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Latest revision as of 09:57, 2 June 2023

Bother Bother Bother
Date of Scene: 27 October 2022
Location: Third Floor Workspaces
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Gabby Kinney, Lydia Dietrich, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The large, re-enforced space with crash mats is currently in use.

    For a shouting match, incidentally.

    Unfortunately it's in Lhasa, so unless you've got some magic on your own, a translating bug or you speak Lhasa, you may not understand what all the shouting's about between Nettie Crowe and her stalwart companion, Corvax. Who is trying to interrupt but isn't interested in speaking Lhasa to get into a matched shouting match.

    "GOD'S SAKES NETTIE you're off the rocker on this one! No, no I don't care what the current trends are for the little whelps --" the bird states, landing on one of the freeweights.

    "Pickles. Are Not. A Deep-Fryable Item!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
This was not an argument Gabby was expecting to come in on. Or any argument for that matter. She'd come to work out some, and perhaps socialize a bit if anyone were around to do so. Which is why she's toting along a bag of carry out food in one hand, and a six pack of cold drinks in the other. Some kind of soda in multiple fruity flavors touting to be 'good for the gut.'

Pausing she considers the couple arguing here while only able to hear half of the issue. It doesn't stop her from chiming in, "Guess we shouldn't tell you about deep fried Oreos and twinkies, then. Oh, or deep fried banana peppers."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    The door creaks open a crack, just wide enough for a fuzzy headed mutant lesbian vampire witch to poke her head through. "Hello?" she says tentatively. "Is everything alright in here? I heard shouting."

    She looks behind her when Gabby comes up and blinks owlishly at her. "Deep... fried... Oreos? I've heard about twinkies, but never Oreos." A thought occurs to her and she taps her chin thoughtfully. "I wonder if you can deep fry Fig Newtons."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "DEEP. FRIED. OREOS? WHAT ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH OR THE DEVIL'S RED HELLS ARE YOU AMERICANS EVEN ON?!" the crow asks in exasperation, his rough rising up.

    Nettie just smiles.

    "I lived in Scotland an' the American South. Good Lord if it exists and can be battered, it can be deep-fried. Deep fried Fig Newtons sound fantastic." Nettie's eyes twinkle as she plunks down. She's wearing workout gear that would look right at home in the 1980's.

    Oh, it's been a while, an' after watching a bit of a row earlier I thought to m'self I might be due to do a work-out." Nettie looks down a moment. "This still has the tag from K-Mart on it. Are they still a thing? K-Marts?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Only in urban legends," Gabby responds to Nettie on the exitence of K-Marts. But hey if it worked. "I think that's 'vintage' now. And yes, Deep Fried Oreos. And Snickers bars. Those are actually really good, they get all melty inside the batter and turn all gooey." The last is said with the enthusiasm of someone who has probably had *quite* a few.

A broad grin is offered over for Lydia who she greets by stepping forward to offer the woman a hug, if she accepts it. She already knew Nettie's feelings on the matter so doesn't offer there. "Good to see you! How are you doing, Lyds?" True to her nature though she's balancing both topics with the ease of attention only someone with multitasking skills could. "Fried fig Newtons would be kind of like a fried apple pie so it should work out."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "I think they're still a thing," Lydia says, and then grins at Gabby. "Or they're just urban myths at this point in time. All the Targets ate them." She returns Gabby's hug affectionately, and when they break she ruffle the girl's hair. "Hey there."

    She finally steps into the room, with what by all accounts a large picnic basket in tow behind her. "One of the advantages of being undead is that I don't have to work out anymore. Still have to watch what I eat, though. They might get away." She flashes a fangy grin before setting down off to the side of the wall.

    "I'm doing well. I came here to practice some circle work but it looks like Nettie has it occupied." She shakes her head, "What I want to try requires a circle larger than what I can draw in my apartment."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "That's a bit of irony there. The Targets targetting other stores..." Nettie replies, and she gives a slight grin to Gabby and Lydia. No, Nettie doesn't do the hugging thing, for everyone's own good.

    And whoever can withstand her hugs are generally arses anyway.

    "Oh, I don't usually work out. Jus' watch what I eat, not too much on the sweets, but this time of year makes it bloody hard, doesn't it? Candy, candy everywhere, fairy cakes and -- can you even eat fairy cakes now, Lydia? Can they be spelled so that they're edible? I know our Miss Kinney has no problem with them -- she's active enough for all of us." she gives a small smile. "I feel out of sorts now. Everyone's brought food, and 'ere I am, foodless."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives Lydia a stern looking over at hier assurance that she's okay. Just for a moment. But then she grins, nodding in acceptance. While part of her was still worried over everything that happened, treating her differently wasn't going to really help anyone involved. "Yeah, I used the space once for recharging my claws." A little glance to the door is given to make sure that there were no wild Ty's about to appear. Satisfied she turns back to plunk her own takeout down.

"Oh I brought enough to share if anyone wants. I wanted to try these new sodas out, too. Fruit juice sodas with actual fruit juice and other stuff. Supposed to be better for you than the others. I dunno. They smell kinda interesting." The smell thing she was still getting used to. "Anyway all I did was get some donuts myself."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    Lydia already has a deep fried Oreo halfway to her mouth when Nettie asks her about eating thing. "Oh, I can still eat stuff," she say. "I don't get anything out of it, though. I mean... it's like looking at a beautiful painting, or enjoying a good song. I can appreciate the taste, but other than that..." she finishes off with a shrug.

    She bites into the deep fried Oreo and chews thoughtfully. "Hm. Interesting. I don't think this would have been quite my thing when I was a live, though."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah yes, but I didn't bring anything to share, Miss Kinney." Nettie gives a small smile, and she accepts some of the takeaway and fruit juice soda. She gives a small 'huh', and fishes a pair of glasses from her side and puts them on, examining the ingredients list.

    "Donuts are perhaps some of the most perfect treats around. Back when I drank coffee in the fifties, I'd hang one off the side of my cup." she comments thoughtfully.

    "So you can get an appreciation for the taste and not receive the nutritional value. Interesting. Always something new to learn with vampires."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"There's different types of vampires, too," Gabby states as she plucks up one of her sodas and grins at Lydia's assessment of the fried Oreo. "Yeah it's kind of dry. It's like it needs something more or I dunno." The can is cracked open with a nice pop-hiss of released carbonation before she takes a gulp.

"I mean. My body tends to regulate the whole 'gaining unhealthy amounts of weight' thing, but I still need to work out to build muscle. Healthy doesn't necessarily mean 'prime fighting condition.'"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "Bagels," Lydia says with an air of authority. "There's nothing like some fresh baked kosher bagels with some cream cheese. I've had bagels elsewhere, but the best are in New York." She lets out a little sigh, "I still miss enjoying bagels sometimes."

    "Right," she tells Hattie. "It's more like... you know how food is /satisfying/ when you eat it? Where something inside of you goes, 'Aaaah yes, this is what I need.' I don't get that from food anymore. I get it from blood and it's at least ten times more potent than it ever was with food."

    She nods in agreement with Gabby. "Indeed. There are some bloodlines who can eat food normally. Some that can't eat at all. I don't process the food that I eat, at least in no meaningful way. I have no idea what /happens/ to it once I swallow, though. I just know that my stomach isn't very big anymore and I really can't eat that much."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "May be barking up the wrong tree with that analogy." Nettie replies to Lydia, and she worries at the top tab of the soda can a moment as she tapes it.

    "Might be the depression, or age, or maybe my tastebuds just died a bit, but haven't really been strictly enjoying food for a couple decades. I know I need it to continue on, since there'll be an upset if I don't eat." she states, and then tilts her head back.

    "But I miss Mrs. Bennington's meat pies something awful once the weather starts closing up. She's been gone more than a hundred fifty years. Could never find the recipie."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Those really attuned can feel the bang of chaos magic near the shop. Not into the shop. Charlie knows better than to teleport into the practice space directly. It might really mess someones session up or cause a spell to go extra awry if someone is sensitive to it.

    So instead a few minutes pass before the chaosmuppet makes her way through the door, pausing just inside to look around at the various folk who mostly seem to be eating or just now talking about food. Or vampirism. Is that talking about vampirism. "Sup?" peering curious at Lydia then the others. Eyes flicking towards the food and then Nettie. "... you know a 150 year gone pie chef.... how old.." and she stops herself. Shouldn't ask how old someone is. Right Charlie. Behave.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "One hundred sixty eight in about a fortnight." Nettie replies, raising her unopened soda can to Charlie.

    "Come in, dear."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What's a meat pie? I could ask dad if he might know... though I don't know how much he knows recipes to be honest," Gabby has to admit with a thoughtful little frown. "There's this guy on Youtube that makes really old recipes from the 1800's to test them out?" It's the best she can really suggest in relation to that topic.

Fishing out a powdered donut, messiest of messy donuts, she lifts to take a bite only to pause when Charlie shows up earning her free hand to wave in her direction. "Oh, hey! Want some snacks? I got fruity sodas and donuts." A sidelong glance flits toward Lydia and Nettie as she regards the pair. "I hope I don't get to that point, Nettie, but I guess I'll find out eventually."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
    "That's too bad, Nettie," Lydia says with an amount of sadness. "One should be able to enjoy food. It's one of those fundamental joys of life."

    "I think I'll head out to the study room, and work on some formulas that I've been struggling with." She flashes everybody a grin, "Take care everybody."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Be safe, Lydia." Corvax crows, and Nettie sort of just gives a confused expression to Gabby.

    "It's... a pie... with meat in it. Pork or beef mince, typically. A bit like a large, loose meatball wrapped in pie crust." Nettie explains, holding her hands apart as if she were about to blame Aliens for something.

    "Mrs. Bennington was one of the cooks at the hall when I was a small lass. Generally she'd make beef pies in the fall and pork pies for winter, with some different spices about them."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    At Gabby's question about a meatr pie she mmms "I think iti s probably like a hot pocket....?" then she ooos "Is it the gay guy who is also on tiktok making ridiclous depression era and like food from the sixties.. like saltine pie.. he is hilarious."

    I enjoy food... for one..." she waves "Bye Lydia" then looks ot hte others. "I definitely want fruity soda and donuts while Oracle isn't watching me... I may escape an extra workout this way..." she heads over with a grin.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers both the explanations of what a meat pie is while taking a sip off of her orange soda. A slow nod is given. "Kind of like... Pot pie?" That might be close. Less veggies, but at least she can wrap her mind around it. "Yeah, not really something I've had. Sounds like a British thing, sorry."

Glancing back toward Charlie she flashes a grin. "I won't tattle," she assures. "Then again I usually eat like a dumpster."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I would have imagined your healing factor consumes a lot of caloric energy, considering it's nonmagical in origin." Nettie gives a smile, and she tilts her head back. "Mmm... it's not made in a pot though, looks something like an apple pie, except filled with meat. I know a few places around here that market them. I'll have to do some investigation." she gives a wry grin. "and it's terribly Biritsh. Much like me." she states, and pops open her pop can.

    "So, who's this Oracle who watches you, Charlie?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Oooh.. was that like the thing they made in that Sweeny Todd movie?" her eyes perking up as shse really considers the whole explanation more and the fact it sounds very British.

    She moves to get a fruity soda and peer at the available donuts. "Oh, superhero mentor, she works with the Batman and also runs the whole Birds of Prey network. She taught me a lot of what I know about hero work." leaving out the part about her being batgirl too and her adopted mom really.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just gestures toward Charlie who explains Oracle far better than she could. "All I know is she provides information when we need it. Red Robin's great with the internet but she's like a master of it. Internet, city layouts, blueprints of buildings. The information network the Batfam has is pretty amazing all in all," she has to admit with a shrug as she reaches in to snag an apple cider donut. That other one was already gone and her fingers were left all sugary.

"I think I met her once or twice in passing."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Precisely like in Sweeny Todd, only more beef and less... eeeh..." Nettie comments, the Greywitch giving a soft huff of breath.

    "So, sounds like someone I should make friends with if I ever have to operate in Gotham again. I did make acquaintence of one of those Bat People. Nice young lady, gave her a lift to the top of a tower after lending a hand with some of the roughter elements."

    She then makes a face. "And I suppose I should meet The Batman himself at some point. Rather dour, isn't he?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "He is... rather..." Charlie thinks about it. "He is very serious. At pretty much all times. He also generally is concerned people might cause trouble with Gotham. Zee can make introductions though as needed, or we could probably setup a meet with Justice League and JLD..." she muses. "Batman is a good person." she tacks on.

    "Which bat person did you help... and yeah Oracle is better with computers than literally anyone..." she pulls her hoodie up and has the distinct yellow utility belt under that wonder woman hoodie. She pops the big pouch and pulls out a small square of metal and plastic that looks like a thick casette tape and flips it into the air.

    It pops and expands into a small drone that hovers. "She designed these too... good for overwatch."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney bites off bits of donut stuffing it into one side of her mouth so her cheek puffs out as she chews. The conversation is listened to but more importantly the little drone is regarded with a slow nod. "I thought Sparrow made those?" She questions, only to shrug. "Could be some other ones. I got one of hers back at base, it's got something wrong with one of the servos so it shuffles around. I gave it a little tophat."

"Eh, Batman's okay. I worked with him a few times when they needed a hand. Mostly I work with the others but it's the same city. I help where needed."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mmm, I forgot Zatanna actually lives in the city." Nettie considers a moment, and then she leans her head back. "I recall him being listed on the old rosters, on account of a few other Gotham natives mucking about. That Tim fellah, with the upstairs smarts, he's a Gotham boy, yeah?" she considers a moment, chewing on her cheek as she squints her eyes.

    "In any case, should probably invite them to tea. No one turns down a tea."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Well.. Batman might. Still it can't hurt to invite him to tea I suppose and see what he says right."

    She finally selects a maple donut and settles on the floor with her prize and soda to sip it.

    "I mean.. I think drone making is a hobby for those inclined.. I imagine everyone but me has made some with the tech on hand since I'm not electronics clever like Sparrow or Red Robin... This one is an Oracle drone tho."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just nods a bit along with the conversation considering. "He might agree to a meeting to at least get to know the new current JLD leads. I mean he already KNOWS. Just not met you yet. Or Sara. And I'll probably get glowered at for being a kid or something." It's all shrugged off though.

"I mean we are the JLD, we do have some presence. Even if it's one we're carving out ourselves at this point."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Age is just a number. Goodness knows I wasn't good enough to lead this outfit with the Responsible Adults about." Nettie cracks a joke, and she breathes out in amusement. "And I reckon I'm older than a good amount of the proper League." she adds on, splitting a plain donut with Corvax.

    "Well, helps that you have your full memories back now, Nettie. Harder ta take advantage of you when you're wholely canny."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie licks some maple frosting off her fingers and then tap taps her lap so the drone lands and folds back up compact. She tucks it away with the less sticky hand. God help her tech.

    "I imagine he would yeah, and ... uh yeah safe to say he has extensive files on .. like everyone involved. Meeting face to face is good tho."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I figure I've lived more dangerous stuff than those who started at an older age than me, anyway," Gabby reasons with a flashed grin offered to Nettie. "And as I like to point out, I'm going to be around quite awhile. I mean unless someone figures out how to unalive me in a way that stays. It usually doesn't."

Chewing more donut she seems thoughtful for a few moments before speaking up again. "Speaking of which, should probably start to look into getting back into work. So to speak."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye. You're hired. You can start eight AM tomorrow mornin' and we'll cover cleaning the steam kettles." Nettie replies on the subject of 'work'. She gives a bright grin.

    "And now I'm dreadfully curious about the information anyone hhas on me!" she cackles in a MOST witch-like manner.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "Also safe to say that he wont let you read your file." she sounds apologetic about it.

    She does look amused at the prompt hiring for cauldron cleaning that Gabby somehow walked into. She leans to peer to see if there are more donuts. I mean she saw more. But peering to count again is polite right

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks a single time as she's apparently hired to clean. "Wait, what?" Deer caught in the headlights clearly as she was surprised by that response. It's all taken in before she shrugs rather easily though. "I mean I could, but I was meaning more about looking into local happenings." Seeing Charlie eyeing the donuts again she nudges the bag closer toward the other woman with a grin.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well, that's no fun. How am I supposed to correct it if it's unaccessable?" Nettie states with a soft snort, being rather agreeable rather than shouting in Lhasa at her bird.

    "So, you're looking for other work in the more local items? Mmm. I've got a report from back home that I'm taking some fairly strong people with, BUT --" she reaches and takes out a notebook, and she thumbs through it.

    "If you're looking into local goings on, there was a dinosaur sighted at Central Park. Or a dragon. Probably a dinosaur, though. Dragons tend to be a bit problematic."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I've never met a dragon... are they really that problematic?" she considers. "I hear unicorns are assholes..."

    She considers it. Then looks to Carrie "What kind of work are you looking for locally... just spooky or criminal stuff then?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney considers the remark about the dinosaur with a solemn nod. "There's a couple things it could be if it's a dinosaur. Did I ever mention the time I got turned into a Compy? I had such nice floofy feathers, all pink and orange and yellow." She stretches her arms out to her sides as if indicating a rather round presence. "And, you know, the claws and teeth." With that she states, "I'll look into it."

A grin is cast toward Charlie with her head shaking. "I do a bit of everything, but I'm trying to at least focus a bit on the JLD since I did say I'd help run things. And right now I've not run into any other potential recruits to drum up. Though," pausing she turns back toward Nettie. "I did mean to ask you about Mercy. She's helped us before and is on the roster, but has kind of an anti-magic sphere around her naturally. She wasn't sure how that'd effect this place so wanted to talk to you about it before just charging in."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well, the two I've met immediately tried to eat me, so I'm two for two on the 'yes, problematic' side of things." Nettie replies to Charlie, though it's debatable on if she's telling the truth or not, the way the old witch is smiling.

    "And I've not heard about this business of being a compy. Compy? Compy." Nettie gives a soft hum. and she gives a toothy smile. "Wonder what I would have been turned into, probably something odd. I remember when they thought Maiasaurs were these hippo-like behemoths. My father dined inside one at the Crystal Garden." she explains, and she then leans back, and she gives a soft hum.

    "Unfortunately, magic and antimagic don't tend to get on well. I'd be happy to see what we can do to get her in and comfortable, but it might grate on the Candle itself." she gives a small smile, and pats the wall behind her.

    "She can be a bit ornery. Like most of us."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    Charlie nibbles away at another donut, having plucked it from the offered bag now. She considers them both. Is Nettie pulling her leg about dragons. So hard to say. She notes noting was said about unicorns being assholes though.. that is filed away.

    "Ooh that would suck if it hurt the shop..." she notes stating the obvious. "What is a compy?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Compysaurus. Kind of like a raptor, but smaller and usually roamed in packs to hunt. Apparently very feathered," Gabby explains with a grin. "It was an interesting time."She pushes up to her feet to stretch, rocking up onto the balls of her feet. "All right. We can talk to her then. I'm gonna head out for now and run around some."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ah, well then, in the tongue of your former people, Skree, young Miss Kinney." Nettie gives a smile, and she looks to Charlie.

    "Not much can hurt the shop. This building is strong. Has to be. It's my home."