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Latest revision as of 06:04, 22 April 2020

Post-Orientation Chatter
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Headmistress MacIntyre's Office - Happy Harbor HS
Synopsis: Sam drops in on Morrigan after the first day he's spent at Happy Harbor.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
School is over! Thank goodness Monday was almost done. Though some people didn't get to rush out at the end of the day. One of those people was Morrigan. The redhead is tucked neatly into her office and filning papers away in the sleek looking cabinets behind her desk.

Because that's what she seems to spend her time doing these days. Work, work, work. She's dressed much differently than the day before, jeans and sweater have been replaced with a dove grey dress shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt and heels. Her hair is still down and a riot of curls though. She hums softly as she goes through filing.

Sam Wilson has posed:
The first day was interesting enough. Having gone through new teacher orientation, Sam decided to take a chance and drop in on Morrigan in her office. Dressed in a brown suit with a white shirt and a tweed colored tie (https://tinyurl.com/yc6nvyh3), he pauses as he was just about to knock. And folding his arms over his chest to wait.

Because she's bobbing and filing and humming and he's going to take a moment to appreciate the redhead. Finally, however, he clears his throat and taps on the door. "Morrigan?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan continues to do the filing and the humming, until she hears the clearing of a throat and a tap on the door. She gives a look up and there's a warm smile when she sees it's Sam, "You look like you survived the first day in one piece." she states. Then she's closing the drawer and deciding that she's done for now.

"Come on in if you'd like." she motions for him to enter. "Did the first day go alright?" she asks him with a hopeful look. "That's a nice suit." she mentions as she gives a soft smile.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Still in one piece. I don't think many students recognized me. Maybe tomorrow." Sam admits with a grin as he comes in, closing the door behind him and reaches into his suit pocket. He pulls out an apple and sets it on the desk for her. "It's not much, but I wanted to express my gratitude over you giving me this chance." he offers to her as he returns her smile with a toothy one of his own.

"Thanks, figured I'd look nice for the first day while I get my old uniform cleaned up." comes the response about his suit. "You look really nice as well. How was your day? You hanging in there with it being the end of the year crush?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Good, I like our teachers and SHIELD affiliates to stay in one piece." Morrigan states as she leans against her desk just a little. Those heels started wearing out their welcome a bit after the end of day. The appearance of the apple makes her smile a bit brigher, "You don't need to give me anything. There's a few people here getting chances. Even me. I figured I'd be tinkering away in my office at Mount Sinai for the next twenty or thirty years." she admits with a chuckle.

"Old uniform?" she asks curiously. Then she gives a look over herself and there's a look back to him, "Thank you. If you see me in running around in sweat pants you'll know I've reached a wall." she teases. "End of the year crush is something I'm not going to miss, but, I think we're getting the hang of it. The day was fairly quiet. So that was nice." she states.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I mean, it was a bitter tougher of a challenge than facing down Taskmaster last night." Sam admits as he grins. "And I don't know, you might look good in a pair of sweatpants." he teases right back, before explaining. "My old military uniform, though I guess that depends if you want me to focus more on the ROTC side of things, or on the counseling side of things. I suppose for the rest of the year, the idea of a counselor might be needed more. I figured I'd let you do the announcement on that."

Then he considers, "I mean, it's good to get another chance and all. But you've done a lot of hard work, Morrigan. It should be appreciated. Plus I saw it and the skin reminded me of your hair." There's a bit of a small flirt in his tone.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's gaze grows concerned as he speaks on facing down a Taskmaster last night, causing her to straighten and step forward, "You aren't hurt are you?" she asks. She didn't smell blood, so she was guessing if she did that might be more to worry on. His comment about sweatpants makes her grin, "I might...but, only at home or out for a run." she points out. "Oh, yes, your uniform." she murmurs a bit wistfully.

Then there's a moment to realize she's not talking, "I think you guys appreciate it. I just try not to make a fuss over myself really." she tells him. "It's very thoughtful and sweet, Sam." she states with a smile as she looks to him.

"Do you need to get back to Avenger things soon or is your schedule looking free this evening?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Well, if you're not going to make a fuss over you, I guess I'll just have to make a fuss over you." Sam responds playfully. No wounds, no blood to entice her senses. "I don't have any injuries. My main action was extracting the hostage from the situation. Miss Lane at the Daily Planet." he explains before he grins at the wistful tone. "Sounds like I should be careful if I wear my uniform around you." that's offered teasingly.

But then she's asking if he has plans tonight. He considers and finally shakes his head. "I don't have any plans with the Avengers of SHIELD tonight, Morrigan." he admits to her. "Do you have any plans?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's violet gaze meets his and there is a chuckle, "How about we compromise and it's just a tiny fuss." she jokes at that. Then she sobers a touch, "I'm glad that you were not hurt, though I'd have completely understood having to delay your first day to another time to heal." she tells him. "And I'm happy to hear that Miss Lane has been safely returned home." she adds.

"I give my word that I will be on my best behavior and not oogle you should you wear your uniform." she states. "I do not have plans this evening. I already checked in at the hospital and I'm not needed to look at any cases so it's going to be a quiet Monday night from the looks of it." she smiles.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Does it have to be quiet?" Sam asks, that playful flirtation in his smile as he gets on the wavelength that she's on, his dark eyes meeting her violet ones. "If you just asked me to dinner or... whatever, I'm more than happy to accept Morrigan." he gives her a warm smile in response, reaching over to give her hand a quick squeeze.

"And what?" he asks her teasingly. "I have to wear a uniform to get you to oogle me?" he asks her playfully. "I'd totally oogle you in sweatpants, even."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I mean, it doesn't have to be quiet." Morrigan grins at that. Then she's listening to him and there's a soft nod of her head, "Well, how about we get dinner? We can talk a bit more and it doesn't have to feel like we need to stick to school safe things." she muses. His squeeze to her hand draws a redness to her cheeks and she lets her fingers squeeze his softly.

"No, you don't need to wear a uniform to get me to oogle you. I think you're aware that you're quite handsome, Sam." she points out as she straightens up. "I'll have to make a note of this for the sweatpants." she winks at him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"If we're talking about a dinner that's... to see if there's something personal here? School is going to be not discussed at all." Sam points out wryly. "Because as your counselor, I will gladly point out that discussing the school all the time could cause more pressure than you want to put anyone under. And as someone interested in you, I'd want to know more of you outside of these walls, and about the very attractive woman instead." he points out to her.

He notes the squeeze to his fingers and his hand lingers there for the time being and he laughs. "Here I was hoping for jogging shorts." he teases her back with a playful smile. "Alright, since you asked me, you're picking the place."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him when he asks that question and then she smiles, "I can adhere to those stipulations. No school talk. Just learning about each other." she tells him. She looked a bit amused by this concept. She dips her head a little when he calls her very attractive, "I'm surprised you've not went straight for the SHIELD file I'm sure they have one on me." she grins. It just didn't have a few things in it.

"Have you seen how pale I am? Do we really want to blind anyone else jogging?" she snickers. "Maybe I'll think about buying a pair." she winks. "Do you like Indian or Italian? There's a few places about that are really amazing." she offers as she reaches for her purse and her phone that are on the desk.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Alright, so lets ask this. If you had a SHIELD file on me, would you look? Or would you prefer to learn about me in person. If you look at my file from a purely clinical standpoint? You'd see a kid that turned his back on his parent, found regret in their loss, went into a downward spiral and has spent his whole life from his lowest point trying to make things right. But you gave me a chance to tell you about the man between the pages of that file, and I appreciate it." he admits to her quietly, honestly, his eyes lifting to her as Sam smiles at Morrigan, momentarily lost in those violet eyes.

"I'll just have to find out how pale you are." he offers daringly, his cheeks darkening for a moment as she moves from the hand to her purse and he sits back. "Let's try Indian tonight? I could do a good spaghetti and meatballs, but I have..." he pauses and considers. "I don't think I ever had Indian cuisine." comes the confession. "So I'd like to try something new with you."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"You're going to have to quit being so logical at some point, Sam." Morrigan muses at that after he's done talking about files and reading them. "I don't think I would read it. I am someone that goes on face value at most points." she admits.

Then she gives his hand a warmer squeeze and there's a smile, "Indian sounds delightful then and I think you'll like it. Did you want to follow me or we can figure out something driving wise?" she asks.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"You're gonna learn that I'm pretty logical about most things, Morrigan. It's just how I am." Sam responds with playful amusement -- though his cheeks darken at the renewed hand-holding and he returns it in kind, more than willing to do so before she asks a more important question.

"I came in on my motorcycle this morning. If we decide to go together, it'll be a little cozy on there." His hand squeezes hers in return before withdrawing so he can stand up. "So unless you want to do that, we can take your car, or I can just follow you. The bike ride may be better for a weekend day when we can spend the day like that."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to him and there's a smile, "There's nothing wrong with that, Sam. Even if I tease you about it a little." she states. She then listens to talk on motorcycle and car and there's a bit of a nod, "The bike ride might be better for another day, yes. As I'm sure this skirt is not going to agree with that and sitting side-saddle is probably weird on a bike." she chuckles. "I can drive and then drop you off at your bike after dinner?" she offers.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"I can agree with that." Sam says and then grins with a wink at her. "I don't mind you're teasing. It means you're interested. Because I know I am." he offers easily. "Let me put my stuff away in the office and I'll walk you to your car?" he asks her.

If she agrees, he'll head off to his office with her, to put away his briefcase. No discussing school tonight, and he locks his door to close it. "Shall we?" he asks, offering his hand to her now that it's free.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's smile is warm when he agrees to things, though she blushes when he talks on his interest, well, this would never happen again with Morrigan's luck! "I am." she offers with a smile. "Sure, lets go get your stuff put away and then we can head out." she nods to that.

She follows along with him, not fidgeting as much anymore. When his hand is offered there's a look down to it as she takes it and then back to him, "Yes." she states quietly. Then she's walking with him towards the exit.