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Guerilla Glow Skate Parties are for Girls
Date of Scene: 20 May 2023
Location: Coney Island
Synopsis: Incidental Glow Skate on the Boardwalk. Bunny and Gabby meet another Speeder and teach Irie West (THAT Irie West) how to skate.
Cast of Characters: Bunny Macleod, Gabby Kinney, Irie West

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    As night settles over the City at the Center of the Universe (being New York City that is, for all intents and purposes), a cadre of colorfully clad people begin to slip out of the worths of the daily grind, the week in general, and into the cool night air coming off the gray Atlantic Sea.

    This part of the boardwalk wasn't open to the public yet. Someone's set up wooden barriers to stop traffic. Neon and LED lights in rainbow colors are assembled and add to the glow. Someone's produced a fog machine, and with the background of distant coasters and the beat of the ocean, as darkness settles, the glow starts to come out.

    LEDs in roller skate wheels, glowsticks on twine necklaces. Flashing hearts and stars in a dizzying array of colors as some happy sounding techno-rock starts in, and the skaters decend upon a closed off section of Coney Island.

    One of them is clad in a sky blue jacket, has sparkly pink leggings and a skirt with electric unicorns on it is wearing bright yellow light-up skates with pineapples, her short pink hair flitting in the breeze.


Gabby Kinney has posed:
Amidst the many that were currently showing their moves was Gabby trying to stick close to Bunny. If there was any skill that Bunny beat her on for experience though it was skating. Gabby mostly knew how to do speed, and slam into things, and stop. Nothing fancy like twirling around or dancing to the beat though she does try on occasion.

For now she's mostly a speed demon going back and forth like doing laps while wearing a slew of glow-braclets, necklaces, and even a few she'd twisted around and tied into some kind of weird glowy crown that she has to grab on occasion before it falls off. Other than the glowy accessories she's just wearing tight black shorts, a tanktop, and a slightly oversized mesh t-shirt that wasn't QUITE fishnet, but close.

"We can't all keep up with your smooth moves, Bunny!" she calls back cheerily though she does try.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    It was one thing that Bunny held herself in high regard, and that any martial arts training had just made her *worse* at taking the risks. Which was why she was wearing her helmet and pads, which are highly reflective. She twirls, skating backwards at speed as the beat picks up. Bunny appears to know the words to the music as she skates, looking behind her to make sure she doesn't take anyone out!

    "At least I got one thing that makes me /the flippin best/!" she jokes back to Gabby, punching her arms up a little bit, reaching out for Gab's hand as they skate.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to grasp Bunny's hand in turn, flashing her a grin. A little squeeze is given while she raises an eyebrow. "You're also better at cooking, better at..." she has to pause to let her gaze flit over Bunny's attire a moment. "Probably better at fashion. I know I'm a hot mess." She admits with a laugh.

"Seriously don't sell yourself so short. Joke not intended."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I'd sell myself tall, but that'd be false advertising!" Bunny replies with a bright grin, though in the dizzying lights of the boardwalk rave, the thuds of bass echoing over the beaches and waves, and Bunny gives a laugh.

    "Your fashion is fine! And if anyone tells you different? It's New York City! People wear weird all the time!" she cheers.

    "Sing it Sister!" a lady clad in all banana yellow replies, flashing the ASL for 'love' to the two.

    "And you're a Hot Disorganization. You're not a mess." Bunny replies, lifting the hand she's holding Gabby's with, and slowing their speed she goes to spin Gabby, all fancy!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It's easy enough to spin Gabby around. With the speed slowed, and her hands grasped, she's twirled all fancy-like earning a warm laugh that manages to carry even over the thumping bass of the music. Feeling a little daring she gives a tug of Bunny's hand to pull her in closer. Just enough she can plant a kiss on her forehead before letting her drift away again.

Best to not get too PDA-ey while in the middle of a skate rave, right? See on occasion she has logic enough to consider that while she may not be breakable (permanently anyway), others were. Including Bunny.

"I needed this. To get out and do stuff. Been just... too serious lately."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    ... has Gabby ever been to a skate rave? There was some PDA. Some PCP. A lot of Xtacy. Probably a fair amount of THC for that matter.

    Bunny's skin gets that gasoline-puddle quality to it as she gives a bright smile, drawn closer to Gabby for that forehead smooch and then she drifts back, steering the two through the crowd as she goes.

    The crowd is glowy and rolly in the unofficial rave scene, everyone is having a wheely good time -- since everyone seems to be on skates!

    And there's a short pair of girls who are just skating through the crowd, the shorter one leading the other.

    "I think everyone needed it. We're cooped up inside too much, it's stressy, we gotta stretch out hands and legs and toes and calf muscles!" she jokes.

Irie West has posed:
    There's a sudden blur of red and yellow that stops, resolving into Irie West in the middle of the island. She takes a look at all the glow in the dark people on roller skats and her hands go to her cheeks as she gasps. "SKATE RAVE!!!" she shouts enthusiastically. She quickly waves her hands at everybody and says, "Nonono. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back!" And then she disappears in a flash of red and yellow.

    It takes her all of ten minutes to get back. Slow for a speedster, but the box containing brand new roller skates tells the tale that she probably had to wait on *other* folks to sell her the skates first. "I'm back!" she announces. She's dressed in tight jean shorts with a plain white tee with the Flash symbol emblazoned on the front. She's got glow in the dark necklaces around her neck, one even with the a glowing flash symbol, and more glowing stuff around her wrists and up her arm.

    "Okay. Okay. Now to //skate!//" She finds a nearby bench to sit down and try on the new skates. When she stands, she wobbles a bit, trying to catch her balance, but when she does, that's all her overconfidence needs. She pushes off a bit to hard and finds a leg flailing out from underneath her. She overcorrects with another and soon she's doing this little dance where she's trying to keep her feet underneath her but it just isn't working out. "WOOOOAAAAHHH! LOOK OUT!" And she crashes into Gabby and Bunny.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Yeah, well, I mean I get out a lot. Just..." Gabby's about to explain more. Or attempt to. The feelings of listlessness she'd had lately weren't really easy to explain however. Plus there's a very interesting distraction of being crashed into by Irie.

Instinctively she twists her body around to try and grab Bunny in both arms so that she ends up falling first acting as a cushion. Probably unecessary given the situation, but instinct took over at times.

"I thought I was bad on skates." She wasn't, really, she just wasn't... SUPER COOL at it.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "You're also super stress--EEEEE?!" Bunny is grabbed, twisted, her arms flailing a moment as there ends up being a three-skater pile-up on the boardwalk! Skaters brake and break and try to go around them, one skater jumps the pile with legs tucked under them and a quick 'Are you okay?!' before disappearing into the crowd again.

    Bunny, pink-haired, blue-eyed and pale, blinks owlishly at Irie before she squeaks out "ohmigod are you okay?!", and manages to both untangle herself from Gabby and Irie, and try to help both back to their skates.

    "Take it easy, easy, I'm Bunny, this is my girlfriend Gabby." the helmeted girl replies with a smile. She's got bumps and bruises and a bandaid with glowing unicorns on her middle finger.

    "First time on Skates? Everyone sucks their first time."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie pops up to her knees like nothing happened. "I'm fine!" she says with unbridled enthusiasm. She gives Bunny a grin, "Yup! First time! I just bought them for this event! It's really cool! I like how everybody is all glowing and stuff and I figured that it looked like you all were having fun and I like fun so I decided that I should join yin in having that fun!"

    She gets to her feet, still a little wobbly, but manages to stay on her skates while she babbles. "I'm Irie West, yes the Flash is my father, yes I'm also a Flash, Kid Flash, actually, and ohmygod you two are so cute together! Okay, I'm going to try again now!" With that she pushes off with one skate, her leg flies out from underneath her and she lands square on her back.

"I'm fine!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney finds herself blinking at Irie as the girl hops to her feet. She nods to those that pass assuring them that they were okay though she does look a bit concerned at Bunny.

"Hey, nice to meet yo---" she begins only to trail off as Irie babbles faster than even she tends to. A solemn nod is given a time or two listening as best she can, as well as putting a few things together.

"Oh you're Bart's..." There's a pause. A long, long pause. "Cousin." It's a good thing Irie's already zoomed off because she lets out a quick breath. "Damn almost spilled timeline stuff I don't know if she knows and okay let me get up." It's a careful attempt to get to her feet with Bunny's help until she's stabilized again. "I bet she'll have it down pat after three laps," she asides to Bunny.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Fl-FLASH? Oh! You're a Speedster on Skates! Okay, okay, it's cool --" Bunny states, and she reaches to try and help Irie back up. Luckily everybody in this group is on the short side.

    "Hey, hey! Slow down a minute! I've been skating for like, fifteen years --" she gives a bright grin. "You got your helmet set? Your pads? You got a good hold on your center of gravity? 'Cause you have to have all that on a good hold." she explains, ovvering a hand to Irie with a bright smile.

    "Also I have extra granola bars for speedsters in my backpack. Just in case, y'know?" Bunny manages to hop a couple times on her skates, "Never know when someone needs a higher caloric intake boost!"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie is quick to get to her feet again, and manages to turn to give Gabby and Bunny an enthusiastic smile. "Yeah! Bart's my cousin. OH! You're //that// Gabby!" She wobbles her way back to the pair and holds out her hand for Gabs to shake. "It's good to finally meet you!."

    She tilts her head at Bunny and echoes, "Helmet set? Pads?" She shakes her head. "No. Those are probably a good idea, hunh? I'll be right back." Once again she disappears in a literal flash, leaving her skates behind, and after a minute she's all kitted up including a fanny pack filled with energy bars. "Got it!"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Bart -- cous-- Gabby, how is it that you know *eeeveryone*?" Bunny asks, her hands going to her hips as Irie speeds off, and then returns in a proper kit.

    "All right, Imma going to check 'cuse a lot of people don't put on their stuff the right way the first couple times, an' if you get speedy I dunno how your head handles trauma. Can I check your straps?" Bunny offers, holding up her hands, eyebrows drawn up and a small grin on her lips. "And then maybe I'll tag with you on a couple laps to make sure you don't blow a hole through one of the storefronts. They get a *little* touchy about that sorta thing!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney accepts the handshake with a little laugh and nod of agreement as she's apparently recognized. "Yep that's me, the one and only." Then once again the speedster is off leaving her to look sheepishly at Bunny. Her hands spread in a helpless shrug.

"I get around? Honestly the hero community is kind of linked in a lot of ways so..." She trails off as Irie returns with the gear. Gear that SHE wasn't wearing herself, because of LIVING ON THE EDGE and a healing factor.

"Bunny's a pro at this, trust her," she assures Irie with a broad grin. "Our boyfriend is a speedster too, so trust her about the storefront issue."

Irie West has posed:
    "Okay!" Irie tells Bunny and extends her arms into a T-pose for Bunny to look over. "I'm not gonna go superspeed or anything, though going superspeed on skates would be //really// fun. Hard to turn, though. Not enough grip. It's okay! I can phase through stuff so if it looks like I'm about to go through a window I'll just phase. Anyway. I heal really fast. It's the metabolism, you know."

    She tilts her head at the pair and asks, "You have a boyfriend, too? How does that work? Do you take turns every other day? Or do you all just..." she makes mooshing motions with her hands, "together?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny was checking since the T pose was not to establish dominance, but to make sure everything's good and all the safety gear (that she has certainly grump-faced at Gabby for not wearing), and at the suggestion of those mooshing motions, poor Bunny turns as pink as her hair, and then progresses right to red, her eyes going wide.

    "Uh... I'm not... there yet." she admits "But he's a sweetheart. And he works really really hard. And he's a speedster. I'm like, the normal one in the group." she jokes.

    "Mostly I just sit in the middle 'cause I'm the shortest and hog all the popcorn." she adds in, "since I don't have any accellerated caloric requirements. Big words!" she laughs.

    "Maybe someday I'll get to meet a hero first and then you can say 'oh em gree Bee-to-the-en-eee, you know So-and-So?!'" Bunny takes Gabby's fame in stride.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney responds to Bunny's grumpiness by looping her arms around her waist from behind to give a quick little hug after she finishes checking Irie's gear. "Bart's a teammate on one of my teams, not just a random meeting thing. I don't know *everyone*. You'll get one up on me at some point."

Someone skates by behind her which helps remind her that they were in the middle of a skate rave or whatever it was. Best not to stay still TOO long, right? So she releases Bunny, stepping back with a chuckle. "Yeah mostly we just hang and cuddle." Which was also fine by her. "Take turns with dinner, that sort of thing. Though mine is usually takeout. They're the cooks."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie stands patiently as her gear is inspected and adjusted. As Bunny and Gabby explains their relationship dynamics she nods sagaciously. "I see, I see. I never had a boyfriend before. Or a girlfriend. Personfriend. I've never had a personfriend before, much less two. There was this one guy I kinda have a crush on, but he's got a girlfriend now and I thought that was the end of that but maybe not? I dunno. I don't think he's into that kind of thing, however. He's got this weird double life going on and it would... complicate things."

    She shakes her head, dismissing the thought. "//Anyway//. If you hang around me you'll get to meet everybody. I'm a Titan! So you'll get to meet them. And then probably Superman and Wonder Woman because they come by from time to time. Not Batman, though. He does his own thing in Gotham. That and he's //super// grumpy all the time so he's not really all that fun to hang out with."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "When do I get to be on a teeeaaaaaam?" Bunny whines, rolling backwards a few feet before she offers her hand to Irie.

    "It seems like everyone's got double lives going on. My fam? They don't know that--" she leans in, knowing Gabby could hear her, but she stage-whispers to Irie "I'm a mutant, or that I've worked with an /Avenger/."

    She got trapped in an endless Ikea with Ant Man.

    "Cmon, hold my hand, and we'll go around for a few rounds to make sure you got your center of gravity under control. You kinda wanna lean on one foot and keep that leg mostly straight, and push off with the other one, an' you gotta make adjustments 'cause the weight of the skates an' the wheels make your center of gravity go a little weird!" she offers as advice.

    "I think I'd like to meet Superman or Wonder Woman, but I would get so like -- shocked? Star struck? What do you even SAY to people like that?!" she questions out loud.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm an Outsider myself," Gabby offers to Irie. She was aware of the Titans, and knew a few, but didn't really interact with them for the most part. The big names stated though cause her to glance left, and right, then back to the pair chatting with a little clearing of her throat. Maybe she shouldn't remark on how she knows them? Not personally, of course, but she certainly had met them on a few occasions.

"Worked with the Bat once in place of Red Robin. As for the other two, you say hi, shake their hands, and compliment Diana's... I mean Wonder Womans' work with the space port. She likes talking about it."

As they start to skate a bit she asides to Irie, well aware Bunny can hear, "I'm gonna get smothered with a pillow in my sleep tonight, probably."

Irie West has posed:
    Irie reaches out and takes Bunny's hand, managing to roll forwards without falling on her butt. "Well, I don't know. You gabby and your speedy boyfriend sound like a team. All you really need to do now is come up with a name for it! Who's your boyfriend, by the way, if you don't mind sharing? Maybe I know him?"

    She takes Bunny's instruction well, following the slow pace the mutant starts off with. "Being a mutant is cool," she says. "I don't know why people make a big deal about it. You don't see people making such a fuss over Superman or Martian Manhunter being born with super powers. Maybe because every once in a while one comes out all strange looking?" She shrugs again. "I dunno. I think it's beautiful that people can be so different."

    She opens her mouth to answer Bunny, but Gabby beats her to the punch. "Yeah. That's about it. They like meeting people, and are really cool to be around."

    She gives Gabby a quizzical look and drops her voice, "Why would that happen?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Psh, like I could take -you- by surprise. Tommy maaaaybe. On a really good day. I'm not a /ninja/. I coulda been." Bunny replies, leading Irie around as she skates backwards, the smol guiding the smol. Although Bunny is particularly smoll.

    "Well, I mean in the fifties and sixties black people had to drink at different water fountains and couldn't go to the same restaurants. Maybe -- just maybe -- human beings have /always/ sucked?" Bunny's nose wrinkles wryly, her ears turning a little pink again.

    "I'm used to everyone knowing Gabby. She's a hero and has been for years. Me? I'm a delivery girl who sometimes plays piano for tips. We are /not/ the same level." she gives a small laugh.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It's because of the unknown factor of it. There's no way to tell who could end up a mutant until it happens. And probaly a bit of jealousy from some, too, because they didn't end up that way," Gabby reasons with a little thoughtful shrug as she skates along listening to the pair. A grin creeps over her at the talk of being caught by surprise.

"Because I'm annoying her right now," she explains with a little laugh. "But yeah, not really. Don't think it'd do much anyway. I've got a healing factor. I bounce back quick."

"Yeah, I'm a lifer for this. Bunny wants to be so I'm training her, and Tommy is definitely anti-wanting-to-hero. Though he steps in anyway because he worries about us."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I said he's very sweet. Doesn't want to hero. Heroes anyway. Very heroic. Occasionally loses his hats." Bunny chips in with a grin

Irie West has posed:
    Irie gives Bunny a bright grin. "Don't sell yourself short! //Everybody's// a hero in some way. Just you wait. One day you're going to help some seven year old girl learn to skate and for that one evening you're going to be her //everything//." The more she skates the steadier she becomes, like she's a natural at this. "People think we're special because we save the world and have these big flashy moments, but they forget that the little moments matter, too! Think how much better the world would be if everybody worked to have their little moments of being somebody's hero."

    "I mean, sure. Segregation was a thing. //Slavery// was a thing, and they're both terrible in their own ways." She says. "But there were plenty of people even then fighting for what was right. So while humanity has the capacity of being horrible to each other, they also have the capacity of being very //good// to each other, too. Some people lose sight of that."

    Irie brightens up, "Oh! Tommy! I've heard of him. Another mutant, right? We speedsters kind of get to know each other in one way or another. Kind of an exclusive club. It's okay if you don't want to be a superhero. Just because you //have// powers doesn't mean you're obligated to use them that way."

    "I guess so," she concedes to Gabby. "I mean, I don't know what it's like to just wake up and SURPRISE! you have powers. I was born with them. It's made my life a little problematic, sure, but I think I turned out alright otherwise."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I was already someone's everything." Bunny replies, but she looses some of her speed, her smile faltering a little bit and she loosens her hold on Irie.

    "I think you've got this under control, Irie, but keep it under twenty em-pii-ache." she gives a grin, her shoulders tightening a little bit before she turns.

    And the pink-haired girl goes to race ahead, taking long strides before she leaps up and grinds her skates against a concrete barrier, and then hops up and over it, flipping forward and landing on her skates, the light-ups she has allowing Gabby to keep track of her as she heads out a bit into the darkness to get her head on right.