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A Leaf on the Wind
Date of Scene: 09 November 2023
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: Rogue meets Rachel in need of some free hugs. Jean arrives just in time to serve that need! Chicken and Waffles are put back on the menu!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Rachel Summers, Jean Grey

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been playing tennis this evening against a member of the Senior Class, a 18 year old named Rhona. They were ffinishing up the match now, however, and Rhona was making her way back toward the school with a small dufffle bag over one shoulder. Rogue is lefft at the edge of the tennis court now, wearing casual sports attire, with her dark and light hair tied back in a ponytail. She's fussing around with some of her equipment inside her own sports bag, resting on a bench beside the court, her phone playing a video as she slips her racket back in to its case.

It is a casual evening at Xaviers with the sun setting and students milling about around the back patio and the walking pathway between the school and the lake. Some kids are at the basketball court, tossing basketballs toward the two hoops as they aren't really playing a game, but just gooffing around as kids are one to do.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Is here but rather lost. She sighs as she comes out from some bushes to find the tennis court and sighs. " Wrong turn again " She mutters to herself. She rubs her head " Hi ummmm Rouge, right?" She says softly as she walks into the area.

     For herself she's got a copy of her mother's outfit, mostly With her own twists of course.. she turned it into a skirt and a crop top.. She's got the gloves on as well. She smiles. " Do you know where I could find kitty ? " She asks. She looks very confused and not sure of herself right now.


Rogue has posed:
The video on Rogue's phone playing is some Youtube review ffor a movie, by the sounds of it. She's not clearly paying a lot of attention to it though, and is instead just zipping up her racket case with the racket safely placed back inside it. When Rachel appears, and asks her that question, she glances toward her, and shows a faint smirk. "Rogue. Rouge is a cosmetic." She replies as to the nature of her name, and a common mispronunciation of it.

Her green eyes glance back toward the school building, before returning to Rachel. "Kitty is usually up in her room, or in the library on one of the study computers. If not there, just shoot her phone a text, she might be out shopping or having dinner with a new boyfriend." The southern gal says with a sly grin showing.

She nods her head toward Rachel then. "You been out on a forest hike, or somethin? Seen ya stumble outta the woods there, it looked like anyway..."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Looks " I've not been using my powers, so I got lost, " She says softly " I " she sighs " This place is very diffrent to when I was here " she looks to the mansion " Cell," she frowns and cocks her head " Ahh communication device .. right I have to get one of those " She sighs..

     She nods " I'll make sure not to mess up your name.. if my memory gets any better.. Rogue ". She stops " you said boyfriend, right? Who? " She asks, curious for a moment " .

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leans over to pick her phone up then, raising it up to spin it around to view the screen. She pauses the video, then turns the phone off before it is slipped in to a pocket on the dark green sport jacket she is wearing. Her eyes go back over to Rachel, who gets a small smile. "Kitty? Oh, I was just joking about that. I don't think she has a boyfriend right now. She mostly seems focused on work these days, but yeah. She's usually in her bedroom when on property. Which is up on the third floor." Rogue motions toward the school, and the windows of the third floor area.

When she looks back to Rachel, she spares a moment looking the young woman over, before reaching for her sports bag on the bench, grasping hold of its shoulder strap. "How are you doing overall? You been okay?" She asks of the redhead.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Sighs " I'm not okay.. I'm, " she stops. " Broken," she says as she runs a hand into her fire-red hair.. " I remember something happening.. I know I've been here for a while.. but I also remember just showing up.. it's like I can't remember everything I did .. I need kitty to help me " .

     She grabs her arms a little and almost seems to sway .. " somebody hit me with something.. My mind a jumble " .

Rogue has posed:
While Rachel speaks, Rogue pulls her sports bag up off the bench, hanging it over her left shoulder. She stares at the redhead with a faint frown touches the visage of her face. Taking a step forward, her left gloved hand reaches out to touch the side of Rachel's right shoulder. "You're in the right place for help." She assures her. "I'll see if I can't track Kitty down, and send her to you. You got a room setup inside, or did you move off campus again?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Blinks " I moved off campus? " She frowns and holds the side of her head " I Don't remember.. do I have a room here? " she looks to her and sighs. " What ever happened to me .. messed up my memories," she says with a sigh though she touches her gloved hand to rouges one.. as she smiles " thanks.. I hope I can fix this.. my mind is a mess, and as a telepath, that's a bad thing ? .

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean makes her way out the back doors of the mansion and out onto the patio. She's in her usual big green sweater and jeans, and holding a cup of something hot enough to give off wisps of steam in both hands. Although her expression is fairly serene, there's a bit of focus in her eyes as she looks down toward the tennis courts. Maybe - probably? - she got a sense of something telepathically and decided to come out and look.

Its just a short walk and she probably ends up intercepting them partway. Spotting Rachel seems to confirm whatever she had caught on to, and she looks from her over to Rogue, as if for explanation by the latter, before back to her otherworldly 'daughter.' She smiles at first, but it turns toward worry as some of that confusion leaks through. "Hey you- are you OK?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue slowly nods a pair of ftimes toward Rachel, taking in what the other is saying. She clears her throat then, and drops her hand back down to her side, then up to the strap of her sports bag over her shoulder. "You had a place setup earlier this year, I think it was. Up in the front tower room. You abandoned it though. Was told you set off to handle other stuff. I figured you got a job in the city, or some such." She notes beffore seeing motion over Rachel's shoulder. Jean up on the patio.

"Come on. I know someone better to talk to than Kitty for this." She states, leading Rachel down one of the garden pathways and indeed being intercepted by Jean herself. "It's uncanny, the likeness." She chides Jean lightheartedly, before motioning toward Rachel. "She just came stumblin' outta the woods. Seems a bit worse for wear..." She explains in a very vague fashion.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Her walls are up like REALLy up.. but even with those walls, confusion.. fear .. unease well up from inside her and wash off her in waves.. she looks over and blinks. " mom? "

     thiers a bit of flash of fire and boom she's hugging Jean hanging onto her for dear life.. " Your alive," She says softly, almost to herself like she doesn't believe it's real.. holding onto her "I did go back in time.. I was right " She sighs as if confirming something for her own mind.

Jean Grey has posed:
The sudden lunge and hug causes Jean to give a light 'oof' in surprise, holding that cup away from her body to try and keep from spilling anything, while the other one lightly reaches to pat Rachel on the back. "Oh, hey there, yeah I'm alive... never better, really. Are _you_ OK?" Even if the mom thing is somewhat awkward, her worry and concern wins out.

Looking past her, her toward Rogue, her brow fourrows in a bit of concern. "You came back, yes, but that... that was a long time ago, Rachel. You've been here with us for years now." Having picked up a little of the rest, she even echoes what Rogue was saying before: "She did have a job, working with Jamie. Some kind of private eye thing, I think? I don't know how long he stuck with it, you know how he is. A dupe discovers something new and suddenly he has a new passion for a while."

Back to Rachel: "You don't remember any of it? Maybe we should get you to medical."

Rogue has posed:
Whether it's directly Jean's kid or not, Rogue does show a smile at the embrace from Rachel toward Jean. Clearly Rachel is troubled, and clearly this makes her happy to see Jean. That's a good thing, right? She just quietly stands by and observes, both of her dark green gloved hands holding on to the strap of her sports bag as she'd slipped it over her head, to let the strap cross over her torso.

"Yeah. You been here awhile, Rach." She shoots back quietly on the heels of what Jean says. "We played some of the arcade games downstairs, back in... shoot, like March, I think it was. You left grounds shortly after that."

She glances toward the house, then back to the two redheads. "I think it's fried chicken night. Maybe that'll jog some memories, a full stomach usually calms me down anyhow."

She grins playfully as she rocks forward and back on the soles of her tennis shoes. She glances out toward the basketball court when she hears some of the kids arguing over whose shot it is next...

Rachel Summers has posed:
Yep not letting go, she holds onto Jean and shakes her head, holding onto jean as if it's a safety thing and she frowns. " It's all fragments.. I know I've been here.. but I don't know how long.. like everything before the jump is a jumbled mess." she frowns as if trying to remember. She frowns "I don't remember becoming a pi " .

     She looks to Rogue " Thank you.. I am hungry.. just not sure.. I remember finding somebody..s omebody bad and they hit me with something and then .. everything before the jump.. coming here is a blank.. it's like I just got here.. but I know that's not true at the same time " .

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean keeps holding on, and gently stroking Rachel's back, everything she can to be reassuring. Of course, she doesn't have much experience with actual parenting.... aside from a whole darn school full of kids! Regardless of the strangeness of the circumstances, the basic emotions involved, fear, confusion, those things ring out clear as day. "Well, you're safe here, and always welcome to call this place home. Whatever is going on... well, we'll work on that and figure it out." Ringing optimism, from mama Jean!

As well as a grin when Rogue suggests fried chicken in lieu of medical treatment. "We can try that first. I'm not sensing anything immediate or obvious, in terms of... any mental injury or trauma, at least anything new." Rachel has plenty of it in her history. "I don't want to make guesses, but maybe it's some kind of side-effect of her temporal displacement."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes narrow when the kids on the basketball court start shoving each other. She raises a gloved hand up to the side of her mouth, and calls out to them, shouting at them to knock it off. The kids all stop and look over at the trio on the garden pathway. They see one teacher, and two Jean's. Reluctantly they go back to dribbling the ball, with one of them grumpily mumbling under his breath. "I'm not even gonna get yelled at by one Headmistress, let alone two of them..."

With a satisfied expression, Rogue looks back to the two redheaded women. "Oh, I know. I'll make some waffles too. Chicken an' waffles. Ever had them before?" She asks Rachel. "We got some damn fine syrup in stock now too, cause'a my heroic recovery of one Logan P. Loganton. If you're hungry, ya ain't gonna have a better meal than that." She states with a deep confidence backing up her words and facial expression.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Looks up when she hears Rogue yell at the kids and narrows her eye's but she says nothing.. she just happy to be hanging onto her mom and she's alive and all that.. she looks " I would like some food.. and I remember your food it was amazing " she says brightly " I would like to try this chicken and waffles " . She says

     She looks to jean but is clearly hanging onto her and not wanting to let go least not for the moment.. if eels better now she's with jean, and her mind feels less a mess. " you could be right.. I dunno i think somebody hit me with something and now everything is a mess " .

Jean Grey has posed:
"She does make a mean waffle," Jean notes, watching with a faint smile as Rogue shows off her own teacherly authority handling some of the students! Just to think she was once one of those trouble-makers herself! "Of course..." she continues, "if you want food, you are eventually going to have to let go of me." Despite that, she still doesn't do anything to peel Rachel free, letting her do it on her own time-schedule. Hugs are free!

The idea that someone might have caused this problem intentionally is, obviously, a bit of a concern if it's true, and further mention of that suspicion erases what is otherwise an ongoing easy smile, etching a few thoughtful lines in her forehead. "We'll figure it out. First let's get you fed. But I'm still going to want Hank to look you over, and then maybe I can try going through your memories a little more deeply- if someone did something, maybe you have some memory of it, even if it might be blocked out now."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's arms fold across her stomach, her gloved hands clutching the backs of her elbows through the dark green and black striped sleeves of her light sport jacket. She just grins at the two of them before she diiiips forward in a long step that takes her past them. Bouncing around to face them again, she bends her knees and bounces a bit where she stands. "Well then, you two... Lets hit up the kitchen, shall we?" She asks in her husky southern toned voice, a grin playing across her lips.

"Hugs are free. I'm gonna put that on a shirt for one'a your Christmas presents." She tells Jean with that grin persisting before she starts to turn to lead the way back toward the stone steps that lead up to the patio that will eventually take the trio toward the double French doors in to the kitchen. She glances back over her shoulder then at the two of them. "If someone hurt you, Rachel, we'll go find'em an' make'em pay. Don't you worry." She adds as she starts up the steps, taking two at a tim1, her left gloved hand tracing up the stone railing beside her hip.

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Lets go very very slowly but she lets go though she hangs onto jeans hand if she'll let her as she follows along and nods " Thank you " For the comment on getting who hurt her.. She frowns " I Just wanna get my bearings first and figure out my memories after "

     she looks to jean " I wanna try and get a handle on things.. my memories are a mess but it's not the first time.. I was like that when they enslaved me before " she shakes her head touching her cheek.. She's using her powers still to hide her face marks.

Jean Grey has posed:
There's no rushing of any kind from Jean, and if Rachel is only willing to downgrade to a held hand... well, she'll go with that! Small steps.

So with Rachel's hand in hers, Jean finally turns around and starts after Rogue now that she's bounded past them, following her up the stairs toward the patio and the big doors into the mansion. "Taking care of you is definitely the first priority, but if someone did something, it's important we know who, and why, and what. And that we deal with them if they're still out there, so they can't do it to anyone else."

Once they make it up, however, she puts aside that more serious talk in favor of the anticipated meal. "You're in for a treat. Rogue knows her way around when it comes to these southern staples... if you don't remember what you're missing, maybe the flavors will jog your memory!"