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Counseling Morrigan
Date of Scene: 19 April 2020
Location: Exterior - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Sam pays a visit to Happy Harbor about a job and has a good conversation with Morrigan and a trial run at the school.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Stark Expo Opening Ceremonies were last night and that meant that Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre had made a small appearance to support the man. She's not like a lot of people and cut out early. That meant she could function on this Sunday afternoon. The redhead is currently working just outside in the sitting area that is situated for downtime.

She's dressed in jeans, brown boots and a green sweater coat that wards off what little chill that is left in the air. And of course there are sunglasses, because she didn't want to deal with her eyes squinting all the time while she works on her tablet.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam, admittedly, missed the opening of the Expo. Such is the life. Getting out for a ride on a pleasant Sunday afternoon meant taking his motorcycle out for a ride. He had already considered what his next steps were. And somewhere in there, that pull of giving back that his parents instilled in him so well started to niggle at him.

So he took the next exit he came across, which lead him to Happy Harbor. After riding around for a while, the bike, a newer model Motus pulled into the bus circle for the school and found a place to park, before Sam slipped of.

Dressed in a pair of jeans, a checkered shirt and leather jacket, he takes off his helmet to set in on the bike before securing it and heading towards the school, and the redhead already sitting out front. Smiling warmly, an open smile that shows off that small gap in his front teeth, he gives a wave of his hand. "Afternoon."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up when she hears the motorcycle, mainly to see if one of the teens decided to get themselves one. But it's not one of their kids. Which causes one brow to quirk up curiously. Who might be visiting?

She settles the tablet down, her gaze hidden by the dark sunglasses that she wears. But the curiousness that's one her face doesn't need to be conveyed with her eyes.

She gives a wave in return, "Good afternoon." the Irish woman states with a smile of her own. His face was a bit familiar, but, she's trying to place it. She gathers up the tablet and stands, "Welcome to Happy Harbor. Can we help with something?" she asks with a welcoming smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Irish accent, great it's like talking to an Female Steve. As long as she doesn't go busting out the gaelic. "Not sure if you can, but I figured I'd see." he offers to her politely. "My name's Sam." he offers in way of introduction. "I was looking in the paper a couple of weeks ago and saw that there was an opening here for a guidance counselor."

"I know it's Sunday and I didn't mean to interrupt your relaxation there, but I was wondering if you could tell me if the position was still available, I could see about calling tomorrow to see about coming by or applying."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's not as heavy on the accent, but, it's something that stands out, "I think I can help with that." she nods to him after he's done explaining what he was looking into.

She stands and offers a hand in greeting, "I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre and you were not interrupting anything. I'm just working. Seems to be the only thing I do these days." she chuckles. "And we are in need of a guidance counselor. You seem to have wandered in on a good day where I am not running about like a chicken with my head cut off." she grins.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Chicken with your head cut off is more of an infliction than you might think. Like herding cats." Sam offers and chuckles. "I wasn't going to ask, one thing I learned is never ask a ginger where she decides to get some sun." Accepting the hand, his grin turns mischevious, "Samuel Wilson. Nice to meet you, Doctor MacIntyre." he responds, a warm shake of her hand. His are well worn, calloused, the hands of someone that's used to hard work.

"Now, I suppose I should start with the fact that my counseling isn't usually students - I'm more used to counseling combat veterans and the like. But my parents were always on me to try to help give back to the youth."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It's a little of both some days. The kids here can be a handful and a half sometimes." Morrigan muses to that. "And I really shouldn't be out in the sun, but, it was a nice day and I felt a little too cooped up." she admits as she shakes his hand. While her hands haven't seen rough work, there are a few tell tale signs of once broken fingers and a few knicks.

Then his name clicks, "Oh. You're THE Sam Wilson." she states. It's not a squealing fangirl thing, but, she does know the name.

She listens to Sam explain things and there's a smile, "You know, that is actual something that might be good for some of our students. Some of them have been through some really rough patches in their life already." she frowns at that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Shouldn't be out in the sun? Autoimmune thing?" Sam's heard stories of it before, but ventures a guess at it, as he releases her hand and was about to say more, when Morrigan manages to match name to face to identity. 'THE Sam Wilson'. He winces just a little at that. "Guilty as charged, Doctor." he admits a bit sheepishly. "But not my reason for coming by." After all, he didn't fly in on the Falcon's wings.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks, gesturing to the bench. "Rough patches. That's something I can understand. I grew up in Harlem." he admits with a little chuckle. "And didn't exactly have the easiest of times."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him, "I have an allergy to it actually. But I can at least spend a few hours in it before anything starts rapidly going downhill." she admits. The wince makes her chuckle, "I promise I won't start asking for autographs. I can't garuntee that some of our teens won't swarm for one though." she points out gently. "Given Tony Stark is a guest teacher we do have moments where they hit complete fangirl mode." she muses.

Then there's a nod, "Absolutely, feel free." she states as she retakes her seat. "Do you think you are ready to deal with hormonal teenagers?" she asks him with a straight face.

Sam Wilson has posed:
As he moves to take a seat next to Morrigan, the mention of Tony's teaching there draws a laugh. "I suppose he would be the one to start influencing them early." he says with a smirk. "No, no, he's a good guy. Just more ambitious than me. And if he's here, I doubt I'd have to worry about many autographs." After all, even his suit is a poor man's version of the Iron Man armor.

"Anyway, about me, not him, right?" he asks playfully as he folds his hands in front of him. "Where should I begin?" he asks her.

Scooting to sit on the edge of the bench, he hunches over slightly. "Alright, so grew up in Harlem. My father was a pastor, was killed trying to break up a street fight, my mother was killed in a mugging a few years later. I let that get to me, you know. I turned to doing some bad things. These are things I won't tell your students, mind you. But for a while there, I worked for the mob. Then I realized that I wasn't doing right by my folks. So I joined the Air Force."

"I was in the para-rescue squad, doing missions that aren't mentioned in the papers when I first got to try the Falcon suit. After my partner was killed... I needed out. So I took a discharge, and I was in a lot of grief, but I knew I wasn't alone, so I went to school to learn some counseling - ended up doing my own support group. It's how I met Steve. The rest, I guess, is history."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a nod to that, "Mister Stark does seem to be a good guy." she agrees. Then there's a soft smile, "This is about you, yes." she tells him. And the redhead crosses one knee over the other as she listens to him. A frown tugs at her lips as he speaks on his parents. "I am sorry about your parents." she tells him in a soft tone. Losing parents was a hard thing.

There's a moment where she doesn't know what to say after that. "You've had a lot of loss in your life, Mister Wilson." she frowns at that. "But, you've done a good job of turning things around from what I hear." she adds with a smile to that. "I think a few of our students would actually relate very much to you." she gives a nod to this.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"It's not about the losses, really, Doctor MacIntyre. It's about the gains from it. 9/11 happened a couple of weeks after my dad died. Mom couldn't just sit around, so we volunteered. Worked at a soup kitchen at the ministry, tried our best to do the good work for my dad's memory. You just got to have the drive and spirit to want to do better. I wouldn't mind helping with that." Sam admits.

"But you know the other side of the coin as well." he explains, a glance over to the pretty redhead before he continues, "I'm not sure if you're looking for someone full time. I'm still an Avenger. Still working for SHIELD. I have free time, but I don't know if that's something you want to balance, plus I'd have to keep working here rather quiet. I don't want to draw unwanted attention to you or the school."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and there's a moment taken to take off the sunglasses, revealing those bright violet eyes of hers, "9/11 was a horrific time for us." she agrees with him. "Your parents sound like they were good people and that they raised a good man. Even with the rough patches." she smiles to him. "We definitely need more people around here that have your outlook on things." she admits.

"Honestly, we have a number of SHIELD agents that work at the school and I'm understanding of people having schedules that are 'hey, I'm here when I'm here'." she explains to him. "And you don't need to worry about drawining attention to the school or myself. I can handle a good few things on my own." she gives a grin to that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam chuckles. "I can imagine, gingers are scary." he teases her with a grin as he sits back up. "Well, if you think you can use someone like me, I'd be more than happy to help. If I need to do something more than conunseling, I can teach ROTC, I was a Master Sergeant in the Air Force before my discharge, and know most of the drills by heart."

Those eyes draw his attention though, and he's captivated for a second before he remembers how to speak again. "Anything else you want to ask?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Some of us more than others." Morrigan muses. "I really try to stay nice though. Until people mess with things that they shouldn't." she shrugs. "And I think you'd be a great benefit to the school. Even if it's not full time." she tells him. "And hey, ROTC sounds like something that would be of interest to more than a few of our teens." she seems happy about that.

"I always feel like I should ask more questions, but then I get worried that it's too in depth. And with you being SHIELD certified we really don't need to do a background check." she adds. "So what do you do when you aren't an Avenger or a Counselor, Mister Wilson?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"It sounds like the school's in good hands." Sam responds with a grin. "And I wouldn't mind doing the ROTC bit. I know a few people." Including a paticular Captain. But he's not going to be doing any name dropping. However, the question about his off time draws a smile.

"You're going to think this sounds totally weird, but I'm a falconer. And not like Falcon. When I was a kid, I had a huge roost of pigeons I used to train. I sort of fell out of that when I was a teenager. However, when I was in Afghanistan? I came across a hawk chick that had been orphaned in a firefight. Nursed it back to health, and Redwing came back to the states with me. I have a pilot's license, so I'm working with that."

"Not seeing anyone, so I have plenty of free time." he admits with a chuckle.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile, "Somedays I do a fairly good job of not letting the place burn down, but, we're in our first year and I can see that we can do things to make things better as we go." she explains. "So we will see how the second year goes." she nods to him.

There's a warm smile when he states that he's a falconer. "I don't think it's weird." she tells him. "It shows a lot of dedication." she adds. Then she gives a bit of a chuckle, "Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Spend a lot of time here and then I'm still making stops into Mount Sinai to make sure the Pathology department doesn't catch on fire." she sighs.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"At least it's near the end of the school year, so there's plenty of time over the summer to get things sorted. Will the kids be going home, or are you doing summer courses?" Sam asks curiously, "I also have a drone named Redwing, so yeah, might get confusing. I like the name, okay?" he says with a small laugh.

"Maybe sometime I can show you the bird- not the machine. He's really well trained, and it's good to get him out in the open." He gets out his phone, and putting in his code, he scrolls through a few pictures before finding the one he wants and shows him the picture of his hawk.


"What about you?" he asks. "What types of things do you enjoy doing, when you're not holding down the fort.?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan returns the sunglasses to her eyes, because it's bright out. Though she is listening to him, "Since we're a private high school we'll have some kids that stay over the summer, we have dorms and everything else. The school is really nicely set up." she admits. "The Senior trip to Spain is the next big thing." she tells him.

"I'd be happy to see Redwing...the actual bird. Or the machine one. We've got a lot of engineering teens around here so maybe you could bring him in?" she asks with a bit of a smile as she looks at the photo on his phone.

"I read, jog, try not to have a small breakdown." she muses. "It's getting warmer so it'll be nice to get out and actually do more things." she states idly.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Maybe. You know how SHIELD is with their tech, though." Nevermind that Sam technically stole the exo to help Steve out, that was just a minor inconvience at the time. "I'll have to bring them both around. I'm assuming that you want to keep the powers things on the downlow, though. And I can respect that." Sam offers as he glances aside at her. "I don't mind a good run now and again."

"If you ever want company...?" he offers to her as he grins over at her in encouragement. "Everything I've seen so far has sold me that you're doing a good thing here, Doctor. And you sound like you've assembled a good team to help you out. Don't be afraid to set aside the load aside for someone else to help out with." he points out hopefully.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'm guessing they can be a little over protective of things." Morrigan muses at that. "And advanced tech is a bit different than other things. Though...I'm afraid if we let a mechanized Redwing in that we'll have some copycats." she shakes her head.

"I feel like my kind of run and your kind of run are probably different, but, if you promise not to make fun I'd love company." she gives a grin to him at that. Then she's sobering a bit, "We do have a good team of people here, I just worry. It's in my nature." she chuckles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"It's good to worry. But there's no reason to worry yourself to frustration." Sam points out, glancing over at her with a swift smile. "As you said, you have a good team of people. Let them help you." He's not even official yet and he's already counseling! "Mecha-Redwing isn't much different than many other drones." That's only a small fib, but hopefully that will keep people from being too curious. "And one can hope that they like bird Redwing better. Maybe it'll start a trend." he points out. "Like I said, I started with pigeons. When I bring Redwing out, maybe you can take him through his paces."

Then he laughs, outright. "I will not make fun of you, I solemnly swear." he admits with a laugh, a hand on his heart. "Trust me, I'm someone that went for a run, and in the process of that, Steve lapped me //three// times. Everytime all 'On the Left'." he lets out a playful groan. "When you're exercising with super soldiers and enhanced beings, you get humbled, real fast."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him, yep, he'd fit in well here. "I mean if he's just an advanced drone of sorts then I don't see harm...unless he's heavily weaponized." she chuckles. "Maybe they would like the actual bird. I know some of the kids might not have seen one up close." she ponders on that for a minute.

"Alright, since you swore, I'll have to trust you on that." she gives a grin to him. Then there's a soft laugh, "Steve...as in Captain America Steve?" she looks to him. "And yes, I can imagine being humbled by super soldiers or highly trained SHIELD agents is not something that feels good." she chuckles. "Though, I promise not to joke about being on your left." she smiles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Besides pigeons? Probably not. I could build a roost or something, if enough kids show interest." Sam admits with a thoughtful look, and then hehs. "Mecha-Redwing is armed. I'd have to make sure he's not loaded when I bring him up here." So that one might have to wait for a little while. "But I'll make sure to pass things by you before introducing them to the kids." He knows how the chain of command works, after all.

"And yeah, Captain Rogers. Sorry, I've gotten used to calling him Steve, that I forget..." he admits. But he's not going to offer that he can convince Steve to visit the school or anything. He doesn't work that way. He grins however, at her clip. "If you are start lapping me, I'm totally throwing in the towel on my budding track and field career." he points out with a laugh. "But it's always good to have a partner for encouragement and such."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I was mugged by a pigeon once. I had stopped and gotten a hot dog and a bag of chips and suddenly they was this pudgy pigeon mean mugging me for something. I would have gave him something but he snatched the chips before I could offer one." Morrigan laughs at that. "Oh yeah, we don't need Mister Morgan getting any ideas...though given he's attached to SHIELD he probably already knows about Mecha-Redwing." she sighs. "And thank you, that's appreciated." she smiles softly.

"No, no need to be sorry. He's your friend and we don't usually use all the proper names for them." she tells him. "I would make a bet that you'll get asked about Captain Rogers in your first week. They asked Tony about him as well." she chuckles to that. She makes a quiet mental note NOT to walk through any portals while jogging. "Oh I'm sure if I lap you during a run there is a great disturbance in the world." she gives a shake of her head. "But, having a partner is a good thing." she gives a nod to that.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Pigeons are so used to humanity feeding them, they're forgotten in some parts of the world, they're still a delicacy." Sam responds with a smirk as he glances aside to her, and then shrugs his shoulders. "I don't mind answering questions, but I'd rather concentrate on their needs. If I have the job?" he asks her curiously,

If there's portals, something has really really gone wrong. "And let me know when you want to go on that jog... or anything else." he offers to her. "And I agree. A partner is a good thing." Then he glances at his phone and sighs. "I should be getting back, to check in and all." He wants to ask more, but he stops there. "It was a real pleasure to meet you though, Doctor MacIntyre."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Right? Sqwab is really tasty to some people." Morrigan can't help but grin at that. Then there's a look over him before she gives a nod, "Yes, I think you do, Mister Wilson." she tells him. "I mean, your qualifications outside of SHIELD are a great thing." she states with a smile.

"We'll see how the first week goes and then maybe see about a job after that?" she offers. "I should give you this." she states as she gets one of her cards out, "My cell is on there as well, if you get bored and want to talk more." she tells him. "Have a safe drive back and feel free to call me Morrigan." she offers as she rises from the bench.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Moving to rise from the bench, Sam chuckles. "You mean I have to wait until I'm bored to call you? I'd never call then." he responds with a wink at the redhead as he accepts the card. "One week trial offer, I can dig that." he understands she needs to protect her students, and he takes out his phone and scans the card, before sending her a text with his contact information. "You don't have to be bored to call me."

"And please, Sam, if I'm calling you Morrigan, Doctor." he adds, a chuckle as he offers his hand to her. "I'll call you tomorrow before I get to campus." Then he pauses.

"...are the lunches here any good?" he asks her teasingly as he moves to get on his motorcycle.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Or you can call when you like." Morrigan points out with a smile to him. "I think trial runs are good. So that you can see what's going on. It's close enough to the end of the end of the school year that it should let you see if you want to do it when things are back in swing fully." she admits. She looks down to her phone when she gets a text and she grins

"Alright, Sam." she states as she looks up to him, taking the hand to give it another shake before letting it go. "Sounds like a plan, we'll see you tomorrow." she grins.

"They are, but if you wanted to get something that's probably bad for you there's a diner close." she smiles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I'll just pack something. See you soon, Morrigan. Do I bring you an apple on the first day?" That's said with a warm smile as he saddles up and fires up the motorcycle, before Sam glances over at her one more time as he pulls on his helmet. "I'll call you when I get home."

That should be enough, right?