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Avengers Forever - Training with Chaos
Date of Scene: 25 June 2023
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Wanda helps Natasha work on a possible training drone against the far-flung Chrononauts!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's been a few days since the Chrononauts from whatever thier blasted reality was had attacked during Avengers Day and been driven out. Now, the various leftover bits from the robots had been given to experts to study. The target they had been after was likely under guard in the Mansion or at SHIELD.
    Pending actual information on the capabilities of thier adversaries, Natasha was going with 'wrost case scenario' as she would be programming drones in the training room along with files.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Chrononauts -- the kind of name that draws a groan from Wanda, followed up by, "Isn't that a television program for children?"

No, that's Octonauts. But close enough for the premise to count, except no cute expeditions to see yeti crabs are forthcoming. How unfortunate! Robots are less fun than Commander Polar Bear and Grumpy Penguin, or whomever they are.

The sleepy, humid afternoon giving way to a stultifying summer night finds her refreshed after a shower, dressed in typically low-key yoga pants and strappy top, sliding into the training room to behold what she has missed. As for why it was missed?

Status: Russia is all one needs to know on that front.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Wanda, "Good to have you, Ms. Maximoff. I hope that your brother's housewarming went well. We don't have much information on our adversaries or thier capabilities, so much of this will be speculative. And you do look like you had a relaxing time in the tundra." Natasha menat that sincerely. She did enjoy that weather.

"I've been working on combining some of the training elements from variations of Taskmaster and teh Super-Adaptoid together. You will be an excellent test run."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda glances past her shoulder in case she can expect Pietro or anyone else, but when they don't immediately surface, she shrugs in a graceful expression of amusement. "It may be you and I, Natasha. A good thing. Does this call for a very serious demeanor? And yes, it seems to have."

Trust her to convey that goodwill easily, eyes crinkled in the corners. "Have you seen a good turnout from this? From Steve and Bucky?" Her glinting eyes travel from the redhead to consider the layout. No need to float ominously in a lotus position. "It was productive. A start. But I'll be bruised soon enough. Both the Taskmaster and a super... perhaps I should turn around and look for the debriefing."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shake her head, "No, I'm going to be using you for the prototype setup. We both know how the two of them would react. They've engaged Taskmaster and Prometheus before. I'm working now on how it would in theory engage and counter powers for tactical adaptation. YOur own abilityset should be the most difficult for them to neutralize and recover from. Thta makes you a priority battlefield asset."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Long as you don't scorch my hair off or leave me missing a few arms and legs. No Black Knight here." She strokes her fingers through her loose hair, auburn waves gathered into a flat, near pin-straight fall, damp without being wet. "So your point is I do this so we can anticipate something does not strike me down in the first few minutes. Fair enough. I suspect I know where this might go."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Yes. We're trying to buildup a database of predictions. They might be extremely advanced and futuristic by our frame of reference, but they're automotons. No matter how advanced, they'll still go for teh most efficient, simplest solution. Probabilitty and logic are often the same no matter how much information is processed and calculated." She would grin at Wanda.


Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Automatons by definition can choose millions of possibilities, but be defeated by a better sense of strategy more common to us. It may know every move but fail to respond how someone normally would. For now. Do we know if they have a hive mind?" Wanda inquires as she pulls her hair back, and then checks that her yoga pants are properly hiked up to avoid tripping over the hem. That's a reality and also an unfortunate situation. "Probability and logic can be incredibly strange, when they go their own way."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Yes, hence having some ideas for baselines based on hwo we do when our own things are thrown back in our face." she would go to lean back. "I have an entry level program. I'll keep it low end as we have much to do and we can't have Tony rebuild the training area again."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda tips her head in a nod. "All right then. I get where we're starting and working towards, as much as anyone can." Admittedly trying to anticipate something that can anticipate her is just about as difficult as it gets, but that's just breathing. "I would appreciate that, since my typical strategies are much like his: blast it." Maybe less photon or repulsor and more zappy-bangy, but the approach is similar enough.

She regards Natasha with a smile, and then parts her hands. "Whenever and wherever."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Of course. Get ready." The utilization of a somewhat scrappier looking humanoid drone than usual thanks to Natasha's tinkering being nowhere near as good as Stark's and the understanding that this is going to get wrecked multiple times in the process of testing has not lent itself to stability.

The drone then, humanoid and with various energy fields flickering on it, goes to raise up a fist.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Get ready. As if there's any getting ready.

In a gesture of her hand, the yoga pants become leggings, not flared, and her eyes gain that unnatural, pretty red glow that usually alerts everyone in the area to run as fast as they bloody well can. The drone appears, and it's entirely an ugly thing for her to face down what otherwise would be welcomed with at least a smile instead of dark determination.

As the point is learning, she does what any twin sister of a speedster does. She moves away, straying on an angle, seeing how it reacts to the most obvious response of someone putting their efforts into backing off.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
What it does is fairly standard as she goes through with the quick retreat. The improvised assault drone goes to head after her. Again, fairly basic. If your opponent retreats, keep up the pressure. If they get far back enough they can disengage, then they can maneuver around you. The fist rises up, and goes to blast at her with electricity! It's a rather low setting- akin to a taser.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Keep up the pressure, so this inevitably means a few minutes of running around. It shall be ultimately two minutes if Wanda can convince the drone to keep chasing her. Freebooting to stay just a bit ahead of it and having it nipping at her heels works well to understand how intelligent or reactive the programming may be. Electrical shocks suck -- ask anyone on the receiving end of Electro or Storm. Her hop-skips are purely based on practice in years of outrunning trouble and fighting, and while she is willing to use the wall or any free structures to get out of the way, she lacks the unearthly speed or brawn of a Captain America to perform some truly stunning stunts.

Therein the programming has certain limitations.

Well, unless Natasha programs it to be a SentryCap, in which case, she's going to have to explain to Tony why the hell the training room is a smoking crater.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It's operating very, very basically here. Natasha is working at cobbling together two or three different countermeasure programs over to something that's not her own technology in a field she's not specialized in. So it chases Wanda around the room - which is something quite a few might find appreciative!

"Basic maneuverability down. Please counterattack on a localized level." Natasha would request as the drone would pause.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Basic working is a benefit. The baseline ramps up or crashes, and they can change from there. The computer experts need to know where along the strings of cobbled code things fell down before they can start inserting more complicated modules and expect it works, lest there be an enormous rampage of drones through the city to destroy every cheesecake restaurant in New York.

Wanda still needs to press ahead, and unlike a robot, her stamina isn't limitless. As countless shippers have probably speculated. She's forced to zag back, and the initial counterattack for electricity takes a straightforward approach. Sort.

A probability wave creates a punch of force to knock it back, on par with slamming a door in someone's face.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It staggers back over from the blow of counter-force that's sent at it. Then instead of attacking her, swinging at her, or firing a laser blast at her.. It goes to flash as it absorbs some of the kientic, concussive impact from her blast and goes to fire it back at her in a lightly charged concussive wave!

This is done not by any inherent abilities of the drone to develop such powers, but by the build in repulsors and force fields it has on use for training. But use the same force back at someone.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The concussive wave demands a very different reaction than running out of the way. Wanda snaps her hands before her, the same tweaking of the strands of her mutation to deflect the wave up and back out of the way into the ceiling. Distance should dissipate the attack, giving a good idea of how it handles basic energy manipulation of a certain kind. Blunt force applications can be useful on that front.

She's not beyond reaching out to dissipate the wave itself if it travels further than it should -- another reason for technology-based things to fear her, since she, like a good many mutants, can muddle up engines and guns and such. Without need for vibranium claws!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
This is why Wanda is among the most dangerous of the Avengers present in the field. It also means that in an engagement she's going to be the highest priority target for everyone, and despite all of her magic and creativity, she's still just as durable as an ordinary human.

The wave is dissipated, even as it's followed up now with rather than a concussive blast, a sonic one. It's going for different ways to try and disorient her. At lower levels than one in combat would.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda isn't super fast, super strong, super beautiful, super hammer, or super tech. She's just someone with the occasional means to cheat the source code, and that requires awareness, time, and a few other variables to work out her best advantage. A training room wall approaches too soon as she trots back, trying to function in distance rather than head on.

Sonic attacks suck, without fail, and the vibrating sound hurts enough to forestall the immediate response she had cued up. Her hands go to her ears, a vibrating trill of anger on her tongue before anything else.

Reflexive response is a danger when her powers function the way they do, bubbling her in a protective shield of fortune.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
That's the point of mixing it up. Wanda's bubble goes to block over her - at this point, there's no way that the drone would have a way of getting past her shield - or anything technologically could. Natsaha would muse..

"An interesting first round. Thank you for humoring me, Wanda. Are you all right?" She would query as it would power down over in place.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"I'm fine. Sound is less than desirable. Black Canary is someone I don't take lightly," Wanda replies, lowering her hands. The glow isn't there in her eyes; all is well. Bad luck slides away when the disentangled lines of her mutation manifested fade out, though she remains a little stiff and unlikely to go jogging around. "Middle ear games aren't to be messed with. In the field, I'd more than likely retaliate by blowing to pieces whatever did that if it were technological. If not, Pietro always speculated that I could just remove their vocal chords. Of course, that's absurd."

She raises her shoulders slightly, wincing a bit. Still tender in that noggin, nothing too bad. "Realistically mixing it up would be better to give the rest of the team an advantage. There's always throwing them onto the Witch Road. They would not come back."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Yes. At the point we go for a more cmoplicated scenario, it requires more resources and time. At that point I'd rather for Stephen to give approval and assign it as an exercise for us to work over." Because it takes specialists to make something that involved for a theory which may or may not pan out. And specialists that may have thier skills better utilized to something else - like analysis and countermeasures.

"Your limitations are by your own conscience." She says conscience for a reason. Magic users are often limited by their willpower and creativity. Wanda restrains herself very much as far as Natasha is concerned as she does not want to hurt anyone if there is any other way to stop them.