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Latest revision as of 11:43, 14 November 2023

No Hitchhikers Allowed
Date of Scene: 12 November 2023
Location: Some Place in New Jersey roads
Synopsis: On the way between Gotham and New York, Qira gets attacked by angry gangsters, and the Ghost Rider does his vengenace thing.
Cast of Characters: Qira Quest, Daniel Ketch

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira has been out to New York a few times, albeit always tagging along with someone else. This time she's trying to get there on her own. So she's struck out on foot, bundled into an oversized hoodie, slim cut jeans, rubber-soled boots. And she has a small pack slung over her back. That striking white hair of hers up on a long ponytail that's coiled into the hood pulled up over her head.

She's making her way along Shore Road to the east of Gotham. It runs the length of New Jersey, including all the way up to the NJ 35 that will take her into Perth Amboy and north through Staten Island to the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge that will go into Brooklyn.

Not even certain why she's going, just that she has the urge to go. She doesn't intend to stay, either, only taking a single change of clothes.. and her ninja silks. Just in case.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel woke up in Gotham again. Well, Gotham outskirts. His memories about the Rider business there were vague, some kidnapping ring? Well, there was nothing in the news, but that happens more often than he suspected when he was younger. Some things get buried and never make it to the media. Doubly so when they involve supernatural elements. Like burning skeletons with bad temper.

So, he is going back to New York. Fortunately, it is a Saturday, so his boss won't call him to complain unexpected absences this time.

It is early and it is a Saturday, so the traffic is light. He spots Qira walking along the road. Hitchhiker? Maybe, but he is not picking up anyone. It is too dangerous to travel with him.

He also spots in the rear-view mirror a six-wheeled truck running too fast. They are asking for a big traffic fine, this is a federal road and there are a lot of radars and cameras. Also, it is invading the shoulder.

Trying to run over Qira.

Daniel hits the brakes, but it is too late for him to turn back.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira may seem like your average hitchhiking teen, especially in her dark street clothes with the 'glow in the dark' logo splashed across the back. But she is far, far from some normal teenager. Which might explain why the truck is barrelling towards her in an attempt to run her down.

She smirks faintly and spins, running straight AT the truck! She'll pull a trio of black steel darts from one sleeve, throwing them straight at the grille of the truck before making a fantastical leap into the air. Not only going over the grille, but over the roof of the truck!

Making a flip off the roof of the truck, she grabs the edge of the trailer, riding low to the roof, the hood blown back and letting that long white ponytail fly out behind her. Qira intends to find out who's dumb enough to try and take her out of the game.

Her eyes flash in the dark as she peeks into the infrared spectrum, trying to see how many are in the group.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel's motorcycle skids loudly as he turns back to watch how the young girl jumps over the truck. Impressive enough, and the truck is also braking hard, bouncing on the k-rail and almost flipping over. It as not even stopped completely when a burly man with an automatic shotgun jumps out the passenger's seat, screaming obscenities.

An old sedan following the truck is also slowing down quickly, the passenger also aiming a handgun at Qira and shooting a couple poorly aimed rounds.

Qira can hear people inside the truck, but the sudden braking and almost flipping over has them banging against the walls of the truck and momentarily unbalanced.

Qira Quest has posed:
Laughing to herself, Qira rolls away from the poorly aimed shots, popping up to her feet and running lightly along the roof of the trailer. She slides off the back end and makes sure to hit the exterior lock latch on the trailer doors. Those guys won't be getting out until and unless someone gets past her... or she's ready to deal with them.

Moving quickly, she pulls the hood back over her hair and tears the the iron-on logo off the hoodie, tossing it under the truck where it might distract someone. Instead, she pulls another trio of those steel darts out and whirls around the corner of the trailer to throw all three at the man, aiming for disabling shots rather than deadly. Looking to take out shoulder, hand, and hip.

She notes the biker that passed her having screeched to a halt but can't take the chance of calling out a warning and instead slips under the trailer to see if she can't reach whoever might go after the bystander.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Unfortunately there is no exterior lock latch in the truck. It is probably illegal, but so are automatic shotguns. Fortunately, the thug with the shotgun is too slow and Qira's darts hit him perfectly. The one on his hand makes him drop the gun, and the others make him fall to the ground screaming in pain.

But there is also the driver. He has a handgun and shows up a second after the other thug goes down, aiming at Qira and shooting his gun.

The sedan stops, crossed over the road, blocking the path of other vehicles. Two men with large handguns climb down and run towards the truck. From the truck itself, four fully armed and armoured mercenary-like characters jump out. They have submachine guns and tactical vests.

It is seven against Qira. And four of them definitely look a notch over the average Gotham thug. Someone must be really angry about all her 'stealing from criminals is okay' lifestyle.

The motorcycle and its rider are at the other side of the truck, but Qira can hear it coming closer. Maybe an eight hitmen. Or maybe the driver is insane for getting involved in this one.

Qira Quest has posed:
In scooting under the truck, she's hoping to avoid the shots from the driver, rolling and rolling until she's up behind one large tire. She reaches into the pouch on her hoodie and pulls a bolas, glancing around the edge of the tire to gauge distance of the two men with handguns, then watching the four leap down fromt he back of the truck.

A grim smile curls her lips and she draws a few throwing stars as well. Aiming low, looking to hit around the ankle/achilles tendons, and the meat of the calf or back of the knee with the stars... Qira throws, the bolas first, aiming for the two closest together. THen the stars aimed at the other two. Again, looking to disable rather than kill.

As soon as the weapons are released, she's on the move, moving on hands and feet easily enough under the trailer of the truck, moving back towards the front again.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The driver shoots miss by inches as Qira slips under the truck. The driver calls the others, 'that bitch is under the truck', but before he can do anything, a throwing start hits him in the calf, and he screams in pain, dropping the gun and rolling on the pavement to try to pull it out.

The four mercenaries react quickly, scattering around the truck. Except for the one hit by the bolas, that stumbles down. Momentarily out, but he pulls a knife to free himself, while keeping his weapon aimed in Qira general direction. A couple others are hit by throwing stars, but they wear some protection, and the cuts are not deep.

The two men from the car yell in alarm, and there is a shoot or two, and then the sound of something heavy and metallic hitting flesh and bones. Qira might have seen the blur of a large motorcycle going their way.

Then she is not seeing much since one of the mercenaries has thrown a tear gas grenade under the truck.

Qira Quest has posed:
Expelling the air from her lungs, Qira moves quickly, scuttling forward and kicking the tear gas canister back out from under the truck. She blinks, clears her eyes, and shifts over to the infrared spectrum to better track the movements of the thugs. Sliding out from underneath at the front of the truck, she yanks the the darts from the grille of the truck.

Once she's clear of the lingering gas, she'll draw in a breath, then shift around the front to peek around the corner towards the back end. If that's clear, she'll make another of those crazy leaps to the roof of the truck, then back up to the roof of the trailer. Flattening herself out and crawling along on her belly, choosing stealth over brute force. The sight and sound of the motorcycle has her curious, so she tries to lay low to see if this guy is friend or foe. Taking peeks over the edge of the trailer in the hopes that they still think she's underneath the truck.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"There is a biker interfering," comments one of the mercenaries. "Kill him, we will handle the girl," replies another, voices cold. They move swiftly, but not quick enough to prevent Qira from climbing to the top of the truck, again. A hail of bullets follows her, but the miss her back by a fraction of second.

The mercenaries follow, although they are not as fast as her at climbing to the top of the truck, and they are cautious. Gun firsts, helmet-protected heads next.

One of the mercenaries shoots at the biker, there is the sound of bullets hitting metal, then a grunt of pain. "Got him. That motorcycle is armored. Peculiar." Mercenary #4 is backpedalling from the truck, trying to get some distance to get an angle so he can shot Qira.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira glances back when the mercenaries try to follow her up onto the top of the trailer. She all but laughs when they lead with their guns. Predictable. Those reclaimed steel darts are aimed and thrown right as helmeted heads start to poke up over the edge. She doesn't aim for the men, however... she uses the spikes to block the barrels of the uzi's.

As soon as that's done, she huffs out a few quick breaths, then leaps to her feet and starts racing along the top of the trailer towards the merc that's going after the biker. He's tried to help, she can't very well just let them kill him. Well, she COULD, but she tries to be better than she was raised.

This will, however, potentially open her up to the other merc that's trying to draw a bead on her. One that doesn't have a blocked gun barrel.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Qira can't see the faces of the mercenaries when the find the machineguns barrels blocked by the darts, but they are not amused and maybe a little worried. However, they don't take long to discard their weapons and draw handguns.

Qira spots mercenary #3 jogging towards the fallen biker, moving quickly but always pointing to the fallen man, "he is burning, but why?" He comments, sounding surprised. And then, she also spots the pointing at her, opening fire with the machine gun just as the girl stands up.

Qira Quest has posed:
Well now... this is... interesting. She can SEE the heat ramping up in the stranger, enough that it's almost painful to look at him. Perhaps he's not just some random passerby after all. She'll make the split second decision to trust him to know his own limitations, and instead hops off the edge of the trailer, grabbing the very edge with her fingertips... not to hold, but just to give her a pivot point.

Spinning, she angles herself towards the two now on the top of the trailer and pulls two more stars, tossing both at the handguns, again, looking to block that barrel and put them into hand to hand range. That... well, that's no contest! The move will also hopefully help her to avoid some of that machine gun fire! She's trying to hit the ground and roll under the trailer before any of the bullets can strike, but it's going to be close!

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The mercenary shoots in full automatic, and pauses only to change the clip. He doesn't ask if he hit Qira, instead running around the truck. The pair on the top get more blocked gun barrels, but one of them doesn't realize in time, trying to shoot at Qira with a high calibre handgun, the bullet hitting the blocking star and exploding. He cries as the backlash breaks a couple fingers, and stumbles back, falling at the other side of the truck.

But the other mercenary has better reflexes, instead of firing the gun, he jumps at Qira the instant his friend's machine gun runs out of bullets. He is counting his being twice the size of the girl will give him the advantage, ninja skills or not. He was a marine before the dishonourable discharge, after all.

As for the mercenary that went after the biker, well. Suddenly he fires the machine gun, and screams loudly. Because a huge skeleton in biker leather, skull on fire, just grabbed him by the neck as if he was a doll and set him on fire, "aaaaaaah! It is cold, it is cold!" He screams as if he was being skinned alive.

Then he goes flying, crashes into the mercenary with the machinegun as he was changing the clip. And both keep flying at least twenty more yards until the fall one a corn field some distance from the road. There is going to be a lot of broken bones there.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira is under the trailer, crouched in a three-point low stance, staring at the merc that crawls in under with her. Lips turning up into a slow smile, those strange eyes flash with nightshine, showing the inhuman nature of them. "You should have just taken the opportunity to walk away... now I get more money.. and I'll make sure you leave you able to tell your boss that you lot got taken out by one little girl..."

Then she's moving towards him, low and very, very fast. These close quarters favor her smaller size and quicker speed, and she goes immediately for his leading arm, looking to grab him by the wrist, twisting hard as she loops aaround and locks her legs against his shoulder and neck while keeping his arm hyperflexed. Slowly, slowly pulling harder. She's going to dislocate the elbow if she doesn't let up!

More, the angle of her body has her largely 'hidden' behind his outstretched arm. "Say.. uncle..."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"SINNERS!" The Ghost Rider voice is loud, and a rumbling bass no human throat could manage. "Those with murder in their hearts will face the wrath of the Spirit of Vengeance!"

By then the truck driver and his companion have managed to limp back to their feet, and pale at the statement, opening fire against the monster with the shotgun and the handgun. They hit the Rider, but he barely reacts at the holes that appear in the leather outfit he wears. There is no blood behind the holes, only more fire.

The mercenary follows Kiden under the truck, drawing a combat knife. It is obvious he is a pretty good fighter, but his size and all the gear he carries become a disadvantage. Qira is able to grab his wrist easily, and maneuver herself so she can wrap her legs around his shoulders. But while his right arms is twisted painfully, she pulls a hand taser with his left and attempts to shock her, hitting the leg. Then he stops.

And looks at the Ghost Rider. "What the hell is that thing?" And that is not said in a cold, professional voice.

Qira Quest has posed:
"...huh... that is *not* something you see every day..." Qira has to shutter the IR vision in the face of the unimaginable heat being put off by the Ghost Rider. She's vaguely aware of religion and the concept of sin, but it never even occurred to her that she might have committed any. She obeys Batman's rules, but more from practicality than any real remorse for what she's done.

Feeling the prongs of the taser against her leg, she braces for the shock, planning to fuck up this guy's arm in the process if she's going to get all those volts... but the shock never comes.

Looking from the thug to the Rider, then back to the thug. "Oh him? He's yours. Have fun!" Dropping one hand from his wrist, she rips the taser from his other hand and twists around to kick him back out from under the trailer. Moving after him, she reaches out to tag the guy in the shoulder with the taser, pressing the button to give him a nice jolt before skittering around to the other side.

This would be a good time to collect her weapons, at least any that are salvageable, any money that she can from the thugs, and get back on the road. Let the flaming skull head guy (too cool, right?) have the last of the thugs. Who is she to argue with him?

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The mercenary with the taser was distracted for a couple seconds, which leads to a broken wrist and a lost hand taser. Qira finds the man's outfit thin enough at the lower arm to deliver a good shock, to add injury to the insult.

While the mercenary tries to recover, she manages to slid off from under the truck and see how the two thugs are hit by whip-like steel chains, on fire. It looks more like they have been hit by demolition mauls, given how they go flying.

Then the Rider walks to the truck, crouches to put a hand under it, and flips it over with a resounding crash. Definitely this road is going to be closed for traffic for a day or so.

The mercenary that was under the truck attempts to crawl away, but the Rider just breathes flames at him. Those are not normal flames, because they don't look hot to Qira's infrared vision, and the fire doesn't seem to consume the clothes or the man's body. But the man starts screaming as if he was burning.

And that leaves Qira. How guilty is she? How guilty does she feels?

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira collects her weapons and tucks them away, having to the leave the one star in the handgun that one of the mercs tried to fire through. She also rustles through pockets and takes any cash money she finds on them, looking for any additional information they may have been given about her. Phones are smashed.

The Rider flips the trailer over and Qira has to dart away from where it initially lands. "Hey! I'm walking here! Little consideration, yeah?"

Straightening, she tugs her hoodie down into place, then turns and looks right at the Rider. No guilt. No remorse. She doesn't kill the gangsters, everything she does to them can be recovered from on a physical level. Any emotional trauma, well, that's on them.

Her head cants as she peers up into the flaming skull, "So weird... you should be off the charts on heat output... but it's like looking at a person. Huh." Qira offers a nod, "Thanks for the assist. These guys are such sore losers. I'm just.. going to collect my earnings and be on my way."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Rider watches the young woman for a minute. Unsettling for most, as there is the strong impression he is judging her. But her crimes are in the past, before her death and resurrection, and the Ghost Rider can't feel particular malice or intense guilt from her.

"The guilty have been punished," he decides, turning away. The gangsters and mercenaries are either unconscious or too injured to move, although surprisingly, none of them is dead.

So, it looks like the flaming thing... person (maybe) is just going to pick the bike and leave, but halfway there he changes, the fire going off, losing half a foot of height, and stumbling forward with a pained grunt. He is human again, and bleeding from his left arm.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira gives the flaming skull man a thumbs up when he says the guilty have been punished, and she finishes robbing them of their cash. Tucking the bills in her pocket, she turns to head out, then pauses when the flaming skull head guy... shrinks? And becomes decidedly less flaming.. or skull-headed.

Pausing, she frowns for a moment, staring at the man. Letting out a breath, she heads over to him, motioning to his arm, "Let me see." Her bedside manner leaves plenty to be desired, but she isn't exactly angry either. Just... brusque.

If he'll show her his arm, she'll examine the gunshot wound, checking to make sure the bullet passed fully through, and if so, she'll whip out a red bandanna, still crisply folded from being purchased. Folding it quickly into a makeshift bandage, Qira will look up at him, "Brace yourself, I have to tie it tight to keep pressure on the wound and slow the bleeding. It will hurt."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel was already pulling off his coat to see how bad it is. Not the first time he gets shot, and every time it hurts like shit, but this time he is able to move easily, so he doesn't think the bone was hit. Just blood everywhere.

And he needs to leave before someone sees him. The cops are slow to come, they have been distracted, or bribed, for the hit. But it is a main road in broad daylight. There is already a vehicle stopped due to the sedan crossed on the line. People have cellphones, and he doesn't want to be recognized.

By the time Qira gets to Daniel, he is trying to pick up his motorcycle, instead of stopping the bleeding. Not a good idea. "What? It is just a scratch!" He protests. "I gotta go," he looks at her for a second. "Thanks, but I really can't be here."

Qira Quest has posed:
"You think I can? It's going to be worse if the cops pick up YOUR blood from the scene. They'll have a nice clear DNA trail right to you. Now do us both a favor and give me your arm before you bleed all over the active crime scene." Qira motions for his arm again, looking a bit more impatient this time.

Assuming he allows it, she'll wrap the bandanna around his arm and tie it tightly over the exit wound to help slow that blood flow before he starts to drip. "There. You're welcome."

Making sure her hood is all the way up, she ducks her head and shoves her hands into her pockets, turning to start heading north, hopping the ruins of the trailer connection to get to the correct side of the road so she can keep on heading towards the city.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
It might be too late to prevent the blood on the ground, but he will deal with it when the time comes. He gives Qira a minute for the improvised bandage, clenching his jaw at the unavoidable pain.

Then he climbs on the motorcycle and turns it on. "Hey, I can take you... at least a few miles," he offers. For the bandaging, maybe. He is not even asking why the thugs attempted to kill her. If she is still standing after the Ghost Rider appearance, he assumes she is okay.

Qira Quest has posed:
Qira pauses, looking back at him for a long moment... then nods. "Yeah, okay. I'm heading up to New York for a few days. I can give you some cash for gas money." Of course she can, she literally just robbed the thugs that tried to kill her. Serves them right, really.

Turning back around, she moves back towards him and hops on easily enough, setting her hands at his waist. "Lets get out of here before those state cops show up. Last thing we need are all sorts of questions like 'who are you' and 'why were these guys trying to kill you'."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"This thing doesn't consume gas," comments Daniel bleakly. He has only a helmet, but with a bit of luck the cops will be busy with other considerations. Like those armed men with broken bones on the road.

"I'll get you to the closest subway station," he offers, avoiding the downed truck and speeding off towards New York.