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Latest revision as of 03:51, 20 December 2023

Viltrumite Clubbing
Date of Scene: 19 December 2023
Location: Club Highline
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny go dancing while Bunny recovers. Sunny shows Mark how to dance, and they discuss their feelings before dancing the evening away.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
With Bunny asleep and needing the time to recover from the WORST COLD EVER, Mark waited for Sunny to finish with the pies, before he made a suggestion. "Want to go on a date tonight?" he asks her curiously. "We've been couped up since this all started and I figured... maybe a change of scenery would do us good?"

If she accepts, he gives her the address so that she can go to her place and get ready himself. "Wear something trendy." he suggests, before he goes to get ready himself. Time passes and Mark is waiting for Sunny outside of club. A cable-knit turtleneck sweater of black is worn beneath a leather bomber jacket. Black form fitting slacks and polished shoes complete the look, his fair styled to be slightly messy but appear somewhat put together. And that's where he waits.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
With cooling pies and a change of clothing from shorts and top for kitchen-stuff and Sunny was wrapped in a black skirt, orange shirt and dark leggings to match the jacket around her shoulders, the blonde arrives with a wave of her hand, hair down and clearly fixed from her earlier mess.

"Hey Mark!" she calls, smiling a little wider as she spots him and makes her approach.

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Sunny arrives, Mark glances up and pauses. "Whoa." he says, his smile growing a few degrees. "You look great, Sunny!" he offers, leaning in for a light kiss before he moves to be next to his fellow Viltrumite, his hand offered to the young woman so that they can make their way within.

Inside, the club is already throbbing, the music turned up. There's a vivid crowd as Mark manuveurs his way through, hopefully with Sunny in tow. "Yell if you see a table!" he calls out to her as he looks around.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A blush, but there was a moment of happy suprise before he openly leans down for the quick kiss she's happy to return.

"You clean up pretty decently yourself," Sunny beams, her hand coming to take his own before she comes to follow along, letting him lead them through and sweeping her gaze to try and find them a spot to sit. "Nothing yet!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
The comment about him cleaning up nicely brings a blush to Mark's cheeks. His fingers curl around Sunny's, tightening the grip before he finds himself on the edge of the dance floor and they still haven't found a table. "Well..." he comments as he looks around and tilts his head to her.

"Since we can't find a table, do you want to...?" A step back towards the dancefloor, beckoning Sunny to follow him if she wants. And there's more than a few eyes that have noticed the attractive young couple.

They're probably in for disappointment if they expect Mark to be able to dance. He just knew of Sunny's cheer background and thought this would be something she'd find fun for a date.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Well, no sense in standing around doing nothing!" Sunny grins, hands gripped to follow Mark out to the dance floor. Best he did lead, or she'd almost certainly be dragging him with her!

She was a cheerleader, she could -probably- dance, right?

It didn't really matter anyway as she moved around him, coming to take both his hands and let her hips sway as she playfully moved to try and help him warm up to the rythm.

Mark Grayson has posed:
See, Mark is the master of what we will call the White Boy shuffle. Head bob? Check. Slight bend now and again? Check. But none of that gets to happen, because his hands find their way into Sunny's and the distance is closed between them.

With her taking the lead, Mark is willing to follow as he watches her hips and then the rest of her as he starts to feel his way with her, one hand sliding out of hers as he caresses her side. In the midsts of the touch, he twists her around to give her a twirl to spin her back to him.

And he starts to manage to move. Awkwardly at first, but he's slowly starting to match and understand Sunny's movements with his. He lifts his head, grey eyes meeting Sunny's and he grins at her warmly. This is not so bad. At all.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She can't -make- him dance, but a little encouragement and a lot of confidence from her is half the trick, right?

Seems so as he twists her around, earning a little joyful laugh and a press of her hips against his form, literally using the contact to help guide his movements as her hand reaches back over her shoulder to brush against his cheek and the back of his head.

Gaze lifting, she grins brightly as her bright blue eyes meet his grey and she 'nudges' him lightly.

"This was a great idea!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
He's more than capable of handling Sunny's press to him. Mark's a Viltrumite as well after all. When she laughs and makes contact, he chuckles as she guides him, the light caress to his hair bending his head. His hand moves to settle on the small of her back, fingers brushing over the fabric of her shirt as his fingers interlace with Sunny's as they move across the dance floor.

Grey eyes on her blues, he bites his lower lip to slow himself as he laughs. "I need this!" he admits to her quietly. "It wasn't fair to you that the moment that we agreed to start dating you that all hell broke loose. And you've more than earned like... this. Thank you for being there, Sunny. I don't think we'd made it without you." he confesses quietly, his forehead touching against hers.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm just glad you two didn't decide I was an immediate bad luck charm," Sunny muses as they move, swaying together and nodding lightly before the touch of his brow to hers brings a smile. "You two are important to me, you got me through...and you've made me feel special during some crazy times..."

"I needed, -need- this time with you and Bunny too. And I'm glad you've decided to keep me around."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"You're important to us..." Mark pauses and he considers. "You're important to me, Sunny." he corrects himself a little. "You know how Bunny feels. And I know how you feel about her. But I've been hiding behind the relationship we." he admits to her. "And not sharing how I feel about you. I've always been attracted. I'm happy with Bunny. I'm hoping I can be happy with you too."

A small clearing of his throat and he laughs lightly. "Confessing that to you is not exactly what was on the agenda when I asked you to go dancing tonight."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean...I'm glad you did," She offers before coming to lean in and plant a little kiss on his cheek. "Because that's what I want too. With you, with Bunny...I meant what I said before all this and I mean it now."

A little bump of her form against him and she grins. "We're pretty, kinda akward alien superheroes, but we're together and it's great even with everything so far. So lets enjoy it, right?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"An alien, half-alien and a mutant walk into a bar..." Mark says with a laugh and then grins. "The punchline is that they all fall for each other." A wink and he closes his eye to the kiss before pulling back.

Because there is plenty more dancing and (non-alcoholic) drinking for the pair to do before they return home to check on Bunny.