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Latest revision as of 03:54, 6 November 2023

Later that night
Date of Scene: 05 November 2023
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Tony and Pepper talk after movie night. Pepper needs to find a hobby.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
    The elevator opens to reveal Tony and Pepper hand in hand. They walk into the penthouse and he gives her a light kiss before releasing her hand and taking his jacket off, tossing it over a robot hovering nearby. Turning to Pepper, he asks "Got anything in the morning, or do you have some time before you need to get to sleep? Thought we could talk for a bit if you don't have to dive right into bed."

    He follows that up with "Homer, scotch, neat." The bar robot pours the requested liquor into a lowball glass which is then hovered over to him on one of the floating coasters he's stocked the bar with. Isn't technology great?

Pepper Potts has posed:
Hand in hand. There is nothing more that sets Pepper into her 'happy place' than having those quiet moments with Tony. The curling up on the couch watching movies at the Mansion, whispering jokes and laughing at the antics on screen is something to be treasured in memory for years to come. The coming home again... home. The Stark Tower penthouse has lost its Halloween decor and instead, it's starting to look a little more 'Autumnal' as Thanksgiving approaches. There is a fire in the fireplace now, more for ambience than to keep the cavernous living area warm. It just lends itself to the season.

The lights of the City beyond blink in the clear night, and all is right with the world.

Pepper leans in to the kiss, lifting herself on her toes briefly before the gesture is finished and each release the other. "I do not. I did want to get up a little early to jog," and her tones turn dry though still fond, "Happy thinks I should be able to do the mile a little faster. I, on the other hand, don't." There's the smile as she pulls her flats off and sets them by the door before padding towards the couch, and the fire.

"I had hoped that at one point, you'd dive in with me." It's a tender, affectionate joke, and she continues, "Is everything okay?"

Her brows rise slightly in inquiry as she lowers herself down on the couch, a leg tucking up and underneath her. Green eyes watch as the scotch arrives, though she doesn't have a great deal of concern about that. Excess hasn't been had in a long time, and it does take awhile before complete 'cleansing' can be embraced! "Come sit down with me?"

Tony Stark has posed:

    Tony chuckles and heads over to the couch, the drink silently drifting along behind him. He sits next to her and settles in, finally taking the drink in hand and taking a sip before putting it down. "You don't have to ask me twice, I just don't want to keep you up too late."

    He shrugs a little and adds "I still say you work too hard. I mean, it's my company, and you don't see me putting in twelve hour days poring over expenses. Granted, that's because you do it instead, but some of that stuff could surely be delegated. Find a person or two you trust and give them some of the work to do."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper smiles, watching his path as he approaches. Shifting slightly as he takes his seat, she more turns to face him than curling up under his arm. There are 'conversations' and then there are 'conversations'. Rightly or wrongly, the redhead wants to look at the man as she talks, rather than sighing and settling in comfortably for little 'nothings', which is also nice.

His admonition regarding her work ethic brings her brows up, her head down slightly; could this be like a bullfighter setting out the red cape? "Tony, no.. no I don't.." and just as he admits that she's the one who does it, she follows it up a little softer with, "Someone has to do it.." but it's not a fight. It's simply a recitation of facts. "And I do have my own assistants. And our subsidiaries have liasons, as do our legal and accounting and PR.. and.." Pepper could easily go on, but she doesn't. Instead, she exhales and finishes, "People can and do target you, Tony. You're the company. You're Stark Industries. I take this very seriously. All of this." Is there a hint of 'I wish you would too?' in there? Nah..

"And there is so much to do. Meetings, and not only corporate, but political. Philanthropic, too." She is the head of the Maria Stark Foundation, and sits on boards around the City, most notably the Museum of Modern Art.

"I do see you for hours in your workshop, though." That is said a great deal more gently, lovingly. She does support his research, and has said over and over how proud she is of him and his work.

"I'm okay, though." Pepper allows for a laugh, soft in the room, backdropped by the crackles of the fire. "Really. I'd tell you if I weren't." And she has!

Tony Stark has posed:
    He turns somewhat on the couch to be looking at her as well, nodding as she lists things off. "Oh, believe me, I know all the things you do, and you have no idea how much I appreciate them. I'm just saying that you're basically running the company, and most people that do that delegate most of their work and focus on the big picture."
    He smirks and then says "Or we ignore the big picture and hide in our workshops while someone we trust runs the company. See, that's the problem, we need to get you a hobby like my tinkering around, something to keep you busy without being business stress." He stops for a moment, eyes going a touch unfocussed as he thinks, then comes back to the present to look over at her.

    "You know, I have to admit that I can't think of things you enjoy doing. Other than spending non-work time with me, that is, but that's not really hobby material. What kind of things do you like doing? Somehow I can't see you knitting, but I could be wrong."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"You're the one who focusses on the big picture, Tony." Her voice is soft in the room. "You did that when we went from weapons manufacturing to green energy to.." What's next? "And still have time for that suit," a gesture is added towards the landing pad beyond, on the balcony. "And I'm really proud of you, and afraid all at the same time."

Pepper looks like she's trying to understand exactly what it is he's saying, but she's not quite making it. In her world, Tony is lead and Pepper makes sure that he can do what he needs to do in order for everything to get done. Of course, something is going to give. It has to, and he's seeing it before she is. How insightful!

His admission, however, has Pepper leaning into the back of the couch with her side, an arm rising to rest on the back as she beetles her brow, looking at him questioningly for a moment. Some would find that.. offensive? Not knowing what your 'other half' enjoys doing? But, he's not wrong. Pepper opens her mouth, closes it, and pauses for a few heartbeats.

Finding her voice again, she ventures, "I like collecting the art for.." the company, for the Maria Stark Foundation. "Jogging? Skiing? Um.."

He's got her there, and she unfolds her leg and rises from the couch, "But that's why I like spending time with you. And when I'm not doing that, when I can't do that, I'm working, or yoga with Janet. Or.."

There's a psychological thing that Pepper's accused Tony of in the past, that is, walking away to get some distance, and she's doing the same thing. A glass of wine would do wonders here.

"I figure that one day, there will be someone to take over so we can retire. But for now?"

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony starts to grin as he realizes he's not the only one who doesn't know what Pepper does for fun. That'll save him an apology dinner or two that a normal boyfriend would be giving after admitting they don't know what their other half enjoys. "Ok, skiing is good, that's an actual leisure activity. Jogging is more part of the health regimen, same with yoga, but if you enjoy it, we can slot it in under fun things." He takes a sip of his scotch, following her with his eyes.

    "And I know you worry about me in the suit. I wish there was something I could do to make you worry less, but it's something I feel I have to do, and it simply doesn't get less dangerous. I'm as careful as I can be, and a big reason I spend so much time in the workshop is to constantly improve the thing so I've got as much protection as possible."
    He shrugs a little, "Well, why not let the subject drop for now, but give it a little thought now and then. Take a little time, and if you think of something you might find fun, give it a try. I mean, we've got enough money to bankroll roughly anything you could possibly want to try doing, so that's not a worry." He pats the couch beside him, "Why don't you sit back down, and we'll move on to lighter subjects."

Pepper Potts has posed:
One thing that Pepper will never hold over Tony's head; lack of knowing what her hobbies are! Not that she'd actually seriously hold anything over his head to be brought up years later. Not even the egregious stuff...

"I do like the health regimen, and I really think it's something you should try more of," Pepper is a little more comfortable with this, and she starts the wander back, a stemware glass of white wine in hand. It's light, a little bubbly, and it gives her hands something to do, something to hold. "Come jogging with me in the morning?"

Pepper reaches the couch and leans over to put the glass down, only a single sip taken from it before folding up and sitting back down. She does face him for a moment, her expression turning that touch bit serious, and very sincere. Those tones take that soft turn to concern, and she reaches to take Tony's hand for a moment. "I really do worry. If I'm on the coms and I can hear everything going on or if I'm not, it's.." Pepper shakes her head and exhales, going a different direction. "I know it's something you have to do. It's who you are, and as I said, I love you for it, I'm proud of you, and it scares me all at the same time." Shaking her head again, she dips her head and first looks down, then away, and then back, "I'd almost say it's your hobby," here's her attempt to smile, teasing him.

Pepper relents then, and nods her head. Of course there's money there; it's just a matter of timing and what. Maybe more skiing? Sailing? They do have the yacht. Finally, Pepper does chuckles, some of the stress lifting as she settles back and eases into the couch, relaxing once more with Tony. "Funny how hobbies isn't a 'light subject'," she laughs. "That's.. kind of sad. But very me."

Tony Stark has posed:
    "I can't really say too much about it, because you running Stark is kind of like my being Iron Man... it's what we do. Between suit upgrades and actual heroing time, I honestly probably put more time into it than you put into the company. Mine just comes in fits and starts, where yours is rigidly scheduled because that's how business works. Just promise me you'll say something if you're ever feeling overwhelmed by it and we'll find some less important stuff to throw at somewhere else."

    Once she settles back down, he slips his arm around her shoulders so she can lean against him. "Besides, you do stuff now and then, I mean, we just came from a movie night. That wasn't work for either of us, so it's a start, at least." He takes another sip of his drink.

    "As for light subjects, I think it's safe to say that people like us have very different priorities than what you might call normal people." Returning to an earlier question she had he says "Your concept of morning and mine differ wildly, you know. And why you'd want to get up that early and then subject yourself to physical exertion is completely beyond me." He pats his stomach and says, "Besides, I'm in pretty good shape. All the heroing tends to keep me in fairly good shape anyway. Combat lessons with Cap are kind of strenuous, for instance."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Promise," Pepper offers an honest, genuine smile and lifts a hand to cross her own heart before reaching out to do the same across the softly glowing blue light in Tony's own.

When the arm comes out, she does take the unspoken offer and leans in, getting comfortable once again, resting her head against him. "It was nice. Nice just being around the others for a couple of hours," she murmurs, "I am worried about Dr Banner, but.." there's a shrug, but she's pretty secure in the knowledge that it'll eventually work its way out. She's got faith.

Canting her head back, those green eyes hold no little amusement, "You can get up early. Happy would love to see you jogging with us." While he may work out with Cap, Pepper has... Happy. A laugh exits her, "Tomorrow morning, we can run off those slices of pizza. It'll be good for you. And sunrise over the Park is pretty." Is she toying with him now? Up before sunrise?

Tony Stark has posed:
    He shakes his head gently and kisses her forehead, "Fine, I can't say no to you. Godawful early it is, then. We'll jog, we'll watch the sun rise, and then I'll go back to bed while you go off to work. Just don't expect me to make a habit of it. You know how wildly my schedule can fluctuate depending on how many alien invasions are going on at any given time." He sips his drink, "A hero's life is not a scheduled life, I fear."

    He thinks for a moment, then chuckles "Though it would be nice if the bad guys would schedule things in advance, but I suppose the inconvenience of it all is part of the whole bad guy MO. Can't just steal the bridge, gotta screw up rush hour too."

    He shrugs, then settles in happily with her resting against him. "It's times like this that make it all worthwhile, I think." He shakes his head again, "Who would have guessed that flamboyant playboy Tony Stark would be perfectly happy at home with his girlfriend instead of partying with the Swedish bikini team? Life's kinda weird sometimes."