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Latest revision as of 02:49, 10 November 2023

The Hand Which Cleaves
Date of Scene: 10 November 2023
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Damian and Talia talk about the Hand. And Ra's. And her own prison.
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Currently sitting over in the Manor Library is Talia. She has a book in front of her - a large one, an old one. Written in an archaic form of Japanese, with heraldry within it not native to the timespan when the writing style would have been used. She has another few books spread around her of which are translation guides. Whatever the exact language is, it's one she's not fluenti n so she is taking her time.
    The book's cover is emblazoned on the face with one of the old ninja clans of Japan, from several hundred years ago.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Coming down into the Library, Damian seems to just be idly perusing the Manor home, maybe even getting in his steps. As he notices his mother, he pauses and after a moment, goes quiet and starts to move.

Slowly, each step is measured. He knows the floor well. What boards have give. What boards will make noise. A step onto the rug as he moves closer and closer to Talia's chair. His hands tuck to his side as he uses the wingback of the chair to try to create a blind spot that he cannot be seen in as he closes the distance. A draw in of his breath as he holds. Poised. Ready.

A move and he comes around to... try to touch Talia on the shoulder with a hand, to lay his palm flat.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
As sneaky as Damian is, going to take step by step, centimeter by centimeter, in total silence while maneuvering and going forwards, without displacing even the air in front of him.. Even as his hand goes forwards Talia Al Ghul's palm snaps out to go and grab him by the wrist when it would slide over.
    She's going to move to use her knee to shove the book out of the way, and then slam the chair to the side to use it for extra leverage to push over to drive her upper shoulder forwards.

The intended result of said maneuver is to fling the person grasping the other end with a judo toss! It's also an incredibly standard move.

Damian Wayne has posed:
He thought he had her this time. When Talia manages to get her hand on his wrist, Damian knows it's over, even as he loses his center of gravity. Thrown into over the shoulder, he tries to rotate his center of gravity to be able to land on his feet in front of her.

Instead, he overcorrects and it's a rare error as he hits the floor and his feet go out from under him and he hits the ground with an oof.

"Well done, Mother." he offers as he takes a moment to recover. Then he arches back, plants his hands and pushes to springboard himself into a standing position.

His eyes cast to the book and he scans the title with a hint of a curious frown. "What are you reading up on?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would let out a sigh, "I suppose I should have been expecting anyone that came in would be friendly. If they were hostile I'd have a knife before a palm." She would go to sweep the area, makings ure that the book hadn't tumbled.

"Help me smooth things over before Alfred comes in to see what hte noise is." Talia was relatively straightforward in referring to Alfred as the true Master of the house and that his will overrode all else.

"And something on the historical origins of the Hand. At least what general assumptions there are."

Damian Wayne has posed:
It doesn't take that much to straighten. Thanks to Damian's twist, he did narrowly avoid breaking an expensive looking oak table. A smirk from the young man. "I was able to make it to the kitchen with Gabby to make pancakes the other day before father found us." he comments dryly.

But with things mostly back in place, he moves to take a seat in a nearby chair. "The Hand?" he asks as he folds his hands in his lap. "You have told me little of your dealings with the Foot. I have visited their recruitment facility." he explains.

"But tell me of your experience with the Hand."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod over at Damian, "Of course. I'm sure that it was quite the challenge to sneak and cook. Were they the same as when he makes them?" She would lightly tease back over. "And I'm glad that you and Gabrielle are doing well." She would keep her expression neutral on the subject of the Foot.

"The Hand have been active at least four hundred years. What I've read indicates that they were originally formed with a noble goal an dpurpose, to protect the poor and downtrodden. And yet something since then twisted them into an abomination that made common cause with Hydra and the Nazis in the last century."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"No. Noone makes pancakes like Alfred. But they were sufficent." Damian admits, and he noticed it. She may have tried to hide it, but he picked up on it. "There are many organizations that have started with noble intentions, only to become twisted by it's own ideals or outside influence."

"Like the Foot, have you had direct experience with the Hand? If they are considering a move into Gotham, I believe we should be prepared for either of them." A pause. "Especially if they are a threat to family." Is she included in that, though?

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod over at Damian and twitch her lips upwards, "Yes, even if you spent several lifetimes I doubt you would ever be as good or as dedicated." She would purse her lips at Damian. "The Hand's.. Corruption, from what I've read is quite literal in nature. A bargained deal with a demon that has stood strong for centuries. That gives them power. Their elite are dangerous in ways that few others are. But, I'm tangenting when we're here to talk of happier things."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian listens, taking mental notes of the Hand and it's history with demons. Which tracks, he wouldn't be surprised if the Foot is in the same boat. "I have been a bit busy lately, so paused my investigation. I was caught up in rescuing some brainwashed students from Professor Pyg. Phoebe healed me afterwards."

But then she mentions that she's tangenting and he lifts his brow. "Oh? Happier news?" his curiousity is stirred and he looks more attentive. "Do tell."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod over in thought. "A monster." Many of Gotham's crazed were after all. "Merely that we should try and actually avoid our normal.. Doldrums that we fall into. Something I've had to.. Had myself reminded of by some others. That one mustn't focus on all the ills all the time."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Yes, I was told quite the same. But you are not allowed to live vicariously through me." Damian comments, perhaps a not so gentle reminder on that front. "I know that you are pleased that I am taking the time to explore myself and learn more about the world around me and the workings of my own heart."

"What I want to know is what you are doing to reach that purpose. What have you done that makes you happy?" he asks her curiously. "I see you around with a book. Or distracted with some project. You have shut yourself off from the world. A guarded door under a lock that noone can attempt to figure out because none are allowed close." One of his grandfather's mannerisms, there. "What are you doing to improve on what you were reminded of?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would nod thoughtfully over at Damian, resting a hand over on ehr lap. "I think that at most I can have myself be vicarious at some point." As Damiana sks her what she would enjoy, she looks at him as if the words have no connection.

"I have never been permitted that, Damian. NOt for my life. And not for now. I can only appreciate what little I have while it lasts."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Then you are in a prison of your own making. Because I see no bars here." Damian responds quietly, his hands folded into his lap. "I have lived my whole life as the shadow of someone else. You know that because you built it around me. And then you released me from it and told me to figure it out under someone else's shadow."

There is no anger, and his tone is calm, but those that know him best, like his mother, can tell with the subtle grasps of his fingers into small grips that he is trying to keep it all in check.

"You offered it to me as this gift and yet you remain in the shadow. Hidden, manipulating unseen strings. I don't know of your plans with Gabby and her team. I don't know of your plans here. I hope and I pray that your inetntions honest, your heart pure. But we have both been tainted by the Demon. The Demon's Daughter and the Grandson of the Demon. I love you because you are my mother. But do not hurt my friends." he says to her firmly.

"With /that/ said, I think it is time for you to stop hiding. You could be a force to be reckoned with in this city. You could do good. Not as the bride or lover of my Father, but as Talia al Ghul, aristocrat, explorer, a force of nature."

"Grandfather wins as long as you hide."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would let ou ta sigh, "The bars are very real. Forgive me for being so melancholy, Damian. And you're right." And tehre was the issue of the matter. The bars were there, of Talia's own making, and there was nothing else. Ras was not all powerful, nor all knowing.

But paranoia stirred no matter how secure somewhere was. And whatever she had gone through had stirred Talia to a mad belief of Ra's ability to penetrate everywhere. "I am happy that I have time with you and your family for however long I am permitted it." She would kiss his cheek gently.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Leaning up into the kiss on his cheek, Damian comments quietly. "Stop cowering in fear." he grouses, and his eyes turn in a slight glare at her.

"That is not the mother I know." He frowns and twists his hands into his pajama pants. "It is not the mother that helped save me from my supposed destiny. I can only offer my hand. You have to make the decision to accept it."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would return the embrace tenderly. "I will enjoy it while it lasts. And I accept htat it will not be forever. Because nothing good is. And I will appreciate it for thsoe moments I have with you." Even if for nothing else, for her it is a time to make peace with her son for what she had done and how she had treated him. If only for the sake of her own soul.

Even if come down hte line she would never remember it.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Mother..." Damian wants to say something. Anything. He can't. He knows he can't. He accepts the embrace offered to him, his hand lightly set on her shoulder as he gives her a light squeeze.

"We will find a way. I will rescue you from the dragon."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would smile over at Damian, "I thank you. But I also won't let my failure topple you, your father, and your family. I cannot be so selfish as to take everything awy from you all for my own sake." She would return the hug tighter than normal.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"If you don't accept help, then noone knows there is something waiting to topple you. Which makes you more dangerous, as it is an unknown element." Damian returns her hug and then stands up.

"Hiding the problem does not solve it. It only makes it grow larger and it will devour all of us, if not addressed. It is your decision, though." But it will not stop him from seeking it out himself if she does not share it.

She did want a detective as a son, after all.