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Latest revision as of 09:47, 2 June 2023

Father Time is Undefeated
Date of Scene: 12 March 2023
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Iron Man has been a fixture on the world stage for a long time now, and one thing that has persisted through all of that has been Tony Stark's belief that Iron Man is a man of the people. Even if he, himself, does not necessarily mingle with them as much as perhaps he could, or he should, when outside of the Iron Man suit. But in it? He likes to make his presence known.

Earlier today he had to zip out of a meeting (boring conversation anyway) to help with a bridge that was collapsing, and afterwards found himself dropping by a park by the river where a small crowd had gathered. As the witnesses started to dissipate, it left behind a group of college kids who had been tossing a football around, trying to impress a group of coeds. Sure, Tony could have chosen that point to head home, take off the suit, and relax in the comfort of his multi-million dollar penthouse. But he was coaxed into joining the game, and so after some negotiation about what parts of the suit he could and could not use (repulsors were straight out), he joined the kids for a few minutes. He was well aware of the impression he was making on the coeds, he realized that a part of him would have taken joy in outshining the jocks there. Getting the attention of the girls. But it just felt a bit hollow to him.

What did not feel hollow to him was the feeling he got in his knee as he twisted and jumped to try to catch a ball. He got it, of course - Tony was not about to fail - but he felt something give a little bit. Which was not something he quite accustomed to.

Deciding that was as much a sign that he should be leaving as the fact that he had no real interest in seeing the coeds try to flock to his suit, he made his goodbyes to his former teammates and foes and took to the skies, coming in for a landing at his penthouse a few minutes later.

He stepped out of the suit slowly and, he realized, gingerly as he made his way back into the living quarters from the balcony outside. Maybe he was getting too old for this.

Pepper Potts has posed:
One of the sunny days that New York City has been enjoying, the temperatures have been nosing into the 50s (fahrenheit), low to no breeze off the water. The lighting of the Penthouse, therefore, is almost all natural; the floor to ceiling windows letting in all that lovely light, as well as giving that magnificent view of the New York City skyline. How could Pepper //not// be working on the couch facing all that sun and blue sky?

Seated on said couch, her laptop is in front of her set upon the coffee table, and she has her cell phone in hand, held up to the side of her head, and she's obviously in a business call. Rising to her feet, she's wearing one of her 'power suits', the sort that reminds people that she, indeed, has at least some say as to how this conversation is going to go. "Yes, Mr Girault, I do understand. What you need to remember is-"

As Pepper speaks, green eyes catches Tony's landing on the balcony, and as the conveyor moves him forward, the suit is being removed part by part. She's distracted by the view for a moment before she catches herself, and she continues, though now she's watching Tony's progress in. "-I need those parts by the end of next week. If I have to send an airplane out to get them, I will. I just want to be sure that there will be something there that we can load onto the plane to bring home."

A delicately manicured hand covers the microphone of the phone and Pepper pulls it from the side of her head, mouthing a whispered, "Tony? Are you okay?" She's nothing if not in tune with him, or could be her overblown sense of wanting to keep him safe and his just not being an active participant in such activities.

Tony Stark has posed:
Of course, Tony nods in affirmation and holds up a hand to wave her off. Far be it for him to have her attend to him, let alone disrupt a meeting. He knows how important it is. And really, he is fine. Certainly something minor.

He makes his way in and heads over towards the bar after waving off Pepper. He does an adequate job of making it look natural, although his gait is slightly off. Not badly, and he isn't wincing. Just a slight shift of his balance. He pours himself a drink of water and turns to lean back against the counter, looking over at Pepper as he adopts that grin. He mouthes words to her quietly - "I love it when you business-woman," - and that grin broadens before he takes a long sip of his water. He seems content to wait until the conclusion of her call, leaning back against the bar, although he does reach up with his free hand to start unbuttoning his shirt slowly. Clearly, he is in for the day at this point.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Walking with a slightly lighter gait, and Pepper narrows her eyes at him in that 'keeping an eye' even as she nods with a little more gesture in that 'okay, this conversation is coming to a close, let's finish it up' sort of manner. "Right, yes," and she's back at it. His mouthed words at her gives her that brief respite from both concern and the mounting annoyance at a contractor before she finishes up, "Friday. I'll see you on Friday, yes." And it's with a flourish that she hits that little red circle, thus ending the call.

Her hand isn't even halfway down before she's picking up on that next bit, "Tony, are you okay?" There's the quick glance over towards the landing station on the balcony to see if she can't see any bullet holes, or any scratches that might mean that he'll be down in the workshop for hours, or days, again. Still. Always.

And he's drinking //water//?

The heels are removed and set beside the couch, her phone set down next to her laptop on the coffee table before she's ready to make that cross. Her hair is still up in a ponytail, the wisps of strawberry blonde framing her face, and she's reaching up to set those bit of hair behind her ears. "What happened?"

Tony Stark has posed:
The grin on Tony's face just steadily grows as Pepper dispatches with the contractor. "I'm fine, really," he says, watching her look towards the suit and then back to him. "Just twisted something playing some football with the boys. You know, as I do." He finishes off the glass of water and then sets it down on the counter behind him before turning back to face her fully.

"Really. It's nothing." He lifts up his leg and bends his knee a few times as of to illustrate it. "It's not like I took shrapnel or something like that and had to jury rig a metal brace to be able to walk."

He pushes off the counter as if to illustrate that point, moving to meet her as she approaches. "Sounds like you had a rougher time with those parts than I did with the pigskin, though. Do I need to buy them out or something?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
The looks of relief is there; it's a gentle shift, but easily noticable to someone who can track Pepper's moods. As she pads across the distance separating them, she reaches him to lay a kiss on his cheek as he meets her halfway. "Mmmhmm. With the boys." It's a light, amused, affectionate sound as she repeats the words, her head canting slightly as she watches him. There's that ghosted smile before she takes the step sideways to pour a glass of white wine for herself. To finish the day.

The brace comment gains a slight shift of her chin down as brows rise, "So you're not falling apart," she finishes, and nods. "One set of shrapnel is more than enough for me." It's an attempt at levity in a topic that holds none; she does worry about him and that arc reactor in his chest that is the ONE thing keeping him alive. It's like a Sword of Damocles, only a genius inventor has learned how to beat the odds.

"It was okay, finally." Pepper sounds convinced, though the offer to buy them out gains a laugh. "I wouldn't mind property in France. Closer to Monaco." Where lots of financial institutions meet.. and drink.. and gamble.

Tony Stark has posed:
Wheeling around slightly to step just behind Pepper, Tony nods as he slips his arm around her waist. "Yeah. Those boys, they don't know how to take no for an answer." He leans forward to brush a kiss against the side of her neck before straightening to lean back.

"No, I'm not falling apart. And I'm not hurt. I'm just, you know, thinking." He leans forward again, reaching past her to pour himself a bit more water, and then retrieving the glass. "I can't be Iron Man forever." He tilts his head. "Can I?"

Maybe that is meant as an actual question for her. Unclear.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper leans into the affectionate embrace, her wine glass held lightly. It's a switch; Tony drinking water, Pepper having her small glass of wine, usually taken around dinner time. She turns to face him fully, however, the glass lowering to be cradled in two hands, and her head tilts again, her brows rising, and those green eyes searching those dark browns, trying to work out if the question is real or just a musing.

"Well, I'm glad you're not falling apart," Pepper begins softly, the warmth of her words holding truth in those tones, "or hurt." She cares too much to see that, and has for some time.

"You," and she lifts a finger to point at him, center of chest, "have been Tony Stark a great deal longer than you've been Iron Man," she begins softly and her hand lowers again. There's a pause in her words as she works out her next words, "I never worried about you when you were just plain ol' Tony." She laughs a little self-consciously and reaches to put her glass on the top of the counter near-by before continuing, "Well, okay," she admits, "I did. But nothing anywhere near what I do now." Again, she pauses, and her eyes close briefly as a breath is let out, and once her eyes open, she continues, "You scare me, and I worry about every time you go out there, and I'm torn between being mad at not knowing what is happening and proud that you're doing something." Pepper shakes her head ever so slightly, however, as she searches for her point in the matter, "But when is it going to stop?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Lies," blurts out Tony, shaking his head. "Be honest, you worry way less about me when I'm in that tin can fighting Ultron or Loki than you did back when you didn't know where I was going to wake up, or more importantly, who I was going to wake up next to." He drains the rest of his water, and then sets it down next to her drinking glass.

"I'm serious," he says, adopting that serious tone that he does when he is actually serious. Usually actually needing that statement that he is serious. "By the way." He nods to her, sighing softly as she taps at his chest.

"I twisted my knee a bit while catching a football, and sure, I'm fine, but what if it was trying to fight Ultron or Loki." He looks into her eyes, that usual Tony bravado replaced by that earnest tone that literally no one other than Pepper ever gets to hear. "I think it's time to start talking about when it is going to stop."

He reaches out to run his hand up along her side as he looks at her. "While I'm still young enough to attract a woman like you to spend my time with outside of the suit."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Enough money could make //that// problem go away," Pepper returns, her expression perhaps a little more serious in the response than she'd intended. Or, the top notch legal team that Stark Industries employs; they've earned their keep over the years, and a more loyal bunch hasn't been 'invented'.

She watches as Tony drains his water and sets his glass beside hers, listening to his words. He's becoming a touch more intense, more serious, and she can see it on his face, read it in his eyes; his manner and mien all scream that there is most definitely something going on, and this isn't something that is just borne of that tweak from football.

The words that come, however, aren't those that are particularly expected. "To.. to stop?" Pepper's processing the words; Tony's been known to take her by surprise, to perhaps call her on her words and actually //agree//, but-

"Tony, really?" Pepper finds herself stuttering as she lets the idea start to sink in, and she begins again, "Have you talked to Steve about this? Or-or-or Director Fury? Or-or--" Who else? "Anyone?" Other than her, that is. She shakes her head at him, but it's more in a bit of disbelief rather than telling him 'no', and at his touch, she's creasing her brow, trying to work out all those emotions that are suddenly in play. Her head ducks just a little, her cheek sucking in as she chews on it in thought for a long few heartbeats before, "Wait, wait.. all this is so you can go pick up women again?" Like her? "Tony.."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yeah yeah, I know. Trust me, I know, I got those bills eventually."

Tony settles his gaze on her, watching Pepper work through what he is talking about. He shrugs a bit as she asks him to confirm. "Your the first. I run everything by you first, Pepper." He smiles. "And I'm not saying it's tomorrow. Or next year. Or anytime /soon/." He nudges her gently in the side. "But I think it is a good time to start thinking about when that time might be, so that others are prepared to take my place when it comes." He flashes a grin. "Wouldn't want to leave the world gasping in a void of my absence without finding the five or six people needed to fill it."

He laughs a bit at her response, and he shakes his head. "There's only one woman that I want to pick up, Pepper." As if to make that clear, he slips his arms around her and hoists her up until she is seated on the counter in front of him. "I want to be ready to move into the next stage of our lives together while you still want me to be the one to move into that stage with you."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tony's taken on so much responsibility over the few years that it's hard, has been hard to see an exit plan anywhere. He's such an integral part of, well, everything, that it's so difficult to see a way out. It's one of her as of yet unspoken concerns she's had over the time he's spent flying around as Iron Man, or pulled in front of a Congressional hearing, or..

And there it is, what Pepper'd expected. Not tomorrow, not next year, or anytime //soon//, and that earns an eyeroll from the redhead. "That sounds more like it," is murmured. He's looking for her reaction to it, her honest, gut reaction to the thought, and he's achieved it. "Tony, you have a good relationship with MIT," Pepper begins, "when you're not sending a decoy out," is finished drying, but certainly not without humor. She's benefitted from that!

Pepper's maintained her form and figure; she's not hard to lift and set up. There is a firmness to her, however. She does work out, goes to yoga and jogs in the park in nice weather. A light squeak is let out as she's lifted, though, and a warm, affectionate smile is given to the man before her. The only one in her life. "Next stage?" The question emerges before she can stop it. She's so used to status-quo now. She's worked for him, worked with him, and now they're 'officially' a couple (as far as tabloids are concerned, anyway), and it's comfortable. Pepper isn't looking for dates, not having get-togethers for drinks (anymore), and the only time 'other men' are talked about, it's usually brought up by Janet and her roving eye. So, there's no question of anyone else in her life. "Not tomorrow, or next year, or anytime //soon//," she repeats, and the ending sounds both a statement and a question.

Tony Stark has posed:
"You're the one who seems to be saying I should keep on doing what I'm doing," Tony points out. He shakes his head. "I'm not saying I'm going to drop out of the Avengers, I'm just saying...I think it makes sense to think about who will succeed me. That's all." he shrugs. "Besides, we both know I won't be able to really stop doing things. But..." He shrugs. "Flying around in the suit, I mean. Someone younger can do that, right?"

He considers for a long moment after settling her on the counter, watching her reaction. Piecing it through. He smiles at her. "Well. Good. Because I'm the same." He drops his hands down to rest them on her lap. "At some point, Pepper, I need to grow up and stop being Peter Pan. And I want you to still be my Tinkerbelle when that happens." He pauses, and tilts his head. "Or are you my Wendy? I can never quite remember."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Tony, I don't know what you should be doing," Pepper ends it with an audible sigh to underscore her words. "What I want you to do, what you should do, what you want to do..." and her voice trails off before she finds more words to bring it back up, "You would go nuts if you stopped all this." Her hand waves in gesture, partially towards the suit out on the balcony, but moreso indicating all those that she knows about in the workshop. Though, the fact that he's giving thought to 'what next', and it's not finding some suit that'll keep up with interstellar travel or the like? Pepper will absolutely give him that.

Pepper reaches out to lay a flat hand against Tony's cheek, the touch gentle, as he begins to admit that 'someone younger' can be in that suit... and it's not him. "I think someone younger might be able to," she admits, but she pulls her punches as it were, "As well, though? You'd have to teach them," and even then, Tony's her hero.

His admission, then, has her smiling, and it's a most decidedly affection, loving expression as her hand draws from his cheek and lands atop his hands that lay quietly in her lap. "I think it's Wendy with a little bit of Tinkerbell."

Tony Stark has posed:
"There are plenty of things to do, Pepper, and don't write me off just yet." Tony leans forward, resting his forehead against hers for a moment. "I'm just saying. I can't be Iron Man forever. I have to be ready for a day when it's enough to just be Tony Stark."

His fingers give her a gentle squeeze. "And as we've established, Tony Stark needs his heart." He looks back up to meet her gaze. "And at a certain point, that's all he needs. Not a metal suit. Just a business suit and the woman inside of it." He pauses and cocks a grin. "Or outside of it."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Again," Pepper adds softly. Just Tony Stark again. And the world knows there is no 'just' whenever Tony is involved. She looks at him, into his eyes again, and nods almost imperceptibly, "I'd like that." When all this is done, that is. It'll just be more stages, and he'll find himself, he'll find a place where he's happy.

"You have a heart," the words have that quiet humor that hangs beneath them. "Saved your life." The hand that isn't atop his own presses fingers lightly against his chest, the touch light. "I've always known you actually do have a heart under there. But that's always been our secret." She keeps many, many, many secrets; some of them her own, most of them his.

The quirk of his lips, and the quick gleam of his eye with the cast of humor gains a laugh from the redhead, and she leans forward to press a light kiss on his lips. A brief touch. "Now you know how I feel." She doesn't move far from his face after the kiss, her own emerald eyes gleaming in affectionate humor as she plays on the idea of him being out of his suit as well...

"Workshop tonight?" In other words, is she going to see him at all?

Tony Stark has posed:
There is a slow nod as their faces linger close together, and Tony meets her gaze. "It's a conversation to have." He smiles. "One I want to have."

He laughs at her commitment to his heart. "Best keep that a secret that only you know. Otherwise, people might use that against me." He grins. "I need to make sure that no one other than you can know my weaknesses. Because I trust you to use them at the right time."

"And you know how I feel." He keeps his face closer to hers, catching her eyes as his words amuse her. He always appreciates just how much she appreciates him.

He shakes his head slowly, brushing his nose back and forth against hers. "Just you, tonight. You and me." And as if to remove any ambiguity about that, he leans forward enough to give her a not-so-brief kiss this time.