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Latest revision as of 09:55, 2 June 2023

Just Hangin Around
Date of Scene: 02 December 2022
Location: 5D - Gwen's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy

Peter Parker has posed:
There are some days where your friendly neighborhood Spider-man gets no relief. Swinging to and fro in the city, encountering bad guys and troublemakers, non-stop. Throughout the night, with only caffeine from some generous New Yorkers to sustain him.

This is not one of those days.

Fortunes have conspired to let Peter Parker enjoy a day off from being Spider-man, and he has chosen to do it in the most enjoyable and relaxing way possible - stretched out on the couch, snuggling with Gwen Stacy, watching a movie and idly talking about their plans for the makeover.

Not that Peter is going to get MUCH say about things, but there might be SOME aspects of Gwen's loft that might be adjusted as the Spider-couple encounter their most thrilling challenge yet - CO-HABITATION.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It's easy to get the idea of moving in together like in one of those movies. The hard part is actually making it happen. Specially when the house itself is a lot smaller than what one sees in movies. Just a cramped little thing in Greenwich Village. Sure, let's call it cozy, but for two people to live in? Heads may collide together. It helps that they are spiders though, so it's not like they can't make use of the ceiling or the walls as needed!

It might be why there hadn't really been much in terms of discussions about things. Besides the occasional underwear she found as a leftover at the washing machine.

"Soooo, now that we have been living together for a while, do you have any suggestions about the place?" A brow arched. Gwen lounging against Peter. Is she actually wanting him to say his mind? Or to say all is fine and dandy? That eyebrow can mean so many things!

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter knows that he is in dangerous territory. One misstep and...he WILL be sleeping on the ceiling.

"Honestly?" Peter shifts to look at Gwen and offers her a smile as he thinks through it. "Not really. No suggestions. It's perfectly lovely, and I don't feel like it's not at all my kind of place."
He runs his hand along her side, pondering. "Unless we wanted to set up a mantle of our accomplishments. Trophies from the villains we defeat." He chuckles. "What do you think?".

Gwen Stacy has posed:
So sus.

That's what Gwen's expression seems to say when Peter just goes on and on about how perfect everything is. Clearly he is not being truthful! Sleeping on the ceiling may not be far on the horizon. Danger danger! "I see."

The dreaded words. 'I see.' What does she see though?! Through the deception? Or does it mean she accepts it all. Such a minefield! Still, there's a little curl of the side of her mouth that might be telling she is a touch amused with it all.

"Where would we set it up? Right on the living room so my father can run into them just as he walks in?" She wonders, chuckling.

Peter Parker has posed:
While not exactly the sort of thing that would typically trigger Peter's spidey sense, Gwen's tone definitely gets the Peter tingle going. And not the good way!

"Uh, I just mean, I don't feel like we have to change anything. I like it just the way it is." He continues to idly stroke Gwen's arm as he watches the movie play across the screen, although neither are paying much attention to it.

He frowns as Gwen points out the problem with their plan. "Well, I figured it could be subtle, but you're right. Your father is too sharp and would put things together too quickly." He pauses and looks at Gwen in mild alarm. "Do you think he already knows?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A shame they aren't watching the movie. It's a great one too! Gwen won't even remember the name of it come morning. It's pretty much the usual. She just prefers to be cozy and warm against Peter, relaxed, her mane of golden hair sprayed over his shoulder and front while she is curled up on the sofa.

"If you are fine with everything then I am sure you won't mind a few of my suggestions." Beat, "I wrote a list." a list?! Not that she goes into what the list is about.

In fact she just changes the subject after. "I would know if he did.." she tells Peter with that kind of certainty that seems almost as if she has gone through that experience in the past. Which she has! It wasn't fantastic. "He's not the type to stay quiet about these things. Not like Aunt May." a faint smile. "She knows -for- sure."

That much she had learned when she spent the night at Peter's.

Peter Parker has posed:

But too late. Peter looks over at Gwen. "A list? It's your place. What do you want to do to your place that you didn't already do?" He does his best to hide the exasperation from his voice. Certainly these are not new suggestions, are they?

But there is time later to worry about the list. Peter peers at Gwen, already feeling a bit defensive. "She knows about _us_ being, you know, _us_..." His hand waves around in the air as if to try to indicate what "us" is, and utterly fails, but then as it falls down to rest against her body in a decidedly "us" appropriate place (and decidedly inappropriate if they were NOT an "us"). "But she'd worry too much if she knew I was Spider-man."