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Latest revision as of 05:18, 27 November 2023

The Day After Black Friday
Date of Scene: 26 November 2023
Location: The Wick
Synopsis: Members of the extended Wayne family end up in New York after doing some holiday shopping.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Kate Kane, Gabby Kinney, Phoebe Beacon

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown had come into New York to meet up with a friend for some Black Friday shopping. And... is there a name for the next day? Dark Grey Saturday maybe? Well, then too. And anyone else from the family who came up from Gotham was welcome to join up as they hit some of the stores in New York, the likes of which Stephanie Brown would never have been shopping at just a few years ago. No, she'd have been the girl standing outside while some old man opened a window and flipped her a quarter and told her to go buy the biggest goose in the town.

And after shopping, comes settling in at a pub that Stephanie says has good food. She and Dick had found The Wick after going skating at Rockefeller Center. The tree lightning is still four days away, but the ice rink is already there for people to enjoy over Thanksgiving weekend.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian had come to New York to do some shopping with Gabby and enjoy some of the holiday festivities. As the day was winding down, it was his phone starting to go off to alert him of Stephanie's incoming text.

'Encino is, like, bitchin' (Valley Girl),
They, like, have a Galleria (Valley Girl)'

Swiping his phone before Frank Zappa's classic 'Valley Girl' can continue, he checks the message to share with Gabby before they decide to make a change in dinner plans, if they had any. A thumbs up and +1 emoji are sent back Stephanie's way before the youngest Wayne leads the way to the Wick. He already was pulling up the menu and checking things out when they arrive at the door, which he opens for Gabby before following her inside and when he catches sight of the blonde Stephanie, he lifts his hand in a wave to her.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd has no reason to Black Friday shop. Sadness Saturday? It may as well be a Manic Monday. But there was talka bout hanging out and stopping for food at a great place? Sure. He's down for that. He arranged to meet the others at the pub.

Pulling up out front - there's a space. Probably only because someone pulled strings. But it's there and the crimson '69 Mustang Mach 1 rumbles as it rolls into the open space as if it deserves to park there. Emerging from the car, Jason pauses to glance around before shutting the door. No he does not hand the key to any valet. But he does press something into the young woman's hand with a nod. Enough to cover the fact he took the prime spot. But it's a classic muscle car in pristine condition. Who would balk at that being front and center?

Wearing in a black suit with a white dress shirt, a narrow black tie and polised dress shoes, Jason is dressed nicely. His hair? It has been grown out, now down to his collar and he sports a closely trimmed beard. There could be some sort of call-back to the namesake of the pub. Any resemblence to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. No really.

Stepping around the car he moves to the passenger door, seeking to open it for his passenger. If said passenger, one Kate Kane, opens it herself, he'll stand there almost as if he were a bodyguard. WIth his attire it wouldn't be a large leap of logic to go there.

Pulling open the door to The Wick, he lets her enter first then follows inside.

"Do you see them?"

Then he catches the flash of blonde hair and gestures.

"Over there.."

Kate Kane has posed:
They say billionaires don't stay billion-y by not spending recklessly, but Kate Kane has a reckless streek she just can't contain. Unlike certain others who boast a chiropteran moniker, there is a living and breathing woman inside that isn't just a convenient way to deal with the wider world.

No, Kate Kane: Party Girl still lived.

Besides, Christmas shopping was something you had personal shoppers do at 10 pm on Christmas Eve and then criticize them for later. You know, rich people stuff.

She climbs out of the Mustang, legs clad in form-fitting denim and high brown boots. A similar leather jacket keeps her from the chill, and today her stark red is in bob with a straight-cut fringe. A wig, of course, but it's not immediately obvious. She wears a pair of large sunglasses with thick, circular black frames that conceal most of her upper face.

She nods in response to Jason spotting the group, falling into stride alongside him.

"Look at me, going to a holiday meal with a boy. It's like I'm sixteen and trying to convince the Colonel that Hayley Suffolk and I are just really, really good friends all over again."

She grins.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I never would have thought such a thing existed but... Those are fucking haunted candles if I ever saw them."

Gabby's declaration is made while staring at the massive decades-long pile up of melted wax upon wax upon wax that drips down the sconces where the candles are constantly replaced just. Gawking at it. Surely this is how the place got the name: The Wick. And not at all because of that movie about the guy with the dog.

"That would have been cool though," Gabby mutters beneath her breath at her own thought that she doesn't share aloud. Sometimes the random thoughts that sprung to mind were best left unshared. Reluctantly her gaze tears away to glance beside her at Damian offering him a grin. She was decked out for Holiday shopping and she really, really was 'in theme' as she was wearing a blue and white fur (faux) lined coat that fit on her like a dress. It looked like something a Rockette might wear if they were feeling modest, with leggings and boots under it all. She was cozy warm in it all at least.

Her hand finds Damian's as she falls into step next to him allowing him to lead the way over toward Stephanie.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It's cold enough outside that the pub's warmth might be welcome, especially to anyone who might have taken the subway. The place is doing a good business, but Stephanie has a table staked out for the group. She has a fresh Irish coffee in front of her, judging by the whipped cream on top of it. Steph is wearing a light grey sweater with wavy lines on it though the white, silver and light blue colors have a somewhat wintery feel to them.

The blond coed gives Jason a wave as he enters. And one to Damian and Gabby. Under the table she gently pushes a chair with her foot to back it up from the table in invitation to them all to come join her.

There are menus on the table. Stephanie has one open to the appetizers page which has most of the pub appetizers you might expect. A few tables that have food, it looks like high quality for pub fare at the least.

"Hey guys. Did you all get in any shopping?" she asks them when they reach the table. "Or, you know, looking like a bad boy, brooding," she adds with a grin towards Jason. Kate is given a warm smile. "Looks like it was the right weekend for a New York trip," she says of how many of them are there.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian is dressed in a long overcoat that comes off as soon as they are inside. Beneath is a dark V-neck sweater with lighter trim on the collar and cuffs. A white collared shirt with a matching tie and then dark slacks with Italian leather shoes, perfectly poised and polished and looking every part of the child of Bruce that he is.

When Gabby's hand finds his, his hand pancakes against hers before lacing their fingers into a waffle. "I'm sure it does wonders for the atmosphere to assume they're haunted." Damian admits as he studies the column of melted wax - but he does not spend too much time on it.

There's a table to join after all. "Thank you for the invitation, Stephanie." comes the young man's comment with a smile. "Dick using this as a distraction to shop for you?" he teases lightly as he pulls out a chair for Gabby.

When Jason and Kate arrive, Damian's head tilts a little, studying this new-look that Jason has decided to sport. Instead of saying anything, he makes a quiet 'hnh' noise of thought. Not judgy! But there is a smile for his cousin. "Hello, Kate. I hope you are doing well?"

But there is a lesson here he has learned as he glances aside to Gabby. "I assume you know everyone here?" A wink at his girlfriend as he waits for her to be seated before he joins her to take up a menu. "I got in a little shopping - already had it sent to the Manor so that I can tend to putting it under the tree later. Sprung for the wrapping service." he explains.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd has never worried about what others think of his personal style. It's almost winter. Longer hair keeps the neck warm, and a beard for the face. It's practical.

Stepping up just after Kate, he nods to the gathering. "Steph. Damian. Gab." He offers a half smile to each of them. It's the most he has for being out around the holidays.

Echoing Damian, he agrees, "Yeah, thanks." For the invite. And for it not being some cliche' place in Gotham. Again. Variety is important!

His courteousness to Kate continues at least so far as to pull out a chair for her before dropping into one himself. Someone somewhere is probably already calling a tabloid to try and scoop the story that Kate Kane has a boy toy. Joke's on them!

Looking to Gabby, then to Damian he deadpans, "I've never met her before in my life." But there's a smile at least. Then he picks up his menu and studies the pub's offerings.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Don't look at me, I don't do Christmas shopping," Kate tells Stephanie with an airy laugh, dropping into the offered chair and placing her bag on the table. She's not laden down with purchases herself, "I'm just here keeping Jason company. Also to start a war between the Gotham and New York society pages. "

She turns in her seat to regard Damian and Gabby, placing her chin in her hand and tilting her head slightly to bat her lashes at the pair over the top of her glasses.

"You are adorable," she offers, painted red lips parting to share a toothy smile, "I love it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a pretend little courtsey when Damian pulls the chair out for her. It's a bit of a tease, but at the same time she doesn't knock him for doing it. It does make it far easier for her to scoot in closer to the table where she pauses to undo at least a few buttons on the top of her coat. Underneath? Underneath was a t-shirt with a super enlarged kitten laser-eye zapping some poor beach goers. Completely not in theme with the whole 'cutesy Christmas shopping' she was doing. It was rare she got to wear that coat though darnit.

A quick glance sweeps over Stephanie, Jason--Who gets an eyebrow raising--and then Kate. "Well I know two of them at least," she responds to Damian with a grin. "And yes, thanks for the invite. I wasn't sure what we were going to do tonight anyway. Kind of winging it. I got *so* much shopping done though."

Leaning forward a bit she offers in a conversational tone, "Jason, you do know you don't have to grow an actual beard to *be* a beard, right? I'm kidding. Digging the new look."

Kate's remark about being adorable just earns a bright, toothy grin that causes the scars on her cheeks to dimple. "Thanks!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown takes a sip of her Irish coffee, ending up with a whipped cream moustache that she licks away before turning to a napkin for anything she missed. She flashes a mischievous grin over at Damian and says, "I certainly hope he is," in reply to whether Dick is out taking advantage of some alone time to shop for her. "We made a turkey for Thanksgiving," she comments, "And took it up to my mom's. It turned out pretty well. First time for me though I think Dick had some experience there. That, or he was texting Alfred for advice," she says with a warm smile.

Nodding her head in agreement with Kate, Stephanie tells Gabby, "That's just awesome. You guys should go ice skating over at Rockefeller if you haven't. I mean it's not as festive without the tree lit up yet, but still a nice atmosphere there."

A waitress comes over to take their drink orders. Stephanie tells her, "Could we have an order of the baked potato skins, and also the veggie and dip sampler. And those chicken lollipop kebabs. Actually, make it a triple order of those." To the rest of the table, Stephanie says, "They are amazing. They could be an entre as far as I'm concerned."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks over the top of the menu as Gabby teases him. He shakes his head, "You've got amazing senses but you didn't notice the beard and hair the last time you came to mooch beer from the Garage? You're slipping" he jokes. "Thanks." For liking the look.

As the server comes over, he lets Steph order the apps because she knows the place. When it's his turn, he goes for the standby. "Fish and chips please. Extra tartar sauce." Because fried fish without sauce is just sad. "Whatever you have on tap." Not feeling picky about his drink yet.

Finally about shopping, "I.. don't shop. Can you imagine me in a Black Friday crowd?" he asks Steph with a smirk.

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Jason deadpans about not knowing Gabby, Damian arches a brow. "Huh. I'm not sure on the new look. Do you plan to try to get the world record on Donkey Kong later?" he asks with mock-curiosity, before Gabby is taking off the coat and he snickers at the shirt beneath it. Okay, so totally not all in the holiday spirit.

To Kate, he grins, "Want to set off both of them? See if you can get caught in public drinking with Janet van Dyne." he suggests, before he turns his attention to the orders and ohs.

"Right, I'd like a virgin Christmas Mule. It's like a Moscow Mule, but replace the club soda with apple cider. Thank you."

But there's a pause, because Stephanie just alerted him. "I... assume that your order was to share with the whole table. If they are just for you, I can place a seperate order to cover the table?" he asks curiously, his attention drawn away from Gabby's beard commentary.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Oh, I don't know," Kate says to Damian, when Janet comes up, "She seems a bit straight edge for me. I can't imagine she's much of a drinker."

There's a faint twitch of her red lips. Well, at least she tried to keep a straight face.

"I'm Kate," she offers Gabby, gesturing to Damian, "His grandma is my dad's sister. There's a word for it, which might be cousin, so I'm going with that."

She orders her own drink, something in the way of a highball glass with hard liquor. Mmm. Day drinking.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sticks her tongue out at Jason in the most mature manner possible though she does crack a grin after. "Yes but the *joke* only works now that you came in with a woman," she points out as if that made all the difference. It just wasn't going to make sense otherwise.

When Kate introduces herself it's met with another grin. "I'm Gabby, nice to meet you." For a moment her face scrunches up trying to do the mental work that family tree would come out to. "Uh I think it'd be something like Cousin second removed? Third?" Her eyes narrow pondering this great mystery of life until she comes to the conclusion of just shrugging it off. "A bit more complicated than my family. Usually just a *lot* of siblings there."

The menu garners her attention for a quick once-over. "Even if that isn't for the whole table, I want to try the cheese curds. I don't know what that is but if it's anything like cheese sticks, I'm all in. Oh and some of the buffalo perogies too."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Janet van Dyne is a bitch who picks on emotionally delicate teenagers." comes a voice from behind the crew as another person joins them at the table, her hair wrapped up in a festive red wrap, wearing a black jacket over a red blouse, black skirt, and gray tights and heeled boots. She looks thoroughly exhausted, and there's a bandage wrapped around her left hand, right up her wrist as she looks up to the waitress and gives a wan smile. "Hi, glass of water with lemon, and an order of..." she pauses, she looks over Jason's shoulder at the menu, "... french fries with cheese, hold the bacon, but can I have celery and carrot sticks like you do for the wings, only no chicken wings?" she asks, and she breathes out. She looks around.

    "... hope I'm not interrupting anything. Hey Gabs."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie pulls out her phone, tapping out a message before stowing it back in a pocket and turning her full attention back to the table. "Yep, appetizers for everyone," Stephanie confirms to Damian about the orders she put in. "Feel free to get something else for yourself too if you like. I know shopping can leave you hungry."

A soft, laughing snort is given at the mental image of Jason in a Black Friday crowd. "I don't imagine even Gotham could handle that kind of carnage on a holiday, let alone New York," she teases. "Well, I'm glad people are able to get some good deals. If it helps them give their families a happy Christmas," she says, looking down at her drink thoughtfully for a few moments, before shaking off whatever those thoughts were.

"So Kate, where are you spending Christmas this year? Getting together with the rest of your family, or will you be around Bruce's manor?" she inquires. She looks to Gabby and says, "Have you seen what Alfred does with decorations there? It really is amazing."

The waitress takes down the orders from people. "Oh, the buffalo perogie is great," the woman tells Gabby as she jots it down. She takes Phoebe's order, then looks to Damian to see if he decided to get something for himself.

"Hey Phoebe," Stephanie says warmly. "Glad you could make it!"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Cousin, once removed." Damian offers helpfully to Gabby, before he nods. "I did not realize she didn't know you, Kate. This is Gabby Kinney. She's a long-time family friend and we're currently dating." His hands fold over each other on the table and he sits up a little more properly.

"Extra order of cheese curds, may I also get the spinach and artichoke dip?" he asks curiously of the waitress when Phoebe arrives. His eyes immediately go to the bandages on her arm and there's a brief frown of concern before his attention back to the conversation at hand.

"I think that Alfred has a secret connection with the North Pole and an army of elves shows up while we're away to decorate the place and then disappear again." A small smile at that thought. He's still getting more settled in that he can be a normal teen enjoying the holidays.

"The skating sounds like a great idea," he responds to Stephanie on an earlier thread. "We'll try that if Gabby's up to it when we're done here."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks between the others while discussions of relations get sorted through. He pauses and looks at Kate. Without missing a beat he comments, "I'm still going to call you Aunt Kate. It sounds way better to have a billionaire adoptive father and an equallty weathly aunt. Rich cousin?" He pffts with a shake of his head.

Looking to Phoebe he smiles and looks her over, particularly on seeing the bandage, to make sure she's okay.

"It takes a gutless person to make others feel terrible." All he's gonna say about one JVD.

He bumps out a chair for Phoebe with a smile. "Glad you made it."

Kate Kane has posed:
"I'm liquid lunching myself," Kate explains, arm draped over the back of her chair lazily as she casually removes her sunglasses and places them in the interior pocket of her jacket, "I'm going out tonight and I don't need to put myself into a food coma."

Phoebe's comment draws a raised eyebrow from her, but the little grin that follows suggests she finds it incredibly amusing all the same.

"I figured on the dating part," Kate tells Damian, "Unless you're taking the rules about crossing the street in grade school to ridiculous extremes."

To Jason, she smirks: "Well, then I'm going to call you nephew and tell embarassing stories about you. Only fair."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans in toward Damian to bump her shoulder against his. It means leaning a bit out of her chair to do so. Somehow she suspects he'll manage to support her weight while leaning though. "It's okay. I know that 'knowing almost everyone' is my super power but on occasion one slips through the cracks."

Phoebe's entrance earns a bright smile. Wounded or not Phoebe gets a quick lift of a hand to wave as if she were just super excited to see her. "Pheebs! Who do I need to shank about the hand? It's not that Cupp jerk again is it? Swear he needs to end up in the river tied to a pool float."

A bit quieter she asides to Damian, "Strap blades to my feet? Oh for sure I'm up for that."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses, glancing around the table, and then to her hand.

    And she sticks her left hand under the table.

    "No shanking on my behalf. And Cupp had nothing to do with it, this time. He's mostly left me alone since Robbie broke his nose at GU." Phoebe murmurs quietly, since most people at the table at least know Robbie. She gives a small wave of her right hand to Kate. "Hi, not sure if we've really been introduced. Phoebe. Late addition, rags-to-riches -- and stop thinking about shanking people, Gabby. I'm capable of defending myself." she states quietly, and then cross-points to Jason and to Damian "And neither of you start."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
After a bit, the waitress returns with their drinks and food. Tables are set in the middle with appetizers for everyone to partake of. Stephanie gets another Irish coffee, dipping a finger in the whipped cream on top to taste.

Outside, snow flakes can be seen through the window, drifting down from the sky. First just a few flakes here and there, but soon they start to fall more steadily. "Oh I just love the winter," Stephanie says with a smile. "Wasn't always that way. But skiing and sledding and... and the way the city looks clean, at least for a little bit, after it snows."

She lets out a happy sigh, looking around the table and for a moment overcome at the difference between being here with a family, that she's part of, versus what her younger memories of winters were like.

"I'm glad everyone was able to get together," she says warmly.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Hands up in the classic defensive position, Damian grins at Phoebe. "Not saying anything, I'm putting more blades on Gabby, I'm already living dangerously." A small chuckle as the food starts to arrive at the table and he glances out the window at the falling snow.

"Yeah, great until Freise or Frost or Snowman or whatever cold-themed villain decides it's their time to shine." He starts to lift his drink and pauses. And he shakes his head at something.

Gabby's weight against his side helps him settle and his arm reflexively holds her, an actual chuckle at Kate's remark. "She's promised to school me on a good number of things. Like what a beard is." he says dryly.

But his attention returns to the mug and he shifts, letting Gabby sit back up as he rises. "Stephanie's right. I'm happy to be with you tonight." he admits quietly. "And on this, the first snow of the season, I offer a toast. Shall the nights grow chillier, so shall our hearts and feelings of kinship and comraderie grow warmer. As the snow falls, may our spirits soar. And may Christmas not be the only day we come together and embrace as family, loved ones, and friends all." A tip of his mug and he moves to sit down.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks at Kate, "You haven't got any embarrasing stories about me.. Auntie." He grins a bit and then the buffet of apps arrive. Food is a topic that outranks all others almost every time.

Reaching for one of the 'tato skins, he takes a bite just as Phoebe threatens he and Damian over not trying to hunt down the causer-of-the-bandage. "Standard boilerplate applies. No promises." Meaning if he figures out who it was, they're not going to sleep at night without shining a spotlight into every dark corner of their room.

"Yeah.." he agrees to Steph. "And for once without a brawl breaking out." Pausing he considers that. "Well. The afternoon is still young. Anything can happen." Trouble does tend to find each of them regularly.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I promise you the city one hundred percent doesn't smell clean when the snow is there. It's not *as* bad though," Gabby has to admit in regards to talk of the snow. Her eyes to drift over to the window to watch the fat lazy snowflakes start to drift down though. It was a peaceful thing to watch, and she almost forgets about the food gazing out there while leaning on Damian.

When Damian sits up straighter it's the sign to move away giving him his space again. She does so without complaint. "But you know I'm so good at shanking," she quips back to Phoebe in spite of the protest. At least she doesn't press further on why it was that she was bandaged up at the moment. For now. The food was here, the drinks were here, and her attention shifts back to Damian as he starts to give a toast.

"... I like that," she murmers after the toast with a ready nod of agreement. "It's already a better season for me than it usually is."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe presses her lips together about the comments of liking the snow, her eyes lowering a bit before Damian proposes a toast. She lifts her water (with lemon), and allows A Look to Gabby. Gabby knows that look. It's the same look Phoebe gave her when Gabby was informed she was not allowed to hug the sea lions at the warf.

    "To Hope." she adds in, and then digs into her fries.

    Left hand still lowered.