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Latest revision as of 03:51, 20 December 2023

There's No Business Like Show Business
Date of Scene: 19 December 2023
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Olivia meetings Damian Wayne and Gabby Kinney after a Friday night performance at the Gershwin Theatre. Playful conversation mingles with serious plans to help the Gershwin House charity in Gotham and plans are laid for fun meetings in the future.
Cast of Characters: Olivia Gaudin, Damian Wayne, Gabby Kinney

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Another Friday night pulled off without a hitch. The critics will struggle but no doubt find something that could have been better. They do have a job to do and nobody likes hearing how great everything about a show is!

    As Olivia always does, she navigates the labyrinthian backways of the Gershwin to find her way not to her dressing room, but to meet VIPs and fans who stick around. She's well known for greeting as many people as she can, and the staff help her pop up in unexpected locations (like magic!) In this case, she exits a door not far from the coat check. She's not much for sneaking, so no doubt there's an instant buzz among those who stuck around fifteen minutes after the curtain dropped. There's also that strange thing that happens when a group of people want to rush her for pictures and autographs but is simply unsure because nobody else immediately does so!

Damian Wayne has posed:
Taking in culture... and being seen by the society pages of Gotham. It's something that all of those with the name of Wayne have to partake in. Damian, being the least seen of the family, as well as the only one that is fully blooded as Bruce's son, the pressure is double upon him.

And has probably, incidentally, increased the amount of paparazzi that are buzzing about tonight. Who did he come here with tonight? Noone, from the looks of it. So there's blood in the water as it were.

Especially after a stop in the lobby had sequestered a purchase of a bundle of stargazer lillies and baby's breath. With the cast coming out, there's the push of the crowd, but Damian manages to keep his distance, as attention turns from him to those more important, in his opinion.

As Olivia makes her appearance as Elphaba, the young man turns his attention to her and attempts to catch her eye to give her a smile and small upnod of his head.

Dressed in a custom made tuxedo, he cuts the fit and trim figure of the infamous playboy's son, even if his skin is a shade darker than Bruce's, a gift from his mother.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia is used to press, of course. It's New York and she's got a lead role. But these are not the usual people she sees. The paparazzi seem more like sharks as she notices them. Their eyes are different, their cameras are flashing in a way that is rather troubling. She's had an accident recently, which was a minor note in the greater news of the city. Only a few lines in her social media account let her fans know. A concussion, they said. But that's far from the whole story.

    The wariness that the paparazzi inspires in Olivia is dispelled by the magic of her favorite fans of all: children. There are pictures, autographs, and even a bit of playing. Of course she's picking up little ones, too. Her heart is rather obviously set on them.

    When they are satisfied, she directs her attention to Mr. Wayne. She has that tug of vague familiarity. This is a face she's seen somewhere. She doesn't relate it to her dangerous rescue in Gotham. It's something else. Probably on a tabloid somewhere, but she can't place it.

    To address her shortcomings in memory and to meet another friendly face, she will head in his direction. It's then that she notices this gets attention. Few would notice the momentary hesitation, but Damian likely could. She's no longer certain of what is going on, but now she knows that this man has the cameras locked on him.

    "Good evening! Thank you for coming to our show," is her greeting. Press nervousness aside, she's warm and her smile never misses a beat.

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Olivia turns her attention first to the children, Damian is more than willing to be patient. He's known more for his work with animal organizations, but there's quite a few children's charities that have a donation earmarked from him. When the children have had their turn, and Olivia makes the first opening step in greetings, Damian puts on a warm and assured smile as he crosses the distance to meet her partway.

"Good evening!" he greets, a shift to adjust the bundle of flowers in his hands before he presents them to her. "I was floored by your performance, Miss Gaudin." he comments in a way to boost the young woman's confidence. "The way you intertwined with Gilda in 'Defying Gravity', I felt as if I could take flight, myself."

Once the flowers are handed over, he chuckles. "Though, from what I've read recently, I cannot blame you for being more in touch with 'No Good Deed'?" His levity is light, meant to turn a nearly tragic event into a positive. And then he realizes. His hand is offered to her, the fingers manicured and tended to with care. Everything about him speaks of wealth and privledge. "I'm Damian Wayne. It is a pleasure to meet someone who took the time to meet with those in need in Gotham."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    The compliments are still difficult to accept at times! This is one of those times. It's not Mr. Wayne that causes her discomfort right now. It's the media. She's never had so many eyes seeming to weigh her value during a greeting.

    The flowers help. She accepts them gratefully. She looks at them and draws in a breath. "Thank you so much! They are truly lovely. And your words are kind. It's so gratifying to know that doing what I love can bring joy to others."

    His comment about the song 'No Good Deed' gets her attention focused quickly. It is with more than a bit of surprise, she sets her hand in his. "So you heard about that? I did my best not to call attention to what happened. It was, after all, not the best news for Gotham. I dearly hope that nobody connects my poor planning and bad luck to the great work the Gershwin is doing for the children there." It's in her DNA to take responsibility for the entire thing. "And in the end, after all, I was saved by one of Gotham's heroes." A true highlight of her life, that!

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian just seems to be totally used to the eyes of the press upon him. And that everything he says and does is graded, sorted, and mashed for information that could be used in the social pages tomorrow. There's a small chuckle as she responds to his flattery, and the young man shakes his head, "And so modest as well." he says teasingly, before she catches on to the other song.

"Well, yes. It's Gotham, and the police blotter is probably more popular than the society page." he comments dryly. "And when someone that is in a known role is attacked, especially so violently, it is going to make news. And spark the usual conversation. I'm just grateful that you were able to find aid and assistance before it was so much worse." He sighs, a shake of his head as he pats Olivia's hand.

"But perhaps you could tell me more about the work you're doing for the children of Gotham? It is not my usual charity work, but I do have a couple of siblings that take children's crusades to heart."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
A figure dressed appropriately for the evening manages to wriggle through the crowd with a few murmers of 'Excuse me' 'Pardon' and 'Move it or I'll tell your wife you're out with your girlfriend right now' where necessary to finally cut through the press of people to sidle up alongside Damian.

Gabby's grinning broadly while her arms are full of merch. "Hi! Great show," she agrees having missed most of the conversation but wanting to add her own congratulations to Olivia as well. Her head tips to Damian to add, "Sorry that took so long. Wanted to hit the merch table before they ran out of my size."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "It may not be what some expect, but this role has a way of keeping me humble and, well, realistic about my role in the world." Olivia smiles and shakes her head slightly. "But that is not so important. I should say, it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne. And I imagine that when I eventually filed the report there was some chatter about it. The police were very sensitive to my situation, as well, which I appreciate."

    But far more important than her problems is the nexxt topic. "Well, the Gershwin Theatre funds a house in Gotham for children who need safety after dealing with bad situations. It's something like a foster home, but with a focus on also teaching performance arts as both a profession and a way to cope with abuse. I was just visiting to, well, bring some joy I suppose. Not just to the children, either. I need it as much as they do."

    Olivia notices there's a bit of a commotion behind Damian. Actually, she notices it in ways that are rather confusing to her. Her ears lock on to Gabby's steps, hearing them distinctly and loudly above the rest of the noise in the room. She wobbles slightly, but attempts to cover it by moving her feet.

    Then Gabby is in view and Olivia beams at the compliment. "Oh, thank you! You are so kind!" She notices Gabby's many purchases and grins, "If there's anything you need signed by me or the real big shot of the show, let me know. Glinda and I are on great terms." Olivia likes to be silly.

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Yes, well, the Gotham Police Department is known to be discreet, should the need arise." Damian comments, a small roll of his shoulders in thought at that. "We all have our own parts to play, I suppose." And he leaves it at that as Olivia starts in on what her charity work is.

Just as she's finishing, Damian is made aware of someone coming up on his flank, but he's not concerned as Gabby makes her appearance. "Hello, sweetheart." he greets the girl, an arm immediately offered to her and a kiss pressed warmly to a scarred cheek. "Did you find something you wanted?" he asks curiously.

"Olivia, this is my girlfriend, Gabby Kinney. Gabs, this is Olivia Gaudin, otherwise known as Elphaba. She was just telling me about the Gershwin House, a charity that the theater supports as a foster home in Gotham. Do you think Tim or Phoebe would be interested?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney slides her arm easily through the one Damian offers to her. It requires a little shuffling of the merch to her opposite arm, but that's only a momentary distraction. There's a slew of shirts draped over her arm, a copy of the cast CD, and a few keychains as well that her fingers had looped through to wear like oversized, floppy rings. All the better to ensure she doesn't drop any of it.

The kiss to her cheek earns a little deepening grin even as she gets caught up on what the conversation was about. "Oh, I'm sure that'd be up both their alleys. It's been awhile since Tim's had a new project, but Phoebe does like helping out kids. Plus, isn't there a huge grant from your grandmother regarding the arts in Gotham, too? I'm sure it'd fit right in with similar interests."

As for Olivia, her eyes light up at mention of getting signatures. "Well I'm probably going to wear the he--Heck out of these shirts so I wouldn't want those autographed, but maybe the CD would be cool to have signed! Thanks!" Of course she now realizes that, well, she'd been introduced but.. "It's great to meet you. Fabulous show again," she adds with a chuckle. "Sorry I'm a bit hyper tonight. I could barely stay in my seat."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia shifts her flowers to accomodate, then offers her right hand to Gabby, though it seems shaking hands is not likely to work out. There's just too much merch! Olivia will instad offer a friendly pat of the hand instead. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kinney!" The flashing of cameras is hard to ignore, but clearly this is just the normal life around this couple. It's giving Olivia a taste of what a Hollywood star must feel.

    She can't dwell on that long, as the mention of potential interest in the charity makes her heart skip a beat. Anyone associated with the Wayne name could make a huge difference in its reach and impact. Olivia does her best not to get too excited, but one of the skills she does not have down is hiding excitement!

    "Oh, and I'd be happy to get that CD signed. I'll have to send one of my flying monkeys to get her and Fiyero out here.." And while most might think that's a turn-of-phrase for the staff, it's not. There is, indeed, a performer here dressed like a flying monkey.

    "Jeff, could you fetch Rachel and Tom, quick? Tell them Elphie needs them urgently! And when they roll their eyes remind them I see everything."

    Olivia turns her attention back to Gabby and Damian, almost bouncing on her toes. Which is rather an achievement in this outfit. "Sorry about that. Summoning my friends! And I understand. I'm always so energized by the show, Ms. Kinney. It's hard to sit still at all. Oh, and um, if you really could bring some help to the house, wow. It'd be such a difference. I mean, we do our best, but..." But the Wayne name doesn't just move mountains. It buys them and builds them. "That kind of help is just what these kids really need."

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Gabby speaks of it, Damian nods. "The Martha Wayne Foundation is the premier charity for children's projects in Gotham." he admits thoughtfully, a squeeze of gratitude to Gabby's hand and lacing of fingers for her gentle reminder on that.

"And she's not just blowing smoke. She was singing along, and just all types of excited. It was fun to watch." he admits, a hint of color touching his cheeks. "I wouldn't be surprised if she asks me to bring her again. Even with the obvious..." a gesture to the paparazzi, that are finally starting to wind down, having gotten the pictures they needed of the younest Wayne scion with the mystery girl that has been seen on several dates with him by this point.

"I'll bring it up to my Father." Which is a partial truth. He'll mention it, but he will also check it out himself before he releases any funds. "But he has always been willing to help the youth in need. How do you think I ended up with so many siblings?" he asks in levity.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Excellent question, Damian Wayne! How did your father end up with all those children? "He's secretly a pokemon trainer and had to collect them all?" Gabby may be a wee bit hyper. Maybe she was just getting even for being tattled on about the singing which had her grow a little red-faced in spite of the broad grin she wore.

"It was an awesome show," she gushes after with a little laugh. "I'll definitely be listening to the soundtrack for hours and hours." She does grow a little quiet here at least for the talk of the charity while nodding in apparent agreement with it. Even as she does her gaze skims to the side, head not turning, to get a view of where the paparazzi ran off to. It's only then when she notices them abandoning their posts that she lets out a little sigh.

"Looks like they got what photos they want for tonight. We can relax a little bit."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    It is fortunate that flying monkeys are wise enough not to walk all the way to dressing rooms. Instead, a summons is communicated through more mundane means. The telephone is just faster.

    Olivia finds herself (not for the first time) being the starstruck one when meeting guests of the theatre. Mentions of the Martha Wayne Foundation kind of bowl her over. A chance meeting that could help these kids sounds, well, Wonderful! And all the while, Olivia tells herself again and again to just not blow it.

    "If you do come again, please let me know ahead of time! I will make sure tickets are waiting for you. And I can show you backstage, too! If you want to try on the Elphaba look, I can sweet talk some of my friends. I will warn you, though, it isn't easy being green!" Yes, Olivia when extra happy is extra silly.

    Back to serious matters, though. "Mr. Wayne, I really do appreciate it. If there's anything I can do to support the causes that are near and dear to your family, please let me know." A moment later, rather like magic, she produces a pair of her business cards. They are of course fancy and fun, but they also have her personal contact information, as well as that of her agent.

    She keeps latching on to Gabby's excitement, though. She loves excitement. "I love listening, too. Hearing the original cast is so amazing. It really takes me back to when I was a little girl. I kind of grew up with this show. I'm happy it gets you singing! We all have a voice, we all can sing. It's the most fun of all to sing together, isn't it?" A long pause follows as Gabby calls her attention to the welcome fact that the camera flashes have stopped. She lets out a soft sigh. "Is it always like that?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Oh no, no need to hold tickets for us. I'm happy to pay my way." Damian starts to say when Gabby gives the all-clear. His grip loosens on her hand, but he doesn't release it, instead, his shoulders seem to visibly relax and his smile becomes more easy and genuine. Apparently, he suffers from some form of social anxiety. Which explains why he does not make many public appearances. "Thank you, babe." he offers to Gabby gratefully.

"Please, Mr. Wayne is my father. You can call me Damian." he offers to Olivia in encouragement. Accepting the card when it's offered to him, he slips it into his pocket and pats it to remind himself that it's there.

He was ready to just let Gabby and Olivia talk shop when he's asked about the paparazzi. Blowing a breath out of the side of his mouth. "It's like a bad math problem. The more Waynes in one location, the worse the press. Pretty sure that have the roads around the Manor staked out so that when one of us steps out, they're there."

That's a lie. Bruce has it carefully choreographed to make sure they all get exposure when out in public. It's just something Damian tolerates. "Gabby is my first 'public' girlfriend. So it's extra scrutiny and I do my best to try to make it up to her. So I may take you up on the backstage tour, if only so she could enjoy it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a light squeeze back to Damian's hand when he obviously relaxes. Now that the paparazzi were gone it's maybe obvious that she'd done her best to stand between him and them as soon as she'd arrived. There was only so much she could do to keep them from taking pictures of course, being as she was shorter, but chances of any getting *near* him were blocked by her being physically in the way. "Of course. I'm not the family bodyguard for no reason," she teases back to Damian as she pauses to lean in and give his cheek a quick kiss in turn.

"Or I was, anyway," she adds looking back to Olivia with a broad grin as apparently that little tidbit had just been shared. "That's how we got to know one another. I usually keep an eye on Tim and Phoebe who have become friends. Though," she adds with another grin. "This was an actual date. And yes, I'd love that sometime, but it doesn't have to be right now if it's an issue. I get that productions are very busy and it'd be easier to plan things out ahead of time."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    While Liv would usually try to persuade someone to take her ticket offers, she rather doubts she'll come out ahead. She never does! It's just another day being teased over not being able to give tickets away.

    Speaking of teasing, Fiyero's actor shows up first. He's got that usual dashing, handsome appearance the role demands. Still, people forgive him all his blessings and despite what he says to Olivia, he's grinning. "Ugh, Liv! Why can't you let me unwind in peace? Always testing if the crook of your finger will call me near, aren't you?" His attention moves past her to Damian and Gabby. A hand is offered, "Thomas Edwards, but you, my friends, can simply call me Tom." He gives Olivia a look, then, as if to ask what she needs of him.

    Olivia and Tom do stand close, but not that close. The relationship is apparently only on stage. "Oh wow, you were a bodyguard? I should talk to you about that. I'm... accident prone!" She laughs nervously at this. "I'm so flattered that we were part of your date night! And we can definitely go back. Once I let Rachel get here. She'd put me in a bubble if I called her out and then went back without waiting!" Liv turns to Tom, "You were just going to sign a CD with me! That's why I need you."

    As if on cue (and possibly literally on cue!), the biggest star of the cast arrives. "Elphie, Elphie, you called and I came. And I'd never capture you in a bubble." She kind of happily pushes her way between Tom and Olivia. It is part of the act! Olivia does the introduction, this time.

    "This is my mentor, my muse, the truly wonderful Rachel Jenkins, who most know as Glinda the Good. Though I must admit, she's more like amazing or at least exceptional."

    The introduction gets a soft laugh from the star who waves a hand dismissively. "My goodness, Liv, you really must stop or I'll start believing all those things. My head won't fit in the tiara anymore."

Damian Wayne has posed:
The kiss to his cheek is comforting and brings warmth to Damian's cheeks, as he chuckles. "You are still very much on the ledger as a bodyguard anytime that you want, Gabby." he points out to her. "You could even still guard me when you wanted, I just prefer knowing I get to kiss you goodnight at the end of an event." he points out with a clearing of his throat.

As Tom and Rachel make their appearance, Damian is all smiles and returns the introductions. "I am Damian Wayne, this is my girlfriend, Gabrielle Kinney." he explains as he watches the interplay between the the three performers.

To the suggestion that they go backstage, his attention turns to Gabby. And she can tell that he's not exactly feeling it, but. "If it's something you want to do, Gabby, I'd be happy to let you go do the tour and just find a place to sit and have a drink while you get shown around?" he suggests, and then to the three, he explains quietly. "I apologize. I grow anxious in large crowds and social sitiations, so... I am not the greatest date when it comes to going out."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ah, only when you really need it. Besides it's not as if I can't in a pinch," Gabby teases back to Damian in response to being on the books again. Olivia's remark of needing tips earns a grin. "Be happy to sometime. I got trained at a rather young age. Martial arts and the like. I had a very physically active family," she explains. It's not entirely a lie, but it does skim over very, very important details of how she became a bodyguard at such a young age.

Thankfully the arrival of the other two stars draws her attention away from that topic. It's her turn to bounce on the balls of her feet with a little bit of giddy excitement as she flashes a large grin. "Pleased to meet you! Great show tonight!" She gushes to the pair only to chuckle. "Olivia offered to sign my CD, yeah, and said she'd ask you two as well. If it's okay? Completely okay if not, too," she hastens to add so she doesn't seem pushy.

As for Damian's suggestion she pauses to look toward him as if he'd grown a third head. "Yeah, no, not letting you slink off and get ambushed by a plucky reporter. Just meeting you all is fine enough with me without going backstage," she assures the others.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Tom is the first to carefully snare the CD. He turns to Olivia and, with a flat tone, says, "Ink!" She provies a fancy, silver sharpie to him. He then orders, "Cap!" Which of course she removes. His signature, though like many stars is efficient, is also easy to read. He adds the name of his role under his name with a flourish. "You're up, Rachel!"

    Glinda, who is laughing at the whole performance that Tom is putting on, is more focused on what she's writing. She signs her name, adds her role under it, but also makes a little drawing of her famous wand by it. With a pause for thought, she adds an additional note inside the CD's jacket: "By meeting you, I have been changed for good!"

    "While we aren't out and about as often as Olivia is, it is fun to meet people. It can just get a bit more hectic. I'm sure you understand. Someday, my little Liv, you will have cameras hounding your every step as well!" Rachel's smile never wavers. She is simply on and she does genuinely seem happy to meet.

    Which leaves Olivia, whose signature is dramatic, but admittedly it's not quite as easy to make out every letter. She makes a point of slipping her business card into the sleeve of the CD, as well. Her note is more action-oriented: "Call me! I'd love to show you around!"

    With that, the autographing portion of the evening is handled neatly.

    "It's certainly fine to go back another time. I know it can all be a bit much, and for about the next 30 minutes, it'll be totally crazy back there. After that, though, it clears out fast. And if you wind up coming this way alone, Ms. Kinney, please let me help with a ticket. I kinda... get teased about not having my tickets used enough."

    Olivia also goes back to an earlier topic, "But yes, honestly, I have a way of getting myself in trouble! I swear. This past two weeks has been incredible. I missed a show for the first time ever. I hate going to standby! I had to go and get a second concussion... or something like that."

Damian Wayne has posed:
"Gabby's taught me a few moves to protect myself. She's a pretty good teacher." Damian admits to, a smile touching his features as he remains close to Gabby, his hand in hers. "Even helped me learn not to stick myself with a sword when I took a fencing class in an attempt to be fancy." There's a laugh at himself at that.

He watches while Gabby gets the autographs that she asked for. And just enjoys the young woman practically bounce and vibrate with excitement. He's always happy to find things that she enjoys. Though at the comment about getting ambushed, he laughs and looks down. "I mean, I promise I'm not the sickly impala wandering into the lion's pride!" comes his slight protest. But he's not complaining about it, either.

"If you want? We have the numbers for several bodyguards on retainer. But it really sounds like you have a terrible case of nerves. I usually find something to focus on when I'm in public so I don't get distracted and end up in trouble." He reaches up and taps the side of his head. "This gets me in more trouble than anything else, especially when I have ideas like letting Gabby wander off without me."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney relinquishes her hold on the CD quite easily so that it can be signed. The fancy silver pen is just right, it seems, since it stands out so well on the CD front. Once it's handed back she holds it carefully by a corner so as to not risk smudging the ink until it has actually had a proper chance to dry.

"Thanks! I'll have to get one of those fancy frames to put this in--Oh and another CD so I can *listen* to that one," she plots already considering how best to go about making sure this one stays in good shape. "Oh, Tim collects figurines, he'll probably know how," is muttered beneath her breath so that it's not a completely out-there secret she just uttered.

"Thanks again! I'd hug you but I don't want to ruin your costumes. I'll keep in touch though, and I'll see if I can get my sisters to come out for a show, too! Laura really could use some culture."

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "I will be happy to welcome both of you to the theatre when you come, Ms. Kinney! And I hope you both have a wonderful night. I will look forward to our next meeting, but for now, I suppose I had best obey my curfew." Olivia grins, though there is a touch of chagrin in the expression.

    Tom settles on a friendly wave goodbye. He shoots a curious and concerned look at Olivia. It's a momentary slip of the 'all is well with the show' act that everyone puts on, but it is telling.

    Rachel, for her part, takes hold of Olivia's hand. "Indeed, young lady, it is time to get back to your dressing room. Dr. Dillamond's orders, you know. Your poor gray matter has taken quite the beating lately and we can't have you in the hospital again!" It's a rather dramatic way to close a conversation, but her concern is real. To Gabby and Damian, Rachel will say, "Until next time, my friends. I hope to see you both in Oz soon!"

    This leaves Olivia to laugh and sigh. "Well, it seems that is that, then. It was wonderful to meet you both and I hope we might meet again sometime soon! Goodnight!"

    The farewell offered, the trio depart, with Fiyero on one side and Glinda on the other, guiding their Elphaba back away to rest. Eyes that can notice such things will see that the help is not just a matter of show or politeness. There is something wobbly in Olivia's step. Thankfully the press hasn't a greedy eye about to see it.