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When Offenses Dictate
Date of Scene: 07 December 2023
Location: Hydra Bunker
Synopsis: A small SHIELD operation lead by Agent Drew ends up in a brutal crossfire. Some missions you can only fly away from.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Jessica Drew

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It was supposed to be a strike against a Hydra bunker pinpointed by an intelligence asset. The strike team's orders were to get access to the faciltiy and gather intelligence on it, and if possible neutralize it. IT was supposed to have only had a skeleton crew present.
    The landing hadn't gone smoothly, the Quinjet shot out of the air on it's approach and crash landing. And the team barely picking themselves out from the wreckage with several injured when a squad of Hydra patrollers, at the worst of times being on the ball going to spread out in cover and moving to spray at them with heavy guns and suppressive fire even as the Quinjet's ammunition stores were close to cookoff!

Jessica Drew has posed:
The last descent on the Quinjet had been a doozy. They did not stick the landing. Only super strength had kept Jessica from being glued into her seat from g-forces and getting whiplash. Only musculature on bones with the tensile strength of steel kept them from breaking on impact. Not so for her colleagues on either side of her, even with the added webbing she had wrapped around them as they hung from their seat restraints descending to earth.

Certainly, it was not a normal situation for a SHIELD operation. So much for stealth. Now, their team was no longer viable, being cut in half.

Reflexes have Agent Drew out of her seat within moments of impact and loosening seat retraints on all the agents around her, assessing injuries and ready status. And not a moment too soon as the first rounds of enemy fire left smoking holes in the fusealage.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The point is by now.. Survive! The team is suppressed heavily by oncoming fire and several of them being injured. There's not a lot of time as the flames are rapidly going towards the fuel banks and the ammunition stores for the minigun and the micro-missiles. Two of the agents with Jessica are popping up to try and take quick potshots over at the Hydra troopers. Two of the twelve agent team are dead, two are badly injured, and another three are walking injured. THe rest have bruises and are shaken up.
    One member of the team is trying to grab up a small energy pistol, firing shots into the electronics - communications, radar, everything to make sure there's nothing useful.

Jessica Drew has posed:
While one member does a quick and dirty scrub of computers and propriatary systems, Jess unstraps Rookie Agent Brown and drags him to the emergency exit farthest from the incoming fire, then returns for B-team's leader to unhook her from her seat. Over coms, "Once I have Brown and Ahearn outside the Quinjet, I want us to split into two teams and come around the group laying down fire from two sides. Pickford you take lead on A, I'll take lead on B. Ready?"

Jess drags the groggy agent to the exit and releases the emergency slide and sends her down the chute then follows, holding the other agent, now unconscious, in her arms to the ground. The other agents quickly careen down the chute to join her. They manage to drag the injured agents to relative safety in a nearby stand of trees.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Agent Pickford gives a quick nod. "Yes Ma'am." A few years out of basic training and still in the 'getting feet wet' stage of experience, he was in charge of the secondary team by virtue of likely being the most senior not hurt one. He would quickly reload his weapon and move out under cover with his group, waiting for Jessica's signal to mobilize. Going to try and get out, one of the agents that Jessica had given a quick gesture to join on Team-B goes to move to a position to give some quick cover fire..

A not great position as they're in a position where Jessica will hvae to move slower to make sure tos tay out of the line of fire that the agent is moving to give potshots at through a space broken in the side of the Quinjet.. And next when a bullet ricochets at a bad position and goes clean through their throat, dropping them in a single motion.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Enemy fire doubles by the time the injured have been dragged away from being incinerated with the aircraft. Autumn has denuded the trees and don't offer cover to Jessica. She climbs the only tree thick enough for cover to get a better view of the enemy and lay down fire with the P-90 she grabbed. With preternatural accuracy she downs a man coming around the tail of the now burning aircraft then looks to her left to take another coming around the nose. Fire slows and one of the last shots takes Pickford out in a spray of arterial blood.

Her voice cracks over coms."Status check! Positions!"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Things are bad. Three of the team are dead, and two are badly injured. If they weren't in a Quinjet about to go up it wouldn't be considered safe to move them. Things are reaching a boiling point even as Jessica gives orders over the comms as Jessica goes to quickly take rapid shots back on the Hydra squad. They're ducking back from her accurate fire, even as she drops two that are dragged to deeper cover by their fellow terrorists. As Jessica goes to tersely ask for status updates, one of the agents..

"We're all gonna die! We're all gonna die!" One of the moderately injured ones is panicking. Barely having a hold of thier gun and going to try and cower in the back of the Quinjet. It's an entirely understandable thing and circumstance. But as with any sort of panic.. It can rapidly spread. Jessica's fire has suppressed at least for a few seconds heavy fire at them. But they don't have much longer to get out of the jet

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Smithson, breath. Breath man. We are not going to die." At least not as long as she was alive, Jessica mutters under her breath.

As if on cue, she can hear footfall approaching. From her station up in the tree she can see HYDRA soldiers preparing to round both sides of the aircraft.

"Heads up," she alerts, "we have incoming from both sides of the jet."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Panicking under fire is a completely understandable thing. It's nearly impossible to stop. Jessica's words at least have Smithson nodding and stammering. His grip isn't tight on his gun, but he's listening to her and the worst edge of his panic attack is gone as he has some focus again.

Jetty, whom had been dragging the two badly injured agents along is grim. "We won't be able to make it out of here with them without transportation. We'll be too slow." Her psych profile mostly read 'pragmatic' and various levels of 'rational'. But she was possibly right - they couldn't drag the two badly injured agents out of the blast zone of the Quinjet with them and get out of the radius themselves. She goes to ready two of the dropped weapons from the incapacitated agents, even as Jessica keeps her eyes up high.

The remaining agents are hunkered down as the Hydra troops are moving to get at them under cover, moving in quick leapfrog motions - one jumping forwards while covered by another and donig suppressive fire, then them getting the same from the one forwards.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Roger that, Jetty." Jess squeezes off two well placed shots, taking two of the leapfrogging soldiers down. With a barely perceptible change in breathing, she resumes, "The beacon notifiying HQ lit the moment we went down. We should have backup here as soon as they can scramble a craft. Stay calm, we have more incoming but nothing from behind us yet."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
They have a place to hunker down at - at least for a few moments. The Hydra troopers are moving to try and pincer them, but doing so slowly as the SHIELD team keeps up quick fire back at them as the Hydra personnel slowly advance on them. The dropped troopers in turn have the advance stalling - the troopers scramble behind cover. Two of them go to keep suppressive fire over at Jessica even as a third pops up to throw a quick grenade pitch to the side with a surprisingly powerful throw despite the range!

Jessica Drew has posed:
Motion decelerates. Jessica catches movement in her perepheral vision as a soldier rounds the front of the aircraft. She snaps off a shot in that direction without verifying a hit. Her gaze is fixed in the opposite direction, eyes on the device spinning in a lazy arc towards the agents on the ground. Knees clamped to the tree, she leans out and snicks a web onto the object stopping it in mid air. The grenade drops to the ground with a thud followed by the graceful descent of a gossamer thread.

Jetty finishes the grenade thrower off. The world turns orange and sprays everyone with earth and fallen leaves.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The remaining Hydra troopers take this as a sign to brace on down. They're not having any luck storming the isolated group of SHIELD Agents, so they're settling down moreso as if in a skirmish and seige, keeping line of sight up but direct line of fire blocked, only occasionally popping up to fire off a quick burst in the general direction of the SHIELD Agents that were hunkered down and waiting for emergency extraction. And there it is!

Through the air is the sound of a coming Quinjet, going in on thier diretion

Jessica Drew has posed:
Smoke obscures the sky but it doesn't block the wonderful sound of Quinjet engines going into hover mode. Agents in craft sight the ground picking up the blur of heat signatures on the ground, partially erased by the heat emanating from the downed Quinjet.

A voice crackles over coms, "We need your positions, Alpha unit."

Jess quickly replies, "We are in on the slight rise in the trees next to the down jet." She punctuates the answer with the crack of her P-90.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Quinjet is coming to ground, even as it would spray fire along to suppress the Hydra troopers. Most of them have gone to ground and aren't trying to take potshots over at it or anything. But, in the distance there are sounds of Hydra jets rapidly heading on an interception course. The QUinjetdefinitely wasn't setup for dogfighting and they only had a few minutes until they were in engagement range. Jessica's shots would lance out, a reminder to the Hydtra troopers to keep thier heads down as they would deploy smoke grenades.

Jessica Drew has posed:
A ramp opens on the side of the hovering craft. Leaves blast everywhere in the wash of its jets. Jessica clambers down the tree in true spider fashion. "Evac now. I'll lay down cover. Jetty take the others on in."

Sweeping her weapon from side to side, Jess fires cautioning rounds at the Hydra troops while the agents carry their wounded comrades to safety. When the last agent hits the ramp she follows on her heels. The ramp pulls in, the Quinjet rises, turning in place.

Before the door has closed, she announces, "We're in. We have two walking and two critical that need immediate care."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The group scrambles in. Three dead. Two badly injured. Two that will take a long time healing. Some missions you can only fly away from. The Quinjet retreats to stealth mode and flees at supersonic speed, the Hydra jets establishing a patrol in the area long after the agents had been extracted. Of the two badly injured agents..

One would die on the operating table.

The other would have partial paralysis.

Some missions you could only fly away from. Some you could just find a corner to hide in after and cry for lost friends.