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Latest revision as of 23:26, 23 April 2020

Happy Harbor: Hitting A Wall
Date of Scene: 23 April 2020
Location: Teacher's Lounge - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Morrigan asks for Sam's advice on an incident.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Sam Wilson

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's after hours and someone is still around. Probably someone who is going through a lot of coffee today as the fresh smell is a continuous thing since the end of school.

Morrigan is seated at one of the side tables with her tablet in her hands and there's a grim look on her pale face. There's a sip of coffee before she dials the video back and watches it again. A wince crossing her features at a specific moment. She scribbles a note down on her pad of paper that she had with her. This is something that she wasn't going to like doing.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam didn't have to immediately go to the Triskelion. It gives him a chance to go looking for someone in paticular. Following the fresh smell of coffee to the lounge, he enters and notices Morrigan's grim expression. He paused at the door frame, watching her for several seconds before he wraps his knuckles against the wooden door.

"Is this that moment where you realize how lame I really am?" he asks her with a hint of a disarming tease. Gesturing his hand to computer, he considers. "How is?" he asks her finally, heading over to make himself a cup of coffee.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan runs a hand through a few of her curls and then gives a look over to the door when she hears the knock, there's a smile when the woman sees that it is Sam, "I was just thinking about you." she tells him. "Lame? Really Sam?" she chuckles at that.

She watches him go to make a cup of coffee, "I've been better. I wanted to ask your advice on something that happened with a student. While it's off school grounds...it has been all over Youtube and other sites." she sighs.

Oh no. This was work Morrigan.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Finishing pouring a cup of straight black, Sam notes the serious mein of the redhead, and he gives a nod of his head. He throttles down on the quips and such, and instead carries over his coffee to the table to sit down next to Morrigan, a gentle brush of his shoulder against hers to remind her he's right there. "Play it for me, Mo." he offers to her as he watches the video.

His lips purse in thought as he watches the video and he considers his mug as he ponders. "So before I say anything on this, what do you see, and what do you think?" he asks her curiously.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a softer look to the man, "You sure?" she asks him as she slides the tablet over to him. The video is off a group of Satyr's and a a group with one of their students. She hits play and then settles back as she listens to it.

"What I think is that some of Alexander's enemies, if we can call them that, were talking some smack and threatened him and his friends and they retaliated." she states. "We can't have students chopping off peoples heads on camera...preferably not ON camera either." she sighs at that.

"What do you see, Sam?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Reaching up to rub at his chin, Sam watches the video. There's no revulsion at Alex's extreme actions. It may be the first reminder to Mo that he's a full combat veteran. "Do we know who the others are in the video?" he asks her. His expression is thoughtful to her. "I see that there was an escalation, but it was the stayr that drew first, forcing Mister Aaron and his companions to respond." he points out to her.

"I know you are working very hard to give this school the impression that it's a normal high school, even if our students are extraordinary. I appreciate the protection that he made, but I think that he would have done better calling in someone to handle the situation without escalation. What do you feel like needs to be done?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I haven't asked yet, I was going to when I sat down to talk to Alexander." Morrigan states to that. She then looks to him, noting what he thinks happened and there's a nod of agreement, "You explained it far more eloquently than I did." she chuckles. "But yes, it looks like he was forced to react or someone else might have gotten hurt." she states.

"We have a mixed population. Not all students are powered or anything else like that. We have a lot of plain Jane humans." she admits. "We expelled four students the first day of Spring Break that recorded and posted their power usuage to Instagram. Alexander doesn't draw attention to himself a lot of a time." she sighs.

"It's his last semester with us and then he'll be off to university. I was thinking suspending him, but letting him finish his schoolwork so that it doesn't bother any of his grades and it keeps his GPA up so that it doesn't ruin his University hopes." she admits.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"In the end, this is your school, and SHIELD and everyone else trusts you to run it as you must. But think of the message that this sends - that those with powers, if provoked, will face suspension or expulsion if their actions are seen on camera. Do you think it will force those that are coming into their powers and need support and guidance to come to their administration for help, or force them into hiding out of the fear that their powers will be punished?" he asks her curiously as Sam sips from his mug.

"Should something happen to Alexander for the extremes that he took into his actions, beheading someone? That I won't fight you on. But my suggestion would be to let him finish the school year, but if you want to keep him from going on the Seinor Trip?" he offers up to her in suggestion.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"The main reason we urge discretion is so that we won't have to have these types of discussions." Morrigan sighs at that. "Our students that were expelled were doing silly things. Alexander isn't like that. So I think I have a plan for what to do." she tells him.

"But you're also right." she whispers to him. "I'm afraid that too many bootings won't instill confidence and well...we should probably set up something about provocation." she states. "But, shall we go find Mister Aaron and speak with him?" she asks him.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Reaching, Sam takes Morrigan's hand in his and gives it a squeeze, his eyes studying hers. "You're amazing at this." he reminds her. "My job is just to be your Jimminy Cricket sometimes." he points out to her with a warm smile. Yes, personally, it's more than that, but right now it's the work mode. "Right, it's one thing to post a video of yourself showing off your powers - that's inviting disciplinary action. But from everything I can see in this? Alexander wasn't looking to show off. If anything, he was forced into it. I trust your plan on this, Morrigan." he reminds her gently.

"But yes, let's hear his side of this and then decide the course of action." he points out to her as she suggests it. "Because if everything else in his record suggests that this is not him? Then we need to know all the circumstance of the situation before you make a decision." But it's clear he's going to support her.