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When Chinese Food Takes Out You
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Daisy's Suite - Triskelion
Synopsis: 2020 A Living Space Odyssey where a tough conversation about the role of SHIELD is had.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Daisy Johnson

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    Friends. They're a rare commodity in the world. The thing of it is.. you can't well call someone a friend and never ring them up. Daniel's been feeling bad about that ever since his last chat with Daisy. So he'd popped out and popped back in only to walk down the corridor to her room. Given their respective schedules, he'd at least checked with security to see if she'd left the Triskelion before pushing the door chime to announce himself.

    Daniel waits then. Tucked under one arm is a large brown paper bag smelling distinctly of Chinese food. The other has a trio of DVDs. Standing at the doorway, he does his best not to scry to see if she's coming. Heaven forbid.. well.. privacy and all of that. So he looks down the hallway and begins whistling to himself.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
After a few recent missions Daisy was having a small time to herself, which meant lounging inside her room like an hermit, having her computer, some soda and cookies. Just what she needs for her day to be perfect. So she was busying herself running a few researches of her own, correcting some people through the internet... All those fun things that a true keyboard warrior.

Yet then the announcement that someone is coming to meet her brings out of her 'trance'. Unexpected. She checks on her phone, not Simmons or they would had called in...

So then she gets some more clothing on, "Hold up! One sec.." she says over to the door when it rings, feet heard inside when she is close to the door and she pushes the button to get it open. A grin. "Hey, Hastings. How are you? And is that..., mmm, chinese." she grins.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "Dumplings, lo mein, char su, beef with broccoli because we must have our vegetables musn't we." Daniel dips his chin to Daisy. "I also brought.. a find that I thought to watch for the first time in keeping with your last." A beat. "If.. now was a good time. Surprises being what they are." He flips the wrist and lifts 2001: A Space Odyssey. "It comes highly recommended so I'm told."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Uuuu, going all science-y.." Daisy says of the movie that Daniel brought for them to watch, she letting out a soft laugh and stepping out of the way to let the man come in. Closing the door she then walks over to her computer stand, locking her computer. "I think that one might be more Simmons alley, but I will take it." a pause, then she adding a wink. "Mostly because there's food involved too. It's important."

She is dressed in casual jeans and a shirt and of course not wearing shoes while in her dorm, just socks. As for the inside, it doesn't have a lot going on for it. Just some mementos, a few photos that appear to be her with other SHIELD agents. Some might even be recognizable, some workout machine in the corner and her computer station, three monitors, large computer. No sparing where it comes to her computering!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "What? You picked Blade Runner the last time. I enjoyed it. Are you saying you prefer something with more fiction?" Daniel comes in after her invitation. He still had yet to personalize his space but then he'd only collected two paychecks thus far. "I think I'm a Star Trek fan over Star Wars.. but that shouldn't surprise you." He's dressed in slacks and a polo. Casual attire for someone of his mores. "Anyway, I thought I owed you one. Meal that is. We hadn't talked in a while and so here I am. Trying not to be the recluse."

Dan carries the bag to the kitchen area and sets it down to begin unloading the various offerings. "I haven't seen you since the foray to Korea. Everything been alright? Anything new to report? I showed Doctor Foster the wreckage of my ship and I think it was a miracle she didn't turn into a giggling school girl the way she wanted to poke about. Which.. does remind me. I'd like to pick your brain a little sometime. Machine languages and programming. That sort of thing."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A laugh leaves Daisy's lips and she shakes her head afterwards. "Oh no. It's fine. 2001 it is." She replies to him moving over to the dvd player to turn it on, then the tv. She gestures with her fingers. "Toss me the DVD please.." and assuming he does so she will then put it on."

When Daniel speaks about prefering Star Trek Daisy gets a rather stern expression, speaking in a near mechanical, monotonic voice. "I am afraid I can't accept that, Dave." yes she has seen 2001! But then she is walking over to the kitchen to help with the unloading. "That was a good mission, wasn't it?" she says with a grin, then adds. "Been looking into that Wakandan weapons dealer that Coulson reported. Followed some leads but still haven't found too much."

A grin at the mention of Dr. Foster, "Yes, I can picture her doing that." then a gesture for them to walk over to the couch with the goodies. "And sure, programming is right up my alley. What's up?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel does indeed toss the movie on request as he begins plating. "Can't who?" No, he's not seen it yet. "Have you taken a blow or something?" There's a curious eye given but then she's grinning and talking about the dealer. "That's a good point. Let me know if you need any surveillance done. It seems I'm best for that these days." Over to the couch he goes with two plates full to be set on the coffee table. "I'm hoping you have something to drink in the place. Water's fine. I just ran out of arms. I'm not an octopus man, you know."

Settling onto the couch, Daniel replies, "Well, if we do get power to the thing, I'd like to see how it does things like flight control and.. more importantly.. interfaces with warp gates. That means learning the programming language. I speak Kree so that's one hurdle down. Now it's just a matter of programming logic. The last computer I used was a fancy thing with a transistor, you see. I'm sure Earth programming languages have advanced since then." There's a grin as if he recognizes that's an understatement.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Considering you told me you had been training with Nat I am certain you are good for more than just surveillance, mm?" Daisy retorts to the man, sinking herself over on the couch with a sigh, legs pulled up to cross under her and reaching to take one of the plates.

"Oh, I got beer on the fridge." She says, though considering it's Daisy we are talking about it's most likely the cheap kind. "And some lemon juice." because for some reason she gained a liking to lemons. Only God knows why....

Then she listens, letting out an 'ahhh' of understanding. "Yes they are ..., quite more advanced." and she's being kind! "I might be able to help with it. Programming paradigms, at least many of them, translate well to every language. Though considering we are talking about an alien culture it might need some adjustment, but with enough time I don't see why not. I can update you on the programming notions and you update me on the Kree language, how about that?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"That sounds like a fair trade. I developed a primer on the language last week that ought to serve well since I'd been considering teaching it." Daniel is back up for the beer and comes back eyeing them funny. "Who.. on Earth.. would put beer in a can." It's a rhetorical. He has the lemon juice though and sets them both down as he returns to the couch. "Now, honestly, tell me the truth here. I'm not about to be some guinea pig to an experiment in the next generation of field ration am I? Because I've had colas in bottles.. and I'm had colas in cans.. and only a great sadist would make me drink from a can." To that point.. he goes back for a glass.

"Thankfully, all programming must resolve itself in the simple notion of on and off. The rest is a logical construct in a progressive series. I can only imagine that it will be easier to manage than pure binary statements."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, if you go really deep to the machine language it's just on and off. 1s and 0s. But for it to become pratical means there are a few more notions that we need to go through. And there always need to be a balance between time and complexity. Building -everything- from a base state is just too much of a task to be had in reasonable time, which is where proven notions and paradigms come into play." Daisy explains with one hand just as she reaches for a beer in a CAN. And like a true barbarian she pops it open to take a sip. "Mmmm, not bad..." a bit horrible, if she may say so herself, but good to quench her thirst. Hey, she is only a level 4 Agent! Not too much money to go around.

"That's how things are these days. Cans for everything." she grins.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Savages." Daniel declares as he pops the top of his can and pours it into the glass. He pours it like he's a bartender. Minimal head. Then he sits down. "So. The premise is.. something strange out by Jupiter and stranger things happen." He says like she's never seen the movie. "I tried not to go further than that. They say it defined the genre." Glass in hand, he brings it over for a toast. "I'll get you civilized yet, Johnson. But for now.. I'll settle for not having to grade any papers."

A snort of a laugh follows as Dan settles to face the television. "Now the question is.. was cans for everything your answer to how life has been? Or just a symbol of the wastefulness of society. Not that I can claim innocence for my generation. We created the dust bowl and wiped out the buffalo amid countless other sins. I'd just have hoped we'd have learned by now."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yep, strange things indeed." Not that Daisy goes on about spoiling further about the movie, quirking her brows up briefly. A clink of can to glass (more savagery) and then she takes on a sip. "I am civilized. 21st century civilized." a grin playing on her lips and she settles on, attacking the food with the chopsticks for a bit, her eyes over on the tv screen as she follows a bit of the movie. So many slow parts though!

"Wastefulness and our society seems to go hand to hand. People -are- becoming more aware though, with globalization. Noone is truly alone anymore, at least if the will it so. Of course this all comes with it's own consequences." A shrug of her shoulders given. "But how have you been finding your times here to be so far? Enjoyable?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"It's not been dull that's for sure." Daniel replies obliquely. "Which.. strangely enough.. the mission felt oddly flat. Sure, I get why we were there and the importance and such but while I was there. The waiting. The travel. Even watching you all doing. It.." He shrugs. "I can't say I was bored. There was too much risk for boredom to set in. It's just not what drives me." Science geeks. Go fig.

"I've been trying to read up on the plethora of villains documented in the archives. Powered villainy that is. Ran into the Mole Man a week or so ago." Daniel doesn't mind chopsticks. They don't appear foreign to him at all. In fact, he likely ate it quite a bit in England. This isn't what he'd call Chinese food. "You think about countries like Wakanda. Advanced civilizations. I can't say that I'm terribly surprised that they stayed hidden considering Britain's colonialist past is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bureaucratic powers and greed. Hopefully.. we can get past it sooner than later though." He rolls his head towards her, "You don't know any genius level intellects looking for pet projects, funding or otherwise a place to play with their peers do you?" With maybe a hint in his tone that suggests he hasn't discounted her in this category.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy listens in silence for a few moments, considering Hastings, taking a drink out of her beer. An occasional glance to the TV. "What drives you though? Investigation..? Or maybe SCIENCE?" she grins, knowing the answer to that. Then she lifts her shoulders. "You should go hang out with Fitz-Simmons some more, they are normally the brainy types." a beat. "I mean, I know .., stuff.., just not in the same manner they do." well, at least she admits not being the smartest turnip in the room!

"Sometimes the difference between villainy and heroism can just be on which side of the fence you are, you know? There's a lot of misconception. Of course there's also those that just use their powers to try and steal stuff, or kill people. Those are just plain-grade twirly mustache villains.. Well, not twirly mustache because it doesn't really require much thinking. But you know what I mean."

She digging for a bit onto her food, thoughtful. "I know Fitz-Simmons have been working on a suit for someone with powers we have at the base now. Uncontrollable radiation. Not sure if that's something you'd be interested in helping with?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Oh come now. Investigation OR science? You say that like they aren't the same thing." Daniel waves his beer before him. "The whole of science is just one big investigation into what makes creation tick. Unveiling the great mysteries. But you're right. I should. I just.. call it kneejerk having to give blood to Simmons for a solid month that I'm not too keen on going into her office.. and the two of them seem inseparable. Which.. good for them.." He tips the neck of his bottle as if in toast then sips his beer. Eyeing it funny.

"Mm, yes. Jennifer Takeda. I met her in the cafeteria. Rad suit. Negative pressure. Struck me as churlish and distancing but then that's likely a side effect of her condition turning her psyche on its head. I keep meaning to corner her.. just to chat. So she realizes there's more friends than foes here. Somehow I keep missing her." Daniel frowns slightly. "For all that I can be anywhere.. my timing is not the best."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I meant more in terms of being out there doing investigation. On the field." Daisy explains with a wave of her chopsticks. At least no food is on them so nothing flies..., yet. Though she can't help but smirk at the part on giving blood to Simmons. "And well, there's a reason they often refer to the duo as Fitz-Simmons. Together there's very little they can't accomplish. Or on their own too, they are geniuses."

A reach for her beer later she nods at the mention of that name, "Yes, that's the one. Somewhat distancing and angry with everything and everyone. But we have all been there in a point in our lives." translation: Daisy most likely was. "So I understand how that can be. The suit isn't exactly that perfect for her just yet, there were some problems out on the Recreation room a while back.." she notes.

"But other than that, mmm, I haven't really been doing much where it comes to personal projects, just being an Agent."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel files away mental notes as he listens to Daisy's summary of Takeda's existence.. and implies her own. But then he'd figured on some of that. "I'd heard about that. Glad no one was hurt. Physically anyway." He can only imagine Takeda's frustration. "That is a thing isn't it." He finally offers as he comes out of his introspection. "The life of an Agent. Hang out in the Trisk. Waiting for daring and doing. Can't talk to anyone about it because it's classified. Don't want to not do it because it needs doing. So you live and work in this little bubble of life sequestering yourself as a byproduct of employment. And any personal projects.. well.. they turn into professional development. Getting better at your code cracking skills for instance? Perfecting your powers. That sort of thing." He tips his bottle back again. "It's actually fairly depressing when you think about it." Not that he's judging. Look where he is. "I did get out to the Expo, though. That was fun."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It can be a matter of perspective too." Daisy speaks after a few moments of pondering on it. "Because sure, perfecting powers and becoming better at coding is something I just do naturally. I would be doing it even if I wasn't here at SHIELD. But being part of this team, this family, makes it all worth it." she says, "As long as we believe on the good work we are doing here, that is. Though I don't find what I do to be an obligation, instead it's a blessing to be able to be here and contribute."

A grin comes to her expression. "What would you prefer to do instead of being an Agent?" curiosity on her tone.

But the mention of the Expo makes her lift her brows. "You did? I wanted to but I was out on a mission, what happened out there?" mental note to go visit it soon.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Instead?" Daniel exhales and leans back into the couch. "Astronaut." He nods firmly on that point. "I mean.. how else do you combine science and a sense of adventure without pointing a gun at somebody?" Maybe he was tired of shooting people? "Though I don't know how I'd get into a program these days. Back when I was.. well.. back then. There was no such thing. That was a product of twenty years of advancements from my time. I seem to have missed my calling." Maybe that's why he's been feeling so restless.

"Happened out there?" Daniel snaps from his thoughts at the question about the Expo. "Nothing? I mean.. it's a lot of people talking science and technology. STEM madness. I had a blast. Honestly, I was surprised I didn't see the Fitz-Simmons there. Or.. maybe not surprised. That place is packed. Expert level Where's Waldo, you know?" The random things one sees in a used bookstore.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You seem really taken on going out there to explore space when there is so much you still need to discover here on earth after your time away." Daisy replies with a faint smile, continuing to fill up her mouth with takeout. Mmmm. "Being part of SHIELD doesn't mean you need to be out and pointing guns at someone." she then quirking a brow, grinning mischievously. "You can just point your hands and toss them about.." then shaking her head a bit to herself.

"But SHIELD does have a space division, even if we haven't been going out into space now. Your knowledge, and also the tech you got back with you would be invaluable. Have you tried talking with the Director about it?" she then suggests.

The mention of the Expo makes her grin. "I am going to visit it soon I think." but then she just laughs at the mention of Waldo. "So you have -found- Waldo, have you?" well, not that anyone truly finds that one. So elusive.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel can't help but laugh. "In the children's section, yes. Naturally someone made a pop culture reference that I didn't follow and I had to look it up." Again. "I take your point, Daisy, I do. But.. part of what makes us human is that drive to explore. I.. want people to stop thinking we're all there is in the universe. Part of that might have been stripped away recently, sure." Loki attack much? "But I don't want it replaced with fear. I want people to see space as a challenge to meet not an enemy to defeat." Yes, he's getting a little enthusiastic. "And no, I haven't talked to the Director about it. I didn't know we had a space division, you see." There's a wry tilt to his head at that.

"Now as to the Expo. Go. Sure it's Stark stroking his own ego but it's also a bunch of smart people sharing their work with the world and its a terribly hopeful thing." Clearly, he enjoyed himself. "I might even go back. There's just so much to see."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
When Hastings goes on about explaining his point of view eventually Daisy inclines her head, as if in agreement. "I see what you mean. It's a noble effort, and an important one too. And people won't stop fearing until they know more, the same way they are still in fear of mutants. It may not be a short term plan what you are wanting to do though, or even mid-term." then a pause, a small smile. "Though seems to me as if you know well what you are getting into.." she finishes with her food and sets it aside. "But yep, talk with the Director, see what he has to say. If SHIELD could have a ship to explore space, well..." she shrugs, "Just imagine the good we could do."

She leans back on her seat then, just drinking her beer, "Are you implying Mr. Stark isn't always stroking his own ego?" she grins. "Still, he does a lot for the world."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings chuckles. "I wouldn't know. I've only met the man once. Not that he didn't play right into the stereotypes. I'd just like to think that his dad was a better example than that." A thoughtful frown follows then a shrug. "The problem is.. SHIELD.. is a military operation. I'd much rather the International Space Station get a facelift into something more civilian. Maybe with a SHIELD presence but not as the lead. Or.. maybe a fusion. Like Starfleet." He laughs. "I know I know. But it's not a bad idea."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Not that Daisy knows too much on Tony Stark, besides what she has read on magazines about the rich and wealthy, or what little contacts she has with the Avengers, but she can have her own opinion on the man. "I don't think he ever got through the death of his father. He is an avenger so I am sure there's more to him than meets the eye." she grins faintly. "Afterall, there's always more to all of us than meets the eye. Who would had said that an hacktivist like me would become a full-time Agent mmm?" eyes straying to the screen for a few moments.

"SHIELD -can- be military, sure. Not all there's to it though, nor do we answer to a country or nation. Instead we we do it to the world."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I get that." Daniel replies, "SHIELD, in the end, reports to the United Nations. But. SHIELD is still a military organization. Science division or no. Space division or no. We still train people how to shoot a gun and fight as basic training. That's soldiering one oh one. Sure, Starfleet does it, too." Continuing the analogy. "But I guess the difference is feel. Every time I walk into the Triskelion, I think I'm walking into a fortress.. not a bastion of science and exploration."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"In a perfect world maybe we wouldn't need to. We don't live in one of those though. Without the protection for the kind of breakthroughs we do here how can you make sure that what advancements you are doing wouldn't be stolen for ill-intended purposes?" Daisy asks, quirking a brow, some of her smile starting to fade the more Daniel speaks against SHIELD's feeling. She presses her lips to a line. "SHIELD is known to helping with various initiatives around the world though, the same way they are aiding with Stark's Expo."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"So does the US Army. In fact, I think all of the branches had booths at the Expo." Daniel observes. "Even the acronym says 'armor'. Armor implies conflict. By the same token you could say the same thing of Stark's tech or Luthor's or all sorts of other advanced industrial concerns. Star Labs. The Richards." Because the whole family did research. "They all do it." He frowns thoughtfully, exhales, rubs his thigh. "I guess.. the trick is.. there's a differentiation.. at least that I've seen in the US. Between agencies like the CDC and NASA and the Army or Air Force and sundry. SHIELD.. blurs those lines."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You could also say it implies protection against conflict." Daisy says with a brief lift of her shoulders yet then she puts her beer away, turning to look at Daniel directly. "Are you saying you are not happy in SHIELD then?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm saying.. I'm weighing my options." Daniel offers after a thought. "I'm not a soldier, Daisy. Sure, I trained to fight. I will fight. But we're not at war. If we were? I'd be on the front lines with the next person if the cause was just. But.. I'm a scientist first and foremost." He tips back the last of his beer and sets the bottle down on the coffee table. "Maybe I should talk to Fitz. See how he reconciles it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It is as I told you. SHIELD has an heavy research team dedicated to development. And sure, often it is for something related to a mission, or technology for SHIELD. Do we do it just for the fun of it? Or simply to discover new things for the heck of it? No. We do it because humanity needs someone to protect them, and that's what we do. I am not a soldier either, hadn't even used a gun before I got into SHIELD. But I believe in what we are doing here." Daisy replies in a solemn manner, "And they are also my family."

Then a sigh. "I would be sad to see you leave us though if you did."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I'm not saying they don't have a heavy research team. But what do they research? How to get potable water en masse to poor countries? Or do they design nifty cloaking devices to infiltrate agents into hot zones?" And that seems to be the difference to Daniel. "Look. I'm not trying to lay a value judgement here. I get that SHIELD means a lot to you. I'm not saying they're bad people. I'm just saying.. I'm.. missing something. Maybe I'll get it after a while. I don't know. I'm trying not to make any rush decisions here, too. I've been back what? Three months now? A month as an agent? I'm just.. talking to a friend. That's.. what friends do, right? Share our thoughts and concerns honestly?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Some silence follows Daisy's words, she just listening to what Hastings says in silence, resting back on the sofa, arms folded together, pondering. Seems like a delicate enough type of conversation to be bringing up to her. Eventually she does speak up. "Well, there's that saying..., the grass is always greener on the other side? And maybe it is. SHIELD isn't perfect, nor will it solve the world's every problem, but we'll do what we can."

"But I understand what you are trying to say, that you'd want your focus to be another, not on the military type but the helping instead." She nodding, allowing a faint smile to return to her lips. "How do you think SHIELD could become what you wanted though?" she then asks, curious.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel seems to muse on this notion for a while. "Be less.. the secret government no such agency? More transparent in what they do. I'm not saying that secret ops can't happen but have we ever given a public tour of the Triskelion? We're this.. monolithic entity in the county that's guarded like Fort Knox. Public relations is only done when we get caught doing something. That's not what I'd call an organization with oversight. That's.. like the CIA only with a bigger budget and bigger guns."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That would help perception. But would it help the mission..?" Daisy then asks, quirking her brows. "It's the difference between us and the Expo we were talking about earlier. They show off a lot, we don't. Do we need to? And sure, I have once upon a time tried to snatch secrets out of SHIELD because I mistook what the agency was about and what they were trying to accomplish. I won't do the same mistake again."

"With that said though, I do suppose an opening to the public, maybe even with a tour could be interesting enough." But then she pauses, considering her next words carefully, watching Daniel. "But since we are friends, and we are here to talk honestly, I am just going to say I am not too comfortable that you find so many faults in us with just one month here so far.."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"What are you suggesting? That I'd leak things? That I'd betray my oath of office?" Daniel arches a brow. "Realize that I came in with SHIELD on the ground level. When SHIELD wasn't even.. this monolithic thing you see before you. We were still hot from the war. The Russians were very much a threat to the planet. We had.. top secret research projects. It was a different time. What I'm doing is seeing SHIELD without the rose glasses and the paradigm of someone who grew up in a different era." He sighs, sinking into the couch. "I never said that SHIELD was an evil. I'm just saying that they're a military organization and not a scientific one. Yes, they have a research and development wing just like every other military branch. But science here has to have an aim and that aim usually fulfills a military purpose. That's all."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I am not exactly sure when I suggested you would do such a thing.." Now Daisy frowns directly at Daniel, shaking her head at herself, "Because I didn't.." then she leaning over to pick up her leftover beer to take a long drink out of it, draining the contents.

"Though don't think I am looking at the Agency through rose-tinted glasses, because I am not. I have been on both sides, fighting against, and also for SHIELD. And this is my family now. I chose it." her tone firm, continuing to look at Daniel.

"The same way you will choose to be with us or go on another path, even if I would prefer if you stayed. The world needs people defending it, Daniel."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"You keep saying SHIELD is your family like I'm attacking it." Daniel tilts his head looking at Daisy confusedly. "I'm just saying it is what it is. I'm also telling you that I will defend the world. Good lord you'll find that I can be anywhere I want in an instant to do just that. Quinjet or no quinjet. I'm just.. there's lots of ways to help people. Building advanced machines of war.. well.. maybe that's not what I'm in for. That's all I'm saying."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Because you appear to just consider us a machine of war. I don't consider my gloves that were made here at SHIELD that actually allow me to have some kind of normal living to be a machine of war. Nor is the suit that R and D are developping for Takeda." Daisy replies. "But at this point I feel we are just going around in circles so maybe we should change the subject."

By her tone it doesn't seem she's exactly happy with the turnout on the conversation though.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel doesn't seem happy either. "Well.. does NASA have an armory? Armed vtol stealth assault aircraft?" Then he looks to her gloves. "I.. take it without those you can't control it? How.. did you get along before then? I mean.. there was a before and you did have powers then, right? I'm just curious. And.. Takeda.. well.. I worry about her. Yes what Fitz is doing for her is a good thing. Nobody wants to be a threat to society and she clearly wants and needs friends despite what she says.. but once the suit is finished.. will Shield let her go out and be herself?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"When the suit is finished and Takeda can control her powers she will have a choice. One thing that many people like us do not have." Daisy says, gesturing with a hand. "I have offered to help her gain a handle on them. Hopefully we will be able to start soon. Once she learns how to control herself then she will be free to do what she wishes. Either stay or go." for her things seem to be just that simple.

"As for me.." She looks down at her hands, thoughtful. "My powers only appeared when I was already at SHIELD. I couldn't control them at all. They are tied to my emotional level, and until I could learn to control it I was both a liability to myself and those around me. The gloves helped me in finding the time to actually learn control, but without the gloves there's always the risk that I hurt myself when I use the powers. That never changed." she explains.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel gives a nod as if agreeing that's the way it should be with Takeda. "Good. I mean.. look.. I see there's all kinds of good folk here. And I'm not saying there's not a need for what SHIELD does. There is. I just.. I've seen a lot of killing. A lot of death in horrible ways. I'm.. just not sure I can do it anymore. I don't know. Just.. I'm thinking. Is all I'm saying."

A deep breath later and he gives a nod to her hands. "I'm glad you found family, Daisy. Really. Mine thinks I'm dead. I visited my grave the other day. That.. is not something I recommend. I.. guess I just don't know what to expect of the now. I was hoping for burgers and beer and family gatherings.. and that's not happening. The world is still very much struggling. And so am I."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy goes silent for a good while, looking at Daniel, a faint smile at the edges of her lips, slanted gaze watching the man. Yes, she can understand it well, the struggle to find a place, or to find a family. "Maybe you shouldn't expect anything, or at least discard whatever you felt would or should happen." she says. "When I discovered the truth about what happened to my real parents, and to me. It near shattered my world, I was close to being done." she shakes her head a bit to herself. "... but then I realized my story was just starting. Here. With the people that cared for me. It wasn't what I had expected, but nothing ever is."

"What I am saying is that you don't need to go back to being the old Daniel, there is an whole world out here where you can fit in. Maybe not in a way you'd expect? Most likely." a beat. "I will always be here to help you out though."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Oh there's no going back. Old Daniel was.. a quiet fellow." Daniel chuckles. "I've spent too many years fighting to stay alive to go gently anymore. But what am I now? That's harder to say. I am sorry to hear about your parents. Mine, thankfully, died of old age.. but sadly without knowing I lived. I don't know that there's any way to get beyond that." He scooted over and brought an arm around your shoulders to give you a side hug. "It's likewise you know. I know it was rather rough this chat but I'm glad we had it." Not that he makes it linger. That'd be awkward. So he leans back.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Quiet fellow..?" Daisy lets out a grin at that, "Somehow I don't really believe that. The seed was always there to be who you are now. But again, no rush. Take your time." she seems to welcome the side hug, giving one in return before letting go. "There are answers we can only truly discover by ourselves though, with some help from friends of course."

At the mention of a rough chat she shrugs, "Friends are supposed to have those kind of chats. I am glad we had it as well."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Of course, you realize that I've talked through the whole movie now." Daniel quips as he thumbs at the screen. "I'm going to have to take it back to my room and rewatch it without distractions." On that note, he pushes himself up from the couch. "We'll have to have another one sometime. Maybe not soon. I've got some things to work out before I take on another existential challenge."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A small grin comes to Daisy's expression. "You will have to tell me what you think about the movie later on then." she suggests, also getting up to her feet, brushing her hands over her jeans. "And let me tell you it's not an easy one to talk through it all since it's a looong one." she adds with a light chuckle.

And it will be left to her to take care of the takeout boxes and beers, she already starting to go through it. "Oh, and don't forget the briefing later on today. I hear the Director may even be there.." she waggles her eyebrows and then off she goes to the kitchen on her suite.