogue's trunk. "Thanks for the ride. As nice as the people on the bus are, this definitely beats it," she comments. "I barely grabbed anything for lunch, either, so I'm famished and ready to get back and eat."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been in the city to pick up a few things, errands, for the end of the school year celebrations. It had made it easy for her to pick up Kitty too when they'd texted each other. She'd been right outside when the well dressed Kitty arrived from inside the skyrise. Rogue knew the building well, she flew past it quite a few times a month while on her Mighty Woman patrols, but today? She's driving her fancy 69 Charger in the city... getting a lot of looks as her vehicle's powerful engine makes an obnoxious amount of noise. Dressed in a green and black tanktop matching the colors of the car itself, the Belle has a drink held between her thighs that she must've gotten a bit before picking Kitty up. Blue jeans and small leather boots make up the rest of her attire, save for random accessories like a smart watch and some beaded jewelry. With sunglasses on, Rogue had smiled big at Kitty before pulling on out in to traffic again...

"Ya wanna get something closer to home?' She'd asked, and ultimately this is where they ended up.

With the sun on its final stages for the day, the two women have garnered some food at the Burrito Wagon in Salem Center's grocery store parking lot. It's not a fancy place, but it has some notoriously fantastic Mexican food.

Rogue sets the order of food down on the hood of her car, and offers Kitty the drink she ordered. "So hows Stark's place anyway? Seen his fancy penthouse yet? I've heard it's totally wild.." Rogue asks as she preps her own meal.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks at the food with that gaze that people have when truly hungry. "I can almost taste the sour creamy-goodness already," she says as she takes her burrito. The food having been her treat in exchange for Rogue having given her the ride. Kitty doesn't go very spicy on her burritos, but still gets a lot of flavor in there.

She peels back the foil covering and inhales to tantalize her appetite, then takes a bite. "Mmmm. Heavenly," she sighs after she's finished the first bite. "It's good. Interesting to work at. Lots of big brains there. A little more bureaucracy than I'd expected. But then I suppose any big company has some of that, no matter how much they try to avoid it."

Kitty takes another bite, then goes for a sip of her drink after. "How bad was the damage to the school? Did Jean's room get affected much?" she asks, keeping her voice down as she mentions the aftermath of the attack.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had just gotten the taco plate which had three tacos and a drink, as she wasn't quite as starved as Kitty was. She just stands there beside her car leaning up against it by her hip and knees as she samples one of them before lowering it down again to dab at her lips with a napkin. A couple of young guys were not far away at the tables and they were smiling at both Kitty and Rogue. They're likely Highschoolers from here in Salem Center, but the Belle just smiled back as her eyes went back to Kitty.

"I could never stand t'work in a place like that. Hell, just spendin what time I do in the Icons place has me crawlin' with uncomfortable corporate feelins." Icons being the place that pays her to be Mighty Woman these days.

She looked back down to her food then and shrugged her mostly bare shoulders. "Jean's room was wrecked. Totaled. But we've got the foundational repairs done. Home Depot f'ing loves us, ya know?" She asks that last part with a little grin again before she places the straw of her icy lemonade between her lips to sip from it.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a little grin as she listens, taking small bites of the oversized burrito along the way. "I'm pretty sure between Jean and the Professor, the manager's mind must be like swiss cheese from all the discount," she says, though just teasing of course. Both of them too ethical to do something like over such a trivial matter to the Professor as money.

"How is that whole hero for hire thing going?" Kitty asks. "Or, are they just doing marketing but not sending you out on missions? Yet?" she says, adding the final word like it seems like it'd be a thing sooner or later. If not already sooner.

"Well, an excuse to go shopping then, if much of her wardrobe took a hit. Maybe we should set up a trip to Paris or something? Get Illy in on it," she suggests, "If not the Blackbird."

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue's green eyes come up again, she spares a moment to brush her white bangs out of her face, the sun shining on her lightly tanned features as she looks across the parking lot at a truck being loaded up from the store. She shakes her head then at the question about the Mighty Woman gig. "Nah. They're not legally aloud to send me out on missions." She relays. "Guess a shoe company isn't allowed t'have a super powered team doing their bidding. Some kinda deal they worked out with the city, I guess. All they can do is get their dispatchers for us t'tell us where crime hot spots have been lately, and we can take that intel an' go prowl around. It's kinda complicated, and kinda simple at the same time." She says as her eyes go back to Kitty.

"It's fun too. They even had me doin' a comic book convention here in town a few weeks back. I got my own series, though... I don't have any say in the stories or what is happenin in them. So I got fans online tellin' me that I'm dating so an' so... or Mighty Woman is. It's kinda hilarious."

She finishes off one of the tacos, then takes another sip of her drink before she looks around the lot once more. She tips her chin up at Kitty. "I should bring ya t'one'a the team meetings some time. I think you'd dig some'a the other Icon members. Homerunner is pretty sexy, though he's married... so there is that."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde happily makes her way through her burrito as they talk. She dabs at napkin at the corner of her lips to get some sour cream that made it there. Extra sour cream for the win, with a burrito. "I was going to ask if any of those fan 'ships ended up sparking a meeting or a date. If sort of the reverse order of how it's supposed to go," Kitty says with a chuckle.

She pulls out her phone, setting her burrito down to tap out a message. "Just remembered I forgot to text Warren back," she says. "He sent me one during a meeting."

> Hey, on my way back to the school with Rogue. Stopping off at the Burrito Wagon.

She slips her phone back into her pocket and then takes a pull on the straw of her soda. "I could grab my roller skate costume. You know, make you look good," she says, her eyes flashing with mischief at the notion of meeting Rogue's her buddies in that attire.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is standing next to her 69 Charger with her taco plate sitting in a box on the hood of the green and black race striped vehicle. Dressed in a black and green tanktop, blue jeans and leather boots, the Belle is adjusting her sunglasses down over her eyes as the late evening sun lays across her front half from over the roof of the nearby grocery store.

She just grins at something Kitty said, and shakes her head. "Hey, I'm the one who did the car hop job awhile back. I actually kinda miss it. It was fun talkin' to all the rando people who came in for food. So many perverts... a shocking amount of perverts..." She states while sampling another of her last two tacos.

She takes a sip of her drink then, and upnods to Kitty. "You an' Warren steamin' up again?" She has to ask as the two young women enjoy their dinner here in the parking lot of a grocery store, not the kinda dining out Warren likely enjoys most.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington knew the truck from the way others had spoken about it. He'd never sampled the cuisine himself, nor did he ever really make Mexican food or Mexican Fusion a priority. Since the attack though, he'd been around the school every day, spending money in the repairs, fulfilling whatever duty he could find to the team that he'd seemed to have abandoned for a while to make his billions. There was no shortage of guilt masked under his charm, no shortage of apology in his beautiful eyes.

When he arrived he was in clothing designed to look casual by someone who made clothes for rich people trying to look casual. When he ordered, it was in a way designed to look street, for someone who wasn't street. So when he arrived beside Rogue at the charger, he looked in place which was out of place for him, and he stared at his food with the maximum of buyers remorse. "What have I done." he said, his voice low and artificially husky.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes a bite of her large burrito, sighing happily as the meal is doing a good job filling that whole left in her stomach by a too-small lunch grabbed on the run between meetings. "Not really, I mean, he's been around more so have seen him a bit more than of late," she replies to the question from Rogue with a little shrug.

Though then Warren arrives, coming over with his food, and Kitty's grin for him is as big as it has ever been in the past. "Try it, you'll like, you big baby," she teases him, eyes lit up as she grins over at Warren.

Kitty takes another pull of her soda through her straw. "We were just talking about Rogue's superhero team. I think we should be offended, it's like she's cheating or something," she says with a soft laugh, though keeping her voice down to where it won't carry to others at the mention of the hero stuff.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue puts her right booted foot up on to the front tire of her car, just hoisting her right leg up like that as she supports her weight upon it in a slight forward lean. She dabs at her lips with a napkin as she eyes the both of them, a momentary grin gracing her facial features as she eyes Warren. She agrees with Kitty with a pair of quick nods. "Best food in Salem Center comes outta a wagon. don't think about it, just eat it." She tells him before smiling sweetly to the pretty man.

"Kitty lost her car while defendin' our school from bad folk, and she's actin' like I'm the big damn hero around here." She says next with a smirk sent Kitty's way. "My Icon team just has the coolest clothing, and mostly just runs around stopping purse snatchers, and assholes on the subway from causin' problems. Not... like Ninja attacks an' stuff like that." The southern belle shakes her head then, before she leans over to reach out to snag her drink once more, the icy lemonade straw once more between her lips.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington took a bite of his burrito, face sour like he was about to drink un-sugared cough medicine. He munched for a bit, then touched his lips and looked down for a moment, swallowing. "Woof that's hot." was all he said for a moment.

"I didn't know..." he said hoarsly, sounding like he was going to cry, and actually beginning to tear, "...that...people still..." by now his voice was little more than an inhaled stage whisper, "...snatched purses."

His cheeks where rosy. His gaze was the distant 10,000 scoville stare. He breathed labored, though seemed fine, just the precise baby Kitty had accused him of being.

"We should form a team with ninja who use little egg grenades filled with capsaicin." he murmured from beneath his pain.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty flashes a grin back to her old school roommate. "Hey, you'd have just picked it up and flown it over to the lake and not needed to trash your car," she replies to Rogue. She picks up her burrito, peeling back a little more of the foil wrapper to get at it. "Besides, they were using assault rifles, what kind of proper, self-respecting ninja uses those? I ask you," she says, shaking of her head at the very notion.

The Jewish girl can't help but grin a little bit as she watches Warren's reaction to the food. "I maybe should have mentioned to not ask for it spicy," she comments. But then she's got a burrito that is basically meat, cheese, some vegetables, and sour cream. Not that she doesn't like to get spicy now and then."

"So do they have powers and all? I mean, are they any good as heroes?" Kitty asks. "Or more like fans than the real thing?" she inquires of Rogue.

Rogue has posed:
rogue drops her booted foot off of her car tire with the tread on the bottom of it scraping on the pavement a little tiny bit. She regards Warren as he reacts to the hotness of the burrito, and a moment later she steps over to peer at the contents of it. "Ya get the ghost pepper one?" She asks with a grin before her hand pats his covered shoulder to save him from the possible comatose effect of touching Rogue's skin since she has her gloves in the car, and not on at the moment.

Some say she has partial control of her powers these days... but others say that's just a URBAN LEGEND and that one should still avoid the Soul Sucker!

She steps back to her box of taco and raises up the last bit to finish it off. A sip of her drink is had then before she looks to Kitty. "The others on my Icons team?" She asks. "Uh, yeah, they all got different powers. Mutant and Metas. Mostly Metas... Homerunner is super fast, and durable, so he's a scrapper based outta Harlem. Ghost-Whisper can create different copies of her soul to create ghosts that can fight for her, and Salamanderon is... well... half man, half aquatic thing. He's pretty awesome, and has made quite a few big life savin' events out at sea. Though since his deal is mostly physical, he kinda gets treated like shit, ya know?"

She wipes her fingers off with a new napkin then carries her box of no-more-tacos to the nearby waste-bin where she drops it off.

Warren Worthington has posed:
"Can you stop saying the word Ghost?" Angel whined handsomely. And then he reacted poorly, his state was evident, high from the sauce, "Sala what? Wait, rewind. Salawho? Is there like a screen actors guild for heroes and no two can have the same name or...Salamanderman? What did you say, roll that back, I swear I heard that wrong."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde holds up both of her hands, one with the burrito in it, as if she's not going to touch something there. "I'm not going to throw stones at costumes or hero names," she says with a grin. "Ok, though my hero names were not that bad I think." She admits to the costumes even if she still thinks they were pretty swell at the time.

Another bite of the burrito is taken and she lets out a soft, happy sigh. "I mean, not everyone has an immediately obvious name at hand," she says, motioning to the Angelic one, even if his clothing might be hiding the reason for the name at the moment.

Kitty takes another bite, glancing over at the high school kids who had smiled towards Rogue and she upon their arrival. At the gleaming good looks of Warren joining them, they haven't really shown any reaction the lady's way except for maybe sullen, jealous looks.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue returns to the two of them with her sunglasses being adjusted back over her eyes. Her hands drop down to rest on the back of her hips, her thumbs hooking in to the waistline of her low-rise jeans and the black leather belt wrapped around the loops there-in. She just grins at the talk of names. "Sala? Manderon. What's wrong with that?" She asks then, her shaded eyes going from Kitty who is still scarfing on that burrito, to Warren.

"Ya'll jealous that I get paid to snatch purse snatchers for a big time shoe company?" She asks then, still grinning. "It's just a side hustle... Besides, Warren, you saw one'a my outfits from the Icons team, I look effing amazin' in it." She adds with another little laugh before her hand goes out to her drink that was still resting on her car's hood, leaving a little wet ring that dribbles down the forest green surface when she lifts it up to sip from it once more.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington took another bite of his burrito, now seeming immune to its perversions. Enjoying it, NO, loving it. Euphoria set it. "Oh sure, if your into looking amazing." he said in a kind of sarcasm that let her know he agreed. "I'm glad you're doing well all the same. If you need any support, please, I'm here for a reason." he took another bite, and another. He glanced up skyward a moment, the cast of his face in the available light looked like a scene from a Dore woodcut, or a Caravaggio, something other worldly. Something serene yet strong, faithful and incapable of guile. It was enough that it couldn't be enjoyed, it could be turned away from and remembered. His face, not meant for human eyes,

"Ah shit." he said, turning to look at his friends, "I forgot to sign out on the log book for the telescope time I borrowed. Thats like a one infraction rule. Gonna have to buy the thing now or something."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty makes a little scoffing sound at Rogue's comment about how she looks on her uniform. "You look amazing in anything," the Jewish girl replies. She waves a hand in Rogue's direction. "Boobs and curves and everything," says the young woman who is more slender than curvalicious. Even if did come back from England a bit more developed than when she'd left.

The burrito has held up well, but there isn't too much left to it. Kitty sucks a little sour cream from her fingers before going in for another bite. "Have you made any progress in homing in on things?" she asks Warren speculatively. "Admit there's all sorts of curiosity in me about what's going on there," she tells him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lowers the cup down from her chin level, and when Kitty pays her that compliment she just tilts her head and does a happy face at the pair of them. "Awww, ain't that sweet." She responds before she just does as she does, and does a little bouncing motion by bending her knees three quick times. She knows what she's doing, and at the last one she just grins. "Summer fun, summer fuuuuuUuuun." She sings shortly before glancing over at the young guys who'd undoubtedly seen her do that too.

"Alright, kids, lets pack it up before I get myself inta trouble that even I'll have trouble gettin' outta." She tells them as she starts around her car's front end. "Ya comin' with me, Kitty, or has your winged chariot driver arrived to whisk you away?" She asks, approaching her car door now before some High School boys work up the nerve to ask her out.

Warren Worthington has posed:
Warren Worthington snatched up Kitty in a protective hug, one burritoless hand securing her shoulder. "I've never whisked anything in my life." and he meant it. "Can I sit in the back with Kitty? I wanna make out in the back of a muscle car at least once before I die." and he meant it.