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Latest revision as of 17:08, 22 December 2023

Kale Family Visit
Date of Scene: 22 December 2023
Location: Everglades, FL
Synopsis: Daniel and Jennifer travel to Florida to talk with their grandfather Joshua about Daniel's 'terrible legacy'.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Ketch, Jennifer Kale

Daniel Ketch has posed:
It is almost Christmas, what better moment to spend time with a bunch of relatives one didn't know existed just a month ago? Well, Daniel likes the idea of spending a winter week out of the cold, cold New York. The main problem was to get some time off work.

But it is done, after a long, long motorcycle ride. And the first thing on arrival is talk to Jen's grandfather, Joshua Kale. Who is also his own grandfather! This is going to be a little awkward. Why was Naomi the Ghost Rider if Joshua is alive? That is just one of about a hundred questions Dan has in mind.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Jennifer guides them down to Florida, and then further south, deeper, until they're at the edge of the Everglades. The motorcycle has to be left with kin at the edge of the 'glades, with Jennifer teleporting them the last bit of the way to where their grandfather can be found. The commune is probably a lot like what most would think of a commune looking like. A few larger community buildings with smaller individual dwellings scattered around. Airboat and skimmers seem to be the main form of transport in and out.. unless one is cheating with magic.

Leading him to the larger main building, Jennifer asides, "Granddad tends t' be here most days, either communin' with th' spirits.. or with th' members of th' cult.. handlin' th' day t' day. He might not be surprised t' see ya, depends on if he was forewarned." And inside they go! The building is large and is clearly a multi-purpose space with high ceilings and seating that can be moved around.

Joshua Kale is an older man, lines cut deep into his face, showing his age even though there's still plenty of pepper mixed with the salt of his hair and mustache. A pair of round rimmed glasses sit high on a patrician nose. Tall, thin, he has large, workworn hands. At some point he was clearly a broader, stronger man. He turns at their approach and flicks a look between the two of them. "Granddaughter. Who is this young man you've brought into our midsts?" The unspoken part states that she knows better to bring strangers.

Jennifer just smiles broadly at him and puts a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "Granddad.. this is Daniel Ketch. He's yer grandson by Aunt Naomi. He's blood. An' he's got some questions bout our family history an' how it relates t' his own situation." There's clearly some form of silent, familial communication occurring around the words as well, with Joshua relaxing as Daniel is introduced.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Hello," greets Daniel, offering his hand, "Mr. Kale, er... grandfather," yes, awkward. He has to wonder if Naomi did something to get her kicked out of the commune or something, since he never knew of this group.

"Well..." he scratches his nape, suddenly not knowing where to start. He really should have prepared his speech on the way, but he was busy driving. It was 1300 miles and he can't drive to Ghost Rider's speeds!

"Well, I don't know if you know Naomi died years ago. I actually can't remember her. I was adopted by the Ketch and I didn't know until recently. But she left some... unfinished business," he explains.

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"It's good to meet you finally, Daniel. I've been anticipating this day for a few years," Joshua reaches out to shake his hand, a firm grip without being overpowering. Retrieving his hand, they get tucked behind him as he glances to Jennifer, "I didn't think that you would be the one to bring him." Jennifer just lifts a shrug and smiles at him, "There's good things t' bein' in th' big city, granddad.. not all of 'rm, but some."

Joshua gives a measured nod, then looks back to Daniel, "I had hoped your mother would bring you around, but.. I know she passed. And I know that when she did, she passed on a... a terrible legacy.. onto you. I presume it is that legacy that you seek answers about?" He doesn't seem surprised by much of anything, as though the years and the dedication to his craft have instilled a measure of calm that can't be easily pierced.

Jennifer glances between them and murmurs, "I'm gonna go check in on th' others, catch up with a few people. Let y'all talk." She smiles at Daniel and gives his arm a squeeze, then heads off to let Joshua and Daniel talk.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Ah... yeah," a 'terrible legacy'. Daniel clenches his jaw when Joshua admits he knew about the 'matter at hand'. Couldn't he have sent an email or something? He starts pacing. Too many hours on the motorcycle to sit down. "I talked with this guy, the Caretaker, a few times, you know? He told me... vague things. It was from him I knew about Naomi, and then I found from my mother. Also heard for the first time this name: Noble Kale. One of our ancestors, I guess."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Nodding slowly, Joshua draws in a deep breath, letting it back out, "Noble Kale.. his life, his history, split the family. Though, technically, it would be more accurate to say that his father was the one who caused it. Noble did nothing wrong. He lived his life, he fell in love, he had a child. His father, however, had given himself over to Mephisto." He shakes his head, "But that is getting ahead of things. The Kale legacy is twofold. We are descended from the disciples of an ancient Atlantean cult.. all of them cast out from Atlantis because of a prophecy foretold by their leader. Because of this tie, this lineage, we were also chosen by the Blood as one of two families to bear the shattered pieces of the Medallion of Power.. an item created to house the power of the original Spirits of Vengeance to be used in the war against an evil, soul-stealing demon named Sarathos. The Caretaker is one of the Blood, who looks over those of us within those two bloodlines." He folds his hands together at the small of his back, turning his profile towards Daniel.

"Now we come to Noble Kale. Who's father had given himself over to Mephisto, while professing to be a man of God. A pastor. Noble so feared his father's wrath that he kept his relationship a secret, fathering a child with a woman named Magdalena. She found out the Pastor's dirty secret, so he had her branded a witch and burned at the stake. As she died, Magdalena invoked the Furies to seek vengeance in her name. Seeking aid, he reached out to Mephisto, offering his own son's soul as payment. But Mephisto recognized the shard of the Medallion that resided within Noble's soul.. and he activated it. Thus did Noble Kale become one of the first living Spirits of Vengeance.. what you know as Ghost Riders." Joshua pauses, looking back to Daniel, a knowing look.

After a few moments, he continues, "As the Ghost Rider, he defeated the Furies and went on a crusade against witches and witch hunters alike. Eventually, he went to face down his father, who offered Noble's own son up as sacrifice as an offering to him. Noble was so horrified by the act that he sought to commit suicide. It was then that Mephisto appeared to claim his soul. Except, so too, did Uriel. Both claimed his soul belonged with them, one representing Hell, the other Heaven. It was ultimately decided that his soul belonged to neither.. but would instead reside in a void.. to be summoned by his descendants." Joshua lets out a breath and shakes his head, "Everything about this family seems to come back to holding the line against both Heaven and Hell..."

Clearing his throat, he adds, "Because we have dual responsibilities, so to are the legacies split.. the eldest of each generation is able to call upon Noble Kale, to become the Ghost Rider. Like your mother before you. Like my brother before her. Those of us that are not able to call on Noble Kale.. we follow the teachings of Zhered-Na. We watch over this place. We protect her Tome, her teachings. One in each generation, just as with Noble Kale." Joshua gives a small chuckle, "And now that I've talked your ear off.. what questions can I answer for you?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Zarathos," corrects Daniel. That was quite the info dump, though, and actually answers a few questions, but also contradicts some details. Like Zadkiel's reaction during the angels affair in New York. It is pretty clear Joshua has the story memorized, though.

"I know two other Ghost Riders, one of the hosts says it is a demon, the other that it is a ghost," he notes. "They look the same, very similar abilities, but they act different. I think... there is much more in this story. I want to track down Noble to the place where he started."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
"I cannot speak to those Riders not of the Kale lineage. There are other Spirits of Vengeance out there. I cannot claim to know what all of them are. I can only speak to the ones attached to our bloodline, through the Medallion. There is an entire other spiritual bloodline that carries these shards. And there are certainly other Spirits of Vengeance not entered into the pact with the Blood." Joshua gives a small shake of his head and looks to Daniel. "I'm afraid that if you seek answers about them, you will need to speak with the Caretaker."

As for the other part of it, Joshua nods and offers, "We can check the old records, see if we can get a location for Destin or Noble Kale. Though I suspect we'll find they were in New England, it having been the 1600s." He looks to Daniel and lifts both brows, "If you do not mind staying the night with us, we can hopefully provide a location in the morning."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"I am sure it was New England, yes," Daniel frowns, thinking. Spiritual bloodlines, fair. Talking with the Caretaker? Yeah, right. Like he has a cellphone. But if he ever sees the old man again...

He sighs. "I... yeah, I can't get back to the road right now," admits the young man. He needs some rest. Also, he hoped to find some people that could tell him about his mother. "I'll talk with Jennifer, thank you for the information."

Jennifer Kale has posed:
Joshua offers a wry smile towards Daniel, "The Caretaker is there when you need him. You don't need a phone to reach him." He reaches out, setting a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "And perhaps, after dinner, we can talk about your mother. I have stories I can tell you, about her childhood, her teenage years. If that interests you." Giving his shoulder a squeeze, Joshua steps back, "For now, however, I should return to my work, and I will see you and Jennifer both at dinner. You should find her now, she'll help you with quarters, with introductions. There are others here that knew Naomi as well. They can tell you things a father wouldn't know about their child."