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The only way to get weirder than the Howlett family tree is to talk to a Summers/Grey.
Date of Scene: 25 November 2023
Location: Roof Tower
Synopsis: Laura climbs up onto the school roof only to find Rachel is up there. They chat about being raised as weapons. And Rachel mentions her memories have been messed with. No-one explains why Laura was climbing the mansion. For some things are beyond knowing..
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Rachel Summers

Laura Kinney has posed:
One of the lesser seen sights around Xavier's is X-23, better known as Laura Kinney. Mostly it's because she's never actually been a student here and thus never got the bug for post graduation loitering like most of the mutants who pass through the schools hallowed halls.

But every now and again she stops by. Usually to access the facilities. Repairing a damaged car or motorbike. Or for some joint training exercises using the danger room. Of course even then she's pretty hard to spot!

Why you ask? Because she never uses a door when she could come through a window. And never uses a window when she can climb the walls and go in via the roof. Expect the unexpected.

And that might explain why the petite former assassin is pulling herself up over the stone guard. Dressed in sleek dark grey clothing that lets her blend in with the shadows. And cheap sneakers she can easily replace when her claws inevitably ruin them.

What she wants up here is less obvious. Her mind has a zen-like blankness to it. Experiencing the world without thinking deeply about anything in particular. Just being in the moment.

Rachel Summers has posed:
the thing is, somebody is already up here.. might surprise Laura because that person had no smell no scent.. like they were locking it into themselves, much like Laura sneaking around..

     The girl blinks when he spots Laura coming up the wall and cocks her head, If you don't know better you'd swear it's jean except the girl is much younger and dressed far more revealing that you've ever seen jean in.

     She's wearing a crop top and a frilly skirt with some nice green heels.. though right now, she's sitting with her knees pulled up. While surprised to see somebody come up she doesn't seem scared. To somebody like Laura, she would sense this girl like her is ready to explode into action if needed.. almost like a survivor of hell meeting another like them.


Laura Kinney has posed:
Thankfully Laura is pretty hard to shock. Because when she does get surprised her usual first instinct is to snikt whatever jumped out at her....

That Rachel is up here hiding her scent. Presumably also using telekinesis to limit how much sound she makes too. Well it's weird but it's a school for mutants. You expect a little odd. Thankfully she's met Rachel before even if it was quite some time ago. So she's unlikely to mistakenly assume Jean has been de-aged. (Although she can't/doesn't rule it out entirely just yet!)

She pulls herself the rest of the way up. Holds herself in a handstand balancing on the very edge for a moment. Then rolls off onto the rooftop like a gymnast. There's no real reason for the move, but then she could have just taken the stairs. Sometimes it's about doing a thing for the sake of the thing!

She sniffs the air a few times.

"Rachel I'm guessing?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "I can't imagine Jean would be hiding her scent like that."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Blinks. " I'm guessing we've met," She says softly as she looks over the girl who rolls onto the roof. She frowns a bit " I'm guessing your, Laura right " She says as she stands up and dusts the skirt where she was sitting down.. While she takes a casual stand, it's the same kind that laura would do, one where you look relaxed but you can react quickly.

     She releases her tk so you can smell her as she looks over. " Sorry, I was attacked recently.. they hit me with something it kinda scrambled my memories.. I remember some stuff but not others." She shrugs .

Laura Kinney has posed:
"A few times," Laura agrees with a slight nod of her head. "It's a small world." She gestures downwards. Presumably referring to the school. "My sister was a student. Logan is sort of my Father. Although not in the usual sense."

Her thoughts, impossible to fully shield given her lack of telepathy, seem to contract somewhat. Putting more effort into the mental discipline required to make her mind awkward to read. Not because she cares about people seeing what she's thinking. Just because it's who she is.

"Yes we've met. It was a long time ago though. People got turned into dinosaurs. It was. Odd. Even for this place."

When the TK scent block releases her head tilts slightly to one side. Considering the scent. Before nodding. "I have some experience with that myself. There's a specific chemical scent... Long story short it messes with my head." Her telepathy shields can't keep out flashes of violence. The smell of blood. At least until Laura makes another conscious effort to force them back down again. "You've dealt with those responsible? Or are they still out there?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers spreads her hands " no idea who hit me," she says softly. " Makes things hard,, everything from before I traveled in time back here is clear.. after after. " She makes a swirling ball of fire " A mess," She says softly.

     She tries not to read people. She gets surface thoughts, but she doesn't dive deeper out of respect of others. She smells of turkey and Cable as well as Domino it seems she went to visit family. But that also means she smells of guns and explosives and all the other stuff with that, but also turkey and stuffing.

     She looks like Laura " I know what it's like to be used .. I'm glad your free, and Logan was a good teacher to me. " She looks " I'm sure he's trying in his terrible way to be a good father ".

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Was it recent?" Laura wonders. Reflexively taking another sniff of the air. "If so I might be able to get a clue from residual smells." A beats pause. "It's a power thing." As if that explains everything. At Xavier's it almost does.

"If it helps you can skim my mind for the memories relating to our meeting? Although honestly there isn't a great deal to catch up on. Acquaintances rather than best buddies." There's a sense she's not entirely thrilled with the idea of having her mind read. But given the circumstances is making an effort to 'help'. "If you get any leads into who attacked you let me know. I don't kill people anymore. But that doesn't mean I've stopped tracking them down." And probably hurting them. Well okay. Definitely hurting them. Some villains just won't see the error of their ways without a little butt kicking!

"Oh Logan is okay. We don't run into each other a lot. I do my own thing. He does his. I don't expect anything from him just because someone stole his DNA."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Smiles " I can if your okay with it .. but it's really up to you "she says softly " It helps " she grins as she nods powers is a basic thing she understands in this school for sure .

she grins. "I'm good at tracking too, but it's always good to have another," She says brightly, " though It was a while ago.. I mostly smell of my big brother right now " . She looks, " Family is family, even if it's odd.. I mean, I'm from a future, and my parents arn't even a thing here.. and I have a big brother who's from a diffrent timeline where I wasn't born.. so take family where you can get it " .

     " I'm always up for stomping on a bad guys neck " .

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura shrugs and then, with a lingering reluctance, lowers her mental barriers and thinks about the times she's met Rachel in the past. It's pretty odd. Lots of jungle. And a sense Laura got turned into a velociraptor at some point. Along with accompanying weird memories about what it was like as a carnivorous lizard.

"There is tracking," she points out. "And there is /tracking/. I can follow a scent in the sewers of Gotham. Which is a memory you do not want to share..." She suppresses a shudder. "My own family is equally weird. I have a French half sister who hunts demons who came from the past. And who knows how many clone sisters. Gabby is the one I know best. But she had sisters too. And that's not including all the clones they made of me in secret."

Or all the clones of her she killed when escaping The Facility. Which must have numbered in the hundreds if not thousands.

"I mostly spend time with friends who are sort of a found family. As much as we're also a superhero team. Not a team that's connected with the school though." Another shrug. "No killing is one of the things I had to agree to as part of being on the team. But there are plenty of ways to hurt someone without killing them. And when you know all the places to strike to instantly kill someone... Well it means you know all the places you can injure someone non-fatally too."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Walks over and places her hand on laura's cheek, just touching her to read the memories, She downloads them and nods her head. " thank you " she says softly, lowering her hand. " That helps alot " she grins " I remember some of that dinosaur thing " She shakes her head " odd times " .

     She grins " i'll keep out of that memory for sure , yeah my mothers been cloned a bunch I was too, " she sighs. " it's confusing and hard, I get it.. something you can't put into words " .

     She grins " I'm glad you found a family, and yeah I was trained to hunt.. capture and kill I get it ". She waves a hand, revealing the marks on her face .. showing her hound marks.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney holds still for the memory transfer. Thankfully her training and focus means she doesn't actually recall anything about the Gotham sewers while Rachel is inside her memory. The rest of the memories are largely just random meetings. A hello here and there. Typical acquaintance things.

"Oh I can put it into words. It's simple for me really," she says matter of factly. "I'll find every last sample of my genetic material. And I'll destroy it. Every cloning lab they build I'll turn into rubble. I'll wipe the whole group off the face of the Earth and then I'll find every last mention of their research. Burn it all. Until every last trace is gone."

Probably that might involve a little rule breaking on the whole 'no killing people' side. But shhhh don't tell anyone.

"But for now at least they're too busy running scared of me to make any more copies." A grin of her own. "I know a little about your past but not a lot. I can work out some of the details though. A future where mutants are used as tools. Your powers let you locate people and because you're a Summers you have strong enough powers to subdue most of the people you run into." She nods. "I work with Hope on occasion. When she's not busy doing her own time travel related things."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Nods "yeah, hope kinda like me " she says. " She's another sibling, " She grins " You know in that extended family kinda way, as for the guys who'd did that to you if you want help lemme know.. I can find them if they are on earth " She says simply

     She grins. " I stopped my timeline from happening, so maybe I can help you with your little war." She winks a bit as she stretches a touch. "yeah I was like that but I'm much stronger now.. I dunno if it was being allowed to be me.. or the time jump but I can do way more now and there is the whole phoenix thing " .

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney laughs. "When she has time she's technically one of the groups leaders," she explains. "So I know her pretty well. I think the Summers family tree is the only one which is stranger than the Howlett family tree."

At least that she knows about. There's probably someone out there who is, through complex temporal mischief, their own grandfather or something similar.

"You might be able to but I doubt it. They have the sort of funding which buys telepathic shielding. And operate using corporations and other middle men. Really the only way to know for sure I've got everyone will be to stay vigilant and keep hunting for at least hundred to a hundred and fifty years. I expect they'll all be dead of natural causes by then. But feel free to keep your mind open and if you sense anyone is cloning mutants for evil purposes. Well let me know. It's a big part of what I do. I have covert operatives and informants all over the world."

She nods as Rachel explains the whole powers thing. "Part of that could be a mental block. When you're constantly told you can't think for yourself and you need to follow orders. Well you start to think maybe they're right. And that limits you. It's only when you're free and can do anything that you understand you really can do whatever you'd like." A beats pause. "I expect it's far more significant for mind based powers."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Grins " I think that applies to everybody like yourself too " she grins " i mean were told not to have emotions and now we do " .

     She nods " yeah I don't think you can get more messed than the summers/grey to be sure " . She sighs and shakes her head " But trying to sort it out ".

she nods " I will keep my powers on for that kinda thing and let you know " .

Laura Kinney has posed:
There's another shrug from X-23.

"People tell me I don't do enough 'normal' people things," she muses. "But lately I caught up with an old friend. Then set her up on a date. And now she's going out with the guy. So clearly this whole 'being normal' thing isn't as hard as they make out. I even cook. Not that most people eat the hot sauces I make." And that's because they are insanely weapons grade hot (Literally weapons grade. Having been used to fight a supervillain on at least one occasion!). Most people don't want to spend the whole meal sobbing and begging for chilled dairy products to make the pain stop. "I can drop off some for you if you'd like."

Laura glances out over the school grounds. "That'd be good of you. But don't let it get in the way of finding out who messed with your memories. If someone is after you that should be priority number one."