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I could be so Lucky
Date of Scene: 31 October 2023
Location: Memorial and Meeting Rooms - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Damian and Jinx have a heart to heart about the Titans. Jinx gets some closure - and Damian wonders if she has a new name now.
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Damian Wayne

Jinx has posed:
Jinx hasn't spent much time in the Memorial Room. After all it was about the very heroes she once tried to destroy. Then again in one of the display cases rests her old magical staff. She's standing before it in contemplation now. Though instead of dressed in her usual jeans and hoodie she's wearing what looks like a mage's version of Amazonian armor.

Donna and Jinx had returned from Themyscira not too long ago. Well, it was really a trip to London yet somehow they travelled elsewhere. But the point is they'd returned and seemed even more buddy buddy than usual. Jinx also had these fancy new threads. Apparently, according to the debrief, the world was saved.

There is something different about her beyond the fancy outfit too. She carries herself like a martial artist who is centered. "You're really good at that," she comments. "Sneaking up on people."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"You could be better." That's a voice, seemingly out of nowhere, behind Jinx. When she turns, she'll see the youngest of the bearers of the Robin mantles. Damian is dressed in a grey hoodie, black jeans and a pair of sunglasses to hide his eyes as his want. There are those that know who he is, in and out of costume, but there are plenty of Titans and associates that do not know and for that, he keeps his secret.

"Back from Themyscira?" he asks her curiously as he steps into the chamber fully and steps into the memorial room fully. "The robe is new, the design Amazonian." he explains his deduction. "It looks better on you than your original costume."

His purpose is revealed as he moves towards the Kole and Dove statues. Standing before each one, he takes out a small bag of candy corn. "Happy Halloween, Don." he says, setting down the small bag in front of Dove's statue. And then another before Kole's. "Happy Halloween, Kole." With that formality done, his attention is turned back to Jinx. "Still adjusting well?"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx nods her head in agreement. "Yeah. You're not wrong. I never got signed up for ninja school. On account of my parents being dead..." She smiles playfully and then looks at Dove and Kole. "Thanks though. I think it was a gift from Gaia. Or a servant of the goddess at the very least. It helps me balance fate."

Her hand hovers over the lock of the case. The mechanism begins to vibrate before it pops open. She lifts up the glass and holds out her open hand. The staff rises up to meet her palm and she grips it.

"I'm adjusting. It's not easy to live in a place where people actually want you to be your best self." She turns around to look at Damian. Her eyes roam up and down the staff as she hefts it from hand to hand.

"I was told this would boost my power. Instead it limited it. Typical H.I.V.E. bullshit." The staff is no match for her knowledge of magic now as pink energy ripples up and down it. The wooden staff cracks from tip to bottom.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Having parents isn't everything that it's cut out to be." Damian replies dryly as he comes over to join Jinx and settles at the table. "Do you feel more balanced?" he asks her bluntly, but that's just how he is sometimes. Especially around one he hasn't fully come to embrace as a friend. Or ally. That's a shorter first step.

He watches the staff fly up into her hand, and his hands go into his hoodie pockets. Perhaps just because they need warming. Or he's relaxing. Or he has a birdarang in there.

"The Titans only expect the best because they want to bring out the best. There have been plenty of Titans that have not walked the straight and narrow. There are those that are reformed. One could say I probably fall on one of those. After all, former League of Assassins, no qualms with killing." A shrug of his shoulders. "I can relate."

When there is the audible cracking of the staff, he moves back a few steps, just in case of shrapnel, and his lips pull into a frown. "Removing your last tie to H.I.V.E. then? Were you able to help the ones we rescued the other night from the succubus' club?"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx nods her head, "I do feel more balanced. I never really understood how to not be unlucky all the time. And the dumbest thing of all.. Impulse let slip that in the future there are records of me as a member of the Titans under the name Lucky. I thought he was just messing with me. But I think I get it now."

Her eyebrow raises as he tells her he used to be in the League of Assassins. "Wow. That's a hell of a thing. Ex-assassin and Ex-supervillain. Look at us." The staff shudders and turns to ash in her hands, falling to the floor in a messy pile. They have a robovac, it'll be fine.

"Sort of removing a tie to H.I.V.E. But mostly it was a little too dangerous to have in storage here. It was designed to give ordinary people elemental magic. For me, it just blocked my natural abilities. I'm trying to do better and having this weapon sitting around waiting for some dummy to pick it up isn't.. better."

She sighs at the mention of the succubus club. "Sort of. One of them is ranting and raving about electromagnets and the other two are going to see a surgeon to have their chips removed. Caitlin zapped the chips and destroyed their operating system. That's not great - kind of the opposite in my opinion - but good for those three. Sort of a win. Sort of a loss."

She shuts the now empty display case and dusts her hands off together. "I was wondering. How do you fight magic? Being sneaky isn't enough if you're up against a sorcerer who wants to do serious violence."

Damian Wayne has posed:
A soft sigh escapes Damian's lips. "Some Titans just..." he smirks. "Needless to say, if you have anything you want private, relationship, whatever - keep it to yourself and erradicate the evidence, otherwise, you get people spilling your details. Even if they are common knowledge from the future."

He only really shared his part of his past to indeed, show he can relate to her. The shattered staff falls to the floor. "I'm sure I can hear a researcher somewhere screaming in agony that you did that." There may be a small smile there as she starts to brief him on the club.

"I'll assume that taking on the main structure of H.I.V.E. will require a much larger assault group than the one we used previously. Is that something you are working towards?" he asks.

When she asks about fighting magic, Damian's head tilts to the side thoughtfully. "Logic and magic are two sides of the same coin. The basics in understanding magic is to apply logic to it and figure out exactly what it is that is the source of the incarnation and face it directly." Rolling the chair slightly, he leans back, his hands coming out of his pockets and back to his sides. "There's a lot of things I shouldn't fight. Kryptonians, rogue ones that is. Magic users, reality warpers. Everything has a weakness. It's my duty to either find and exploit that weakness, and failing that - as would be a case with a magic user, to stall until someone that can handle it can arrive."

He's not saying he can't defeat everything, but perhaps a more practical assessment of the 'Batman can beat everything with proper prep time' mythos.

Jinx has posed:
"Pfft" She kicks the dust of the ex-staff, "Let them scream. Magic isn't for regular people. It's a miracle I never..." She pauses. Perhaps that's too private. Something that shouldn't be shared around or left for the future to take hold of.

"Yeah. H.I.V.E. doesn't work the way I thought it did. When ... eh.. this is public I suppose. I was adopted by HIVE. Two of their agents posed as seeking parents but really they were just nabbing a magical troubled teen before someone else could."

She folds her arms, "So I was first raised as an orphan and then indoctrinated in to a mind control cult hell bent on world domination. They propped my ego up, told me I could take on the world -- and for a while there I did. Made it in to the top 10 most wanted Supervillains. I even ended up running the Fearsome Five."

She shakes her head slowly and leans back against the now empty case as she looks at the once boy wonder. "Then I got a little older and a little wiser and I started to realise that even if I did take over the world I still wouldn't be able to fix it. HIVE would run the show and I'd just be the scary Empress of the world. Do what you say or evil Jinx will get in your mind and fuck you up.. that kinda shit."

An indifferent shrug. "So I quit. You can't really quit a cult like HIVE though. They came after me and they came after me hard. Then I started digging in to their shit and that's when things got nasty and I realised I was taking on something too big for me to handle. And they just keep getting bigger."

"... then my luck, I guess, I got caught by the Titans." She waggles her fingers at Damian, "May be your luck. I wanted to leave the old life behind and I didn't know how to do it. You lot with your eternal optimism gave me a way out, the olive branch I needed. And yeah - you've got Raven, but she's a special kind of magic you don't want to call on too often."

"I might be fucked up in the head trying to de-cultify myself and get some revenge but I can at least sling some magic around. So if you've gotta stall make sure you call me first. How's that for a deal. Pretty good eh?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"You're right. Magic in the hands of regular people rarely ends up well." Damian agrees with her easily as she tells him about her childhood. And really, he can see so many paralells between her upbringing, however...

"I'm sure there were plenty of young teen supervillains and heros that had your wanted poster on the wall." There is a hint of humor. He blows out a breath. "Too much paperwork to take over the world, if you ask me. So yeah, better that you don't be an Empress, and a puppeted figurehead. For what it's worth, I'm glad that you came here. It was easier than hunting you down."

"There are so many optimists here." A statement of fact as he tilts his head and considers her for a moment. "As long as you are making an honest effort, you're going to have my support. If there is something in Gotham that requires a magician's touch, I know a couple, but if I need a different set of eyes on it, I'll let you know. Keep working with the others, and if you ever need a bitch session and noone else is around, give me a call." His hand extends to hers. "Deal?"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx smirks at the mention of posters of her on walls, "I take you haven't seen the movie then." She showed it to a couple of the Titans. A decade ago a D grade hollywood producer tried to make a superhero movie and selected Jinx as his supervillain. The actress was terrible and the costuming department, for some reason, made her bald.

She looks at his hand and then takes it. "You're not what I thought you'd be. Actually, everything I knew about the Titans when Dr. Light blew his wad wanting to attack this place I got from reading HIVE dossiers. I thought you were all a bunch of good good hug lovin' smile fest zombies."

She smirks, "It's kinda nice to get to know you all and realise everyone is a little fucked up too." She looks back at the memorial of the two dead Titans. "I bet these two were fucked up as well. I'm trying to get over my shit - Gar and I can talk to each other now without it turning in to a full on claws and magic argument."

A glance at the dark figure and she shakes his hand, "And if Impulse is right.. I should be so Lucky to have friends like you."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"To be fair." Damian offers to Jinx, "He could have been talking about any number of us. I am not the first person to be Robin." he admits. "But I've started going by Rook these days."

He accepts the handshake, and then lowers his hand. "I'll look forward to a copy of the movie, or I can find it." Because he totally can.

"There are plenty of Titans that would fit that dossier perfectly. But most of us are just humans, trying to make it with what we were gifted with or we grew up as. Keep meeting the others, make your own opnion. That's the best adbice I can offer."

A glance up to Hawk and Kole. "I never met them." he admits. "They were before my time. But they were Titans. And they deserve to be remembered." A small smile at that, his body posture settling into a bit of remorse, a slight slump of his shoulders. "And we're fortunate to have a chance to have someone like you."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx smirks a bit, "Yeah.. well.. I think the jury is still out on that bit." About the team being fortunate to have her around. It's getting a little too sombre in here for her. Too many emotions that can be leveraged. She decides to lighten the mood.

"Can you believe these display cases aren't even hooked up to the alarm system?" She thumbs at it. To get in here you'd have to go through so much more security first. But she does wonder if she hadn't come here with the Five just how easily she could have walked right in.

"Someone should get on that..." Her knuckles wrap on the glass and then she points to the door, "Anyhoo. Catch you around Rook." She did what she came to do. Get rid of that legacy of her villainy and that tie to her past. There's no victory for the Titans over her now. Not that kind of victory any way. "Ciao."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Once you're inside the tower, most people want to assume it's safe. I'm not one of them." Damian will probably make sure that those cases are secured and the scanners are up to date.

"I will see you around, Jinx. Or do you have a new name now?" She's dropped it a few times - he wants to see if she actually is...
