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Latest revision as of 23:32, 17 April 2020

An hazardous meeting
Date of Scene: 17 April 2020
Location: Recreation Lounge: Triskelion
Synopsis: Hazmat and Quake meet up at the rec lounge and shenanigans happen.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Takeda, Daisy Johnson

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Turns out that some of the chemicals in her sweat damaged plastics over time. It really sucks when your game console, one of few entertainment venues in your room, crumbles in your hands after two weeks. As such, Jen is sprawled on a couch in the rec lounge, a bluetooth adapter plugged into the bottom of the Switch Lite in her hands keeping the rest of the room from having to listen to the noises of Animal Crossing. It was a pretty good game. ...Simpler than what she had to deal with.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy hated meeting up with Agent Thornton, her superior officer. That stickler prick that only knows how to do everything by the book. So she went into the meeting letting out an inner sigh, because oh boy, she couldn't wait to know what bureaucracy crap she'd have to go through today. So she was rather surprised when she got a dossier with Jennifer's file, the powers and what she was doing here at SHIELD. And an indication that it'd be a good idea to go meet up with her. One thing she actually agreed with Thornton about. For a change.

So where does one find a young woman stuck in a base? Either at her room or at the recreation lounge, and her hunch seemed to had worked, catching sight of the girl.

She's dressed more casually, jeans and shirt, even if the gloves are on, she making her way over, hands on the backpockets of her jeans.

"Hey.." she greets Jennifer, turning towards one of the vending machines to get a soda.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Jen's eyes flick over as Daisy enters, the agent getting an apprehensive look from behind the visor before going back to her game. ...Although, it was a greeting at least. And not staring. So the look is upgraded to a nod of greeting. ...She missed drinking soda in public without having to collect the bottle and straw in a bag for disposal.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Want one..?" Daisy asks in question to Jennifer, chinjerking towards the machine while the soda she picked gets popped out, she picking it up. She opens the lid up, taking a sip while waiting for an answer and then grins. "You are Jennifer, right?" she asks, brushing her free hand up through her hair before her arms fold and she leans a shoulder against the vending machine, relaxedly.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Jen hits pause on her game, and looks up again. "I'd need a straw. And one of those hazard disposal bags. Didn't bring one up with me." She sighs, apparently this is going to be an ongoing conversation. "That's me. Here to gawk at the radioactive high schooler who nearly killed her ex?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Fair enough, more for me." Daisy takes in a long drink out of her soda, a moment later she dislodging herself from the vending machine and making her way over. "Maybe you should ask Fitz-Simmons for that upgrade. They are normally rather accomodating." she says with an easy smile, walking to sit down on the couch next to Jen, relaxedly.

"And no, not here to gawk. Though I am here to check on how you have been finding SHIELD to be so far.." she gestures with one hand around. "It can be ..., daunting at first." the tone almost as if she was speaking by experience, letting out a brief sigh.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "What, a straw? There'd have to be some way to make it reusable, flush it out between uses, and not add a ton of bulk to the helmet. Which already takes getting used to." Jen taps one finger against her visor. "Not like I have much choice, anyway. Either be here, or kill everyone around me slowly. It sucks, but it's better than... than huring my family." Not like she actually has to /do/ anything other than virtual classes.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A shrug is the answer when Jennifer goes about the problems about installing a straw for feeding purposes. Daisy just grins. "They always find a solution. Just give them time." after settling down on the sofa she leans forth, resting her elbows on her knees, watching the visored one. "So you are choosing to keep your family protected. It is a choice, isn't it?" she replies. The anger is familiar enough to her, what she went through when her powers manifested, when she couldn't control them.

"I haven't introduced myself. I am Daisy. Some people call me Quake." never Tremors! "I have a condition that was somewhat similar to yours." she lifts up one of her hands, showing the gauntlet. It's clearly technological. As for what it does though!

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "Well, it's better than being in prison." ...Which is what this place basically is, since odds are they wouldn't let Jen go back to her house even if she wanted to. The gauntlets get a bit of a knowing look. "At least you can hide those under a jacket. I'm a walking WMD and I can't hide it at all. And people won't stop fucking staring." A green light in her HUD switches to amber, although she's not paying attention to it at the moment.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Yes, Daisy knows well about that, how people stared at her when she got her powers. How it made it unbearable for her to be at SHIELD before the gauntlets were made and she could find the right training to take a hold of her powers. There's an understanding look that Daisy gives her. "I never really cared on how I looked, it was more the danger I could bring to my friends and to my family if I couldn't find a way to control my powers. It was ..., an hard enough time."

The switch in the light seems to go unnoticed by Daisy too, at least for now, her focus not exactly on those. Still, she smiles faintly. "But if there's one thing I discovered on my stay here with SHIELD is that there's always a way."

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "Yeah, well I don't have any friends now. And apparently this is as good as it fucking gets. Always on, always poisoning everything around me. Can't even relax in my pajamas and play video games, because something in my sweat broke the last one of these too." Jen waggles the console, before putting it down on the table and starting to pace. "Far as I know I"m just here so people can be scared of me blowing up or some shit. Not even anything interesting to do, and have you ever tried exercising when you have to bathe in your own sweat? It's not fun!"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Leaning back on the sofa Daisy takes a drink out of her soda, watching Jennifer walk back and forth, silent and letting her speak out her thoughts. She nods slowly and then asks, curious. "What would you prefer to do if you could? Or what do you think a solution for this would be?"

Some curiosity there on Daisy's eyes while they talk, looking for the girl's opinion on her own predicament.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     The amber light has turned red and is now blinking, but Jen is in full rant. "First off, Make my fucking powers not ruin my life. If that's not possible, just get rid of them. THey haven't made my life any better, and I just... Fuck!" She throws her arms up in the air, and there's a flash of sickly green light and a smell of ozone. If Daisy was looking in the right direction, she'd see a beam of light connecting the teenager's right hand, and the now slightly smoldering hole in the drop ceiling. Good thing the floors are thick concrete, huh?
     Jen looks down at her now bare hand, eyes wide. "Shit." Cue the alarms and flashing lights as the Triskelion realizes there's a radiation hazard and possible chemical hazard in the rec area. "...You might want to go get a suit of your own."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A look is given to Jennifer when she begins gesturing about and ranting. Okkkk, the talk isn't going that well, not that it makes Daisy give up. She never does. So she is just leaning forward, "Well, you--" but then she stops when that green beam comes out. That wasn't something Daisy was expecting! She blinks once, somewhat taken aback but looking up at the ceiling and then back to the girl.

"What happened? Are you feeling ok?" she asks before considering her own safety, her brows furrowing. Though she does start to get up to her feet.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "...I don't know. I was angry, and I felt kind of tingly, and then..." Jen's about to wave the hand in question, but she puts it behind her back instead so more of the protection is between her and Daisy. "I didn't know I could do that."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A nod is given. Daisy understands that very well. Getting angry, unleashing powers in unpredictable ways. She was doing that a couple of years ago. "We will need to get you a new suit. Do you have spare gloves on your quarters?" she asks, looking about, making sure there's really no other agent in the vicinity and moving to the entrance of the lounge to look up and down the corridor.

"I can fetch it, though I am supposing tests will need to be made to make sure there's no radiation left here." she glances over her shoulder at Jennifer, smiling faintly. Not that she isn't worried about radiation hazards. But well, a wee bit of radiation never killed anyone!

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "Uh... Not reall. It's a one piece suit. One of the contamination bags would probably also work well. There's a dispenser in the Cafeteria, I should probably stay here so I don't contaminate anything more." Sighing, Jen settles down to sit crosslegged on the floor.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, you stay here." Daisy steps out to go towards the cafeteria, moving at a rather quick pace. A look about, some gestures to other Agents to call out a 'everything is fine'. She picks up a few contamination bags and starts on her way back, eventually returning through the door, placing one down on a table for Jennifer. "There." she takes a step back, folding her arms.

"Will need to have Fitz-Simmons look at the suit, maybe reinforce it if you are able to shoot beams out of your hands." she says, considering the girl for a few moments then suggests.

"But we should start to train you, not exactly in your powers. That will come as a consequence. But in control. I know a few techniques. I could show you."

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "Thanks." Jen gestures for Daisy to toss the bags over. One is opened with her still gloved hand, and she puts the now bare hand inside. "Okay, just need some tape or something to get an airtight seal, and I can head back to my room. ...And you'd do that?" She raises an eyebrow inside her helmet. "WHat are yours, anyway?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I thought that when I said people called me Quake that would be a good hint." A grin surging up on Daisy's expression. But she doesn't demonstrate just yet. Tape. They do keep some about on a nearby office, so she goes to fetch just that. Doesn't really take her too long.

"And yes, I would. I went through the same learning when I became Quake." and she goes on to demonstrate, gesturing towards the empty can as it starts to vibrate and then fold about itself, crunched down by way of vibration.

"The powers are tied to my own emotions. I was barely able to control them when I got them. Now I can live with it. Learning how to control what I was feeling was the key point."

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     "...Ah." Duct tape is applied, the bag deflating and form fitting as much as it can as negative pressure is restored. "...Well that's a lot cooler than radiation and neurotoxins. ...We're probably good to head back to my room now, but I'm keeping the tape. Just in case. ...And now I have to tell Fitzsimmons that I broke the suit."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Go by their domains when you can." Daisy says. And by domains she most likely means R and D. Their lair. Then a grin. "Bring them takeout, it's a good bribe, they will get to your suit in no time." she then teases. Apparently not too worried about getting a wee bit of radiation! Not that it will stop her from going to med bay to check herself.

"We will talk again soon, Jennifer. And if you want we will start going through some controlling techniques." she walks to the door, opening it. No team running in yet. Good! "I will have to file a report on what happened so the high-ups don't go haywire.." a sigh. "Damn, I hate bureaucracy."