Mark Grayson
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Mark Grayson (Scenesys ID: 3159) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Mark Grayson | ||
Superalias: | Invincible | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Viltrumite/Human Hybrid | ||
Occupation: | College Student | ||
Citizenship: | United States | ||
Residence: | New York City | ||
Education: | College Student | ||
Theme: | Image (FC) | ||
Groups: | Happy Harbor, Spider-Verse, Teen Team, Titans, Young Avengers | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 20 | Actual Age: | 20 |
Date of Birth | 20 Aug 2003 | Played By | Nam Joo Hyuk |
Height: | 5'11" | Weight: | 175 lbs |
Hair Color: | Black | Eye Color: | Grey |
Twitter: | @GreyEyeGrayson, @Invincible_YA | ||
Theme Song: | "Never Surrender" - Lion |
Character Info
Mark's mother is human and his father is from the planet Viltrum. His father emerged as the hero Omni-Man before losing his powers. Growing up on stories of his father's heroic deeds, Mark was a huge a superhero fan. Soon after turning eighteen, powers emerged in Mark similar to his father. He is now a burgeoning hero, learning under his father's tutelage while trying to juggle the normal crazy life of a boy his age.
2002 - Omni-Man departs the planet Viltrum in a distant galaxy, and arrives on Earth. He becomes a superhero and takes the secret identity of Nolan Grayson. He saves a woman named Debbie, and the two later are married.
2003 - Omni-Man loses his powers, the events around it kept secret still to this day. He becomes a footnote in superhero history, a powerful light that burned briefly. Soon after, Debbie gives birth to a son, Mark.
2010 - In the wake of the coverage of General Zod's invasion, Nolan reveals his superhero heritage to Mark, showing him video and clippings. Nolan explains Viltrum is a benevolent planet in a distant galaxy, and he was sent to protect Earth. Mark becomes a fan of all things superhero. His father's heroic past becomes a role model that Mark wants to live up to.
2018 - Mark enters Happy Harbor high school on Staten Island as a freshman. He ends up viewed as a likeable nerd, alongside his best friend William. He develops his first crush on Amber Bennet.
2021 - While working at Burger Mart in the summer before his senior year, Mark accidentally launches a trash bag into the air and realizes the super powers his father had always expected have finally emerged. They are weaker than his father possessed, but is told they will eventually improve with use. Mark begins training under his still-depowered father, and takes on a superhero identity.
Mark graduates from Happy Harbor High School and begins attending Empire State in general studies and discovers another Viltrumite in Sunny Harlow. Later in the year, Mark learns that his father has been getting secret gene therapy from the Mauler Twins to regain his powers. Omni-Man attempts to recruit Sunny and Mark to assist him in preparing Earth for conquest and contacting the Viltrum Empire. When the pair refuse his offer, a series of battles saw a group of heroes finally bring Omni-Man to a stop and foiled his contact attempt. Omni-Man has fled Earth for parts unknown and is no longer in the solar system. Leaving Mark feeling...
IC Journal
Mark is the sort of person who would say hello to someone on their first day of school and try to help them feel welcome and fit in. He is more likely to risk looking a fool in the name of doing something good, than he is just hang back and play it safe. He has a likeable demeanor and is fairly easy-going. Mark has a great love of his family and shows a strong loyalty to them and to others he comes to care about.
Mark grew up on tales of his father's brief superhero career, and became a fan of all things superhero. He was taught his father was sent to Earth to protect it. That heroic father figure led to Mark having a strong sense and drive for good within him. Even before he got his powers, he was the kind of person who might try to stand up for another even when he was outmatched. While he may doubt himself at times, he usually will make the right choice for the good of everyone around him, sometimes even at his own expense.
Self-Confidence Issues:
Mark's cocky side can sometimes flee in the face of stressful situations or adversity. This could be as small as dealing with the angst of asking a girl out and feeling like he's making himself look like an idiot. Or it could be taking a severe beating in a fight and then doubting his abilities as a hero, and whether the superhero life is right for him. Though this is usually overcome in the end by his idealistic side, as Mark usually does the right thing.
Teenage Cocky:
Mark has a bit of teenage cockiness in him. He has yet to fully develop that filter on when it might be better to rein himself back rather than speak his thoughts. Quick with a quip in a fight, and sometimes looking forward to a good fight as a hero more than he probably should. His Viltrumite heritage might play a role here, and one that might strengthen as he ages.
Viltrumite Emotions:
While Mark's demeanor and outlook tend to be positive and likeable by most standards, he does have buried within him some of the Viltrumites more aggressive emotional states. He is capable of lashing out or acting aggressively at times, especially in response to great stress or trauma.
Character Sheet
Alien Physiology:
Mark is the offspring of a Viltrumite and a human. While Viltrumites possess strength and flight comparable to Kryptonians, their powers take time to grow. Much like a muscle, they strengthen with use. As Mark's powers just emerged, he is currently on the weak by Viltrumite standards, but still very capable and even upper tier by Earth superhero standards, if short of the Man of Steel.
Flight and Speed:
As a Viltrumite, Mark is capable of flight through mere force of will. With his powers still in their infancy, he is currently capable of reaching escape velocity in the atmosphere, and much faster speeds in space, though still not the same as his father's feats. His reflexes are amped up far beyond those normal humans, allowing him to weave in and out of obstructions even at great speed.
Invincible lacks the speed of someone like The Flash or Superman. While he might anticipate a bullet being fired, he cannot see it in flight and dodge in time. But he is capable of bursts of speed that leave him as little more than a blur, such as zooming across a room to grab someone.
Near Invulnerability:
Though his powers are only starting to develop, Mark gained a superhuman hardiness that ranks high among heroes, and was what led to him choosing the superhero name 'Invincible'. Though he is not completely invulnerable. A Viltrumite can take an astounding amount of damage and ultimately survive, but they can still be hurt. Regular punches and bullets do not phase him, and being run over by a car would at worst just knock him about or crumple around him. But higher caliber weapons definitely sting or worse, and the most intense explosions or high-end super strength may injure him.
Mark is largely unaffected by cold and other extreme temperatures, even the vacuum of space. Regular fires cause him no harm, but extremely intense heat or lasers could cause pain or injure him. At present Invincible still needs to breathe somewhat, though he can hold his breathe long enough to spend a day in space visiting the Moon.
Although Mark is not yet aware of it, Viltrumite lifespans run thousands of years, and his aging will eventually slow down. He also heals more rapidly than humans do. Nothing like Wolverine's healing factor, but he can recover from injuries in a fraction of the time of humans.
Tremendous Strength:
Mark is capable of great feats of strength such as righting a small collapsing building, doing a thunderclap, catching a helicopter or even stopping an asteroid if it is a small one. His father once boasted of stopping one the size of Texas, but that is presently beyond Mark.
As a result of the fights that Mark has been in, against foes such as the Juggernaut and helping on New Krypton, he can lift up to 150 tons, with the possibility of more in great need. Mark's punches hit hard enough to send even many super opponents flying. His fights can often cause great collateral damage to the surroundings and to onlookers if he is not careful, as he does not have the finite control of Superman to keep his powers in check in the midsts of battle.
Millennial Skills:
Mark has the normal set of skills you would expect in someone his age when it comes to familiarity with technology, phones, computers, the internet, and various apps. Modern technology provides a lot of ways to track down information or make life easier, and Mark is plugged into what is out there, and where to go looking when in need.
Superhero Knowledge:
After finding out his father's history as a superhero, Mark grew up a fanboy of them. He knows about as much about the various heroes as is publicly known. He knows many of their powers, what areas they frequent, and what team affiliations they have, so long as they are things that the public is capable of reading about.
Cecil Stedman:
One of Omni-Man's contacts in the government was Cecil Stedman with the DEO. Stedman understood the potency of Omni-Man's powers, and so has kept the family under quiet surveillance ever since Omni-Man lost his powers. In case those powers ever returned, or in case Mark showed signs of developing them.
Cecil is a potential ally for Invincible, but one who comes with his own agenda. He is capable of supplying information, backup or other resources. While Cecil seems to have the best interest of planet and country at heart, that may not always be in line with what Mark thinks is the right thing. Worse, Amanda Waller could also be involved as Cecil's superior.
Mark has his parents to call on. His father Nolan has knowledge and contacts among the superhero profession from having been Omni-Man. Even if they have fallen off over the years, they are still sometimes useful, such as when he set Mark up with a tailor who creates suits for supers. Since Omni-Man's turn and retreat from the solar system, things have changed.
Legally, Cecil Steadman had Nolan Grayson declared dead and the Grayson family recieves a stipend and royalities from the travel books he had written before his 'death'. Mark's mother, Debbie, is a successful real estate agent.
After Mark's powers emerged, Nolan obtained via Cecil Stedman a rebreather which is suitable for both undersea use, and space travel. It is designed for space and combat situations so is far more hardy than a commercial product would be, but is not indestructible.
Telepathic Earplug:
Nolan has trained Mark in the use of his telepathic earplug that is used by Viltrumites for communication while in space. With Nolan's 'death', Mark now has access to this device on an 'as-needed' basis and keeps it in his apartment.
Klaxus Plant:
Though Mark has no idea this plant even exists, there is a species known as the Klaxus plant that can be found on other planets that can poison and weaken even full-strength Viltrumites enough to leave them vulnerable to attack.
Sensitive Equilibrium:
Mark has the same weaknesses as other Viltrumites. His father's people have particularly well-developed inner ears related to their ability to fly. This can leave them vulnerable to attacks on that part of the body via harmonic frequencies, causing tremendous pain and disorientation.
Skin Deep:
While their entire bodies are far more hardy than humans, a Viltrumite's exterior is far more resilient than the inside of their body. Attacks from inside his body, such as a gun in his mouth or an explosive that makes it beneath his skin, can be far more damaging to Mark than those hitting him from the outside.
Viltrumite Heritage:
Mark's superhuman powers stem from his Viltrumite heritage on his father's side. His father explained to Mark that his powers would take time to develop, growing as they are used in much the same way as working a muscle builds it up. While a Viltrumite can be a match for a Kryptonian in some aspects, Mark's powers are still developing and they are currently below the level of the average Viltrumite.
Mark knows little about Viltrum, and only what his father has told him. He was told Viltrum is a benevolent, utopian society that long ago banished war and poverty. They send individuals to other planets in need of protection, a task of great honor. That Nolan, as Omni-Man, was sent to Earth to be her protector.
There may be things about his heritage that Mark does not realize, truths he does not suspect. Such things can get you killed.
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Mark Grayson has
176 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
GNATION: The Chemical Plant Siege | March 20th, 2025 | The Goblin Nation temporarily takes control of the East River Chemical Plant in an attempt to produce an improved version of the Goblin Formula, but their attempts are thwarted by heroes that arrive on the scene. Rest assured, the Goblin King will not stop at this, though! He will have his new forumla! |
She Can Throw You Into Orbit | February 27th, 2025 | Mark brings in Eve and Rex on Kara's plan to overthrow the government. Now if they only knew what the plan was. |
TITANS! ASSEMBLE! | February 27th, 2025 | Supergirl called the Titans to discuss a matter of grave importance. She knew it was asking them a lot, to go on faith. But in the end, despite some apprehension and dissent, she was able to convince them to go along with her. The Titans will be ready on the day that they are called on. Until then? The waiting game. |
Don't Let the Sequids Touch You! | February 23rd, 2025 | Sue and Henry were hoping to watch a nice little shuttle landing. Instead, they got brain bugs and loads of trouble! Sue comes in clutch with Kirby! |
A Mind Full of Webs | February 10th, 2025 | Gwen hits the College Corners Cafe for some post-class study time, but thankfully she's saved from the perils of homework by friends new and old! A small gathering forms, and though jealousy surrounding Wonder Woman's leather jacket threatens to tear them apart, the power of friendship prevails. |
Busting the Wrong Sports Book | January 27th, 2025 | While at Superiors, Hank Hall runs afoul of Metallo - fortunately he's there to help Supergirl deal with the metal monster! |
Powerplex | January 22nd, 2025 | Cecil dispatches Mark (and by extension Eve) to the scene where he and Omni-Man fought. They come across Powerplex, who lost his sister in the fight and is now using his own wife and daughter as bait. Eve does the heavy lifting to save the day, and Cecil collects the prize. |
HUNGER: War of the Heralds | January 13th, 2025 | The heroes gather. Two Heralds die (and one gets his ass bit by a super-dog). Galactus revokes the Surfer's powers and empowers Morg, who seems more dangerous than ever. The heroes retreat, but the Invisible Woman and Hal Jordan leads an infiltration into the Worldship. |
Omnipotus | January 8th, 2025 | Omnipotus tries to arrive on Earth to take a chunk of it before Galactus does. M and Atom Eve turn him away! |
Winter Zoo Date | January 5th, 2025 | Mark and Eve go on a date in Central Park. They see the animals and get cozy. |
The Most Hallmark Time of the Year | December 22nd, 2024 | After stopping Doc Seismic in Kentucky, Mark and Eve make their way back to HHCC to blow off some steam with a movie. Then, maybe, a trip to Italy for some pizza. After all, the world is their oyster. |
Faults in the Plan | December 3rd, 2024 | Mark and Eve face off against Doc Seismic, who's trying to make both a spectacle and an example out of a geothermal plant in Kentucky. They manage to thwart his plans, barely, but they're forced to let him escape to avoid catastrophe. After? A Christmas movie marathon. |
Four Months | December 1st, 2024 | Eve and Mark bump into each other (almost literally) on Happy Harbor CC campus and catch up after a four month break. Maybe it's the beginning of a new (old) friendship? |
Hunger: WAKANDA UNDER SIEGE | September 28th, 2024 | Hunger comes for Earth, and Wakanda proves to be up to the challenge. Heroes assemble within the African Kingdom, to help push back the Herald of Galactus. |
Rocky Mountain Training | September 17th, 2024 | Previous Player. |
Coffee, Contemplation, and Conversation | September 14th, 2024 | Previous Player. |
Clubbing at 21 | August 19th, 2024 | Previous Player. |
Burgers and Besties | August 13th, 2024 | Previous Player. |
The Ultimate Nullifier | August 4th, 2024 | The Justice League holds a presentation of the incoming Galactus, and the fate of Tamaran. |
Happy Snikting Birthday | August 3rd, 2024 | After thinking she was going to be left celebrating alone, Eve is surprised by not one but two of her friends showing up to her dorm room to wish her a Happy Birthday! |
In-Flight Emergency | August 1st, 2024 | Carol and Hal take a couple of F-22s up to the CONDOR ONE MOA for what was supposed to be testing a new AI-powered drone prototype. Instead, they run into two F-15s that engage them unprovoked. Now they both want to know: Who is the Lizard League? |
Mutants and Master Molds - Get Wrecked | July 26th, 2024 | A group of X-Men and allies go to strike at a Sentinel base and are lead into an ambush. Not all of them will make it out in one piece. |
Aliens at the port | July 20th, 2024 | A smuggler was stopped, and two aliens met |
Social Time! | July 14th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny settle in for a night of Mario Kart and teasing. |
July 4th at Le Bain | July 4th, 2024 | Carol Ferris books Le Bain, a prestigious rooftop club, and hosts an all-night Macy's 4th of July Fireworks party with many prominent friends and colleagues in attendance! During the grand finale, however, an explosion visible down river breaks the party up as many clamor to figure out what happened. |
Six Months of Invincibelle | June 24th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny team up to defeat Gridlock and discuss their shipname and future. |
Who Is The U-Boat Commander | June 9th, 2024 | A ferry strikes something in the water and begins sinking. Heroes respond to save the passengers and a few cars. Guy with the bitching vet watches it sink. |
The Nickle Tour | May 28th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny go on a tour of Titans Tower. |
HH May Game Night | May 10th, 2024 | May's Game night goes smoothly! |
Bangers and Mash is not two new Supervillains | May 10th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny travel to Britian! |
To the Moon and Back | April 26th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny go to intercept an asteroid and run into a surprise. |
Ice Cream Break | April 14th, 2024 | Eve lets Mark know she's back in town - they catch up over ice cream, and Mark introduces Eve to the other Viltrumite on the planet, that also happens to be his girlfriend. |
Hot Dog Break! | April 9th, 2024 | Sunny and Mark stop for hot dogs and get visited by Cain - who seems to know who they are, even if they don't know the same. But hey! Free meals! Woo! |
The Couple that Fights Together... | March 29th, 2024 | Mark and Sunny go on patrol, come across the Mauler Twins and put a stop to them. |
Skating, Pizza, Dancing! | March 23rd, 2024 | Skating was done, Pizza was consumed, dancing occured! |
Laundry Day! | March 20th, 2024 | Invincible(?) battles a neferious villain. With pillows. |
Bowlin for Bunnies. | March 8th, 2024 | Bunny and Mark go out on a real date. They actually do things other than talk about work. |
Supers like sweets too | March 8th, 2024 | Sunny bakes things for her partners when they get home and Mark and Sunny cuddle while talking about their Bunny and her family! |
Change the Title | February 25th, 2024 | No description |
Mayday in February | February 19th, 2024 | While pursuing Bi-Plane, Mark and Sunny meet Kitora Alua, who helps them save a plane in distress. Pizza and information is shared! |
Valentine's Exchange | February 14th, 2024 | Mark and Bunny get an early jump on Valentine's Day exchanges. |
Pancakes with Belinda! | February 12th, 2024 | Belinda finds the kitchen of the Young Avengers HQ and serves up pancakes to Bunny and Mark. And Sunny finds out that while she was at cheerleader practice, she's become the Queen of a planet. What new rules will she implement for travel visas for Baby Dinos? |
The Universa in Our Hands | February 10th, 2024 | Invincible and Indstructibelle face off against Universa! Sunny might be a queen now. At least a Princess. |
Pretty Fly for a Bun-ny! | February 5th, 2024 | A Flying Lesson and bared honesty. |
Clash and Slash | February 3rd, 2024 | A bit of training and conversation takes place at the Themysciran Arts Center. It is a Sunny day. |
Young Avengers: Assault on the Lizard League | January 29th, 2024 | An aborted attempt to raid the headquarters of the Lizard League. |
Upgrading Sunny! | January 26th, 2024 | Mark grants Sunny the items a Viltrumite needs to be optimized in space, an earpiece and a breathing apparatus. They take them on a field test in the outer atmosphere. |
America Needs Your Help! | January 25th, 2024 | America comes across Mark and Sunny in the YA HQ and they discuss get togethers and current/former relationships. America did not date Megatron. |
See Yew Soon | January 24th, 2024 | Mark and Phoebe meet up for their quasi-weekly check in to make sure Mark's in good brain space. He learns some of her background. Banana slugs are exchanged. |
Grand Openings and New Opprotunities | January 23rd, 2024 | Art gets visitors to his new shop, and makes an offer to Sunny to fill in as his apprentince! Things get uncomfortable at the end, but noone got hurt. Yay! |
Young Avengers: Lizard League - Cyber Infiltration | January 19th, 2024 | Vivian infiltrates the Lizard League mainframe ahead of the Young Avengers' assault and sets it up for mayhem. |
Lord of the Monsters - Rise of the Magmanites | January 18th, 2024 | Magmanites arrive through one of the kaiju fissures in New York on a mission to deliver invites - and are stopped by a diverse group of heroes. What do you wear to a wedding for magma people? Asbestos Undies! |
The Terrible Tether Tyrant Tosses Trucks | January 15th, 2024 | Indestructibelle and Blue Beetle take down Tether Tyrant and meet Prisma and Invincible. The Young Avengers are discussed. |
Pancakes. A Young Avengers Tradition. | January 13th, 2024 | What starts out as America and Mark grabbing pancakes becomes a group of Young Avengers meeting for pancakes and to discuss the direction they want to go in next. But pancakes. Because they are tradition. |
Young Avengers: Recruiting the Best Vision for the Job | January 10th, 2024 | Invincible and Prisma show up at GIRL to ask Vivian for assistance and suffer base and group envy. |
This is how Viltrumites Flirt | January 9th, 2024 | Mark takes Sunny out for a spar. Things get intense. |
Let's all go to the Mauler | January 8th, 2024 | The Maulers raid a Mall to get stuff for their headquarters to rebuild after Omni-Man left them out to dry. They're thwarted by a trio of heroes... and Flatline? |
Molten Fire and Polar Ice | January 7th, 2024 | Invincible and Indestructibelle race to Alaska to help out a scientific group trapped by a volcano and Mark shows the first signs of trusting in others. |
Fun in the Sun! | January 6th, 2024 | Sunny, Bunny and Mark take a well deserved break on a beach...even if they have to fly for a while to find one! |
Young Avenger Patrol Meet Up | January 5th, 2024 | While on patrol, Invinicble and Indestructibelle come across Spider-Man (the cool one) and discuss the events of Omni-Man and a pep talk for future working together. |
The Case of the Bunny Balloon | January 3rd, 2024 | We all float! |
Blue Crush Aftermath | January 3rd, 2024 | A debriefing where Cecil is wise to phone it in. Mark loses his temper, Billy Kaplan teleports everyone out of danger, and Kate Bishop finds that she's not surprised at all that someone's been watching the heroes every breath they take, every move they make, every grave mistake... Cecil's watching you |
Year of the Sunny Bunny | January 1st, 2024 | What started off as a quiet NYE party for Bunny, Mark and Sunny turns into an impromptu therapy session with Bucky instead. Happy 2024? |
Omni-Man: The Big Broadcast of 2024 | December 31st, 2023 | A team of heroes moves to thwart Omni-Man's plans to contact the Viltrum Empire. Mark gets more than his heart broke. Hostages saved, Maulers defeated... but was it a real win? |
Sunny with a Chance of Rain Beau's | December 28th, 2023 | Sunny journeys to Bunny's normal, not-heroic workplace |
Christmas Cheer | December 24th, 2023 | No description |
Sunny to the Rescue! | December 23rd, 2023 | Mark runs into trouble with the Lizard League and calls on help from Indestructibelle! |
Mistletoe, Mistlefoe, Missile-TOW | December 22nd, 2023 | Bunny, Mark and Sunny have a quiet night indoors, discussing discovering their powers, presents and their relationship. |
Bunny Punch | December 20th, 2023 | Bunny discovers there are some unexpected after affects of eating Power Pills meant for Viltrumites. Gabby arrives with Ice Cream. Bunny is not a Pet. |
Viltrumite Clubbing | December 19th, 2023 | Mark and Sunny go dancing while Bunny recovers. Sunny shows Mark how to dance, and they discuss their feelings before dancing the evening away. |
Support | December 18th, 2023 | Balm reaches out to Invincible in the wake of the latter finding out his father isn't all he's thought he was. Phoebe knows a thing or two about that. She's there to support as much as he needs. |
Feed the Bunny! | December 17th, 2023 | Bunny gets food delivery and conversation is had all around. |
When You Decide to Wake Up | December 15th, 2023 | Bunny wakes up. Mark and Sunny are onhand. The trio agrees Mark should DEFINITELY not go face Omni-Man alone. |
Get Well Soon, Bunny | December 15th, 2023 | Sunny and Mark take some time to get Bunny some clothes and food and check on the apartment. And also get to suss out some details of getting to know each other better. |
Omni-Man: The Hardest Truth to Swallow | December 14th, 2023 | Omni-Man makes his pitch. Is rejected. There are rerocussions for it. And Cecil Steadman steps in to help. Special assistance from Kate! |
Omni-Man: Otherworldly Medical Assistance | December 14th, 2023 | A countinuation of scene 16569 - Unexpected help arrives from Alura. She stabalizes Bunny, and reveals that there may be a change afoot! |
Omni-Man: Hospital Visitations | December 14th, 2023 | Mark and Sunny meet up while Bunny is healing. Things are looking pretty bad, and Mark loses his cool. |
The Important Thing Is... | December 11th, 2023 | Bunny, Mark and Sunny arrive to talk some things over during BReakfast.
And then Omni-Man. |
Snowshoe Bun | December 11th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny head out to Skylight Mountain in order to see the Milky Way. |
Bunnin' Around the Christmas Tree | December 8th, 2023 | Mark picks Bunny up after a night at work, and takes her on an air circut of Rokefeller Center.
Thank goodness nothing bad will ever happen. |
Awkward Bunny Sandwich | December 5th, 2023 | Bunny and Mark meet Sunny after work. Innocent flirting gets a little too intense and Bunny has to reign in the Viltrumites that are awkward. |
Losing My Religion | December 1st, 2023 | Mark and Bunny were supposed to go out to get a tree. But that plan is laywayed when religion enters the chat. |
The Siege of New Krypton | November 19th, 2023 | An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back... |
Young Avengers: Toy Drive | November 17th, 2023 | The Young Avengers hold a toy drive, in the midsts of it, and an attack by Toyman they discover the magic of Santa Claus! |
Udder Underling Understanding & Solidarity | November 16th, 2023 | Young Avengers and Ridiculous Milkshakes |
Making Up Is Hard To Do | November 15th, 2023 | Mark comes home to Bunny after Nolan's commentary and the pair remind each other they're part of a whole. |
Bridging the Gap | November 15th, 2023 | Prisma and Invincible (both of the Young Avengers) take a break from night patrol to discuss their relationship and the admission Sunny made. |
Viltrumites and Holidays | November 13th, 2023 | No description |
Suited for Embarassment | November 12th, 2023 | When Mark brings Sunny and Bunny to Art's Tailor Shop to get Sunny into some new clothes, Nolan's arrival means that Sunny's not the only one getting new duds.
Also Nolan ruined Thanksgiving. |
Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles | November 9th, 2023 | Octoboss and his minions attack a bank. Captain Marvel, The Shadow and Prisma stops his attempt, to find out this was something twenty years in the waiting. |
Young Avengers: Mechanized Force | November 7th, 2023 | The Young Avengers thought they were coming out to observe a new group - instead, they end up rescuing hostages! |
Slice of Life, Slice of Pie | November 5th, 2023 | Mark and Gabby meet to have pizza, discuss Bunny and what's going on in their lives. |
SUPAIDAMAN! LEOPARDON FOR GREAT JUSTICE! | November 4th, 2023 | A hero from another realm charges the Spider-Men to fight the evil Lord of Death! SUPAIDAMAN! |
When the walls, come tumbling down | November 3rd, 2023 | After Seismic attacks a coffee shop, Invincible is left with taking care of the building while Prisma faces the Doc! She gets a timely assist from Shazam. And Bando 'tries' to help. |
Viltrumite Training | October 30th, 2023 | Mark and Sunny meet to do some training and general chitchat. |
New Krypton Work Release Program | October 29th, 2023 | The Supers and their Friends have their first encounter with the Kryptonian Hegemony fleet under the command of General Zod. It is a narrow escape against overwhelming fire power. The threat is barely understood - but our Zod and his criminal cohort proved themselves today. There's hope yet. |
Steady As She Goes | October 25th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny return to the scene of their first meeting and Mark asks to change the status from Dating to Steady. |
Mind Your Manners | October 22nd, 2023 | Mr. Manners interrupts Mark's work-out time in Union Park -- when the clayface-imitator threatens Bunny Macleod, repeatedly, Mark's forced to use some bad manners to free Bunny from his clutches! |
A Case of Mistaken IdentiEVE | October 20th, 2023 | While stalking Atom Eve, Killcannon attacks Prisma instead and gets his ass handed to him. TUTORIAL VILLAIN. |
Vampires (Costumes) For Everyone | October 19th, 2023 | Avengers young and old gather to give out Halloween costumes to underprivileged children as part of a charity event. June steals a phone. Bad June! Bad June! |
The Demands of the Many and Hungry | October 17th, 2023 | Young Avengers Grocery Run! |
Waffles. Not just a breakfast food. | October 16th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny meet for breakfast and discuss future plans. Both far and near. Waffles! |
The Arts of Food | October 14th, 2023 | Mark, Donna, Diana and Phoebe meet at the Themysciran arts center and share news, outrage about scholarship, souvlaki and honey cakes. |
Brooding in Daylight | October 13th, 2023 | Invincible's coffee errand is interrupted by magical dry cleaning, curtesy of Balm! |
Tsunami! | October 10th, 2023 | A tsunami strikes Cozumel and other parts of Mexico and Central America. The Justice League teleports heroes down to conduct rescue operations. |
Cozumel Search and Rescue Relief | October 10th, 2023 | In the aftermath of the tsunami that struck Cozumel, a group of heroes work rescue and relief under the harsh eye of the press! |
A Warning from Beyond the Stars | October 8th, 2023 | While intercepting what they thought was an asteroid, Sunny and Mark instead find Bunny with an alien messenger and Sunny gets news she didn't expect -- and a dire warning. The Scourge of the Twin Galaxies is coming. |
The Apartment Hunt is Real | October 7th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny check out some questionable apartments. Decide what they need might not be in the city. |
Unapproval | October 6th, 2023 | Mark meets Robert Macleod. NEither approves of the other. |
The Wise, The Shield, the Involunerable | October 3rd, 2023 | BM brings MG to meet BK at Superstar Publishing, the HQ of the YA. IYKYK. |
Are IKEA Instructions Just in Swedish | October 2nd, 2023 | Bunny and Mark assemble a dresser and talk about things. No more secrets is a new mantra! |
Bunny Threads! | September 28th, 2023 | Mark delivers Bunny's breakfast and her costume from Art. There's a fitting, pictures and a conversation about their relationship and the future. The lead in to the Flaxan Incursion. |
The Flaxan Incursion | September 28th, 2023 | Prisma was taking Invincible to introduce him to the Young Avengers. Instead, Flaxans invaded. Fortunately, Red Arrow and Golden Eagle were near to turn the tide! Everyone went for shwarma after. |
Rule of Three! | September 27th, 2023 | No description |
Metropolis Maulers! No, not the football team. | September 27th, 2023 | Mark runs into trouble with the Mauler Twins, and gets a much needed assist from Kara! They promise to meet again later and maybe not pound someone. And introducing Mauler 2.0. |
Chinese and Healing | September 25th, 2023 | Bunny and Gabby track down Mark in his dorm room and realize what happened to him at the hands of Juggernaut. Gabby puts two and two together and tries to make Mark see four as well. |
Delivering the Message | September 24th, 2023 | Cain invites Mark to Starbucks and proceeds to cream him in the name of fatherly love.
Content Warning: Extensive Violence, Medical Gore |
A Bunny Fit to be Measured | September 24th, 2023 | Bunny and Mark travel to the West Coast to visit Mark's tailor and an unexpected guest, Nolan Grayson. Introductions made, dinner invites sent. New costume is on the way to be procurred for Bunny! |
Let's Go Out To The Ballgame | September 23rd, 2023 | Mark invites a Titan to a baseball game. Jon and Mark talk fathers, families, space politics and making friends. |
Lucky Bunny's Foot | September 22nd, 2023 | The Night Bunny Came home, and the morning after. Mark plays nursemaid, Beeper helps. |
Suns Out, Buns Out | September 18th, 2023 | Sunny meets Mark for coffee and for Mark to give her a gift. Bunny drops in and finds out that she and Sunny share more than rhyming names. |
Sun's Out, Guns Out, Hands Up! | September 16th, 2023 | When Mr. Manners, a pliable bad guy who doesn't like being interrupted, attempts to rob a bank, he chooses the most dangerous hostage to threaten -- Mark Grayson's girlfriend!
Warning: Language, blood |
Happy Harbor: Homecoming 2023 | September 15th, 2023 | Homecoming 2023 goes off without any incidents! |
Mojo Presents: Mojo Kart! | September 12th, 2023 | Mojo kidnaps Kelly, Bunny, Kyle and Sundance and makes them race for their lives! Robotman commentates. Mojo realizes he has a new hit on his hands. TO BE CONTINUED? |
Skate! | September 12th, 2023 | Bunny teaches Mark how to Roller Skate, and they bump into her brother -- Bastian Macleod, the Other Macleoud Failure |
Noodles and Oodles | September 12th, 2023 | Bunny and Mark go for some Noodles, and ordering is interrupted by the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Miles Morales)! |
Pizza! Pizza! | September 8th, 2023 | Bunny and Mark go out for pizza and come across Gabby. Jokes are made, friendships rekindled and Gabby learns that there is more to Mark than meets the eye. (Note: He totally is not a robot in disguise) |
Invincible meets Indestructibelle | September 7th, 2023 | After two helicopters collide over Manhattan, Invincible and Incredibelle team up to save them and learn that they share a common origin point! Mark is surprised there's another Viltrumite on Earth and Sunny is surprised that Omni-Man is still around. |
Elephants and Rhinos, Oh My! | September 6th, 2023 | Rhino and Elephant try to walk off with an armored truck, they are thwarted by the trio of Spider-Man, Invincible and Prisma. Bunny gets a selfie! |
Lizard League Attack! | September 6th, 2023 | Six months ago, Invincible accidentally captured Queen Lizard. King Lizard mounts a rescue and is nearly foiled by Oriole and Golden Eagle. Birds of a feather learn to flock together? |
Welcome To the New Apartment. | September 5th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny share a first meal in the apartment beneath Rain Beau Brite's, Mark meets Beeper, there are burgers and discussion |
Is it visiting the Tower if everyone's a member | September 5th, 2023 | Invincible meets Waspette. They share backstories and bagels. |
Bunny's Apartment Hunt | September 4th, 2023 | Bunny is apartment-hunting. Mark and Bunny discuss their needs if they cohabitate in the future. Short jokes are had. The two are dorks. Surely nothing bad is going to happen ever to the two. |
Kandor: The Last of Krypton | September 3rd, 2023 | The planet New Krypton is founded, the bottled city of Kandor is restored to some form of its splendor. But then the Oans make their move, sending a force of Lanterns and battle spheres to destroy the Kryptonians once and for all. The heroes of Earth clue by four the Lanterns in to the reality of the situation and the tide of the battle is turned... but at what cost? |
Noone Expects the Dance Dance Macarbe Revolution | September 2nd, 2023 | Bunny and Mark's arcade date is interrupted by a dancing villain! Bunny kicks butt after Mark is hypnotized! |
A Bite at Batburger | August 31st, 2023 | Tim and Gabby meet up at Batburger, and Mark happens to drop by at the same time so they all chat over Jokerized french fries. |
Hoppin' Welfare Check | August 30th, 2023 | Mark Grayson and Bunny Macleod share honesty, deep thoughts, and have to take a pizza to go when the Teen Angst gets a little too thick for the cafe. |
Moonsugar Madness | August 30th, 2023 | A band of adventurers finds a dragon and only one gets eaten! |
Skatetown Showdown | August 29th, 2023 | Bunny saves a mutant from a pair of mutant hating thugs and realizes that she nearly went too far. Shredder is there to talk to her about it! |
Beach Blanket Bunny Bingo | August 28th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny go on a surfing date on a supposedly deserted island. They discuss relationship roles and rules, what their status is... and stumble upon something weird and possibly spooky. |
A Delivery from Amazon | August 28th, 2023 | Donna has new toys. Mark has a troubled friend. Irie as a university to select. Yar has popcorn. Wally has cursing on his mind. Worst of all, Jinx has been visited by the spirit of Scooby Doo. |
The Rain and Beaus and Brites | August 27th, 2023 | Bunny has an unofficial fanclub (which Hellboy is hesitantly part of). Drinks are had, and the neu Beau is interveued. |
Dinosaurus on Ice! | August 25th, 2023 | Balm, Impulse, and Bio-Blade face off against the eco-terrorist Dinosaurus, who is attempting to jumpstart global flooding by blowing up the fjords! |
Hangouts and Hotdogs | August 24th, 2023 | Mark and Bunny meet up for Gary's Dawgs, and chat about life and their own yardsticks. Conversation takes a surprising turn when Mark asks Bunny out to get to know her better, and takes her flying! Mark is awkward, Bunny is adorkable and nothing could possibly go wrong, right? |
Kobra Smashes the Statue | August 17th, 2023 | A group of heroes fight off an attack on Lady Liberty! |
Bot You See Is Bot You Get | August 2nd, 2023 | A charity gala at the top of one of Metropolis's high rise hotels is crashed by a villain leading an army of robots. But thanks to Golden Eagle, Invincible, and Jinx, the bots are put down and the gala is... sort of saved. Kind of. Well, it's a bunch of rich folks, they'll get over it. |
Birthday Eve | August 2nd, 2023 | Mark Grayson stops by the loft to meet Miles and with Eve a happy birthday! |
Boardwalk Beach and Bunny | August 1st, 2023 | Mark Grayson and Bunny Macleod meet over spilled cotton candy, and find in each other a reflection of insecurity. And desire of cotton candy. |
Enter the Reanimen! | July 31st, 2023 | She-Hulk, Huntress and Golden Eagle stop a pair of ReAnimen from rampaging on the New York City Docks! |
Following up on the Eagle | July 22nd, 2023 | Invicible catches up with Golden Eagle and pitches her becoming part of the Titans and plan a future meeting. |
Hot Harlem Nights | July 20th, 2023 | Invincible and Golden Eagle team up to take down a Magnamite and discuss ice cream and rice? |
Maximum Carnage - Kaine and Carrion | July 11th, 2023 | Invincible and the Scarlet Spider face down Carrion. Kaine gets a semblance of revenge. And then the extra-dimensional SP//dr and it's two passengers show up and have a very rough introduction to this new reality. |
This Is What Counts As Normal | July 9th, 2023 | The Main Room at Titans Tower, a horde of Titans, the usual nonsense. |
This is how the Flaxans have their pic-nic | July 8th, 2023 | Douglas, Caitlin, Mark and Nettie stop a Flaxan incursion! |
A Whole Lot of Something | March 10th, 2023 | Invincible, Batgirl and the Bodacious Brick all battle with Killer Croc in a Gotham City jewelry heist! |
Sheerwood Florist | February 27th, 2023 | Flowers Sold |
Aerial Ambush | February 18th, 2023 | Invincible helps a stricken Blackbird belonging to the X-men to a safe landing. |
Kryptonian Bird | February 17th, 2023 | Dawn crash lands on Titan Tower in a very Divine body. Literally. Hank rages, Jinx gets punched, Invisible plays hero, and Kian tries to keep it calm. Just another day! |
This food is so good it must be- | February 7th, 2023 | No description |
Everything Happens In Central Park | June 15th, 2022 | The Titans cross paths with... I N V I N C I B L E |
Skies of Tomorrow | May 8th, 2022 | No description |
Diamonds Are A Mad Scientist's Best Friend | April 2nd, 2022 | Satana and Invincible have a run in with the Zomborgs but are still left with no answers about where they come from or what they're after. |
Zombie | March 8th, 2022 | Questions may still remain about just what the Zomborgs were up to, but the dozens of lives saved mean that those answers can wait for another day. |
Invincible, Immesurable, and Inconsequential | February 16th, 2022 | Spider-Man inducts a new member to Spider-Comm while a feisty universe watches. |
New Year, New Ire: Part One | January 25th, 2022 | A rather snow filled day at Happy Harbor turns into a slight medical concern. A tingle is felt by some. |
Robbery in a Desolate Street | January 11th, 2022 | A diamond heist is foiled by a trio of young heroes. |
This Is Not The Buffet I Was Hoping For | December 19th, 2021 | While things could have been much worse without the efforts of Blake, Monet and Invincible the appearing/disappearing talking dinosaurs still managed to make a meal of a few New Yorkers while making a mess of Midtown Manhatten. |
Well At Least He's Not Trying To Rob A Train | November 29th, 2021 | A valuable lesson was learned as Invicible discovered that no opponent, no matter how seemingly ridiculous should be taken lightly. Luck -- and Morgan Finn -- were on his side however and he escaped the consequences. This time. |
Why Do They Call It Purgatory | November 8th, 2021 | Because you're caught there with strangers and there's no liquor! Just... guys from Rhode Island. |
Movie Date | October 13th, 2021 | No description |
Happy Harbor: May The Force Be With You | September 11th, 2021 | Happy Harbor students get introduced to the wonders of Star Wars! And lightsabers are gifted as well. |
The Beach Party | September 7th, 2021 | A teen party on the beach turns interesting. |
Labor Day Festival at Union Square Park | September 6th, 2021 | A Labor Day festival is held in Union Square Park. Mark, Rex and Eve show up, and run into Clint, Melina, Helena Bertinelli and Cassandra Cain. |
Don't Snicker When I Say Breast Stroke | September 2nd, 2021 | Happy Harbor students head to the pool for PE class. |
Running all over town | September 2nd, 2021 | Bad Grandpa |
Better Than School Food | August 31st, 2021 | Eve meets Mark at lunch. Mark helps a younger student who is being bullied. |
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Mark Grayson has
176 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Spill the Wine | January 22nd, 2024 | Debbie Grayson (Mother of Mark Grayson) deals with her grief in the the wake of a false funeral to bury her husband. |
Turn the Page, Move the Mountain | January 19th, 2024 | Mark Grayson works out some of his anger in the wake of the truth of the Viltrumites coming out. |
Entertainment Credits
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Mark Grayson has been credited in
0 shows.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
No shows submitted yet. |
Mark Grayson has been credited in
0 albums.
Title | Release Date | Artist |
No music submitted yet. |
Mark Grayson has authored
0 books.
Title | Release Date | Synopsis |
No books submitted yet. |
Group Memberships
Mark Grayson has been listed in 4 groups.