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Latest revision as of 03:50, 20 December 2023

Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer, Prancer, Comet and Cupid
Date of Scene: 19 December 2023
Location: Gershwin Theater
Synopsis: Kitty's friend takes her on stage after hours at the Gershwin Theater to do some dancing, and they run into Olivia, the star of the show.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Olivia Gaudin

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The day's rehearsals are done, and it's an off night for the show. A chance for a few of the staff to work on props and backdrops that need some updates or repairs. The occasional sound of hammering from backstage is only a backdrop to the sounds filling the theater though.

Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" is playing. While on the stage two women in leotards are dancing, just apparently freestyling, when they aren't laughing. There's a mix of modern dance, ballet, even some tap though the lack of tap shoes leaves it a little more to the imagination.

One of the two women dancing is Marjorie Flambeau, a French dancer who has a small part in the show. The other is unfamiliar to those of the cast and crew, unless Marjorie actually introduced her. Kitty Pryde's hair is pulled up in a pony tail, and she's laughing and clapping as Majorie does some intricate ballet work to the old pop song. "I love that," Kitty says, watching for a few seconds then dropping into step beside Marjorie, following along pretty well. Both of them have worked up enough perspiration to show they've been dancing for a bit tonight.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    The nice people at the Gershwin often say that Olivia loves the theatre and it's like a home to her. Others who aren't quite so generous assert the poor girl needs to get a life outside her work. She is off, and was off today. Ostensibly. But rather than enjoy that, she came in to work with a potential understudy.

    Time passed quickly and eventually it was time to stop the vocal and acting drills and emerge to the world outside Liv's dressing room. Elizabeth went off for a date and Olivia, well, she just left her dressing room and wandered. It just never gets old to her.

    The music catches her attention. Sound really has been catching her attention a lot lately. She has a problem there, but she's kept that rather quiet. Or tried. But regardless, she ends up coming out on the stage. She does not intrude, exactly. She just watches the practice with interest.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The ballet lasts for about 30 seconds before Kitty drops into out of it, struck by something she hears and does a bit of dance that might remind one of Tess dancing from A Chorus Line. Marjorie lets out a hoot of enjoyment and cheers the brunette on.

Kitty dances about, graceful and skilled. Though a professional critical eye would be able to tell she's probably a little short of being able to land a role in a competitive environment like Broadway. Marjorie joins in, moving over to assist Kitty with a few leaps, and then the song comes to an end and they both end up laughing and grinning.

They move over towards where a pair of water bottles are sitting, and that's when Marjorie spots Olivia. "Oh," she says with a note of surprise, and even a tiny bit of alarm. "Hi, Olivia. I didn't think anyone was going to be using the stage, invited a friend of mine to come goof around. If you need it we can clear out," she offers, picking up a hand towel. Kitty's attention is pulled over to Olivia, her face lighting up just a bit at seeing the star of the show.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia nearly claps, but something about the moment just feels better to her without it. She has an almost dreamy expression when she is noticed. Of course, at the concerned response, Liv lets out one of her usual giggles.

    She doesn't answer at first. She instead says, "Every toe that has ever touched this stage, every leap, every twirl, every wish, all of it is what makes this sacred ground to me. Long after we're gone, part of us will remain here."

    Olivia lets her philosophical answer hang in the air for a time. Eventually, though, she all but bounds to get within reach and offers her hand to Kitty. "I'm Olivia, but please, just call me Liv. I'm really delighted to see someone dance for joy alone on this stage. It's a blessing, you know? Joy like this is meant to be shared."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Marjorie looks relieved, she's one of the minor parts of the cast and even if Olivia might be nice, it doesn't mean those in charge of the show would want her interfering with the star's practice time or wishes.

Kitty just beams a smile as Olivia proves so approachable and comes over to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you Liv. Love the show, have made it twice so far," she says. "I'm Kitty Pryde."

Marjorie motions to Kitty. "We met dancing with a street freestyle team. Kitty had wanted to be a dancer when she was younger, but got all caught up in computers and went to college for it instead," she says in a tone that is meant to be teasing to Kitty.

Letting out a laugh says, "Well, I don't know if I'd have made it as a dancer, though I would have loved to try. But I'm a pretty good programmer." She smiles back to Olivia. "I work over at Stark on some of their AIs," she explains. Kitty only looks in her very early twenties, one would probably place her as still in school rather than a graduate. "I absolutely love this space," Kitty says, looking out at the theater. "It must be so exhilarating before a packed house."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Hello, Ms. Pryde! It's great to meet you." She directs her attention to Marjorie, nodding in understanding at the explanation Liv latches on to the mention of computers and says, "I really could use your help. Seriously. I bought a keyboard that is supposed to connect to a computer and I kind of can't make it work." It's embarrassing to her, obviously, as the pink in her cheeks shows.

    Listening to Kitty, there's a kind of mental doubletake. "You work at Stark? But... you're so young! That's incredible! Wow, you.. you should not waste your time on my keyboard!" She laughs at herself over the idea.

    Olivia turns her attention out from the stage to look over the seats. "It really is. There's nothing like it. And you know, I came here as a child. I've loved Wicked since it came out. All those little girl dreams got me here. I try to soak it all in. Every second. Every chance to be on this stage. No matter how well I do, it will not be long enough. And at some point, I will realize that someone else deserves the chance to be Elphie." She sighs gently.

    The downer doesn't last long, though. With another of those giggles she spins back to face Kitty. "But not today! Nor tomorrow." The spin has her wobbling for a moment. There's a little rumor going through the cast that she's not well yet. She had been in the hospital for a concussion.

    "But what about your work? To work in a job like that! It is such an amazing achievement."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a quick shake of her head when Olivia mentions not wasting Kitty's time on the keyboard. "Oh, no, if I can help my mother and father fix their computers when they break them - which is, a lot - I can surely help a Broadway star with something actually related to her music," Kitty insists.

She smiles at the talk of the stage, and looks over the empty theater again. "I'm from Illinois originally, but went to school out here, in Westchester, since I was 13. I took advantage of the chance to watch so many shows here," Kitty says with a dreamy sigh as she remembers back. "I mean Chicago is nice, and there's some great shows that come through. But it's not quite the same as Broadway of course."

Marjorie sips her water and asks, "You finished school and went to college early, right Kitty?"

The brunette gives a nod of her head that briefly sets her ponytail wagging. "Yeah, went to Oxford when I was 16. Dual major of computer engineering, and English literature," she says. Kitty smiles to Olivia. "It's interesting, that's for sure. I've had a few great jobs, was doing contract work right out of school. I worked over at Fisk International for a bit, and also at JVD Fashion. That was just... I mean they could make a hit TV show just based on the truth of what that place is like," Kitty says with a warm laugh. "But yes, Stark has some of the most cutting edge stuff, especially in this area. I mean I'm not coding Iron Man's armor, but it's some pioneering work just the same that I get to be part of."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "Careful, I will take you up on that! I really would like to get that setup. My agent insists I have to do some kind of streaming to improve my brand. It's tiresome to put it in his language. When he told me I'd get to talk to my fans directly, though, I was sold on it!"

    Olivia nods quickly at the mention of Chicago. "It is nice, and that city has a great arts scene of its own. I've been there a few times to see shows. And of course to take selfies with the Bean."

    Then comes the answer to Marjorie's question. Olivia simple jaw drops. She needs clarification.

    "So wait, English lit and computer engineering? At Oxford. The Oxford?" A pause for breath. Marjorie is probably used to this and knows it is coming, but it's the typical rush of enthusiasm, "That is so awesome! You are amazing! And you've worked at Fisk and Stark. I bet you'll be working on that armor in no time or making something even better."

    Liv turns to Marjorie and says, "It's crazy, but I swear I never expected how this job would lead me to meeting people who are so mind-blowingly accomplished. And people want my autograph? I just pretend to be someone else eight times a week!"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gets a bit of a humble look. "Well, I had a really brilliant mentor and teacher. More than one really. They knew how to get the most out of someone. Like they could read my mind when I wasn't applying myself as much as I could and knew to push me," she says.

Ok, private joke, but it was funny to Kitty.

"Do you have your phone? I can give you my number and just call when you want me to come take a look at it," she offers on the keyboard and computer issue. "Or get it from Marjorie, that works too."

The dancer nods, red hair hanging lose in tight ringed curls. "Sure, I can get you in touch with her," she says.

"I'll have to see about maybe getting some of the kids from my old school to come to a show sometime," Kitty comments. "They do a lot of field trips into the city. Museums and shows and all sorts of things. The professors aim for a very well-rounded education."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia has her phone out in record time. She's really quick about getting the number exchanged. It's her usual procedure (which she thinks most clever) to get Kitty's number and send her a text. With a picture of Olivia in full costume. The first message: I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!

    "Marjorie, if you ever need any help with anything, let me know, too. I've done the whole thing with ensemble, swing, and standby. I know it's not always all that fun. And if you want to get into a really dance heavy role, I'd be happy to do my magic. Moulin Rouge's director and I have stayed in touch, and the staff listen to me!" A pause. Olivia frowns. "But... I don't really want you to run off there. We're having fun, aren't we? Or am I being selfish again?"

    Olivia laughs nervously at her own antics. She's not exactly Elphaba away from the show. She's more bubbly than she has any right to be. "I'll just.. stop talking. And if you want to talk you know where to find me!" She directs her attention to Kitty and smiles warmly, "I will definitely text you. And as for the kids, let me know how many tickets you need. Please. I never seem to have any luck giving tickets to people and I'd like to get to do something good! This Wicked Witch is seriously wanting to steal some of Glinda's territory."

    She takes a step back just as a hammer strikes particularly loudly. Her stumble is so close to a fall there's no hope of covering it. "I... think that is my cue to get some rest. Goodnight, ladies. And please, enjoy yourselves! Elphie's orders." She doesn't try to move too quickly away, but she does rush to the nearest place out of view where she can sit herself down. For her, the world is spinning.