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Latest revision as of 17:08, 22 December 2023

Overwatch This
Date of Scene: 22 December 2023
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Quill and Felicity talk about the nature of work, and business.
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Peter Quill

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Considering her days are filled with corporate board meetings for Queen Consolidated, occasional meetings with SHIELD and the Justice League (something about an island?), and of course, debriefs from Team Arrow, Felicity Smoak, computer genius and generally hot blonde, has asked for a night off from her duties.

That means no Overwatching. That means no meetings to discuss meetings. And of course, no phone calls.

The woman just wants to relax, which is why she's made a trip to one of the closest bars to the general Team Arrow HQ.

For her part, she's dressed for the cold weather. A pair of snug fitting jeans, leather boots, an MIT sweatshirt, and a black leather jacket is the ensemble for the evening. SHe wanders in, covering the insignia of her alma mater, as she wanders on over to the bar, and hrmms. "A hefeweizen please."

Peter Quill has posed:
A few seconds after Felicity -- like, either he was a half dozen feet behind her, or right in front of her, or maybe down the alley right next to the place -- enters Peter Quill. He's looking fully human, not at all Star Lord right now. Unless you KNOW the symbols to look for. He may be wearing one or two of those. No obvious weapons though. No mask. No real clear jet boots (he's obviously still got his jet boots on, come on now). Just a guy out on the town on a Thursday night. Young guy, just..out...to...

Peter's attention may have gotten caught by the tight pants walking in front of him, but those pants belong to a person! She's not just a nice butt! Behave! And so he tries. He walks over to the bar, right near where Felicity has settled, and adds to the bartender, "I'll have what she's having," and tosses a bill that is probably meant to cover both drinks (but on Manhattan...that's a close bet) on the bartop. He turns, and smiles to Felicity, "Peter Quill," he says, by way of introduction.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
While privy to both JLA and SHIELD files on all things superhero related, that doesn't mean she's snooping. People want their privacy after all, which means, that other than being a built and handsome man, there's no recognition of Star-Lord anywhere.

The name and sudden introduction brings a quirk of a brow and a warm smile on her features. "Felicity Smoak, pleasure to meet you." she says, extending a hand out towards him for a shake.

An appraising glance is given him, going up and down, as the person attached to said butt bows her head.

"Haven't seen you here before."

Peter Quill has posed:
"I don't think I've ever been here before. Definitely not Hell's Kitchen. The Devil's playground...that's what they called this whole island where I came from." Peter says, "Lotta...strange stuff goes on around here, they said. So, never really made it out this way." He's got that weird Missouri-Southern Indiana-Ohio accent that isn't Northern but isn't Southern either. It's weird. It makes him hard to place. He doesn't mind the appraising look. He may return the same on the front side of the pair of jeans he followed in here.

"MIT?" he asks, pronouncing it as one word. "Is that, a band or...are they playing tonight?" He adds, suddenly looking worried that maybe he's misjudged this bar. Maybe it's not a nice place to sit and have a beer and maybe pick up a girl. Maybe he's gonna have to listen to live music and it's gonna be AWFUL because it's a band he's never heard of playing in the slums of Central Manhattan.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
So he has a midwestern accent. That means he would be that sort of midwestern corn-fed boy that her mama warned her about. They're devilishly charming and all that. Might catch you unaware.

Still, she doesn't put up a guard, instead chuckling as he mispronounces MIT. Surely, he's joking. "EM-EYE-TEE." she says. "Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My alma mater." she continues before she lets out a soft laugh.

"MIT." she says with a shake of her head. "Cute. I like it." Surely, he's just feigning ignorance to get her off her guard, right?

Peter Quill has posed:
"OH! Yeah...of course. That place. The Institute they call..no. That's somewhere...else...." Peter trails off but then drinks arrive, and he's happy, until the bartender looks at the bill he threw on the bar and tosses it back at him, "AMERICAN DOLLARS pal, none of this Chino-India crap."

The bill Peter tossed is definitely NOT a yuan, but something else entirely. He blinks, grabs it, and stuffs it into a pocket, before he digs around and pulls out a twenty. An actual American twenty. "Sorry! Sorry, just...uh back from some traveling, you know how it is!" The bartender definitely does NOT look like the type to know how it is.

"So, anyways, what brings a pretty girl like you to a run down dump like this?" Peter asks, oblivious to the glare he gets from the Bartender.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
While she isn't looking at the actual bill, she does catch that it is most definitely NOT American in her peripheral vision. What is it? Canadian? European? Asian? Not exactly aware of all the different forms of currency, she just shrugs it off when he pays with an actual American twenty.

Looking back to meet his gaze, she pffts, her cheeks reddening just a little from the compliment. "Have the night off from work, so I'm just relaxing. You know since it's the holiday and all."

Peter Quill has posed:
"Oh that's nice! What do you do? Work in a big office building? I always wondered about that. I don't think I'd do well in a place that was fifty stories tall, I'd want to go wandering and...I think my boss would not be a fan of that." Peter replies. He takes a sip of his drink, it's not half bad, and follows it up with a gulp.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"It depends on where I'm working." Sometimes it'a helicarrier. Sometimes it's a giant building. Sometimes, it's something a bit smaller and a bit more discreet. Then of course, there's the Arrowcave.

"And I get my fair share of travels, so I like what I do. It lets me keep abreast of things, you know?" Oh, she must be in PR or marketing then.

Peter Quill has posed:
Peter Quill is really enjoying his drink. He scoots his chair a little closer to hers, and then rests an arm on the back of her chair, "I have no idea, no," he says in reply to her last question. "I've never really held a...like...regular job. I've DONE jobs. But never in an office. Or from 9-5. I've always set my own schedule. Which is nice. But...I have no idea at all what goes on in any of those buildings. I've seen TV shows that show what's supposed to be going on, but I doubt everything's snappy like Murphy Brown or The Office or Parks and Rec."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"So you're an entrepreneur then." Being a space pirate/thief of sorts is definitely entrepreneurial!

Listening as he moves a bit closer, she ahhhs. A soft chuckle can be heard as she pokes at his chest. "I think if work were like those shows, I wouldn't need time off, like I'm doing right now."

Peter Quill has posed:
His chest isn't soft is what she'll find out from that poke. He looks down, and then asks, "Yes?"

"And, fair. Want me to leave you alone so you can finish your drink in peace? Without some man getting all in your business?" He's smiling a little bit at this.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
"Mister Quill." she says, rather matter of factly, taking on her businesswoman tone of voice.

"If I wanted you to leave me alone, you'd already be somewhere else flirting with the next hot blonde that comes along your way." That's said with more than a little bit of confidence. Cockyness perhaps?

Sure, she's a nerd. But she's a hot nerd. "So I'm quite fine with you getting up all in my business."