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Gotham Greenery
Date of Scene: 17 December 2023
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Hellcat crosses Pamela Isley's path in her domain: the little bit of true greenery in Gotham City.
Cast of Characters: Patsy Walker, Pamela Isley

Patsy Walker has posed:
The daylight hours grow late in Gotham City. For a place that seems to exist in a state of perpetual darkness and gloom - an exaggeration of course - there aren't many areas that interrupt the usual of what people are accustomed to.

The greenery is what draws Hellcat to Robinson Park. It's not that parks are unusual, but in Gotham they aren't commonplace.

In the midst of doing some recon on a tail she was after - she'd sent word ahead to Batman that she was going to be on his turf - her path brought her over toward the Scottish castle, leading to a check of its history. "Interesting place," the costumed 'cat' muses to herself, hands at her hips. Of course she's in costume, out in plain view and colorful in the process. Hey, that's not so unusual in this city, is it?

Pamela Isley has posed:
No, The costume is not all that unusual in Gotham. A yellow could be one of the various Robins, or someone other than the big, bad Bat. Or, it could be a villain. But, most villains would know better than to be out in the middle of broad daylight, even in the park. At least, most villains that are out there doing their villainy.

However, there is at least one costume type that is out. Though, not necessarily in costume. It's a bit cold out, with Gotham in the middle of December, and Ivy's usual 'working' ensemble is a little less than winterized for the season. A long green coat coveres her form, yet the long red hair is clearly in view, as well as the light green skin. Lighter than her normal hue, but still, green enough to be noticeable. Certainly, a particular cat-themed hero would recognize her at a glance.

Pamela...is being good. Well, as good as she would be normally. She is walking with a brown paper bag in one arm. Looks like groceries. And, walking past the castle, though seemingly more *into* the park. Which is odd, since there doesn't seem to be any residences further inside. Still, it is Ivy. She might live in a tree or something.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Amid the green..more green. And red hair. Yes, Pamela is a familiar sight, at least in the sense of someone Hellcat's crossed paths with before and spoken with a bit. It hasn't been anything troubling, which ran counter to the reputation the woman had.

Could it be cultivated into something more positive? Something to consider, and now seemed like the right time to find out a little more.

Into the park? Hellcat follows, choosing to leave the interest of the castle behind for the interest of something else: catching up with Pamela until she's closed in enough to send out a short whistle. "Heeey, girl," she calls over. "Why am I not surprised to see you around here?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
Whistling? At Ivy? Who would do such a thing? The green-clad woman pauses and turns to look behind her....only to offer a slight smile and a shake of the head. "Could it be because this is the only green patch of land in all of Gotham?" And Pammy is not wrong. This is pretty much Gotham's version of Central Park. And really is the only green bit of land on the islands.

A pause..."We keep running into each other. it is getting to the point that I see you more than Batman...and I have had my fair share of Bat sightings." Said with a perfectly straight face. "Almost as if you are staking me out." That....is said with just a little tease in that voice.

"You caught me on my commute home..." Home? Something Pamela gives up for free. "And you are just out for a walk, in full regalia, in Robinson Park." No question...just a dry quip with that sense of humour.

Patsy Walker has posed:
"What can I say? Sometimes you just have to live the lifestyle," Hellcat quips, drawing up close enough to fall into step alongside the woman in green. Then she adds, "I was doing a little investigating of someone in the area. Figured after I was done, I'd check out the park. You being here is just coincidental..or is it?" A very feline-like grin is offered.

Then she gestures around with a hand as 'home' is brought up. "I can see you picking out a place like this. You didn't exactly strike me as the sort to live in some congested place downtown. I kind of like it here. You can almost forget about everything else for a little while."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Someone in the area." The words are repeated with just a little skepticism. Then, a hint of a grin. "Someone not me, then? I am not sure whether I should be relieved or disappointed." Oh...the Cheshire grin is caught. Ivy is teasing back.

"Oh...not the whole park. I am not that narcissistic to believe I need all of it. There is a greenhouse, just further ahead. I claimed that." Truth is ringing clear, as Pamela nods slightly towards the east, where the distinct form of glass walls are visible. "It is a small place, but it suits me." A moment..."and yes...that is more of the idea. A hideaway, to forget about the outside world."

And for the outside world to forget about her.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat asks, "Would it make you feel better if I said, 'why yes, I in fact was seeing if I might find you?'" A brow inches upward behind the design of one in her cowl, reaching behind to shift her red hair around a bit after the breeze catches it for a moment as feet pad softly over the surface they cross.

"Sharing some of it with the masses, then? That's very thoughtful of you. I've heard rumors you can be very possessive of your territory. Whether that's true or not..?" She lifts her hands as part of a shrug as the greenhouse that's mentioned comes into view. "Oh, that's useful, and that seems to fit you perfectly. A place to grow and look after things without others interrupting."

Pamela Isley has posed:
Candid answers are forthcoming from Ivy. "I can be. Very possessive, that is. It was...is...a shortcoming. I have been working on that aspect."

Oh, but back to that first remark. "Would it make me feel better if you was looking for me? Perhaps. It would certainly depend on the reasons you were looking for me. I do find that most times, the particulars as to why a person is in search for me does not particularly do me any favors, as I am sure you could imagine." Again, there is that appraising once-over given. She is certainly intrigued, if nothing else.

Then, back to the park. "I do share, on occasion. For a person of my particular nature, having a greenhouse in the middle of winter is very benefitable to me." Yes, there is a sneaky pun in that reason. But only slight. She is being honest.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat grins. "You should see how some cats are with their territory. I know this city has a particular one that calls it home. And sure, let's go with that. I was looking for you, I found you, and now we're having a little chat, one redhead to another, not even looking for a fight." After all, they haven't had a reason to tangle up to now. No need to change that, is there?

As the greenhouse comes further into view when they round a bend along the path, she gives Ivy a sidelong glance. "Probably warm in there, almost tropical. Is it that kind of greenhouse, or less steamy?" This might be wordplay. Might not be, too. "Not to impose, of course," she finishes with a hand out, palm up, gesturing with her words.

Pamela Isley has posed:
Ah....That cat. Pamela knows that cat quite well. And Ivy doesn't need for Hellcat to elaborate. "I know who you are talking about. And yes, she is very selective in who she allows in her territory." There might be something more in that statement, but Pamela does not elaborate. "Otherwise, yes...you have found me."

As the greenhouse grows with each step, Pammy returns the glance with a grin. "Oh, it is quite warm in there. Tropical, certainly. Frequently with steamy windows." Two can play the wordplay game, too. "Would you like to come in? It would not be the first time a hero has been within...and I really do need to get my perishables inside before the cold harms them."

An open invitation. Will the cat come in?

Patsy Walker has posed:
Normal instinct would suggest this to be the time when Hellcat feigns an excuse to vacate the area. With Ivy's status what it is, some would certainly call into question the woman's motives for whatever she does. They'd suspect anything seen as good is just a cover for something else that's bad.

Which may be why Hellcat sticks around.

"Oh, I'd love to. This insulates well, but it /is/ chilly today and I could do with a little warming up," she all but purrs. Just how far are they going to go with the subtle comments?

"Let me know if you need a hand putting anything away." It's just a bag, but one polite offer deserves another. "After you? I'm not the cat who's known for breaking and entering."

Pamela Isley has posed:
An invitation to walk into Ivy's domain? Normally, yes, Pamela would expect others with a less adventurous spirit to leave. It isn't smart to walk into an evil lair....especially one in which the owner has complete control of the vast majority of its contents. Yet, Pamela doesn't seem to be plotting anything dubious. Nefarious, maybe, with the subtle innuendo, but nothing truly evil.

So, Ivy's smile grows wider, just a tad, when Hellcat decides to stay.

"Oh, well, then let's warm you up. I admittedly would like to get out of the cold as well." The door to the greenhouse door stands before them as the two slow their steps. No lock upon the door is visible. Pamela is a trusting soul, it would seem. Or, rather, no one in their right mind would want to walk in without Pamela's good graces. "I do appreciate the assistance. Please, feel free to come in."

The door opens, releasing a rush of warm air out into the cool Gotham daylight. And...Pamela does go in first, leaving the door open. The invitation is there. The cat only needs to take it.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Undoubtedly, there are safety measures in place that act as effective deterrents to those with an eye toward bad behavior. The question may come in what sorts of punishment are delivered, and how serious they are.

Hellcat basks in just the feeling of the warm air hitting her for a moment before she nods and follows within, shutting the door behind her. This gives her the opportunity to see what's first in view from that side, then further beyond. "It really looks like you've got all the necessities covered here," she remarks. "A little warm for an all the time sort of thing, but I can see the advantages in the winter."

Pamela Isley has posed:
"Yes, well, for most of the residents here, the temperature is rather pleasant." The door shuts behind Hellcat as Pamela takes off her coat. And...the first sign that this is truly Ivy's home is given as Ivy holds the coat out. Only for the grape vines along the near wall to reach out, take the coat from Ivy's hand, and hang it up on a nearby support pillar. Pamela continues to hold the brown paper grocery bag as she beckons her guest further inside...towards the patchwork tiny house. "Over here, my dear. You may find it a bit more comfortable."

'Over here' doesn't necessarily have a front door. Oh, there is a door, but it appears to be more of a sliding panel. After all, it is a tiny house inside of a greenhouse. There really isn't much of a worry about the elements. If anything, the panel is there to provide a modicum of privacy, should one want it. Right now, it is wide open, as the not-so-good doctor walks in. The groceries take little work at all to put away, a fact that becomes apparent to the yellow-clad hero when she sees why. A tiny kitchen, with a fridge big enough for one and most items fresh for the picking from other avenues. "Feel free to take a seat, if you like." A hand indicates the sofa, green of course. "After your investigation, I am sure you must be tired. Take a moment to rest."

Well...at least the jasmine and potted herbs haven't lashed out, yet. That's a positive.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat trails a couple fingers along a leaf or flower in passing, her colorful attire fitting in well amid some of the things Ivy's got growing here. To the naked eye nothing seems out of place, really. It's a greenhouse, and there are green growing things within. The use of vines to shift the coat over to hang up sees her give a half-smile and acknowledge, "Neat trick. Useful."

The small abode within the place is next up, the panel door noted along with the interior and leather sofa. "Thanks. Don't mind if I do." She sinks into one side of it, an arm against the cushioning as she wiggles her toes, visible with the suit's design rather than them covered by boots. It allows additional claws to come into play when needed.

"So what sorts of things are you working on to better the world? Or do you just try to keep to yourself most of the time these days? Keep Batman off your back?" she wonders.

Pamela Isley has posed:
The answer drifts in from the kitchen area, even as Hellcat makes herself comfortable. "Mostly the later. I try to keep to myself. Reputation, you know." The voice grows louder as Ivy approaches the leather sofa, taking her time to get herself comfortable. Without the coat, the ensemble that Ivy sports is certainly more 'Poison Ivy' than 'Dr Pamela Isley', though it is not as risque as her usual wardrobe of just plants. No...Pamela is wearing a green jumpsuit that is awfully similar to Hellcat's yellow, though Pamela's hands are bare...and now her feet, as the footwear Pam had has somehow disappeared between the few feet between the kitchen and the couch. "Nothing earth-shattering, which is probably for the best. Most tend to frown whenever I decide to try to change the world for the better."

Patsy Walker has posed:
"I have a feeling some of them have different opinions about the ways you've tried before," Hellcat says, holding up a hand quickly as she continues, "not that I'm judging one way or another. I believe in second chances in most cases. It just takes some extra effort to prove it to some people."

She looks Ivy's ensemble over, noting what of it looks like it could pass for a differently-colored version of her own. "Haha, if we went with matching colors, we could almost pass for twins!" She seems cheerful, at least. Still suspicious? If so, it isn't showing in an obvious way. "I figured you liked your privacy instead of having people coming around trying to bother you all the time. I'm clearly not talking about me right now." Lips sculpt into another smile as she repositions herself to better face Pamela while they talk.

Pamela Isley has posed:
A hand waves in the air, as if batting aside the negative views. "Yes, well, there is that. We just won't talk about those occasions. I wouldn't want our time together to be stained with that particular negativity." Does Ivy seem particularly remorseful for those actions? Maybe not as much as she would be, but she is trying to be a good girl. So, there is that.

Ivy shifts to fully face the cat...and those green eyes of hers do take in the yellow ensemble. With a chuckle, a fingertip reaches over, to slide along the upper left arm of the heroine. "Well, will you look at that? You are absolutely right. We could be twins. Especially if I was wearing that cowl of yours. Though, I will readily admit that yellow is definitely more your color than mine, my dear." The fingertip touch is light....barely there. And enough for Pamela to get a sense of the fabric.

As far as privacy? Pam doesn't seemed all that bothered by Hellcat's presence at all. "Well, certain people I don't mind. Though, admittedly, it takes time for me to open up to others on an emotional level." Again, what Pam says seems certainly true enough. It doesn't seem like she is being particularly manipulative, at the moment.

Patsy Walker has posed:
Hellcat has at least spoken with Pamela before, so it's not the same as someone showing up unannounced at the entrance to the greenhouse. Different circumstances. "That's fair," she says to the preference to leave certain things in the past. "There's stuff I'm not really interested in diving back into, either. We've all got things like that in our lives."

Her head tilts slightly as she adds, "Oh, this? Yeah, it's important. You know how some of us are about keeping the costumed side separate from the other. So just don't go asking me to take this off and we'll be fine." She taps the cowl, up by one of the stylized ears.

The material of the costume isn't quite spandex, but it has a few similar aspects. "Ah, it was already the color when I got it, but that's another story for another time. I totally get the need to guard certain things and keep a barrier up. Like I said, we've all got bad things we've gone through." A few fingers flex at her side.

Pamela Isley has posed:
The fact that Hellcat respects not reviewing past mistakes is something that Ivy really does appreciate. The fair commentary earns a soft smile. That comfort level is certainly rising.

The cowl receives the same treatment. The finger leaves the shoulder and reaches out to graze the cheek, one fingertip joined by another as the fingers slide first along the mask's surface, threatening but never quite touching the flesh. "Well, I suppose we will never know just how close I would resemble you. Perhaps it is for the best, really."