Nettie Crowe
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Nettie Crowe (Scenesys ID: 2314) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Annette Victoria Crowe | ||
Superalias: | The Greywitch | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Homo magi/Human | ||
Occupation: | Witch, shop owner | ||
Citizenship: | British | ||
Residence: | New York City, NY | ||
Education: | Private, Mystic | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 30s | Actual Age: | 167 |
Date of Birth | 15 Nov 1854 | Played By | Tuppence Middleton |
Height: | 5'3 | Weight: | 128 |
Hair Color: | Silver-grey | Eye Color: | Aquamarine |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | "Crowes" Keith Wallen |
Character Info
If at first you mistake her for an advante garde young Neo-Pagan, no one would blame you. Annette 'Nettie' Crowe is a friendly and outgoing woman who seems wise beyond her years, working on blending teas in a new age store called 'Candle, Booke & Belle' and occasionally does tarot readings or advise patrons on items. Most don't suspect that the youthful appearance is connected to tragedy in Victorian England! Mystical, magical, and haunted by the years spent between fighting the Good Fight and dreadful isolation, Nettie always lends a friendly ear at least -- or a powerful ally in the magical arts if needed.
* 1854: Born at Stonecrow Hall, Lincolnshire, England to Harrison and Mabel Crowe, fourth child
following the eldest sister Ellen and brothers Richard and William. She was followed by another boy
three years later, Albert.
* 1860: Began tutilage under her maternal uncle, Johnathan Brone, in
magic. Both families, Brones and Crowes were mixed heritage mages. Nettie was unusually talented at
a young age and required additional training after accidentally enchanting a large spoon to run amok
around the house to her delight and the maids' collective horror.
* 1862: Nettie summoned a
familiar spirit, Corvax, in the shape of a crow. She continues to enjoy all the fineries of being a
noble lady in the Victorian era otherwise and enjoys riding horses and reading popular adventure
1865: An argument between the Crowe family and the church breaks out over a land
boundary. Ellen, at the age of seventeen, is wed to a wealthy Londoner.
* 1868: Ellen, her
husband, and their young child murdered. An attempt to lay her to rest in the family crypt is
waylaid by a church official to claims she had converted in London and wishes to be laid to rest
elsewhere; Nettie and Albert steal their elder sister's skull. Nettie attempts to contact her
sister, trading the color of her hair for information. She can only grow gray hair from that moment
on. The ritual goes wrong and requires her father and uncle to step in.
* 1870: The family is
betrayed; a group of witch-hunters with new weaponry and powerful magics attempt to end the family.
Nettie escapes with Root Brown and her brother Albert. The two travel first to London, then board a
ship bound for Italy.
* 1874: The siblings relocate to India. Albert has noticed that his sister
has stopped aging. The pair start a small shipping business in India.
* 1888: Albert marries,
and gives up a life of magic, preferring the much more quiet and safer life of business. Nettie
continues to travel and collect items and knowledge to return to her brother.
* 1895: Nettie
moves to Tibet, and keeps corrospondence with her brother as his wife had noticed his 'younger
sister' retained such youthful looks.
* 1905: Nettie moves to Ireland, after friends in Tibet
noticed she did not age and were beginning to suspect something was wrong.
* 1914: Nettie aids
British troops first as a nurse, and then as a messenger. An officer jokes she must fly on a broom
and calls her the Grey Witch. She flies important missives over the German blockade of Britain --
indeed, on a broom.
* 1917: Nettie has a brief fascination with the Americans arriving to
battle. She carries some messages for General Pershing before returning to the front lines.
1920: Nettie retires back to Lincolnshire after learning of her brother's passing. She runs a tea
house and small inn near the ruins of her birth home, keeping remaining dividends from her part in
the Crowe Shipping company.
* 1930: Nettie moves to Japan after selling her tea house.
1937: Nettie smuggles herself out of Japan, making strikes against the Japanese in aid of the
Chinese in the Sino-Japanese war leading up to involvement in WWII's Pacific Theatre.
* 1942:
Nettie quietly helps Allied troops in the German theater, acting as a translator. She finds her
youngest nephew is a POW enroute to a camp, and halts the train. She is recognized by an older
veteran as The Greywitch, and immediately leaves the area, returning behind allied lines to join the
American WAC's and aid as a nurse.
* 1955: Nettie travels the world, gaining knowledge and
studying folklore. She enrolls in Oxford as a student of folklore and languages in celebration of
her hundredth birthday.
* 1967: Nettie remains receiving dividends from the Crowe Shipping, now
routed as 'care of familial cemetary plot' funds. She moves to Los Angeles and enjoys the New Age
Movement of North America. She joins in the protest of the Vietnam War.
* 1985: Nettie moves
back to England, settling in London's punk scene, and avows to fighting the growing Neo-Nazi
movement. She's beaned
* 1994: Nettie rents a cottage in Ireland. She misses the entire 90's Boy Band music outfit.
* 2007: Nettie enrolls in a local community college for New Age studies and gains an interest in
blending teas.
2017: Nettie moves to New York City and enmeshes herself with groups of New
Agers. She loves the energy.
* 2020: Nettie starts the 'Candle, Booke & Belle' shop, arranging
for shipments from the Crowe Shipping company and selling a variety of new age and spiritual items
and running a nice, quiet little tea shop. She has an apartment below the shop that she uses as a
base of operations for continued learning.
IC Journal
Don't try to BS her. She might be an old soul, but Nettie doesn't have patience for liars,
cheaters, or racists. She's had to overcome her own outdated ideas through her travels, and expects
those who work closely with her to be open to others as she is; she is definitely fighting on the
side of meta-humans and powered people everywhere.
Old Soul:
Patience is a virtue that is best learned over time, and Nettie has had pleanty of time to
practice it. She's a bit old fashioned, hardly ever has the right lingo or slang on purpose, and has
let people blow their bluster completely out while working at her various positions through the
years. She's somewhat unflapable; there's always something that might surprise her, but she faces it
head-on and with temperance. She's gracious with gifts (both giving and receiving) and has a love of
working with others.
One hundred and sixty years of activity (minus a few years here and there for R&R) is bound to
either leave you dismissive and jaded or somewhat perky and jaded. Nettie is perky, generally happy
and enjoys company. She'll happily let people go on and talk about themselves over a cuppa tea and
some biscuits, draw out a conversation of a young student just getting into herbalism, listen to the
passion of a tattoo artist and happily make talk with small children and old folks alike. She has
spent so many years on her own, while traveling, that feeling a connection with people becomes
slightly difficult, and while she can be described as 'aloof' at times, she is generally an
extrovert with a good ear.
Character Sheet
Nettie is ageless. Her body remains that of someone in their late teens or early twenties, her hair and nails still grow (although she had given the color of her hair as a sacrifice, it grows in old lady gray). She is not immune to damage, and can be killed by most other means. She could be recognized from old images and photographs.
Blood Pact:
The creation of a blood pact is a serious matter and isn't for the petty dabbler. Creating a blood pact ties the user temporarily to Nettie for an agreed upon period of time most commonly to 13 days, max length of time is one hundred years, which requires a substantial amount of blood and a ceremony of many days) wherein the pact holder will be able to use magic to augment a physical ability -- strength, speed, physical looks, etc OR perform magic to be used on them for teleportation or summoning as if they were a familiar spirit, telepathy through the crystal ball, Nettie's Telegraphic Memory spell, or detailed divination. The pact requires several ounces of blood from the requester (or two pints for long-term pacts), a crystalizing agent and a blend of herbs and resins which must be burned at the time of the finalization of the pact. The more powerful the augmentation, the shorter the pact lasts. Upon fulfillment of the pact, the parchment that the pact is detailed on is rendered to ash.
Crystal Ball:
Useful for those times when you just can't pick up the phone. Nettie can create small crystal balls for others to contact her with, but to connect to others through her crystal ball she needs to have a small cotton cloth with a little blood on it to connect to the ball via ritual.
Using tarot cards as a focus, Nettie Crowe is able to get little, mysterious glimpses into the future or past of a person, place or object. Sometimes the cards get sassy and go awry. Having an active Blood Pact with Nettie enables her to track locations, well-being and immediate future.
Nettie, with the limitations and requirements listed below, is able to perform the following without Ritual spell work unless noted:
* Flight: Requires Besom (Witch's Broom). Her normal means of light travel. Hand-made broom with ash handle and hand-gathered broomcorn, bound with willow. Max speed is 300mph (better hold on tight).
* Telekinesis: Requires wand; Nettie can focus magic through the wand to perform telekinesis and move inanimate objects.
* Transmutation: Requires wand; Nettie can change natural materials colors and cuts. Synthetic fibers or highly worked metals are beyond her ability.
*Teleportation: With a complicated ritual circle composed of chalk in place with specialized sigils for location, Nettie is able to teleport up to two people including herself to a location. It is very taxing to do, and there is always a chance of a wrong location. The further the distance, the larger and more detailed a circle is required and the greater risk of getting it wrong. Having Corvax present at the destination enables accuracy but the regular ritual circle must still be done.
* Elemental Manipulation: Requires wand. Nettie is able to telepathically manipulate elements, though she is most comfortable with water, turning it to ice or vapor. She can create a fireball from her wand (or a small burst to light a candle), shift earth and rock in three foot sections and change the local temperature of the air by +/- 10 degrees C.
* Familiar Summoning: Nettie can summon Corvax, an unremarkable crow who has human intelligence and the ability to speak.
* Telegraphic Memory: Though true telepathy is beyond her and she cannot receive any information back, Nettie is able to send memories to select individuals (bound by blood pact).
When it comes to knowing your eye of newt (aka mustard seed) from your eye of newt (actually harvest oculars from amphibians), Nettie is your girl. Not only does she stock hard-to-find items from around the world in the Candle, Booke & Belle Shoppe, but she keeps some rare items on hand for the use of the defenders of her area for spellwork. Graveyard dust gathered from historic chapels? How about dried lotus petals touched by a daeva? Fertilised Red Mantis Eggs are kept on dry ice, and if you really, really ask nicely, she can get other materials, ethically sourced, for a price. Nettie not only knows what she has on hand at any time, but also how to use it.
Nettie studied folklore, mythology and language at Oxford. She is familiar with world folklore from her many travels, magical practices and ritual work. She also runs a New Age store where people seek her out for such knowledges.
Nettie picked up folk guitar in the late 60's, but is wise enough to not pick up and play at a party.
Local Parlance:
Nettie picks up languages easily, and is able to speak English, French, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Bangledeshi, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Lhasa (Central Tibetan).
Occult Knowledge:
Nettie has amassed a small collection of occult books, scrolls and items and uses them as reference materials. She may not have the widest breadth of collection, but what she does have she guards jealously.
The Crowe family had always prided themselves in teaching the occult to pupils who proved canny enough to handle a whole new world thrust upon their shoulders, even excluding members of their own family if they did not show the spark. Nettie is skilled in imparting occult knowledge, education and assembling materials to help others should they prove worthy pupils. She does, in fact, enjoy it -- provided they can withstand the nightmares of being close to her for extended periods of time.
Tea Blending:
It takes a master to blend the perfect tea. She has deep, intimate knowledge of dried herbs to blend for medicinal and magical effects, whether it's lemongrass and ginger with mint and green tea to sooth morning sickness or something like a vanilla cinnamon red tea blend for energy and pep, she's your girl if you want a specialized cuppa tea.
Candle, Booke & Belle:
A New-Age catchall and tea shop in New York City. Whether you're looking for a custom tea, smudging materials and apothecary herbs, resins for your inscense burner or a really cool new hooded cloak, you may be able to find it at the Candle, Booke & Belle. There is occasionally poetry readings and ritual workshops hosted here.
Corvax and Torny:
Corvax and Torny are familiars of Nettie's. Corvax appears as a British Carrion Crow, and Torny as a black-and-gray Hooded Crow and can often be seen around Nettie's shop, riding on her shoulder, or pestering those around her. These familiar spirits can be summoned with a thought and dismissed as easily, and act as spare eyes, spies, advisors and messengers for the witch.
Corvax is part of Nettie's connection to the Plane of the Living, and has a permanent blood pact with Nettie, bound to the seals on her back. He is her original familiar spirit and was summoned by Nettie as a child, and formed from a crow she had raised from an egg and fed on the entrails of a hanged man.
Torny is a former Reaver (anti-mutant militant) and has been pressed more recently into Nettie's service as a method of getting a second chance to attone for cruelties. Torny wears a small bag around his neck and cannot operate further than eight hundred feet from the witch. He also has a blood pact, which enables Nettie to keep him alive in spite of any injuries.
Both Corvax and Torny can speak any tongue Nettie can speak, and additionally can converse with other corvids (limited by normal corvid intellect). Nettie can communicate with both crows through clairvoyance using a crystal ball to see through their eyes.
Crowe Shipping Company:
Founded by her brother Albert in 1874, there is a percentage-based dividend that is deposited for the upkeep of familial lands, buried deep in the continued paperwork. The dividend pays for the Candle, Booke & Belle shop building and the basement apartment below.
Blood Magic:
To work powerful magic for others (like teleporting them places, accessing telepathy through her crystal ball, affecting physical features like glamours or atributes for strength), Nettie requires the blood of the requester. She prefers hygenic means, and stores the blood on a white cloth with the 'donor's' name on it, but in a pinch...
Nettie can also use her own blood to augment her spellwork and her connection with Root Brown requires a monthly sacrifice of blood.
Book, Candle, Bell:
Annette Crowe is reliant on multiple foci in order to work spells and 'charges' her on-the-fly magic with rituals performed on a weekly or monthly basis. If she cannot perform the rituals to charge her materials, they weaken and eventually break.
Familiar Spirit:
Should Corvax be targeted, damage is passed on and sympathized to Nettie. It probably won't kill her, but she's going to feel a broken wing, a gunshot, or being hit by cars. Corvax takes two weeks to regenerate in which Nettie has severe flu-like symptoms, headaches and severe mood-swings as her own body recovers from magical trauma and requires a blood sacrifice and another avian body. Regardless of which bird is used as sacrifice, Corvax comes back as a crow.
Touched By Death:
Nettie's daring dabble to try and discover her sister's murderer cost her more than the color of her hair. Unable to age physically she has no permenant home and finds deep and true friendships hard to come by as she tries to hide her inability to age. Sleuths would be able to find her in pictures from various protests, older heroes or those who participated in the Great War or WWII may recognize her distinct gray hair and voice as Greywitch.
Additionally, those who can sense magical ability sense that she is surrounded by darkness. Most animals do not like being near her for very long except for those associated with death, disease, and darkness. Extended physical contact may cause awful nightmares and visions of death.
She has several sigils tattooed into her back that keep her anchoed to the world of the living, thanks to her father and uncle's work.
Removal of the sigils would unachor her from the world of the living and cause her to pass between Death and Life, most likely ending up in some version of Hell. You don't live so long and not cast a few long shadows, after all...
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Nettie Crowe has
195 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
The Three Mice That See | March 12th, 2024 | The Three Mice that see conspire with how to rig the third round of the game in Frank's Favor. |
Central Park In Spring | March 9th, 2024 | A nice March day brings people out to enjoy the sun in Central Park. |
To The Candle! | February 25th, 2024 | Surprise gathering at the Candle |
Bad Moon Rising | February 24th, 2024 | Luca, Blue, Frank and Nettie save thousands of lives by breaking the curse of the lich. |
Here Comes the Son | February 23rd, 2024 | Josh arrives to talk with his adopted mom about returning from the UK, and the difficulties with extended family. Sara and Josh have a spat. Torney is not going to die, but is high as a kite. |
Witches and Weirdos | February 15th, 2024 | When Johnny Blaze and Lydia Dietrich start talking writing books, their biggest fan is pouring whiskey and promising to carry them in her shop. Nettie and Lydia talk relationships. |
JLD Book Club III: The Widow's Wailing | February 11th, 2024 | In a barrow in Scotland, Belinda Gutierrez, Richard Stadler, Zatanna Zatara and Daniel Ketch -- with Frank Noble (GRENADE MAN!) - save the widows, enter the barrow, take the book THe Widow's Wail, and escape with their hearing intact. |
The Blackbriar Rescue | February 9th, 2024 | A mission to rescue a tank crew in 1944 runs astray, and we don't mean Bucky trying to flirt with Nettie. |
Where in the World was Belinda Gutierrez | February 3rd, 2024 | Richard Stadler is given the choice between Truth and Lies, and joins the Justice League Dark thus becoming the single most responsible human being in the Candle, Booke and Belle. |
JLD Book Club II: Frostbound Manuscript | February 1st, 2024 | Zatanna Zatara, Nettie Crowe, Marie-Ange Colbert, Lydia Dietrich and Belinda Gutierrez recover the Frostbound Manuscript. Nettie is almost eaten by a squid |
To Kiss a Frog | January 31st, 2024 | Who knew that one kiss would end with three heroes saving the Frogling Kingdom? |
Jogging Memories | January 30th, 2024 | Ted and Nettie go jogging and meet a not so scary thug. |
Fledging Out | January 30th, 2024 | Joshua Foley-Crowe has decided to head to Oxford, to take up on their spring semester. He shares a farewell with his adopted mother, Nettie Crowe. |
Drink with Me | January 21st, 2024 | So a witch, a reality traveler, the Winter Soldier, and Damian Wayne walk into a bar... |
JLD Book Club I: Codex Sanguinus | January 19th, 2024 | The first Book Club meeting takes the Codex Sanguinus from a dance club/auction house. Patience and Daniel Ketch's Spirit of Vengence discuss the qualities of apologies |
Northern Seas | January 9th, 2024 | Unfinished |
Formation at Hell Creek | January 5th, 2024 | On the tail of whomever threw a brick into the Candle, Booke & Belle shop, Nettie and Kelly employ Lydia, Josh, Audra and Jason Blood to try and find the first link to Kelly Praetor's transformation.
There is a ghost dinosaur. |
Sword and Paper | January 2nd, 2024 | Nettie is brushing up on her longsword skills when Joshua Foley makes his way to deliver holiday presents to his adoptive mom -- including the paperwork to make it official |
A new case for the chimp | December 28th, 2023 | Info is gathered but the client disapears |
Visions of Sugar Plums | December 23rd, 2023 | Nettie visits Patience's home and the two share conversation while making winter holiday treats. Also: Peppermint schnapps makes an appearance. |
Another Day at the Gym | December 14th, 2023 | Wildcat picks up new students and meets an old friend. |
Something in the Air | December 14th, 2023 | Kelly and Billy meet at the Candle. There are cookies. Billy Kaplan eats himself and Kelly PRaetor gets an invitation to the Justice League Dark |
Visits with Mum | December 9th, 2023 | Josh drops off Christmas Presents at the Candle. Nettie and Josh argue about who is the most gift-ed of the two of them softly. Everyone cries. |
Goose 3: Fowl Happenstance | November 18th, 2023 | When the Candle Booke and Belle gets wrecked, it's up to a small cadre of interested personalities to determine where the owner has vanished to |
Goose 3: Demogorgoose in Hell | November 18th, 2023 | The Thrilling Final Chapter in the Demon Most Waterfowl trilogy. No more gooses |
Shazam When the Walls Fell | November 15th, 2023 | Shazam gets advice from Nettieand an old friend! |
Happy Birthday Nettie! | November 15th, 2023 | Nettie was surprised (not really) by Joshua, Sara, Talia and Clark Kent for her birthday. Gifts were given, she got a cupcake of her very own, and tea was sipped. |
Danse Con Gabbe | November 3rd, 2023 | Gabby introduces Damian to Nettie, Damian introduces Gabby to Talia. |
Justice League Dark - Pumpkin Party | November 2nd, 2023 | Pumpkin Party! |
Sessions with Nettie | October 23rd, 2023 | Billy Kaplan 1. Does not like Tea. 2. Bears the burden of leadership and 3. Is kind of weirded out by Nettie's robotic cat |
A Roof With a DOOM! | October 18th, 2023 | DOOM comes to the Candle, Booke and Belle's roof when a cameo broach calls to be returned to its owner after an eighty year separation. Nettie finds out she's part of Latveria's lore and that her wife has a statue and is gonna get a park. |
Reavers: Epilogue | October 16th, 2023 | Nettie seals the deal with Donald Pierce. |
Reavers: Assault on Cooterman's Creek | October 15th, 2023 | This is it! Nettie leads a mixed-team attack on the Reaver's base in Australia. The Reavers are stopped, Gateway is freed and the contract of Joshua is voided. |
Reavers: A Call for Help | October 12th, 2023 | When Nettie researches the Reavers mode of transport, an unexpected guest invites her and her companions to see where the Reavers have taken root. |
Sorry about your book, Nettie! | October 9th, 2023 | After talking to Gabby, Joshua comes across his adopted mother who attempts to soothe him while making plans to deal with the threat to Joshua once and for all. |
Reavers: Interrogation | October 9th, 2023 | In the aftermath of the ambush on Joshua, Nettie comes to collect information and vengeance for her adopted son. Unfortunately for Skullbuster, he's the only one available for information. |
A Most Screaming Book | October 7th, 2023 | Bucky Barnes brings Nettie a weirdly warded book. |
Tea Wrecks | October 6th, 2023 | #$&^ the Bad Vibes, Joshua |
Beneath the Pond II: Rise of Goosifer | October 1st, 2023 | When Goosifer, a demon most fowl, rises from the deep to avenge Beetlegoose whose death in the spring brought Tommy Shepherd and Belinda Gutierrez into the JLD fold, the JLD responds. Nettie leads Pixie, Elixer, and Hellboy into battle, with Richard Stadler and Richard Swift (The Shade) accompanying their battle. |
And All the Snacks We Couldn't Eat | September 27th, 2023 | Post D&D Discussion with Josh Foley |
D & D at the Candle | September 26th, 2023 | Nettie runs a D&D Scene. It is ridiculous. |
Free Hugs | September 22nd, 2023 | Billy tests some boundaries, and fails. Irie sleeps through Mr. Sardonicus |
Meetings Anew | September 20th, 2023 | Meetings in the Candle's Lounge |
Books and Booze | September 18th, 2023 | Joshua, Nettie, Patience and Charlie. Someone's in 1980's workout gear. |
Supply Run...again | September 13th, 2023 | Billy and Mike swing by Nettie's shop in time to get Nettie out of a tight spot. Drinks are had and secrets shared. |
Flock of Crowes | September 10th, 2023 | Joshua and Nettie talkin' on the rooftop |
Meeting Magics | September 8th, 2023 | Nettie orders a bunch of take out for some visiting members of the Shazamly |
No Chickening Out | September 7th, 2023 | When Joshua Foley, hot on the heels of becomming a chicken via a curse from ancient Greek spellcasters, needs to be cleared before returning to work, Nettie Crowe and Billy Kaplan come to the rescue. |
An Impromptu Humani-Tea | September 5th, 2023 | Mina Murray's first encounter with Justice League Dark members Nettie Crowe and Josh Foley at the Candle, Booke and Belle. Nettie offers her friendship and services to another lady quite out of her time. |
Conjures & Caffination | September 3rd, 2023 | Bucky stops into the Candle, Booke & Belle to reaquaint himself with an old nurse. |
And The Old Folks say... | September 2nd, 2023 | Nettie and Bucky recount the Good Old Days. It's covered that Bucky was the partial cause of The Tank Incident. |
The Stray Katz's Strut | September 1st, 2023 | Joshua is saved from a beating by Nettie and is offered a job. THE CROW TALKS. |
When Pigs Fly | September 1st, 2023 | The End of the Three Part Bridle Microplot. Pigs fly. Athens gets Bacon-Bitted, Shazam claims the Bridle of Athena for Team Good Guys, Audra learns that Science can out-perform necromancy, Joshua experiences his second existential crisis of the day, and James 'Bucky' Barnes bumps into an Old Friend. |
Thunder, Moon, and Lightning | August 31st, 2023 | Social: Meeting with Billy and Billy! The B-Team is (semi) officially formed. Also, moon rocks! |
The Saddle in the Sea | August 30th, 2023 | Investigation turns up the identity of the former head of the village, and what Estelle was after. |
As the Crowe Flies and Portals. | August 29th, 2023 | Billy and his brain trust help Nettie with some grafiti. |
The Reins in Spain | August 28th, 2023 | When the Justice League Dark arrives to look out for what's causing accidents and one death among the team at an archaeological dig, they find Estelle Badillo, the assistant professor, has a bag of mummified snake heads and is after what appears to be a bridle for a horse! Now what could possibly connect those? |
The Fastest Rebound Alive!! | August 18th, 2023 | Nettie had questions but Billy has few answers. |
A Long Dark Teatime of the Soul | August 18th, 2023 | Nettie pwns Shazam and Pixie when things turn heated. |
Carcinization in the Boardwalk | August 16th, 2023 | When giant crabs come out to play, the JLD chases them away!
(It's Gabby's fault) |
Lightning Strikes! | August 16th, 2023 | All Our Rocks are JLD! |
Super Tea | August 12th, 2023 | Jon Kent comes to Nettie to spill some tea. Belinda joins in the fun. |
Justice League-Dark: Beach Night | August 4th, 2023 | The Justice League Dark's beach mixer is interrupted by sirens with a hunger for the flesh of humans -- or cool ranch Doritos. |
I Want My MTV | July 31st, 2023 | Hellboy installs a TV in a place that technically isn't his. |
A Time for Punching | July 30th, 2023 | On a particularly obnoxiously hot afternoon, Nettie determines that a movie is in order and closes the Candle for business. Taking two of her adopted 'grandkids' to the movies results in the severe beating and subsequent pantsing of a number of racists deciding to intimidate the East Village neighborhood theaterscene. |
A Patience for Tea | July 29th, 2023 | When the Magdalena wants tea, Nettie's happy to provide. |
A Crow's Revival | July 21st, 2023 | Lesson in Necromancy and 'why you shouldn't do it' goes... actually horrifically well. There's tea and cakes and a crow's return. |
Accidental Sendoffs and Missing Wallets | July 19th, 2023 | With a wallet stolen by an incidental interloper, argument breaks out and some poor drug dealers are transported to Tahiti. |
Into the Mountains II: Quell the Riot | July 18th, 2023 | Rescuers from the Shazamly, Justice League Dark, and a notable Spirit of the Eagle help keep Pookie, a gemstone-formed snow leopard and guardian spirit of a mountain in the Himalayas, from a military's grasp. |
Consulting A Witch | July 17th, 2023 | Superboy consults the Justice League Dark on how to banish an evil imp back to the Fifth Dimension. Vampires, and werewolves, and witches, oh my! |
Get In Loser, We're Going Shopping | July 14th, 2023 | Tommy visits Nettie at her shop for some birthday gifts. Instead he leaves with ideas. |
Into the Mountains: Introduction | July 12th, 2023 | A group of Shazamly members, JLD and an adventurer head out to the Himalayas, where everything goes South very, very quickly |
This is how the Flaxans have their pic-nic | July 8th, 2023 | Douglas, Caitlin, Mark and Nettie stop a Flaxan incursion! |
Commiseration and Tea | July 6th, 2023 | Billy comes for consolation and tea. Mary joins in looking for herbal tea. Nettie provides all. |
Nettie's Tea: the Development | July 4th, 2023 | Gabby, Belinda and Nettie decorate the Candle, Booke and Belle for the Treasonous Colonial Day |
The Town of No Escape | July 4th, 2023 | Gabby, Nettie and Superboy go out to Three Brook, Nebraska to investigate why the town lost contact three days prior and people have been going missing. They encounter a trio of Skinwalkers, and find the survivors being kept safe in a nearby cave by a pair of friendly Sasquatch. |
The New Old Guy | July 2nd, 2023 | Gabby invites Hellboy to the shop to meet up with Nettie. Tynan arrives with her new mercenary friend. Small talk ensues over what's going down on the magical side of town. |
Dicy Times | July 1st, 2023 | Nettie and Tynan have a brief discussion. Mari does not beleive in magic. Faints when she realizes the crow is talking. |
Case 19960233 - Surrey - Victim | June 27th, 2023 | Jinx goes to Nettie to identify who her parents murdered. She gets more than she expected. |
Nettie's Tea: Investigate the Scene of the Crime | June 26th, 2023 | Detective Chimp pays a visit to the Bulwark Nursing Home to investigate Dorothy's room. |
Nettie's Tea: Hitting the Books | June 23rd, 2023 | With the revelation that the poppet sent to dispatch and collect Dorothy Bell's soul was created and engaged by Albert Crowe, Nettie's younger brother who's supposed to not only be dead but also disavowed magic entirely, it's time to do some old fashioned research into how to steal an identity, magically. |
Nettie's Tea: Damned Doll | June 20th, 2023 | When Nettie hosts a dissection of a demonic doll, Talia, Belinda and Patience show up for the show. EVERYONE gets a bit more than they bargained for when the sigil that shows at the end of the imp doll going 'POP' belonged to Albert Crowe -- the younger brother of Nettie Crow -- who passed from the world more than a hundred years ago! |
House Warding | June 18th, 2023 | Ty invites Lydia and Nettie to her safehouse to get it warded up against evil magical threats. Ty learns a bit more about the differences of magics, history of Nettie, and about different schools of magics. |
Nettie's Tea: Bulwark Nursing Home | June 18th, 2023 | After Talia and Nettie attended to the bedside of one of Nettie's former students, the 101-year-old Dorothy |
After Necromancer Pizza | June 10th, 2023 | Gabby gets pizza delivered to the tea shop. Nettie is recovering from the encounter with the necromancer Kulan Gath. Detective Chimp and Tynan are brought up to date with current events. |
The Cruelty of Kulan Gath | June 9th, 2023 | The Justice League Dark and the Sorcerorors Supreme face Kulan Gath in an underground castle. |
Quarantined Franklin! | June 8th, 2023 | Shazam's secret crush is exposed, but the day is saved by Nettie and her Crystal ball. |
Pesky Plundering Pixies | June 6th, 2023 | The Young Pixies plundered and got taught a valuable lesson, learn the rules of the realms! |
The Serious Discussion | June 6th, 2023 | After inviting Namor, King of Abslantis for tea, Gabby has to answer to the Witch of the Candle, Booke and Belle for misdeeds. Nettie holds Gabby accountable like an adult. |
Tea and Sea | June 5th, 2023 | Gabby invites Namor to tea. Corvax freaks out. A bit of conversation is had and future meetings are arranged. |
And The Word is... SHAZAM! | June 1st, 2023 | Billy Batson comes to visit Nettie Crowe to get a second opinion on an injury from a curse. Billy's clear to return to duty. |
Cheery Ol' London: Part One | May 31st, 2023 | The Charity Covention is a knock out...but something always mucks up a good time. Like crazy possessed people! |
JLD: Alpine Rescue | May 25th, 2023 | Talia al Ghul, Tynan Ireton and Belinda Guitierrez save a missing PhD student who was kidnapped by fire elementals in the Cascade Mountains. |
Books Candles Bells and Wolves | May 24th, 2023 | A Conversation between Nettie and Belinda. Belinda is officially unofficially hired as shop help for the Candle Booke and Belle |
The Dustless Library | May 20th, 2023 | When an archeological team goes missing, someone who Nettie Crowe 'owes a drop of blood' to goes missing with them. Nettie calls up Daniel Ketch and Jinx to lend a hand. Things go a little sideways when Selene Gallio, an actual Death Goddess shows up. The group rescues the archaeologists, destroys the Dustless Library and its guardians, and saves everyone! |
Bryant Park Weirdness | May 7th, 2023 | A lesson on magic goes a bit awry in Bryant Park, NYC when a shapeshifter shows up.
Megan is not allowed to have aliens as familiars. |
A Contest of Tragic Consequence | May 5th, 2023 | So a Crow, a Raven and a Romance Author walk into a lounge... |
Justice League Dark: The Pool Party | April 29th, 2023 | A Mixer in a Hotel Pool. So fancy. |
The Terrible Life Lessons of Nettie Crowe | April 26th, 2023 | Nettie and Talia have a frank discussion about regrets and terrorism. |
Black Sheep's Tongue | April 15th, 2023 | When asked to retrieve the previous holder of the Book of the Black Lamb's Tongue, Gabby Kinney, Robbie Reyes and Daniel Ketch have their work cut out for them, at an abandoned chemical factory -- where else? In Gotham City. |
A Witch, a Mercenary, and a Thief Meet in a Magic shop | April 6th, 2023 | Lang sees Tynan walk into the Candle. Lang meets one of the Leaders of the Justice League Dark, and finds out that Ty is a member of the League. He also finds a Monkey that doesn't like him. |
Something Stinks in Caerbannog | April 1st, 2023 | Talia al Ghul, Gabby Kinney, Tommy Shepherd and Robbie Reyes, under the auspices of Nettie Crowe, help to clear an ancient evil from Caerbannog -- while turned into rabbits, they fight zombie knights and Tom the Necromancer (cousin to Tim the Enchanter). Graham Chapman is returned to Heaven at the end of the scene, thanks to Tommy adjusting particles, Gabby stealing a tongue, the Ghost Rabbit (Rabbit Reyes) setting things on fire and wrecking things with Chains, and Talia being a suitably dangerous distraction for a great number of Knights who don't like... Ni. |
Downtime and Spring Cleaning | March 27th, 2023 | Spring Cleaning at the Candle, Booke, and Belle! Evil books found, sans owners. |
So A wolf walks into a tea bar... | March 25th, 2023 | A Wolf walks into a tea bar, and there's conversation, motor parts, and ships passing in the night. |
The Dreaded Beneath the Pond | March 12th, 2023 | Row-ho, row-ho, row with weapons loosed,
The incidental crewmen did in the devil goose Row-ho, row-ho, before the smell sinks in Tommy Shepherd exploded the demon cobra chicken! |
A Hulking Tea Party | March 5th, 2023 | When THE HULK comes to the Candle, Booke and Belle, Nettie has to serve tea in a proper container. Mike-in-Hulk has a conversation, and once brought down to size the two discuss the perils of magical pants. Nettie does *not* want control of the whole Justice League, and Mike and Nettie toast to friendship |
In the Crowe's Nest | February 8th, 2023 | No description |
Atlantean Awakening part II | February 6th, 2023 | Nerissa awakens to find Ariah keeping vigil over her. Ariah calls in Nettie and the three discuss the Atlantean's future with... a snag or two. |
Rainy Nights at the Candle | January 31st, 2023 | No description |
Mindless Ones in Bludhaven | January 27th, 2023 | Rampaging Mindless Ones are met in the middle of the worst part of Gotham by Nettie and Meggan's Dark Dimension Busters! Proper teamup name to be determined. |
Dance Magic Shin-Dig Gig | January 22nd, 2023 | No description |
Old New Faces | January 19th, 2023 | Gabby, Nettie, and Talia meet the Sorcerer Supreme who is doing some shopping. A few bad memories are brought up. Tea is had, all ends well. |
Mystic Fair | January 15th, 2023 | The Mystic Faire and some tarot readings by Nettie. |
Ghosts in the Candle | January 10th, 2023 | Robbie Reyes decides to make a visit to the Candle, Booke and Belle to introduce himself to the oldest member of the JLD leadership. Nettie is very pleased to meet him.
Corvax? Eeeeh.... |
Justice League Dark: Yuletide | January 1st, 2023 | = The Justice League Dark is alerted to a large dark energy growing in the North of France during Yuletide. Gabby Kinney, Talia al Ghul, Cain Marko, Robbie Reyes and Patience Alperen respond to Nettie's request -- and then fight a Grave Titan |
Using the Lounge for its Intended Use | December 29th, 2022 | No description |
Assassin's Crowe | December 28th, 2022 | No description |
Yule Be Sorry | December 21st, 2022 | No description |
Seasonal Teas | December 15th, 2022 | As Nettie decorates for the Holiday Season, folks stop in and take in tea and holiday cheer. Mary Jane brings a gift to Nettie from WAND, Detective Chimp does not smoke a bubble pipe, and Patience Alperen gets a lead on some old family heirlooms. |
Tea Time with The Batman | December 11th, 2022 | Batman was invited to tea with a Witch. Although Nettie Crowe could not advise on his magical charge's doings, she can advice on Gotham's supernatural happenings and places where Magic gathers.
Batman has expanded information on The Flipside, the Curio, and is no closer to figuring out why Exploding Glitter Imps infested an office building. |
Hell of a Witch | November 26th, 2022 | Hellboy makes a stop at the Candle, Booke and Belle and meets The Greywitch. Nettie gives him tea and the two strike up and acquaintence. Corvax does not approve. |
A Very Grey Birthday | November 15th, 2022 | No description |
The Great North Woods | November 13th, 2022 | When Nettie is alerted to a cryptid hanging around hunting camps in Old New Hampshire, she takes a few of the JLD to sniff out a wounded Wood Devil -- a slightly smaller variant of Bigfoot native to New England -- and the group consisting of Ariah Olivie, Gabby Kinney and Michael Hannigan (who is learning so much about 'trust' from Nettie) not only help the young creature out of a bear trap, but also heal its wounds! |
The Grumpywitch | November 3rd, 2022 | Gabby Kinney stops by the Candle Booke and Belle's sitting room to find Nettie waking up from her annual ignoring of proprietary and shares Chinese. The two compare notes on past loved ones long gone. |
Bones for the Hound | October 30th, 2022 | When the JLD is asked to investigate a missing church grim, Lydia, Patience, and Sho are given a Grim mission, a Grave situation, and found the risks of any horse spirit in Scotland can be handled with Teamwork, Clever Thinking, and a little dog, too! |
Bother Bother Bother | October 27th, 2022 | No description |
O Father who art in Midtown... | October 27th, 2022 | When a desperate priest is looking for a drink that isn't the "Water of Life", Daniel Ketch is inclined to let the Ghost Rider handle the issue. Nessa Donovan not only tries to help, but aces watching out for the civillians and infrastructure that could have spelled disaster for this area of Midtown with her magic and... pretty little brains. |
Fledging Space | October 13th, 2022 | No description |
Venting Steam | October 10th, 2022 | No description |
Veterans of the Medical Front | October 3rd, 2022 | When Ariah Olivie is encouraged to join the Justice League Dark, she finds an old associate waiting at the counter of the Candle Booke and Belle |
Justice League Dark: The Mixer | October 2nd, 2022 | Nettie, Gabby and Sara introduce themselves to the JLD members as the leadership. People mingle, cakes are had, there's a chocolate fountain. No holds barred on tea. Overall a good evening and introductions for folks. |
Magic Magic Magic UGH | September 30th, 2022 | No description |
The Crow and The Cat | September 29th, 2022 | No description |
The Harvest Moon | September 27th, 2022 | What started as a ritual to keep Gabby Kinney's claws in the light of the moon ends with Mortal Kombat with Tynan in Ireland. Nettie is thrilled with Charlie's progress. Things got weird. |
Spilling the JLD Tea | September 22nd, 2022 | Gabby, and Nettie meet Balder, Patience and Detective Chimp at the new JLD tea house. Tynan ninjas on through. |
Bugs in the System | September 21st, 2022 | The pressed-upon new leadership of the Justice League Dark holds a clandestine meeting int he livingroom of an ancient witch, kept alive by occult means. There's ice cream, cannoli and hats for birds. This is either goig to be a great leadership team, or we're going to need to raise dead on the Golden Girls.
Red Robin has no idea he's been recruited for tech assistance for someone who does not use the Instant-Gram, the BookFaces, or MySpace. |
A Meeting of Like... err... | September 19th, 2022 | Padraigh O'Malley shows up to meet Nettie Crowe in the Candle, Booke and Belle. The two trade commentary, and Nettie gives him a gentle welcome to the JLD. |
Short of the Deck | September 18th, 2022 | Gabby Kinney wanders into an Old Crow, and petitions her aid. Nettie accepts a position with the JLD to come out of retirement and help the group. Zatanna and Tynan join the duo for tea, alcohol, and storytime. |
Practice in the Candle | March 20th, 2022 | Billy Kaplan and Tynan Ireton do up some practice in containment in the Candle, Booke and Belle, Nettie supervises. |
Candle, Booke and Bell Hang Outs | March 13th, 2022 | Billy Kaplan makes a visit to the Candle, Booke and Belle Shop, and gains a close friend and new mentor in Nettie Crowe. |
Something Caffeinated This Way Comes | February 19th, 2022 | Nettie makes an appearance at the coffee shop, and a friendship of sorts is sparked between her and Billy Kaplan. |
Home again, home again | February 17th, 2022 | A Cheetah, a Misfit and a Pixie walk into a Crowe's nest... |
Payment Due | January 22nd, 2022 | With debts paid and tea shared, two friendly sorcerors talk history and future plans. |
Fountains of Black Wings | January 19th, 2022 | Mysterious mounds, dug up in the far west of West Virginia, proves a grave for a nameless nightmare horribly wounded by a group of mystic heroes as it attempts to manifest anew within the world. Horribly wounded, but dead? Time will tell... |
Queen and Crowe: In Da Club | December 28th, 2021 | No description |
Double the Deaths, Double the... Fun | December 27th, 2021 | Jon goes to Nettie for information about his impending death... and gets a /very/ portentious tarot reading, complete with /two/ Death cards. But as Nettie notes--nothing's inevitable. Everyone dies eventually, but the how and the when is negotiable. |
To Pick Up | December 24th, 2021 | Atrun-Rai stops in for a materials pick up. Zatanna stops in for a chat. Nettie stops at nothing. |
Path of Glory: Kingdom of Heaven | December 23rd, 2021 | The astral projection to Heaven results in more questions and few answers. The players set the pieces on the game board. But will anyone play or will the game end in destruction? War looms on the horizon and preparations must be made to ensure the continued survival of all things. |
Enter the Ghost Rider | December 22nd, 2021 | The Justice League Dark gets a new member in Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider. The Witchblade might posture at him, but they both want to go storm Heaven to deal with Michael and get Chas back. |
A Matter of Custom | December 22nd, 2021 | Ancient, newly-resurrected wizard meets deathless witch and gives her a shopping list to make her gawk. Good times had all around. |
A Path to the Silver City | December 22nd, 2021 | Nettie and Jon talk shop about traveling to the Silver City. Tynan has an evil book, and momentarily becomes a threat. |
Return of a Crowe | December 8th, 2021 | Zatanna Zatara and Jonathan Sims retrieve a wandering witch from an errand to retrieve her memories, and receive a warning:
A Witches War is coming |
Witch to Magician | November 8th, 2021 | No description |
A Surprise for Nettie | November 4th, 2021 | No description |
Jubilee Visits the Candle | November 1st, 2021 | Mairin and Jubilee are finally actually introduced and Jubes runs off with the most powerful magic item in the world. |
Cabbage Night | October 30th, 2021 | Turns out an evil Hag Witch was responsible for the missing kids. The day was saved with minimal pain and suffering for Team Good. John drags in a new recruit that might wind up making him rue the day. |
A Bored Mairin is a Dangerous Mairin | October 29th, 2021 | Mairin learned not to touch any of Nettie's things without permission, as well as getting a first hand lesson in exorcism. |
A Brief Moment | October 27th, 2021 | No description |
Scary Old Witch | October 26th, 2021 | John Constantine is trying to sleep off his post party bender but Jubilee has other plans. They discuss her role in the Night Brigade and come to an understanding: she's there to hunt monsters. Nettie drops in and she and Jubes get to know each other better. Jubilee realizes that Nettie isn't a 'scary old witch' at all! |
The Archivist's B-Day Bash | October 25th, 2021 | Party was great, until John ran out of booze in the backroom and let his anger get the best of him. Probably another day ending in Y these days. |
Nettie, Nico John I: Laughing Magician | October 24th, 2021 | Nettie and Nico Minoru arrive to the Laughing Magician on different errands. John is not exactly blinded by the light, but ends up with his hair wet and his eyes checked. Nico now has two new potential teachers. This should work out well for everyone involved. |
And Mair you go Safely... | October 22nd, 2021 | Mairin pays a visit to a ruminating Nettie, and gets a little brave. Nettie tries to gently let her down... but who knows what the future will hold? |
First Casting | October 19th, 2021 | Ty finally manages to cast her first spell. D'AW! |
PoP: Care Bears Gone Wrong | October 19th, 2021 | Wal-Mart is bad enough, but when a Thinning brings a blast from Nettie's past to bare, it gets all kinds of weird. Who knew that Cocomelon and Barbie could be so *brutal*? The good guys get the win at the end of another day ending in Y for the Night Brigade. |
Turning a Kitten into a Cat. | October 16th, 2021 | When one of Nettie's kittens comes into the bar whining about her helplessness and feelings of inadequacies, she gets a crash course in magic and 'buck up buttercup' from John. Mairin also manages to gain Nettie's ire. Little kitten to cat, it might take awhile, but hopefully she'll get there. |
So, what'd you break | October 13th, 2021 | No description |
The friend of my friend is my enemy | October 12th, 2021 | Nettie and Mairin clash over letting Demona into the shop, ending with Mairin leaving with her friend to avoid any more conflict. |
Reagent Run I | October 12th, 2021 | No description |
A new pet for Nettie | October 10th, 2021 | Mairin gets chewed out for getting captured, and gives Nettie an advanced robot cat named Emily. |
No Sleep for the Wicked Witch | October 10th, 2021 | No description |
Blood Oath | October 9th, 2021 | The day started with Jubilation Lee deciding she wanted 'in' and ended ... well, it's just been a day. But John'll FIX IT, because it's just what he does. |
Visiting Nettie Again | October 7th, 2021 | Mairin comes with apologies to Nettie. Nettie states that she's got nothing to apologize for. |
Visiting Nettie | October 6th, 2021 | Mairin Moran visits Nettie Crowe and receives a most basic lesson in magic, and with Nettie's help evokes a flame on a notebook page. Nettie is impressed b y Mairin's ability to copy magical circles, and tips her hand a little with sigils she knows -- for Mairin's protection. |
A Tycat comes to Call | October 6th, 2021 | Tynan Ireton visits Nettie at the Candle, Booke & Belle. The two talk shop, and Nettie tries to determine what to begin with to Ty. |
A Friend in Need-- | October 4th, 2021 | Nettie Crow pulls three Page of Wands from a single tarot deck -- obviously, someone's trying to give her a sign. She finds Mairin recovering from being accosted by a knife-weilding person. The two share a conversation, and Mairin gets to show Nettie her work. Nettie has no idea how the science works -- must be magic. |
oct 3 13:00/Introduction to the Occult | September 27th, 2021 | Mairin Moran and Tynan Ireton stop into the Candle, Booke & Belle for an introduction to the Occult, and leave after signing a blood contract with a Witch. At least they were fed and tea'd? Nettie Crow gains two apprentices. |
Blaze and Tea | September 19th, 2021 | Johnny Blaze comes to town, enjoys tea. |
A Dip in the Water | September 18th, 2021 | Killian's a-swimming while the stoat is on the shore, while Nettie Crowe considers she may be lonely nevermore. Of all the nights in Gotham that in Robinson Park be found -- this one would be less squeaky if Kil're on solid ground! |
In for a Penny. | September 12th, 2021 | Random circumstances or an act of fate? An encounter with Killian's extended family throws Nettie and Mike into a mess. |
1000 Faces: Party Like it's 1999 | September 9th, 2021 | The crowd at the Laughing Magician share their little slices of life, hope, love, heart and soul. Maybe just enough to tip the scales in favor of the world lasting past Friday night. |
PoP: Liverpool Thinnings | September 8th, 2021 | John and Paul go to check out Liverpool. Ringo is missing, but they do get to play St. George. |
A Whitechapel Knight | September 7th, 2021 | =John's visit to Whitechapel for a few moments of understanding and rest. Rated R for language and themes. |
Nettie and John: House Call | September 5th, 2021 | (Unfinished, previous John player, plot canceled) |
Wretched Pile of Sticks | September 4th, 2021 | Wretched Pile of Sticks or Wonderful Enigma, the House of Mystery is the backdrop for a shouting match between John Constantine and Nettie Crowe. It ends with sandwiches and a nap for John. Isn't that what any man needs? |
Merry Meetings | September 2nd, 2021 | Nettie Crow and Killian Quinn meet each other again. Their merry meeting includes a little song, a little dance, and a little stoat. Killian gets to thank the lady who saved his life, and Nettie gets to know the boy she dropped at a tree, and hoped for the best. |
How the Mighty Have Fallen. | September 1st, 2021 | One close call and a breaking damn have a few of the pieces of a shattered John Constantine back together. |
Harbingers United | August 31st, 2021 | John Constantine is back from the Underworld, and after saving the girl who lives with his best mate from what probably would have been a horrible fate, he does what he does best -- well, maybe not best. He gets completely drunk and sings The Sex Pistols on top of the tallest building in Hell's Kitchen, until a friend appears. |
Touched | August 30th, 2021 | Gangbangers go down, lives are saved, but at what cost? Might be best not to borrow trouble before it's here. But that advice came from someone that's already a tad 'Touched'. |
It's Not Good, Nettie. | August 27th, 2021 | Nettie answers a best mate's call. John's not okay when she arrives, he's so far from it. But he will be on the way toward being okay after the witch's visit gives him safe harbor from the storm brewing in his on mind. |
Talk to the Hand | February 22nd, 2021 | Creepy Amatur Carny Causes Chaos and Gets Away. No one Harmed. |
Teatime for a Dragon and Crowe | February 20th, 2021 | Koga Miura finds himself in the East Village looking for a hot cup of tea and an apartment. He finds the tea, and gets his fortune read. |
Of Tea and Evil Twins | February 13th, 2021 | Jovian escapes the cold and discusses his doppleganger with someone slinging tea at the Booke Candle and Belle. Nettie considers getting involved more with the outside world. |
Drinkin, Josie's, TBD | February 6th, 2021 | No description |
A Most Unusual Tea | February 5th, 2021 | Bruce Banner, Michael Hannigan, Stephen Strange and Mando walk into a bar... for tea. And virgin web. It's a long story. Mando's glasses get broken. Poor guy! |
=Thought for Food | January 30th, 2021 | At the Candle, Booke and Belle, Illyana learns about the power of friendship and tea!
... or encounters an odd, gray-haired girl who seems to know far, far more about dangerous books than she lets on. And tea! |
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Nettie Crowe has
195 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Shop Turnover | March 15th, 2024 | Nettie discusses turning over the Candle, Booke and Belle to her adopted son, Joshua. |
Entertainment Credits
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Nettie Crowe has been credited in
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Nettie Crowe has been credited in
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Nettie Crowe has authored
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Group Memberships
Nettie Crowe has been listed in 0 groups.