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Latest revision as of 07:39, 19 April 2020

Dressed To Kill
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Veda Clothing Boutique, NYC
Synopsis: Roberto takes Stephanie to find a dress for the HFC gala benefiting Genosha.
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Stephanie Brown

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The Week of the Hellfire Gala, 2020

When Roberto invited Stephanie to the Hellfire Gala he knew the dress was going to be a thing, so, he had put in a call to his cousin Beatriz for a few favours and got them a private fitting at Veda Clothing Botique to help pick just the right look for the party.

So, at the appointed time, Roberto's car pulls up to the curb and he smiles at Steph. "Ready?" he asks her, before stepping out of the car and onto the street.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie steps of the car as the valet opens the door for her, waiting there for Roberto to come around to the sidewalk. The eighteen year old is wearing a pair of jeans and a black and white sweater, and anyone from her school who saw her would notice the extra time she's put into her hair, not to mention the subtle amounts of makeup she's wearing.


"Do you know how silly I felt this morning when I realized I was figuring out how to dress, to go shopping for a dress?" she tells him with a little wiggle of her head and a self-recriminating roll of her eyes. The look gives way to a smile though as she reaches over to offer her hand to Roberto then glance to the boutique. "This is probably my first clothes-buying expedition involving a valet. You're really taking me to a different level, da Costa," she tells him, looking over sidelong at the handsome Brazilian and smiling to him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins fondly, he didn't know Steph as long as some of her school friends but he did notice when she put in an effort on her appearance, and he could tell she'd done so today. He laughs, "Right? Seems crazy right? But hey, I made an effort too," he says. He wasn't wearing a jersey today, or jeans, but a crisp navy blue button down shirt and a pair of black slacks (visual: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bc46d87deebc360af5651850b4ced037.webp) even if he did wear them with Jordans because well. Jordans.

As for taking things to another level? Well, Roberto just smiles at that too as the doorman lets them in, "I try to keep things interesting," he says about their dates, which had been true for the most part, even dinner and a movie always had something a little different about it.

One of the girls spots them enter and makes their way over. "Hi, my name's Tiffany, how may I help you today?" she asks.

"Tiffany, I'm Roberto da Costa, I think my cousin Beattriz," he nods to a picture of said cousin modeling a fetching leather jacket and leather pants combo in some of the stores current marketing posters. "Called about a private fitting for Stephanie." He nods to Stephanie.

"Oh, yes, right this way, you're all set up with Brenda, our personal shopper, she'll help find what you need and bring it to your private fitting room.

"Excellent," Roberto says as he holds out his arm to Steph before Tiffany leads them to the back of the store and through a pair of double doors to a private fitting room, with a massive framed mirror, a plush purple couch and a little change room to one side (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/22/7d/df/227ddf0bb5a7c6afe29f44d469cc6fd0.jpg). "Please make yourselves comfortable, can we get you something to drink in the meantime? Some cucumber water, or a coffee, we've got an espresso machine and one of our girls, Joy, makes an excellent cappuccino."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie flashes a soft, charmed smile to Roberto. "You have certainly been that," she agrees of his comment on things being interesting. She slips her hand onto the crook of his arm and walks in with him, glancing around the place with interest as they walk in.

"Hello Tiffany," Stephanie offers as well when Roberto gives the Gotham teen's name to the woman. Stephanie looks to Roberto as Tiffany starts to lead them in, lips silently miming the words, 'personal shopper' with a surprised smile. "That's your cousin?" she asks as Roberto gestures to the image of the beautiful woman in the advertisement. "So it's safe to say that looks run in your family too," she comments with a soft grin for him as they are lead into the private fitting room.

The room beats the hell out of the changing stalls in JC Penny, though Stephanie manages to keep that commentary to herself. She turns from looking about the room back to Tiffany. "The cappuccino sounds amazing, thank you," Stephanie says and looking to Roberto. "I'm starting to get a feeling for just what this gala might be like, I think," she says to him as she considers the swanky store they are shopping in, and imagines everyone there having done something similar.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins at the comment about Bea, "Yeah, we're lookers us da Costa, it's a trial but we manage to survive," he grins about it all, before they're whisked away to the back of the store for the fitting, Roberto's expression one of mirth and pleasure as Steph mouths, 'personal shopper' back to him.

"I'll get one of those waters," he says and then when Tiffany goes to fetch them he smiles, "Yeah, this is a good taste of what its going to be like," he says. "Though the big names have private fitting with the designers themselves, who want to show off their goods by draping it on a celebrity for the red carpet." Yep, the rabbit hole went even deeper than this.

"So, as far as today goes, don't worry about the price, it's on me, just pick something you like, though it's black tie, so only rule is it's got to be a floor length gown," he explains while the staff are out of the room. "Otherwise go nuts," he grins.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie watches Tiffany depart and then turns her attention back fully on Roberto. She moves over closer to him once they have the moment of alone time while Tiffany is getting the drinks, moving her hands to rest on Roberto's hips. "I'm used to offering to pay my share," she tells him. "But I guess I'm going to have to accept I might have to pick my moments for that with you," she says. "Lunch at Big Belly Burger? Check. Manhattan boutique? Will have to let that one go," she says.

Stephanie glances down at herself and says in joking tone, "Such a shame though. Killer legs like these just scream for something shorter." She smiles at Roberto and leans closer to brush a warm little kiss to his lips while they have the moment alone. "So any particular color you'd like to see me in?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins, "It's fun when you let me spoil you," he says. "But totally fine if you want to cover your share of Big Belly Burger though," he says with a grin.

"Well, those legs are killer, but maybe something with a slit in the side, so people can see what they're missing," he grins at her returning that kiss and giving her a little hug. "Is see-through a colour? If so, that," he teases before answering more seriously. "I'm going with red and black, either one of those would be good, but have fun, see what you like." That's when Brenda comes in, smiling, Tiffany trailing behind her with their drinks.

"Hello, she greets, you must be Mr. da Costa and Miss Brown, pleasure to meet you, I'm Brenda, and I'll be helping you find exactly what you need today. Would you guys like a moments with your drinks first or do we want to jump right in?"

Roberto, puts a hand on Steph's shoulder, "She's the boss today, her call on jumping in or not, but I'll take my water over on the couch," he says moving to take a seat, while giving an encouraging look to Steph. This was her day.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
As Roberto makes it Stephanie's day, he draws from the blond teen such a soft, charmed look. She reaches over, a hand brushing across his lower back as he moves to the couch, and blue eyes just shining at him so brightly before she finally looks away and back to Tiffany and Brenda.

Stephanie takes the cappuccino, saying, "Just a sip and then let's get started." The large cup is tipped to her lips, an appreciative look given after the taste. "My compliments to Joy," Stephanie says before setting the cup down.

She draws a deep breath and lets it out, the sound conveying a little of her excitement. "Looking for a dress for an upcoming... gala," she says. Gala. Steph wants to giggle that she's going to a gala. "Floor length. Black or red. Maybe something with a slit," she says. "And if you have suggestions beyond that, I'm all ears."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto basks in that smile for awhile as they move apart from each other leaving Stephanie firmly in the spotlight of the moment as he takes his seat in the proverbial front row, sipping from his water and watching.

Brenda smiles warmly, "Joy is a dear," she says. "And simply makes the best cappuccinos, feel free to drink as we talk at least, much better when they're warm."

Brenda takes in Steph's needs and the gears in her head begin to turn. "Ah, the gala," she says knowing immediately which one she means, after all who'd throw one the same night as the club? "Definitely sounds like you've got some good ideas," she says nodding. "Very classic colours, and I could see them working with your colouring," she says tapping her jaw with a finger and giving Stephanie an appraising glance. "Take another couple sips of your drink there, and then come one over and we'll do your measurements and see what we've got that might be what you're looking for."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie stands, just slightly self-conscious as she's looked over by Brenda. Though the woman's comments do help with that a little bit. Steph gets her mug back and takes another sip, smiling over at Roberto. "I find myself wondering what it's like for you when you go shopping then, if this is the boutique experience," she comments to him with a thoughtful smile.

Stephanie sets down the beverage then to go over and stand for Brenda as the woman begins taking her measurements. When the tape measure goes about her chest, Stephanie whispers, "It keeps climbing, still not where I'd like yet," and gives Brenda a grin. She turns about for the woman, letting her get everything she needs. "Oh, I'm not sure if I have any shoes that would work. Most of my heels are... well, they probably wouldn't work for a dress like this," she says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Pretty close to this," Roberto says, "I usually hit up Neiman Marcus for a few suits in the new year so I've got things to wear for events like this. Been looking forward to the red and black jacket I'm wearing this weekend." Of course he has to have one per event it wouldn't do to be seen in the same outfit twice. "If I didn't wear it tonight, I'd be wearing it for my cousin's wedding after graduation."

Brenda nods about Roberto's choice of jacket for the event, "Ah I see now, red or black to match your man, very nice," she says with a wink to Steph before the measuring begins. "It never is," she whispers to Steph about her measurements with a conspiratorial smile. "Though you look lovely, by the way," she says. "We definitely have some things that will fit you beautifully."

There's a nod about the shoes, "We can help there as well of course," Brenda says with a look towards Roberto who gives her a nod and a faintly dismissive wave, of course shoes were on the menu today.

Brenda smiles and turns back to Stephanie. "I wish my boyfriend took me shopping like this," she says. "Anyhow, if you're ready, Tiffany and I will get you some options to try on and find the one that suits you best for the evening."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie tells Brenda confidentially, "I'm pretty overwhelmed by the whole thing to be honest. Your boutique is just amazing," she says. The things on the wall are the sort of things she sees Barbara and Carrie and others wear, but that she'd try to stomp on her own thoughts if they drifted too long towards how much she might have liked such expensive apparel, when she knows how out of reach it is.

"Thank you," Stephanie tells the women. "You're making this just the most wonderful experience," she says before letting them go and choose some dresses for her.

Stephanie moves back over to the couch, slipping out of her shoes and moving to kneel on it at Roberto's side. "Thank you for this," she tells him. "Not even, it's not this. It's just, inviting me into this part of your life," she says. "So, graduation. Coming up soon for both of us. My mom is probably going to throw me a graduation party. I'm not quite sure the details yet. Would you like to come to it?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Brenda smiles, "We do our best, and just relax, we'll take care of everything for you," she says putting a warm and steadying hand on Stephanie's shoulder.

"Glad to help," Tiffany chimes in with a smile as Stephanie thanks both ladies, and then the two slip out talking between each other which items they had in stock might fit.
Roberto puts down his water when Steph comes over and he smiles easily up at her as she kneels beside him on the couch. "Hey," he says brushing his fingers along her cheek. "I care about you Steph, a lot, and wasn't going to go out for burgers with you, or climbing, then not invite you to the gala. Figure at this point," he says reaching up and touching his chest where that medal she gave him still hangs beneath his shirt. "I figure it's all in or nothing at this point, right?" he asks her.

As for the graduation party? "Hell yeah I want to be there.just let me know when."Probably going to be a party with my friends from school too sometime around grad as well, I'll get you an invite to that as well."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie leans her head into his fond touch to her cheek, and lifts her hand to rest along the back of his hand to keep his fingers there for a moment as she savors that contact. She smiles as he mentions it being all in or nothing. "Right," she agrees. Her blue eyes sparkle as the look at him, and after a moment she lets out a joyous little laugh and then leans forward to hug him. "You're just too amazing," she tells him as she leans back so she can see his face again more easily.

"Really looking forward to meeting your friends," she tells him. "I do wish we didn't live so far apart, but that HyperLoop is sure a blessing, or else I don't know that we'd ever get to see each other unless you were coming to visit your mother," she tells him.

Stephanie glances towards where the women left to get the dresses, then looks back to him. "Will she be at the gala as well? If not, was thinking maybe we could do lunch together sometime and meet her?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins as she hugs him and he hugs her back just as hard then lets her go, smiling, reaching out to take her hand giving it a squeeze.

"No kidding," he says about the long distance thing, "Glad the loop's there and at this point I may as well start leaving my car at mum's place." As if he'd part with his wheels! "And yeah, I am sure my friends would like you, they're a little weird but they're basically my other family."

At the question of if his mom would be at the gala, Roberto laughs, "God no." he says. "She hates the Club, that's 100% my dad's thing." he says. "But we should definitely do lunch, maybe at that place in Gotham so you can finally get that chicken sandwich," he grins.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie lets out a soft laugh. "We haven't had the best luck at that place, have we?" she says. "It's like our great white whale of brunches," she adds with another warm laugh. Stephanie squeezes Roberto's hand back as she sits with him on the couch waiting for the women to return with the dresses.

"Well, we can always tool around Gotham on my motorcycle. Long as you don't mind either helmet head, or a bit of a wind-blown look," she says, looking up at Roberto's well-coifed hair and reach up to brush her fingers through it slowly. "I can utterly scare you with my driving that way, too," she says with a little laugh.

She gets a thoughtful look. "So after graduation... have a whole summer before school starts up again. Will you be staying around Westchester mostly? Or... I guess I'm saying I'd like to spend as much of it with you as I can," she says, giving a little shy smile to him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods, "Right, they should really put that they're a vortex of bad luck on their website," he says. "Sooo maybe we give them a pass and we try the Faculty Club at Gotham University?" he suggests. "Mom loves it there and they do a great breakfast buffet."

The idea of the motorbike makes him smile. "I'm willing to take that risk, helmet hair though, safety first and all of that," even if he could likely survive that bike being hit by a Mac truck.

"I'd like that too," he says about spending time together in the summer. "And yeah, Westchester mostly, going to be living there after I graduate for a bit, like I said they're like family. Do need to go back to Brazil for a bit though, see my dad and show up for my cousin's wedding. Not sure if it'd be cool with your mom, but you could come with if you wanted." A trip away, that was a big step, but Berto seems unwavering.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The alternate restaurant idea sounds find to Stephanie. "Another chance to see campus is not a bad thing either. I have my application in, should be hearing back soon, I hope," she says. "A friend's going to try to put in a good word for me. Barbara, the one from the gym?" Or just hack the registrar's office and put her on the list. Stephanie really doesn't know which it will be.

She sinks down into a normal seating position as Roberto mentions the possibility of a trip to Brazil. "I would just... love to go to Brazil with you," she says. "I'd love to see where you grew up and... just the country too, just to experience it. I think... probably a good idea to have you meet Mom before broaching it. It might take a bit to talk her into it. But I think we can probably swing it. She's been talking about how I have to, you know. Grow up, be mature, now I'm going to be out of high school. So, I might as well put that to the test I think," she says with a soft chuckle.

Stephanie looks down, thoughts rolling in her head. "How do you think it'll go, if I meet your father?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Definitely, and it doesn't hurt to have my mom thinking of you and Gotham University at the same time, in case your application might need a little push," Roberto says, not that he doubted Steph, but she'd made it clear how much of a stretch the school was financially and so any help she could get there would be good. "And nice, Barbara sounds like she'd be good too, a Gotham U success story."

Roberto laughs, "Yeah guess meeting her would be a good first step, I'll have to be on my best behaviour," he says before nodding. "And way to flip the maturity thing too, by the way," he gives her a wink. "Good play."

"Anyhow as far as cost goes, it won't be an issue, dad's already arranged the travel and it sounds like I can stay at the penthouse, so no hotels, just spending money and all of that." As for how his dad would react? Roberto doesn't get a chance to get to that part before Tiffany and Brenda return with shoes and dresses for Stephanie to try. "Sorry to keep you waiting, we wanted to find you just the right things, and I think you'll love these options if you're ready to give them a try."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I'm really hopeful Gotham U will work out," Stephanie says with a nod. "I might need to pick up a job. Probably will. But, that's like, character-building or something. I kind of think I already have a lot of character already, but people usually inform me building character and being a character aren't quite the same thing." She crosses her arms and looks sulky for a moment as if in response to said people.

Stephanie gives a light grin then. "I should probably see about getting a passport then," she comments, before the women are returning. Stephanie's excitement ratchets up just a little bit in anticipation of seeing the dresses. She turns back to Roberto, giving his cheek a quick kiss and then rises from the couch. "Certainly, let's give them a try," she says, looking back to smile to Roberto for his permission before leaving with the women to see what they have.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto snorts, "That's what they tell me," he says of getting a job. Not that he's ever had to of course. Dad wouldn't hear of his son stooping that low. "And I am sure asking if people want fries with their order builds all sorts of character," he says of the type of jobs a college student is likely to get.

He nods, "Definitely get a passport," he says before Brenda and Tiffany return to whisk Stephanie away to try on some dresses, he nods, "Go for it, I'm comfy," he tells her with a grin taking a sip of his water, letting the trio of ladies depart for the changing room.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
A little bit of time passes. Tiffany stops back in to check on Roberto and see if he needs his drink refilled. But before too much time has gone, the door through which Stephanie had departed opens again and the young woman comes back in.

She's wearing a black pleated dress slashed with red in a number of places. The dress leaves one leg mostly bare on one side up to the thigh, and has a modest neckline. It leaves her arms mostly bare, the young woman's tone apparent. She glides into the room on heels, walking with a bit more awareness of her posture than normal, as the clothes have their way with her.

"I told them I might need glass slippers instead of the heels, so I could make sure to leave one with you," she tells him as she walks over to where he's sitting. Stephanie does a little turn for him, her eyes seeking his out, looking to see Roberto's reaction.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
As Roberto waits, he checks the long slender box in his pocket, producing it and putting it away as if to make sure it hadn't slipped out of his pocket. Though by the time Steph appears it's back in his coat again.

He stands as Steph enters walking a little circle around Steph. "Are you saying you need to be home by midnight?" he asks her with a grin.

All in all he gives the dress a nod, "Definitely matches my coat, I'd put this on the 'possible' rack," he tells her. "Unless you're in love with it, in which case, job's done," he grins.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie walks over nearer to him. "More like I feel like I'm in a fairy tale sometimes with you, Mr. da Costa," she tells him. "Half expecting to get to your home in Rio and find out it's not a penthouse, but a castle," she says, her smile a warm, teasing one.

Stephanie looks down at herself and says, "Now that I have a couple of girls I can actually show a little bit, wouldn't mind one that takes advantage of it," she admits. She reaches over to brush her hand along Roberto's where it's resting on the arm of the couch. "There was one that has a neckline down to here," she says, indicating down below her breasts, "But it looked really thin, not tacky and over the top. Let me try that on," she says.

Stephanie leans down to brush a soft kiss to Roberto's lips, grinning at him as she back away then and heads for the changing room again. She glances back over her shoulder at him, flashing that warm, beautiful grin his way.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Oh, is /that/ what you mean," Roberto says, as though he had noooo idea. "Well, then yes, you can just call me Príncipe encantado," he says, taking Steph's hand and giving it a kiss.

Though when she sees the family estate she might actually think he /does/ live in a castle, but that's a surprise for later. Right now though, he grins at the idea of the lower neckline. "Well, as a prince, I'm too gentlemanly to comment on your 'girls' so, best try on what you like and pick whichever you like best," he says with a wide grin before shooing her off towards the change room again.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Another few minutes pass and then the door opens again. Stephanie strides into the room, the floor-length black dress with a slit up the side that reveals a pair of heels that are just minimal black straps about her toes and ankle, as if wishing to do nothing but showcase the girl herself.

The dress does the same. Unadorned black, that leaves her shoulders and arms completely bare. The neckline is rounded over her chest with a narrow, plunging line into her cleavage that gives the top of the dress a heart shape.


There's just something fitting about the garment on her. Stephanie's sleekly toned body seems made for it, though a necklace and bracelet would set her appearance off nicely. It's clear in just her walk how much Stephanie likes this dress, before one even sees that cheeky smile that seems to try to reach ear to ear. She walks over to Roberto and gives him a look that seeks his opinion if he likes it as much as she does.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto lets out a low whistle when Stephanie walks into the room wearing that dress, "Wow," he says, getting to his feet and pushing a hand through his black curly hair. "That's some dress," he says, before giving her a look up and down.

It was simple and showed off Steph all the more because of it, rather than drawing the eye away from her to various bells and whistles. Which worked, his coat chosen for the evening was loud enough for the both of them.

He leans over to kiss her cheek, to avoid messing up the dress, "Looks amazing, Steph," he tells her, "Gonna guess from your smile you like it too, yeah?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The blond teen's smile is really turned up in brilliance. "I just love it," she admits, glancing down at it, then back up to Roberto and shining that expression at him. "I'm just... wow," she says. She turns to look at it in one of the mirrors that is available. Though she doesn't linger forever on her image there like someone like Tinsley would. Stephanie turns back. The look that Roberto is giving her is what truly means the most to her.

Stephanie moves back to him and says, "So think I'd do ok on your arm in this?" she asks. "It moves well too," she says, just stopping herself from mentioning she could probably do a running wall flip, and instead saying, "I imagine we could do a bit of dancing there if you'd like? Are you much of a dancer?" she asks, not having thought about that before.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
As if Roberto couldn't tell by that smile. He grins though, happy to see her happy. He pulls out his phone and snaps a quick picture to capture not just Steph in that dress, but her smile too. He almost sends it to Tinsley, but thinks better of it. He'd save it for when he meets Steph's mom, figuring the women would love this moment as much as Roberto does.

Putting his phone away, he holds out his arm to Steph and faces the mirror, "Well, let's find out," he says of looking good on his arm intending to model just that, even if he wasn't in his party gear.

"For sure, main ballroom will have lots of dancing going on, usually have a nice five piece band down there, we can shake hands, do some dancing, then slip up to the VIP to relax a bit. Never know who's going to show up, up there."

As for his skill as a dancer he takes Steph's arm lifting it and twirling her. "I'm alright," he says with a grin. "My mom made sure I knew how for these kind of parties."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie is turned about, and if she lacks the dancer's grace that Roberto sensed from Kitty Pryde in the past, the gymnast follows his lead well just the same. She manages a mostly graceful turn despite the heels. "No chasing anyone down in these," she comments, pulling the dress back to bare a bit of leg and show the heel off. "But I should be able to manage the dance floor alright," she says, looking back up to smile at Roberto.

A warm giggling laugh is given as Stephanie sees herself in the mirror again. "Oh. My mom is going to die when she sees this," Stephanie says. "I really want her to meet you, Roberto. She always worries about me, and I think... I just think she's really going to like you," Stephanie says hopefully.

"So," she says. "Should I go get out of this and we can go have some fun while we're here in the city?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Grinning, looking at the pair they make in the mirror, Roberto says, "Well you won't have to chase me down, that's for sure," he says, kissing her cheek.

The spin is met with approval, he figured she'd manage being a gymnast and all, besides the dancing was going to be slow so all the fancy clothes didn't get rumpled.

Roberto grins, "Hope so," he says, "Figuratively speaking," he adds, he doesn't want her to actually die. "And I'd love to meet her, just tell me and my charm to show up and I'll wow her. Speaking of mothers, though, might need to speak to mine about letting you borrow some jewelry for the gala, she's got a necklace that'd go with the dress," he says before waving off the suggestion of going out and having fun for the moment as he reaches into his coat and produces that long black box.

"But for all the other nights, I got you this, I hope you like it." he hands over the box if she'll take it and inside is a golden medallion in the shape of a compass on a gold chain, little diamonds at the cardinal points and in the centre.

"Figured you might need a compass while you figure out the direction your life is headed," he says, softly, a little uncertainty showing through his usual veneer of confidence.

Visual (but with diamonds): https://i.imgur.com/MIWnuY1.jpg

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's blue eyes peer off to the side in thought, thinking of her schedule and then saying, "What about Friday night? She's off work and no school to worry about. Dinner at my place? If that works for you I'll check with her and we can finalize it," Stephanie suggests.

The mention of borrowing a necklace from Roberto's mother gets a thoughtful look from Stephanie. "If you don't think she'd mind, when she hasn't met me yet? Other than seeing me in the coffeehouse. We should probably plan that lunch with her, too," she says about the time that Roberto is fishing in his pocket for the jewelry box.

The item causes Stephanie's head to tilt to the side, her curiosity piqued. "You really didn't need to," she says, though takes the box, looking at it for long moments. Finally she reaches her other hand over to it, fingers hesitating a moment, and then slowly cracking it open and lifting the lid fully.

She's without words for a few moments, before giving a soft, "Oohhh..." with her lips hanging slightly open after. "Roberto. It's just... it's beautiful. And thoughtful. And... and I'm just. Wow,' she says, shaking her head at her inability to express herself. She may not be able to find the words, but when she lifts her eyes to him those soft baby blues seem to say exactly what she's feeling.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Sure, Friday works," Roberto says without checking his schedule. He'd make the time. "And sure, she'd do it, but we definitely need to set up lunch with her too, I'll call her tonight and see when she's free."

As for the gift he grins, "Of course I had to," he says, not speaking of any real obligation, just the want to make Stephanie smile, which he did and then some.

"Glad you like it, want me to help you put it on?" he asks, though before he makes any move to help he kisses her gently on the lips. "Glad I met you Stephanie Brown," he tells her smiling when their lips part.

If she lets him he's more than happy to put the necklace around her neck to see how it looks.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
When she's kissed, Stephanie reaches up and softly holds his cheeks in her hands. Some of that emotion that showed in her eyes makes it into the touching of their lips. She only pulls back from that kiss slowly, savoring it as her eyelids flutter open and shine with warmth towards him.

"Please," she tells him, turning about in the lovely dress which leaves much of her back bare as well. Stephanie gathers up her hair, lifting it and holding it to the side out of the way to reveal her slender neck and the bare skin of her shoulders.

"It's so very thoughtful," she says to him. "Just, knowing how much all of that is on my mind. Really, Roberto, I just love it," she tells him as she stands still for the taller young man to put the necklace on her.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto, is in no hurry to break the kiss, letting it linger for a time before pulling away. When asked, and when Steph lifts her hair, Roberto undoes the the delicate clasp of the necklace and slowly drapes it around her neck, before he does it up again.

"Well, you were thoughtful with what you got me for your birthday, figured I should do the same," he says, winking at her in the mirror. "Just wanted to let you know I cared and I was going to be there whatever path you end up taking next year."

Then necklace in place, he steps out from behind her so they can both have a look.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie reaches up to touch the necklace once it is in place, and then turns to face the mirror and Roberto so they can both see it. She turns just a little bit, the light glinting off the gold and the diamonds that mark the cardinal directions as if to show her the way.

Even the warm luster of the gold is nothing beside the smile that it brings from the young woman. Stephanie shakes her head slowly and gives a shrug of her shoulders as again the words fail her to express how beautiful it is. "I love it," she tells him, reaching over to slip her hand into his and squeeze softly. "Let me go get out of the dress," she says, and as much as she loves the dress, the necklace is what pulls her eyes. the most.

She turns back to Roberto, offering him another soft kiss. "I'll just be a few minutes," she whispers tenderly and then heads back for the changing room.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto stands by quietly watching as Stephanie admries the necklace. He had to admit it looked good on her, matching the lustre of her hair if not the radiance of her smile. It seemed to fit her too, more than just the length of the chain, but it wasn't too fancy or two plain, it was perfect. Roberto smiles.

"Music to my ears," Roberto says in his best Grouch Marx voice, about slipping out of the dress before squeezing her hand back and smiling more seriously. "Sure thing, then we'll go have some fun," he says before returning that kiss tenderly and letting her slip away to the changing room.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
When the door next opens, it is to admit Stephanie and the two women from the boutique, who have already boxed up the dress and the shows and placed them in bags and are bringing them in behind her. "An excellent choice," Brenda is saying. "I hope you enjoy the gala."

Stephanie beams at the two women. "Thank you so much. This has been a wonderful experience," she says to them, before turning her smile to Roberto, the one who made it possible. She moves over to him, throwing her arms around him to hug him tightly now that she can do so without doing anything to the dress. "Thank you," she tells him warmly, reaching up to brush her fingers over the side of his neck.

"Any ideas on what to do? Have you ever been out to Liberty Island?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto had returned to the couch after Steph left but he rises when the ladies return, offering his own thanks to Brenda and Tiffany, making sure that they had his credit card information and were taking a good sized tip for each of them. Then Steph is hugging him!

He grins, smiling as he returns the hug and gives her a kiss. "You're welcome," he says as their lips part and he shakes his head a little. "No can't say that I have," he looks down and fingers the necklace. "Want to show me the way?" he teases.