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Latest revision as of 21:45, 12 December 2023

Ruining Ma Kent's Fried Chicken
Date of Scene: 10 December 2023
Location: Carol Danver's Rural House
Synopsis: Singularity has developed the FEEL for Kara and wants to ask her out. She teleports to Kara, just to be surpised that she's at Carol's. Things are awkward, but Kara says yes. Even if the chicken was ruined. Poor Leeroy Jenkins.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Singularity, Carol Danvers

Kara Danvers has posed:
"She works hard for the money." Kara is listening to music, b-bopping around the cabin with an apron on over yoga pants and a t-shirt. Mostly in the kitchen, where the smell of macaroni and cheese is wofting through the whole place. "So hard for th emoney!" Her hair is up in a messy ponytail, short because she's got her hair cut into a pixie style. at an angle up along her jaw.

"She works hard for the money so you better treat her riiiiiiight..."

The song doesn't lack for anything due to her accent. Which rarely translate into singing anyways. Turns out she can mimic the tune pretty effortlessly. Barefoot, flipping some chicken legs she's got cooking in a deep pan.

Singularity has posed:
At GIRL headquarters, Singularity turned off 'Roman Holiday', drew in a breath and made her plans. The young cosmos had a good pep talk from Vivian and she had steeled her resolve. She dusts her hands over herself, sparkly star stuff of the cosmos coming off of her in small sparkles. Drawing in a breath she does't need, she reaches out and searches. She has a bead on Kara almost immediately, feeling her out wherever she is.

She doesn't notice how close that Carol's signature is to Kara's.

Without a second longer, the universe teleports out of the command center of GIRL...

...and into the kitchen of a cabin she should recongize, but had not visited yet. A periwinkle sparkle, and it grows, swirling, brightening as it swirls and spreads, bending the space-time around it before out of the middle of the bright circle *BLIPS* a young woman made of the stars as she brightens up immediately as she sees Kara. "Friend! Kara!" she announces in her melodiously bright tone, the sound of the cosmos as she sniffs the air right after she arrives. "Smells good!" comes her next words.

Which were not the words she had in mind.

Carol Danvers has posed:
For her part, Carol Danvers is taking it easy, just running a simple little errand like one does on a casual, cozy Sunday afternoon, nothing out of the ordinary for her, though it seems fate has a sense of humor and draws disparate threads together, which is why even as Kara's cooking chicken, and Singularity is happily blipping her way towards the farmgirl from another world, Carol's coming back from that errand.

Hey. Someone's got to make sure an orbital shuttle in a system crash doesn't wreck any satellites or crash into the planet. Besides, it's not like she was that far away. Indeed, perhaps it's the fact that Carol's already re-entered the atmosphere and decelerated enough so that she's not a star streaking through the sky, and is merely a mile or two above her house that makes it so tricky to distinguish her and Kara's signatures.

If only she had super hearing, she could defuse the tension when she steps inside and echoes the living universe's observation, the red and blue jacket-style top of the costume she'd nabbed (It was the one closest to the front of the closet) is unzipped, revealing a faded ALF t-shirt underneath, "Smells great, Kar-ahhh!!!"

It's a very commanding and dignified noise of surprise at Singularity standing in the kitchen, "Oh! ...Hey, Blue!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Hard to catch a Kryptonian off guard, but suddenly appearing behind her is something she's not yet gotten use to. Even if she should, since one of her teammates on the Titans is notorious for fading in and out of reality... With a little EEP! Mostly because she was singing, not that she sings poorly, but it's pretty surprising!

Maybe specifically because it's Singularity...

Seeing the star speckled, perikwinkle blue being behind her, there's a moment of horror that she was caught belting out tunes, but then a grin spreads across her face. "Hey you." Stepping over to give her a nice hug and a kiss on the cheek. Only glancing back to make certain the chicken isn't burning.

"Oh, thank you! It's Cousins mother's recipes.. They sure can throw down in the kitchen in Kansas." Beaming and turning towards the door when Carol slips in, "Hey! Look who's come by." Motioning to Sing, gingerly reaching out to squeeze the Universe's hand affectionately. "Hope you're hungry." To Carol, since Singularity doesn't eat.

Singularity has posed:
The best laid plans never survive first contact. ~ Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke

Singularity had a plan. In her hands, she held a small bundle of flowers, wildflowers. She was wearing a pretty sundress made of yellow, a hat on her head, a wide-brimmed sun hat. She was totally dressed to be standing on a warm beach in warm and ready to confess her feelings to Audrey Hepburn in 'Roman Holiday'.

Record needle scratch. With her in the kitchen, Kara frying chicken and preparing a meal, Singularity believes that she can still salvage this.

When Kara approaches and hugs her with a kiss on the cheek, a strange phenomeon happens. Across those star-freckled cheeks, a pair of nebulas of red and purple bloom to life.

She is blushing. Hard.

She moves to return Kara's hug and tries to stop her. "Kara. I want to ask something!" she starts, moving to take out the flowers and present them to the Kryptonian lass. "We met. And I wanted to know you better. More than now." she mentions, her free hand moving up to play with her hair, brushing her fingers through it nervously. "I was wondering if you would like to be more. Perhaps. Humans call it courtship..." And she gets no further, because there's suddenly Carol there, and the universe's eyes widen to the size of saucers and the when Carol calls out to her, she just suddenly *BLIPS* out of existence in total embarassment.

It may take her a moment to recover.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's totally tactful and empathetic and... whatever other excuse she can use to explain away her own cheeks flushing as eyes dart from Kara to Singularity to flowers to Kara to flowers to Singularity to- ohhhh... Oh. Oops.

And then Singularity *BLIPS* out of seeming existence and Carol's mouth works silently for a moment. "I... probably should have knocked, right?"

She sounds absolutely certain she should have knocked. On her own door. Her own door on her private home away from the city that so recently didn't even get visits from /her/ let alone sweet living Universes trying to ask Supergirl out on a date. "...So uhhh..." She frowns ever so slightly and quirks an eyebrow at Kara.

"Do you have her number? You should text her and tell her it's fine."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Singularity in a sundress and pretty hat?!

Kara's eyes go every bit as wide as Sing's had been seeing this because it's so out of character... but also it's so stinking adorable that she almost melts right where she's standing into a Kryptonian puddle of goo.. Because she's holding out flowers! Flowers which Kara takes and holds up to her nose despite the ability to smell them from a quarter mile away. The red on her cheeks has nothing to do with how hot it is in the kitchen right now.

Oh goodness, this sounds like she's asking you out...

Fidget. Kara opens her mouth to say something.. Something that she ALMOST gets out, but then Singularity *BLIPS* out of existence. "Wh-wait!" Hand out, trying to catch her, but she is gone. Standing staring at where the Universe had been, the blonde looks from the empty spot to Carol and back again. Rapidly. Several times. "I do not think she has a phone." Kara frowns deeper, shaking her head at Carol, "No, why would you knock on your own house?" Even though Kara, kinda, lives there.

"Oh my goodness, was she about to... like.. ask me... out?" Big eyes, staring at Carol with bright pink cheeks.

Singularity has posed:
The space between realities.

Singularity *blips* in. She feels the heat of the nebulas on her skin. It's surprising. And it's... it's...


She has to take a moment, and then, that portal reopens and Singularity - hat first - returns into the kitchen, landing on her bare feet. "Sorry." she manages to squeak in that melodious tone of hers. Her white eyes go from Kara to Carol and back to Kara as she fidgets her fingers, her whole face covered in that bright, blossoming nebula that dissppears into the hat beneath.

"Hi friend Carol." A quick hug to the older woman, before she manages to regain some of her composure. "Yes. Hungry." Even if she's not. Kara's making it. She wants to try it!

And then, just, she blurts out. "Would you be my girlfriend and go on dates with me??" That to Kara, not Carol, she's seriously looking at the Maiden of Might, promise.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol lifts an eyebrow, lips pressing into a thin, serious line. Arms cross over ALF's goofy face as she nods once. Firmly. "Sundress. Cute hat. Flowers. I mean... I don't see how it could be anything but."

She sounds very serious, but even that thin line of her lips is almost twitching because even Carol Danvers can't fight off every smile.

When Singularity blips back in, that dam breaks and Carol's all beaming smile and a soft laugh, head shaking slowly, "Afternoon, Blue! Welcome back. Cute hat."

And then Carol's desperately serious again, focused, quiet, she almost considers floating over to turn the kettle on and grab her jaw of instant coffee because of how heavy the silence hangs in the wake of Singularity blurting out that brave, daring question.

Eyes slowly trail back and forth from Kara to Singularity, like Carol's watching invisible tennis. Dramatic, adorable, sweet as sugar invisible tennis. Fortunately, when Singularity turns from the hug that Carol happily returns to the starry young woman, she can't see Carol's silently mouthed and over exaggerated 'YESSSSS' towards Kara.

Carol's just being helpful. Giving Supergirl her best mentorly advice.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara isn't as startled the second time Singularity pops back into existance because she wished it into being! Dear invisible man in the clouds that humans worship as god, please return the Universe so that I- oh never mind invisible man, don't need your help on this one! XoXo Kara

She watches Singularity, awkwardly sniffing the flowers she was given, and glad that they're hiding the cheesy grin on her blushing face. Because nobody has ever really asked her out.. not really. Even Owen, it just sort of HAPPENED.. Peter maybe? That was before her time though.

New Kara, who dis

Thankfully, Carol steps in to give a big ol hug to the Universe and gives the over exaggerated indication of acceptance, which is met with a big grin and nod, "Uhh.. Well.." She bashfully shuffles her foot forward and back. Bare foot, toes curled.

"Yes! Yes yes and please yes!" Bouncing over to wrap her arms around both women, but she's looking to give the Universe a smooch on her nebula painted cheek. "Yes." Quieter. One nod. "Yes." Even quieter.

Singularity has posed:
To be fair, Singularity cannot spend too long in the Space Between. It's a dead zone. Time is dead there. And if she spends too long, she will miss her place in time and have to find it again. "Thank you, Carol." she chirps happily at the comment about her hat.

But she blurted the question, and there is a very pregnant pause in the air. She can't see Carol behind her cheering Kara on, and with the Kryptonian pausing, there's a worry.

She's never done this before. At all. Even Nico just kind of - led. She taught her but never told her. Not until it was too late. She doesn't know who Owen is. She barely knows Peter.

But she knows Kara. And she's the one she's interested in. When she gets bashful, the little universe is probably ready to backpedal - and there's that explosion of affirmation that she so sorely needed.

When Kara rushes into them, Singularity is adorably smooshed between the two, her cheeks squished as she kisses Kara in return. "Great!" she manages, a squeak of delight that is a melodic trill that rises from here. "Good. I'm glad. Very glad." She's literally buzzing with excitement.

Then a sniff. Sniff. "Is... it supposed to smell like that?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol is doing her very best to maintain that calm, cool, totally in control expression she does so well. If only she wasn't trying to do it in front of two people who know her so closely, and can tell that she's just trying not to take up any of the air in the room as it were from the sheer adorableness.

But hey, Carol's not going to turn down a group hug and squeezes Kara and Singularity snugly, only to hum softly and murmur, "Well, I feel like lunch is becoming a special occasion... We might have to follow it up with popcorn and a movie for you two!" She nods solemnly.

This is definitely a very normal human tradition and not Carol plotting to absorb the sheer sweet earnestness the two are brimming with. One eyebrow lifts and Carol frowns thoughtfully, "I mean... it's... Oh! The /food/!"

This is probably fine.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara sniffs the air, furrowing her brow when Singularity asks if it's suppose to smell that way... She'd gotten so focused on what was being asked, and her excitement because of it, to remember she WAS FRYING CHICKEN.. "OH!" Carol is on it too, but Kara's the one to break away to make sure it doesn't set off the fire alarms. Blowing cooling breath across it to put out some of the grease that had dared to catch fire while she was PREOCCUPIED WITH ADORABLE STUFF.

Churlish is what it is.

The pan is moved to a burn with no flame and she leans in to see if the chicken is salvagable. With a frown.. "Uhhh... okay, so there might be some crunchy parts, who wants to just go straight to the peach cobbler I made?" Peering back with a deep frown.

The chicken is RUINED...

"Do not take back asking me out for my failure in the kitchen..."

Singularity has posed:
"The chicken is not good?" Singularity would eat it anyway. Why? Because Kara made it. That's why. But with the other two making it clear that the meal was ruined, she frowns. Because it is kind of her fault. She distracted Kara with her question and excitement. And now there is no more chicken.

She considers. What would GIRL do?

"Peach cobbler is good." A glance to Carol. It is good, right? And then she shifts and realizes exactly what it would be that Nadia would do.

"We can order pizza!"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's trying not to laugh. She really /really/ is. It's so cute... okay, yeah, the chicken's not cute. The chicken looks like it was introduced to Kara's heat vision, or the surface of the sun. Well, not really but still.

Her eyebrows perk up as she murmurs out, "Oh! We could totally get some pizza. And dessert." She clicks her tongue thoughtfully, "I mean, it's not like we can't grab some good pizza from the city, and maybe some peach cobbler, or a cheesecake... really, that's the best way to overcome a cooking mishap. Treat yourself to delicious food /other/ people made.

She has to fight back another grin, "Should I go pick it up? The pizza? I mean, it won't take very long. Fly there, fly back... give you girls time to pick out a movie?"

Yes. Pick out a movie. That's definitely what Carol thinks they could use a bit of time alone for. Movie picking is serious business.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The ruined chicken is going to be a very big deal to Kara, okay?

This is Martha Kent's recipe and she burnt it.. Right in front of Singularity and Carol, which just compounds the issue. She stands there staring at it with a deepening frown on her face, tugging at the apron with two fingers until, finally, she sighs and throws her hands up.

"Well, I made a peach cobbler, so we have one... but since I ruined the food, I'll just rush over and get our pizzas.. wont take me but thirty seconds or so.." Head hanging, feet shuffling towards the living room like a whipped puppy.

No actual chicken were harmed in the making of this roleplay.

Singularity has posed:
Wait. Why are they both trying their best to leave? Singularity looks utterly confused for a moment and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. She grabs Kara by the arm as she comes by. "Not alone." she says firmly.

She just asked her to be her girlfriend. She's not letting her get away that easily. So she'll go with Kara. And get dinner. And come back.

And Carol can pick the movie.

Because so help her, she will eventually get to try Ma Kent's famous fried chicken ala Kara. But for now, the girl in the sundress in the same color as the star that powers Kara gives her a kiss on the cheek.