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Latest revision as of 09:52, 9 December 2023

It's very nice to meet you and you may call me Sing
Date of Scene: 07 December 2023
Location: New Troy
Synopsis: So hear me out... Some doods do some bad junk and almost get smashed by Supergirl, but then a Universe shows up and LOLpwnz their butts into the ocean, but then Supergirl stops them, but then *breeeeeath* Supergirl and Singularity talk in the sky. Basically a Thursday.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Singularity

Kara Danvers has posed:
Metropolis Police are a well oiled machine that can handle most things that Vigilante take care of in other cities. With the watchful eye of Kryptonians always watching, they work under an umbrella of protection that few other places can boast. It's only when something extreme or powerful descends upon the city that one of the barers of the symbol of Hope descends upon it.

It could be a bullet train with the breaks out.
    It could be an Alien invasions come to Earth in search of water.

Usually it's thugs armed with powerful weaponry capable of destroying entire city blocks with the pull of a trigger. In this case, specifically, it is the latter that has called Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, from lower orbit. A massive truck weaves in and out of traffic with the double doors open in the back, firing molten plasma at the pursuing Metropolis Police cruisers keeping pace in the late afternoon streets of New Troy.

Singularity has posed:
To be fair, Metropolis is one of Singularity's favorite places to visit. When she observed the battle of the Alien Incursion back in 2013, she was so impressed with the likes of Superman. And then she met him and she was sold, hook, line and sinker that Kryptonians are amazing and she wanted to be more like them!

She appears over the city in a swirling pool of periwinkle and just *blips* into being, only to hear the sounds of sirens and plasma fire and as she looks around for the source, she finds herself seeing the blur of red and blue that streaks by her. "Hello!" she calls out, but Kara just zooms right by her!

Undeterred, the small universe zooms down to chase after Kara and towards the firing guns and the police cruisers and the chaos ahead. "Hello!" she tries again. "I am Singularity! I want to help!" she offers to Supergirl, the sky given life flashing her most winning smile at the Girl of Steel.

Just as a plasma blast slams into her. It slows her down as the plasma washes over her, but she just giggles and continues forward. Apparently it did not hurt her that much.

Kara Danvers has posed:
In that blur is the demure figure of the Maiden of Might.

Who snaps into view for the vision of mortals suddenly, directly in the path of the oncoming vehicle. Her tall red boots planted, her cape bellowing in the sudden snap of wind created by her arrival. The driver sees her, but she gave him plenty of time. It only takes once for a truck to hit you going a hundred miles an hour to realize it never ends very well for the passangers.

When one is Kryptonian, it goes with the territory.

She doesn't have a health bar, everything around her does.

So they've got plenty of time to swerve around the grinning blonde in blue and red. Who, at least temporarily, is distracted by the periwinkle arrival of Singularity. "Hello Singularity, I'm Kara." She doesn't bother with Supergirl, everyone knows that name anyways, right?

"If you want to help, make sure the police are safe?" Because she's already zipping away in blur after the vehicle. Truly, it's not nearly fast enough.. these things are almost routine in the end. Put up enough of a fight that nobody develops a complex...

It's going to hurt something fierce when he hits that water, but at least he wont be hitting a brick wall.

The differences between Kara and Kal's approach are... steep. "Guys, you're putting civilians in unnecessary danger and I'm about to start taking that personally. Pull over or I'm going to pull you over..." Said to the driver, keeping pace with the truck with her head turned to the side to peer in at him, still grinning.

Singularity has posed:
Keep the police safe. "Safe." Singularity responds, almost cheerfully at the idea. Why? Because it's something she understands. It's something she does well!

"Talk later. Kara!" comes the pronouncement from the universe before she starts to drift backwards towards the police vehicles.

In flight, Kara is much much faster than Singularity, so there's no way she can keep up. Instead, she concentrates on the task at hand for her.

Coming to a near halt, she turns to face the oncoming police cars. She can see the fear and worry in the officer's eyes and she grows concerned -- no that's just her getting bigger and bigger. When she's as big as a building, she just /absorbs/ the police cars into her and they vanish within her starfield. "Safe!" she announces happily, having been oh so proud to help.

She turns again, facing Kara and the truck, watching with the same excitement as a child would with Saturday morning cartoons as one of her heroes is in action!

Kara Danvers has posed:
The problem with these guys, the problem with all of them, is that they never listen to reason. They think they're special and might get one over on the Kryptonians. They think they're armed enough to fight one and almost none of them are right in this line of thinking.

    ALMOST none of them.

The passanger lifts himself out the window and levels a massive weapon onto his shoulder. It absorbs particle energy from the air, pulling it in like a blackhole generator, and then fires a concentrated beam of pure energy right at Kara flying alongside the truck.

This shouldn't be anything for her to worry about.

And yet, when it hits, it's with the force of a freight train colliding with an oil wagon. There's a mini explosion against the side of the vehicle that lifts it off two wheels for a few dozen feet and hurls Kara in a rolling ball of blue/red that leaves a deep gouge in the suspension bridge. Right near one of the support beams. She hits it with force and cracks the concrete foundation keeping it connected to the bridge.

So while it doesn't do very much damage to HER?

The city around HER still has a health bar.

And by the sounds of concrete cracking and metal rending, that health bar is dangerously low.

"UGH!" Both small hands grab the fiber band support beam and keep it held in place with a noticable flex of her bicep when it starts to separate from the concrete and metal rails. Her other hand grabs hold of one of those metal foundations, pulling with a grimace to keep that section of the bridge from curling when the structural integrity of the whole segment is compromised.

The only thing keeping the suspension from falling is small Kryptonian, effectively taking her, for now, out of the pursuit. Vehicles swerve around the truck, hitting more support beams... essentially this has gone from very routine to... very dangerous in the span of a microsecond.

Singularity has posed:
It's time to change roles, apparently! Singularity ejects both of the police cars from within her - the police officers are still inside. "Stay!" she orders them as she looks from Kara to the truck. This is a damning situation. Part of her feels like she should stay and help Kara. But that truck needs to be stopped. She saw the power of that gun.

With that in mind, the universe makes up her mind as Singularity blips out of existance. And then she pops back in, right on top of the truck. "You should listen to Supergirl!" Singularity announces. "She said stop." Said firmly and with conviction, she launches in front of the truck. She flies some distance away and her form shifts and changes again. Except this time instead of a larger version of herself, she's opening a portal, a wormhole appears in front of the vehicle. One can see clearly that from where they are, the other side of the wormhole leads into open water.

And she has hopefully set up this portal so that the driver has no chance to swerve away and will end up going through her portal and ending up in the water below the bridge!

Kara Danvers has posed:
The police skid to a stop as they reappear near where Kara is holding together the bridge. Flexing every muscle in her upper body to keep it from tumbling until she's pulled it back into position where she can hit it with super heated heat vision to weld the two snapped halves back together. Then super cold breath to cool the molten bits of metal and she's off to duplicate this on several other sections that have become less structurally sound. A blur of motion zipping across the battlefield, making sure civilian vehicles don't fling off the side by catching the bumper and bodying it easily back up onto the bridge proper.

Heat vision, cooling. Heat vision... The sounds of rending metal is replaced with the echoing howl of a structure that was very nearly pulled to the breaking point, but for now it's safe.

What is not safe, however, is the truck careening towards Singularity.

The hell even is that woman doing?

There's no metric by which to gauge how they should respond to this.. so while the driver DOES try to swerve, it's too little too late as the truck still skids right through the wormhole. Going from a quick, dangerous, escape over a bridge that very nearly fell into the bay, to a quick tumbling fall into the bay itself. The men in the back are hurled around, held in place by the harnasses they're wearing while firing the massive plasma weapons they'd just stolen.

With nothing to greet them but the crystal blue drink quickly approaching as they fall.

Only they never hit the water...

Kara catches the truck across the back of her shoulders, an arm extended out over the radiator bent around her and begins lifting it easily with a glare up through the windshield. Staring daggers at the face smushed up against the glass in the driver seat. "You have several seconds to recallibrate your next action because if you pull another weapon on me, I'm going to throw you to Mars.."

The Metropolis Police, with elements from STAR LABS boasting some pretty impressive weapons of their own, are already unloading to hold weaponry upon the truck as it's settled back on the bridge with a groan of the wheel axel. The Law enforcement are on the culprits quickly, shouting orders and pointing weapons, which leaves Kara to regard Singularity through the blonde hair hanging across the side of her face, then over to the law enforcement.. "You guys got this from here?" Already starting to hover backwards.

MPD are effecient. They agree. Kara glances at Singularity. Pointing skyward to indicate where she'll be for the 'chat'. And she's gone, up up and... well not away, but up and up.

Singularity has posed:
That is /not/ where Singularity had thought she aimed her portal to open to. She had hoped to had the truck appear only a couple of feet above the water and crash into it - like a plane making a water landing. But apparently she was so worried about what was going on with Kara and the bridge that she misjudged her portal projection.

She was just about to blip to catch the truck herself when Kara beats her to it. And she gets a feeling she's felt before. Usually when Carol is disappointed when she did something brash. Or Medusa when she did something she didn't realize was wrong.

"Sorry!" she offers to the criminals that are being fished out out of the truck, because she really really did not mean that. She bites down on her lower lip, before she *blips*.

Another portal pops open near Kara, and the little blue universe at least looks very apologetic when she arrives, her fingers fidgeting and playing against each other as she lipwobbles. "That does not usually happen."

Kara Danvers has posed:
The criminals have a lot going on, but the police certainly don't seem terribly broken up by these individuals getting a little roughed up... after all they'd done? They probably deserve it.

The same could be said for Kara when Singularity pops into being near her.

Supergirl hovers in midair, one foot up slightly, arms laid over her chest, and her cape/hair snapping about her face in the increased wind this high above the city. Blue eyes flick over to the universe, grin curling the corners of her mouth, "I have no idea what the heck that was, but that was pretty rad." Her accent is... well, to those who are familiar, it's very Kryptonian. She's only been on Earth for 3 years, afterall.

To those who aren't, it's very Swedish.

Because it's well known that this is what Kryptonian's sound like or something.

"I'm Kara Zor-El. I know I said that, but things were happening.." Talking with her hands waving in either direction with quiet 'woosh woosh woosh' sounds from puffed cheeks.

Singularity has posed:
She was sure she was about to get yelled at. Because that was the look that Medusa got when she was about to chew her out. When she's not, and instead Kara is smiling and saying what she did was rad, the little universe lets out what can only be described as a breath of relief.

Even as she floats in midair, her hair moves with it's own gravity, and Kara can clearly see the stars and galaxies contained within her are moving on their own free will. "I portal!" she explains. "Can go from here to..." she thinks for a moment. "Anywhere." she admits. "Other dimension. Timeline. One side of universe to other." She seems to have no trouble with Kara's accent.

After all, she's only been in this dimension for three years herself. But when Kara is making her introduction, Singularity smiles brightly, her white eyes brightening up. "I am Singularity! I am a singularity." comes the explanation. "I have met Superman before. He was neat. You were more awesome!"

"Yes, a lot of woosh woosh. Much faster than me when in flight." That much she is willing to admit. "Are you well? Shot looked like it hurt!" And it might have hurt her. Might.

Kara Danvers has posed:

Kara looks down at herself at the mention of something hurting.

Her costume does bare black marks where the explosion hit her, but her skin looks prestine as if nothing at all could do any damage to it. "No it didn't hurt, persay. More like getting flicked in the nose, I guess? I don't really have anything on Earth to compare it to... There were giant bugs on Krypton-" She holds her hands about a footballs distance apart, "-They had these suction cups for mouths and would smack into you at great speeds to latch their teeth into flesh.. it felt a little like one of those. Annoying, but not really painful."

Still grinning, both hands flick over herself to smooth out her skirt and keep her cape from flaring around her in the wind. "Singularity, who is a singularity. So... you're a living embodiment of hyperspace travel between points?" She hovers around the blue skinned woman with freckles of twinkling stars. "Are you aware of your abilities greater distance for travel or is it subjective to what you can imagine?" Fascination is clear in her sparkling blue eyes.

Singularity has posed:
"Glad you're oh-kay!" Singularity says with relief, as she looks at the damaged area herself and frowns. "Cannot fix." comes the sheepish admission and she stops herself from trying to touch the burnt area, just to make sure.

"Krypton?" she asks. "I have read on it. After I arrived in this dimension. Did not exist in last dimension. The one ruled by Doom. With Zombies." She makes a face of distaste at that. It was the last memory she had of her former home.

But then there's a question. And she kinda mimics Kara's movements, though the only thing she has to smoothe is herself - at this range, Kara can tell she's mostly well-defined. Except she only has a belly button and fingers. Her feet seem to be one single unit instead of five toes. And while she has a bust, there's no definition to it.

She clicks her tongue in though and. "I am a singularity." she explains again. "A pocket universe. But. You are first to ask. Yes. I can be wormhole for this dimension." she explains. "Or into other dimension. Or other time. If I can imagine it. Or visualize it. I can go to it. But I am aware of all in this dimension. I focus on those that are closest to me." she explains.

"Carol. Alison. Medusa. Jennifer. Nico. And Gothic." Those names are important to her. And she recites them to remind herself of them. "I can sense them strongest and teleport directly to them."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I know some of those names." One specifically, Carol. "Captain Marvel. She is one of my favorite people, I love her very much." Kara indicates with a grin, still circling Singularity, though she seems to realize that this could be rude and comes to an abrupt stop with her hands laid across her chest.

her head tilts to the side, curious. "Doom verse with zombies. That doesn't sound at all pleasant.. but it is unsurprising. The ultimate cosmos at our fingertips and the one where he is successful is full of the living dead." The grin quivers teasingly.

"Well, it is good to meet a Singularity. Now you have met... another Kryptonian." One hand laid against her own chest, "Kara. Add this name to your list, if you wish. You would never find yourself unwelcome."

Singularity has posed:
Singularity seems to be quite used to being studied, in fact, she holds still and kinda poses so that Kara can get a better look at her as she swirls around. When they come face to face again, the whites of her eyes are brilliant and warm. Honestly, she could probably power Kara with her eyes alone. If they were yellow.

Which... she could probably generate. If she can make gamma or graviton or electromagnetic or cosmic rays... it is something that the universe will need to consider and experiment on later.

She smiles more warmly when Carol is identified. "Reconnected with her last night. She agreed to be friend. Gave me cocoa and a hug. I like hugs." comes her gentle admission.

And when Kara says to remember her, just like that, Kara is added as a friend. "I will!" she promises somberly. "If you need my help, I will come to your aid!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Carol hugs are among the best." Kara agrees on this fine point, her smile almost as brilliant as the white of Singularity's eyes. With her hands dropping from across her chest to rest upon her hips, she nods definitively. "Perhaps we will run into each other at her home then. I stay there when I need a break from the city.. There are few places on Earth where I can truly let my hair down and stop pretending I'm something I'm not." Which gets to the beating heart of her problem.

She looks to be about to say something further when her head turns suddenly to the East. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Singularity... may I call you Sing?" Glancing back to the blue woman with sparkling star freckles, waiting for the answer before rocketing off with a sonic boom in the direction she'd looked.

The reason for which will later be identified as a Flash Flood in Central Asia.

But that's a subject for next weeks issue.

Singularity has posed:
"You should be what you want to be." Singularity says. "I am universe. Can never be human. Do not want to be. Want to be heroine. You be what you want." the little universe says. And if Kara does not stop her, she is going to get a universal hug. One size fits all.

"You may! Carol calls me Blue!" comes her cheerful recollection of the nicknames she's collected. And before she can say more, she watches the girl rocket off.

"Be safe. Friend Kara."