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Latest revision as of 22:52, 18 April 2020

Weirdness Abounding
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Patsy delivers her news of portal-weirdness to Doctor Strange, who for a little bit, is only a floating head - how strange!
Cast of Characters: Patsy Walker, Stephen Strange

Patsy Walker has posed:
It had been about two weeks or so since the incident along the river in the park, but Alexander had been wise in his suggestion to seek out the 'guy with the cape' about the weirdness abounding. As such, in her sleek sunflower-orange cat-suit with its dark points of clawed gloves, knee-high boots, and eared cowl, the Hellcat makes her way across the rooftops of the boroughs and over into Greenwich Village.

The gleaming line of her claw-cable shimmers as she rises up from an arcing swing between buildings to land on the roof next to the Sanctum. Tonight was cold enough to merit wearing her own cloak, the far less fascinating item in a dull-red but still thick enough to keep off spring chill. She makes a soft musing sound before sighing in agreement to something mentally.

A swift leap and push off the shallow wall surrounding one flat section of the roof and Patsy has arrived. She pulls her cloak about herself to warm -- and subconsciously guard -- against chill or potentially other things as she looks around.

"No apple," she notes, still very set to suddenly find the fruit stalking her. "So...hey?" Her voice lifts a little as she looks around with steel-blue eyes. "Um, I'm on your roof again? I have a question for you. Something to report? I mean, I guess it's a report?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    A head pops out of the roof, just kind of peeks through the materials, irregardless of the structure of the house below, and is now just looking up at Patsy with grey haired temples and the eyebrows furrowing tightly above the nose of the bodyless figure.

    "You have a report for me?!" Asks the sorcerer supreme, blinking at Patsy with grey eyes and a look on his face that hints that he's kind of busy and she should get a move on with her report. Funny as if he could just roll away and do anything as he's just a head on the roof of a magic house...

Patsy Walker has posed:

A short little sound of shock while Patsy cranes up onto the pad of one boot, her arm wrapping the cloak up over her face somewhat like a B-movie vampire and her other leg drawing knee up within its draping.

"Um." She holds the pose in an unconscious display of innate strength and kinesthetic prowess before delicately placing her foot down. With a polite awkwardness, she then drop to one knee in order to better communicate with the...disembodied head of the owner of the place.

"Yes, it's a report. I was at the Hudson River Park, up in Upper Manhattan, and I found these weird...like, invisible holes in the air that connected like a tunnel. I noticed when I saw a branch fall into one hole and fly out of the other like some magic trick." Her steel-blues blink earnestly at him.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "You found portals..." Stephen says, his furrowed hurried face shifts into something more puzzled. He seems to cross his arms in thought, but he doesn't have any arms. No, the head is just a head and he leans back to look up to Patsy's face and asks, "How many of them are there and how high are they? We don't want anyone walking into one and having their arm teleported away. That's... not a good time."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy nods, the motion making a strand of her long red-blonde hair fall over the front of her cloak. "Yeah, having an arm suddenly teleported away would be awful. I'd be scared as hell if not...gross. Bleeding out." Her nose wrinkles. "I don't //think// it was that...it didn't seem to cut anything. I mean, I didn't get all cut into pieces."

She settles now to sit on her heels, palms on her thighs, cloak artfully flowing on her form but for a vertical central strip of division still showing the bright cat-suit beneath. "I jumped into the entry end of the portals just to see how it worked and it was like one of those amusement ride slide thingies. Whoosh: in one end and out the other. It was too dark to see anything while I was in that blink of time and all."

Foolhardy, this one.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Okay, so no one's going to get hurt, yes?" The wizard's noggin asks as he seems as if he's about to roll about the roof and off the edge and yet, the head remains. A moment to ponder his next question Stephen then looks back to Patsy's face. "What do your instincts tell you is the source?" Stephen asks, and then waits, the hand on his chin, tugging at the strands of goatee hair is ment to be imaginary as he isn't actually reaching up to scratch his nose at this time.

Patsy Walker has posed:
The cowl doesn't hide the bemused squint as Patsy watches this silver-templed head move about the roof. Only her past interval in another realm entirely keeps her from frankly NOPE-ing out of this whole affair because even this is becoming weird for her.

"I don't think so, but it could still be dangerous, I guess. My instincts though...?" Now she's squinting suspiciously. "You mean my sixth sense?" the Hellcat inquires, wondering if the man means to suggest her ability to sense magic. And on that note, here comes the cute little squeaking sneeze she manages to hide mostly behind her elbow. "KrrSNEETK!"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "I mean your woman's intuition, your super heroine guts. Did the portal feel malicious, did it feel unnatural, did you have a funny taste in your mouth when it spit you out?" The wizard asks in rapid succession as he turns away from Patsy and rolls twice, end over end before some how stopping on his neck again at the edge of the roof, looking out in a solemn somber moment.

    "You felt something, enough to come find me over the issue, what does your gut tell you?"

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy sniffs once and then squints. Her musings are definitely interrupted by the head's continued travels around the rooftop and her mouth parts in sheer bewilderment. Doesn't that hurt? It looks like it might at least give one's neck a crick.

"It did feel different?" she volunteers, reaching to take a section of her hair and start fussing at it with clawed fingertips. "I don't know that it felt malicious, but it wasn't normal. It felt like...there was nothing there. Like, what's it called..." Her rose-pink lips purse. "Sensory deprivation? Nothing to react to, an emptiness. I didn't like that part of it, but the rest of it was fun, being flung out of the other side and all, since I couldn't predict which was I was going to exit. I ended up practicing my landings for a bit," she admits, her half-smile charming in its way.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen's head turns around, hair wafting in the wind with the city scape behind him, looking like the bust in a museum of some great leader, Stephen looks to Patsy and squints his eyes curiously towards the cat themed heroine. "What do you think should be done about them?" He asks, wondering if she's thinking they should be closed, left alone, sanctioned off and studied by ESU students, or any other number of things.

Patsy Walker has posed:
By now, Patsy has plaited some of the hair into a braid. Her eyes rise from her work and land on the disembodied head. She muses briefly to herself about how life is so freaky lately before she lets out a short sigh.

"Well...I think they probably shouldn't be left there. I'm used to things being weird around the city, but not everybody is. I also don't know if the portals were spitting me out like I shouldn't be there or it anyone else has gone into the entry portal and just...not come out, which is scary to consider. If they can be closed, they probably should be closed. Or vanished or whatever."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "That's a rather forward thinking thought you've come up with." Stephen compliments in his weird way before he continues. "Do you have means to do so or is that ultimately why you came to my rooftop?" The wizard asks, ignoring the breeze kissing at his forehead and keeping his attention solely on Patsy and that thick cloak of hers.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"You're the guy to go to for magic, apparently," the Hellcat explains with a gesture of one of her black-gloved hands towards Stephen's head. "I mean, you're talking to me like you are right now like it's no big deal." Her steel-blue eyes lined with dark kohl look him over from hair to neck and return to his gaze. "It must mean you've got some pretty serious mumbo-jumbo at your fingertips -- well, when you have your fingertips."

She can't help the titter and it does make her blush just a little in embarrassment. "That, and you make me sneeze, which is...kind of a compliment in a way...? I guess?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Are you asking me if you sneezing is a compliment?" Stephen asks as his head starts to float closer towards Patsy, his neck, shoulders, and the whole of himself appears as he does so. The wizard fully formed with his hands exposed to the wind winces at the chill and he quickly hides them away in the pockets of his slacks. "It's all practice Hellcat." Stephen says with a look to her blushing cheek. "It's only a big deal if you make it into one. Everything is ordinary until it isn't." Stephen muses like his old mentor used to and that causes a faint, self reflecting smirk to cross his face.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"...maybe?" replies Patsy as to the sneezing, the light blush lingering on her cheeks. As Strange reforms in body, so she rises up out of her kneel with a smoothness marking no soreness of joints. Now standing, still wrapped in the fall of her cloak, she watches him quietly.

"I mean, you're not wrong." Faintly, she echoes his smirk. "Life is only normal until it isn't. But the thing is, I don't remember introducing myself to you last time, so...yes, I'm the Hellcat. Who are you?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen then pulls out his pocket and shows off his cell phone. "Super hero registery. Just had to search a few minutes." Stephen notes before putting his phone and the scars on his hands back into his pocket. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange." The wizard remarks, seems like the laziest super hero name of all time, but he's not going to color her opinion of his name. "Most people don't seek me out without knowing who I am or at least what I can do, so I figure it was time I do the same to those people." He winks playfully after giving away that he has access to the ... internet!

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy blinks. "...gosh, I didn't know I'd been added. That's...kind of a compliment, I guess, I was just doing vigilante work." Now she's really blushing. A gloved palm rises to rub at her cheek, as if it might make the warmth go away.

"Still, it's nice to finally know your name properly." Not that she too didn't do a little research, detective she is on the side, but her penchant for keeping cards close to her chest remains. "I did seek you out originally because you're apparently the guy to go to for magic. Do you think you have time to close those portals? Or do I need to go find someone else? I can get somebody, it's no big deal, I know this city is full of magic even if not everybody else does."

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "No, you came to me, I might as well step up and be the one to help the damsel in distress." Stephen says, making it sound like he's doing a chore for his wife more than helping out a concerned citizen with some outrageous mystical dramas. "You said it was in the Hudson River Park... Figure they're obvious enough to find on my own or do I need a guide in spandex?" Stephen asks almost teasingly.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Patsy does outright roll her eyes at the Sorcerer Supreme, unknowing of his title, and laughs to herself. "I don't know, you're supposed to be the guy with the twiddly-fingers of magic. It's over by the underpass, in a little copse of trees. I bet you can't miss it, especially if the portal's spitting out a pigeon or something," she notes with a small laugh at the visual absurdity of the idea.

"I would've closed them myself if I could, but, alas." And she lifts her hands in a shrug, the fall of her cloak off her forearms. It does showcase the catsuit once more in its cheery coloring. "I'm just the canary in the coal mine with an allergy to strong magic," she continues with a bright laugh.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    "Then I wont force you to stay any longer than you need." Stephen explains, giving Patsy the out she might want to get away from the Sanctum. "Mind the chill Hellcat. It's a cold one today." He notes before he wraps up and collapses into a ball almost suddenly and instantly before the ball to vanishes into thin air with a little pop of light.