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Latest revision as of 15:19, 27 July 2023

Seeking an Amazon but Finding a Cat
Date of Scene: 25 July 2023
Location: Upper East Side
Synopsis: Hellcat spots Poison Ivy and makes her acquaintance.
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Patsy Walker

Pamela Isley has posed:
    It's that time when people have had their dinners, or later dinners. Day is finally yielding to night. The tall buildings of New York begin stretching their shadows and changing the feel of the city's streets, narrows, and back walkways. Nothing like what Ivy is used, and not even close to Gotham's oppressive tangible shadows.
    None of this deters Pamela Isley who has on a light summer dress that doesn't quiet hide her costume under it as she walks along. She never goes to some places without an exit strategy or knowing the lay of the land. In the criminal life this can be seen as 'casing a joint' for some of the henchmen. To Ivy she just thinks it's wise to know the land you tread on. She's glad that the heat and day of the week has kept the place fairly empty and quiet. Sure plenty of cars go on the main roads to head up or downtown. But they aren't paying any mind to the redhead who is pausing at ever tree outside every townhouse. Glancing often toward Central Park. Sometimes even doubling back to pour a little special formula for the trees. "Stupid dogs," the plant woman curses as one tree's soil is so acidic from the animal's over frequent visits.

Patsy Walker has posed:
It's a night for patrol, after Patsy's done some writing. Now, with the costume in place, Hellcat is out on the prowl. Good nights are boring nights, ones where nothing of significance takes place. Wasted time? No, because there's always the 'what if' of people needing assistance with nobody around to give it.

From one rooftop to another she goes, making the leaps with the nimble grace of a feline, quietly done as well. Golden yellow costume with dark blue/black accents in cowl, gloves, boots and sash, not difficult to be seen when she wants or needs to be. The bright, colorful side of it doesn't work well in shadow.

Along the way she passes the Themysciran Embassy, giving it a glance before a solitary figure below draws the eye away. A certain redhead, skin tinted green, hints of a costume that's been in the news more than once. And she's pausing at each tree she passes. "Hmm." Seconds later, a near-silent landing leads to her falling into step just about alongside the woman. "Poison Ivy? Nice night, wouldn't you say?" The tone is conversationally suspicious.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    In Ivy's former line of work you get over the 'jumpy' part of a voice just appearing behind you real fast. She takes a moment to try and place it. Definitely not one of the normal ones. "The humidity is rather high. It be nice to get that rain to come down, clean the streets and get some water where it do some good." The now empty vial of something green is tucked into her belongings, when keeping a low profile you don't litter. "Cat say I'm familiar with that look. I can't even tease you about using yellow given one of Robin's main colors tends to be that and red."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat catches a glimpse of the vial, but makes no mention of it just yet. Best not to give everything away immediately. No good detective lets on what they see or know right from the start.

Lacking pockets to stuff her claw-tipped hands into, they swing naturally at her side with each step. One redhead to another, she answers, "Mmm, yeah. The rain's good at washing things out a bit. Freshen everything up and all."

Pulling up close enough that she can have a look to the side at Ivy, she expresses familiarity. "Yes, one of Batman's proteges. He's had a few over the years, in fact. As for me? Hellcat."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Interesting name. Not sure how it would work on Gotham without more... infernal accents to the costume or something." Ivy doesn't seem too worried but she keeps Hellcat in front of her and will pivot if the circling keeps happening. "I can introduce myself but seems my reputation beat me to it. So I guess that leaves me wondering why you wear a mask. The name /Hell/cat doesn't encourage you working for the angels exactly."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"Oh, there's a story behind that. Maybe I'll share it with you sometime," Hellcat says with a rueful grin and a shake of her head, a breeze catching the sash to make it flutter almost like a tail in motion.

She remarks, "I follow the side of making sure the streets are safe. Some people think it fits because of the way I fight." Looking notably at Poison Ivy through the white eyes of her cowl and mask, she clarifies, "Not that I go around looking for them. An uneventful night is fine with me. Something bring you out this way? If I remember right, your haunts are usually over in Batman's domain."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Usually you'd be right. But... pardon the old style puns." Ivy smiles and strokes the trunk of the tree near her. "I'm branching out? Looking to turn over a new leaf?" She shakes her head and says, "those were horrible. I should turn myself in just for saying them. Seriously though I was just looking in on some things. I mean Central Park gets all the hype and is in the proverbial heart of the city. Did you know it isn't even the largest park in this city? That's farther north at Van Cortlandt."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat does Poison Ivy the courtesy of laughing at her jokes, even if it's a little forced. "That sounds like my kind of humor!" she exclaims. Maybe the Gothamite isn't all that bad if she's willing to make jokes like that? Nah, it'd be foolish to assume that just because of a laugh or two. Gonna need to see more proof first.

"And I can't say I was aware of that. Central Park does get all the attention, it's true. It's got a lot going for it though, you have to admit. Isn't a couple golf courses and a cemetery kind of cheating, though?" It's not quite the same, to her. "But if you're not doing, ah, the same things as before, I guess we won't have any problems."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Laughter is often a good thing for Ivy, it means rapid exchange of air and a drop in card. Neither she is looking to exploit at the moment. Though her green eyes are watching Hellcat carefully.
    "It does, though she is among the oldest in the country, she's mostly fake." She shrugs about cheating, "That's up to who keeps and writes the rules. I never was part of either group all that much." The corners of her mouth lift up in a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, "I'm breaking no human law with my current actions. If that's what you are asking me."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"This is true," Hellcat says, first responding to the last things said about not breaking any laws. "Which is just what I was hoping to hear. Was there any particular reason why you decided to change your ways at all? If I can be a little stereotypical, you have me curious, you see."

She trails a hand along a tree trunk in passing, just a gentle touch to it as they go along. Both stand out for one reason or another, two redheads of considerably different persuasions.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "Nature is adaptable, Hellcat. If one thing isn't working to reach your goals. Try a new tactic. I am not as extreme as others possibly. I've just been trying to do a ew other things. Least while I am able." Ivy looks at the tree. "The older me would set it up to make this tree crush anyone who came by mistook it for a urinal again. That only treats the symptoms and not the problems with humans."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat quotes, "They do say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar." She mulls this over, relative to Ivy's remark about nature adapting, to which she nods. "That's the truth, and you can't stop nature. I'm sure people would be appreciative of the kinder, gentler Ivy, though. Crushing people, or animals in this case..that tends to draw the wrong kinds of attention. Was it too much time behind bars? I don't imagine plants or people like being cooped up or caged."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    "The Corpse Flower or Venus Trap do it better," answers Ivy automatically. A warmer smile comes to her lips. "No you can't stop nature. Though many really do try." Ivy shakes her head and says< "Arkham doesn't have a cage for me. Bars don't work. You can't disarm me, and so I get a pretty hermetically sealed little bubble all my own when I was there." The change in voice makes it clear that it was not a pleasant situation. "Honestly I'm planning a trip if I can manage it. Wanted to check some of the options here in this city. What about you? Why does a woman call herself Hellcat and chase after dangerous murderers?"

Patsy Walker has posed:
"That sounds so..personally special," Hellcat states, shaking her head at the singular form of confinement for one such as Poison Ivy. "But I guess you could say they did what they thought they had to do for someone of your..nature." Her turn to give too wide a smile at her bad joke in light of discussing prison confinement.

She continues, "I've heard all about the corpse flower, and something tells me I wouldn't like a Venus Trap very much. Aside from that, maybe I'm a thrill-seeker. Maybe I just wanted to chat with a fellow redhead. Maybe cats are too curious."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy's lips can't quiet manage to smile with the joke about her former captors. "I'm sure they thought best," she says evenly." Plants are a safer topic to be sure. "I'm surprised you know of one and not the other. The Venus Fly Trap is something they put in schools." She does smile at the last bit Hellcat says, "Oh I have had to deal with 'cats' aplenty. Just have to find the right catnip and they become tame little toys that are harmless." She looks around and notices some cars have slowed down to notice the pair of them. "Hmmm. Maybe best if I move along. I think I know what I needed to find out for now."

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat is quick to wave a hand, the claws catching a little light nearby. "Oh, no. I know what both of them are. I'm just saying I can imagine a large one wouldn't be much fun." She smirks at the mention of other cats and catnip, along with toys. "I've crossed paths with the one from your neck of the woods, but I'm not that easy to tame. People find that out pretty quickly." Just a little hint of her own confidence in herself.

"Of course. Don't let me keep you from where you're going." She's confident she'll hear of it if the woman does anything further around the area. Most likely, Hellcat will keep her patrol to the neighborhood a while longer.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Ivy makes a silent 'ah' of understanding when Hellcat clarifies her earlier words. "I see. Well I do have a way with plants most can never hope to understand. You don't have to imagine too hard, they made a movie about a plant like that. Named it Audrey II I believe."
    Ivy starts to step toward the street as she spies a 'taxi' for hire light. "Then I wash you a quiet night, Hellcat. Don't be out too late." She waves a hand, "Taxi!" who will pull over for her. "Goodbye," Ivy wishes Hellcat as she shuts the door before giving the cap an address.