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Latest revision as of 03:53, 19 September 2023

Speed Limits
Date of Scene: 17 September 2023
Location: Queens
Synopsis: BIlly and Irie get away from it all. Fast!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Irie West

Billy Batson has posed:
There are quiet places in Queens. Billy made it a point to choose them for Irie's driving lesson. There were no surprises there, no Flashy powers, no mishaps which was good because Victor would kill him if anything happened to the Vasquez van. Driving lesson concluded. they parked near a small and deserted park to enjoy the night air.

"So... you listen really well, you should pass your road test soon with no problems. I'm sorry if this is a little boring to you, but you have to pass the road test as a person... like me. I mean like me right now." Saying this he sighs and stretches and winds up with his arm on the seat behind Irie. Achilles points out that move was old in his time. "Nice night. What do tyou want to do now?"

Irie West has posed:
    Irie has found that driving is more frightening than she ever imagined it would be. Sure she's used to running around the city at high speeds and dodging traffic, but to do it in a two ton van? Man, that's scary. Still she's managed to white-knuckle it throughout the lessons and seems to be doing pretty good.

    "Yeah," she says with a nervous little chuckle, as the adrenaline begins to drain from her system. "I got this. No problem. I don't think I could drive this as Kid Flash. I mean, the most I could do would be to have hyper reflexes in case anything starts going wrong. Which isn't a //bad// thing if you think about it," she muses. "But I don't need to be in my hero costume to do that."

    She giggles when Billy attempts the oldest trick in the book, and takes up his invitation to lean over to rest her head on his shoulder. "I don't know," she says. "Maybe run out to the middle of nowhere and do some star gazing."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson raises an eyebrow at the stargazing suggestion. He ventures, "Well, you're not carrying me while you run so, I'm going Shazam for the travel part. I know a place I go to to think, Iceland... I know you could run on water but... let me fly you. I still feel guilty about letting you pull that rickshaw. What do you say?" He leans back into her a little. Oldest move indeed -but it works.

Irie West has posed:
    "I was thinking of something closer to home," Irie admits. "But I guess I could do Iceland. I'd need to stop by the tower to get some cold weather clothes though." She grins, "But yeah! Let's do it!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ohs and says, "Yeah I should get my winter coat, since you want me and not lightning boy. And bring the van home. Meet you back at my place. Let's see who gets there first!" That is definitely a joke, unless she agonizes over what to wear. He turns on the ignition and wonders if this quick errand warrants a kiss.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie nods as she gets out of the car. "Yeah. I'll meet you at your place. See you soon!" She, then, zips over to the Tower in a manner of minutes, which is saying something since she started out in Queens. She rummages through her closet until she finds a nice parka, thick pants and some gloves, and rushes over to Billy's house.

    She grins when she sees him pulling up in the driveway and teases, "Slowpoke."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson frowns. When the van pulls into the driveway, He pulls out and well you know: boom. Shazam flies into his apartment over the garage and after a very short time emerges with a backpack stuffed with his clothes. The bag gets stowed under his cape and he holds his arms out to Irie. "All aboard!" he says with a grin.

Irie West has posed:
    "How do we want to do this?" Irie asks with a grin. "Should I hop on your back, or do you want to just princess carry me to Iceland?" She raises her arms and says, "Or you can just... let me dangle. I know which one //I// prefer." Wink.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson sighs and says, "Riding me like a surfboard... kidding. Princess Flash it is!" He scoops her up. "I have to go slow to start, till we're out of the city. I create sonic booms. The lighting is bad enough... drat. I just realized I could have put the clothes on as Billy and changed. Oh well." he shoots up into the sky carrying Irie princess style. they also call this cradle carrying but he won't bring this up. She seems sensitive about her age. He clears Queens, and remembers to stay less than a mile up so she can breathe but... friction shouldn't be a problem right. He pours on the speed.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie giggles and swings an arm around Billy's neck as she's scooped up. "You know," she says. "Let me try something. The Speed Force makes me immune to friction, which is why I don't tear myself apart when I'm zooming around. Maybe I can extend that field around you so when you fly, you won't sonic boom or anything."

    She closes her eyes, and hugs Billy tight as she activates the Speed Force, wrapping them in the strange crackling energy. "Okay. Go! See how fast you can fly!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "How fast? Hang on! we're far enough out to not bother anyone." when he is over the ocean he does open up. He isn't sure how this compares to a Flash. He gives it his best, ready to face the heat of friction or not. He has made it to the Moon is a few hours. Iceland was usually ten minutes away at max. The crackle mingles with his own lightning trail. "Our lightnings like each other. Hey keep doing whatever you're doing! This is great. Let me know if we're going to high!" Shazam grins.

The ocean under them blurs, even to his sharp senses and Iceland comes into view, the Aurora blazing. It should be a memorable date!