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Latest revision as of 17:09, 22 December 2023

The Star in Your Eyes
Date of Scene: 21 December 2023
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Olivia is loitering near the Gershwin Theatre when she runs into Singularity! Olivia doesn't get her autograph, but hopefully makes a good enough first impression to meet again!
Cast of Characters: Olivia Gaudin, Singularity

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia is known for having a... okay, she has no real life. It is early afternoon, she does not have to worry about a show for several hours, and yet she is loitering outside the Gershwin Theatre. She is not sure exactly what to do with herself most days. Granted, there is the yoga, practice, personal training, presents for her niece, phone calls to mom, dad, her brother, and (especially) her sister-in-law. And her complete failings at trying to have a personal life!

    But outside of that, she kind of just hangs around and talks to people at the show. But she does not want to go in yet. It would be pathetic. So instead she is lingering out on the street. People watching. And occasionally wincing in pain when something loud happens in about a... mile or so radius. That's a lot of wincing.

Singularity has posed:
When you don't need to eat, sleep, breathe, or really do any of a thing a human has to do, one can get bored. So in order to aleviate all of that boredom, what's a universe to do? Fortunately for Singularity, the young universe is full of curiosity. She's mingling with the people, passing in and out of the crowd, blissfully unaware of the eyes and the words about her.

She tends to stand out, even if she's only a smidge over five feet tall. Her hair adds about three to six inches easily, depending on how the gravity around her decides to mingle and play.

Seeing a child, she offers a bright smile and a cheery wave, just for the mother to pull the girl in a little Christmas dress back. Singularity can't really blame her, nor does she understand. The starfield inside the woman shifts slightly, proving that she's not just a girl in a body suit.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia senses Singularity before she sees her. The young mutant doesn't know why, exactly. There's a feeling. Maybe its density. Maybe it's something else. But she notices this unusual woman rather quickly. Some might pull away, but Olivia does not. Not at all! She just checks her bag quick to check. Yep! She has her sharpies. This looks like a super hero she has not yet heard of!

    The distance is closed quickly enough. Olivia herself draws a few looks. After all, she's the girl on the posters and she's been on TV. But it's Broadway and stars are seen here quite a bit. In other words, she makes her way to Singularity without issue.

    "Hello!" Her voice is bright and cheery. There's this whole mood about her of poorly-restrained excitement. She's bouncing on her toes. Happiness is ingrained in her DNA, anyway. "I'm Olivia! It's nice to meet you!" She holds out a hand to Singularity and gives her best smile.

Singularity has posed:
Maybe it's the sound she makes. Every universe has their own song, and Singularity is no exception. Her's is light and soft, the sound of chimes melodiously sounding out against a soft tone are distinct and noticable. And unlike anything that Olivia may have heard before.

When the singer makes her way over, it takes a moment for Singularity to realize it is /her/ that she's speaking to Most people keep their distance from her after all -- the fear of deep space is a real thing -- and Singularity is the walking embodiement of it.

But when she realizes that it's /her/ that Olivia is spearking too, the young universe's demeanor brightens more than it usually is! Her white eyes light up in delight, her smile the same color as her eyes as the stars swirl about within her, her body freckled with the cosmos. "Hello!" she greets back, that song within her mingling with her voice to give her a pleasant lit to her tone. "I am Singularity!" she greets in response and accepts the hand. She is cool to the touch, and it's as if one is feeling a membrane that is keeping all those stars within instead of actual skin and bones. It feels solid, yet could yield and mold to the other woman's touch easily.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia tries to act normal, but she's excited. Singularity is obviously amazing and unique and special and so much more! She's giddy, and she can't stop bouncing on her toes.

    The handshake is done with care, as if Olivia was afraid she might cause pain or discomfort. Even Olivia's firmest grip is far from impressive, but she's especially gentle.

    "I'm so pleased to meet you, Singularity!" A pause to just enjoy the sound of the woman's voice follows. "That's really beautiful. I've never heard a voice likes yours. I.. take it you are not from around here."

    The two talking draws attention. There might even be a photograph. Hard to say where that will end up, but Olivia is so used to getting her picture taken around incredible people that it doesn't draw her attention.

    While Olivia might want to control her auditory powers, she can't. She cannot yet limit them or direct them. And so her focus is all over the place. At least normally. At the moment, though, her considerable aural attention centers on her new friend. She has never heard anything like this before, and it's truly awe inspiring.

Singularity has posed:
Despite Olivia being careful, she may feel that that she could squeeze as hard as possible and not break the little universe's skin. And holding her hand feels like holding air. There's form, but no weight. As is she was just a little breath of air to the singer's hand.

"I am a quantum singularity." comes her explanation. Because clearly, no, she is not from around here. "A pocket universe. And this if my favorite place to be!" comes her warm tone as she beams a bring smile. When she speaks, a hint of a periwinkle tongue appears, but there seems to be nothing beyond that.

A glance to the theater, and while Olivia's picture may be right there staring her in the face, the young universe hasn't put together that the woman in the green makeup is the same woman standing before here.

"This is where you work?" he asks curiously, a gesture with her free hand towards the 'Wicked' marquee.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia definitely is more careful, just based on the weight. Her first guess was that Singularity was some kind of magical fairy. The reality is far more complicated. It's obvious she hasn't a clue what a quantum singularity is. But she does look suitably impressed at the description.

    "You are... an entire universe? That's incredible!" She's loud when she's excited. And Olivia is pretty much always excited when she's meeting new people. Doubly so in this case.

    She has to turn to look at marquee. There's this laugh and blush as she nods. "Yes! That's the Gershwin Theatre! My home away from home. Or maybe my real home. I am Elphaba in Wicked! Well, I don't quite look it without the body paint. Oh! If you'd like a tour, let me know! It's really cool because I can go in whenever I want. I mean within reason." She keeps listening, too. Singularity's music is enchanting and she is trying to memorize it. Or maybe even write it out in her head.

Singularity has posed:
"Yes. I am an entire universe. I have galaxies and stars and planets and all of that inside of me." Sing has obviously had to explain all of this before, but at the same time, she seems to be a patient teacher as she smiles up at the young woman.

However, the explanation of the play and her... Singularity brightens by degrees. "I saw 'Meet Me In St. Louis' a few days ago!" she says with cheerfulness. "I watch a lot of musicals on TV. Kara has starts to introduce Disney movies to me!"

"I would like to see your musical sometime!" she admits, and as she does, Olivia may notice a pair of small nebulas and red and purple ignite in her cheeks. A blush? No telling what the young woman may be feeling, but she's definetly excited about the idea!

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "That's so incredible. Whole galaxies?!" People look in Olivia's direction. She can't help it. She's super excited. What are the odds of meeting someone this incredible? She's had such an amazing past few weeks, meeting all sorts of remarkable people.

    "Ohhh, I'm so curious what you like on Disney. I kind of watch Frozen 2 a lot. My neighbors put up with it somehow. I... sing along." A lot. Loudly. It's Idina, after all, and that's kind of like singing with a dear friend. The first Elphaba on stage.

    "Oh, and Kara? Is that your..." She pauses a second. She was going to say wife, but that doesn't seem like a smart move. Do universes get married? The train of though is derailed swiftly. "Sorry, is she your friend?" That sounds safer.

    "You can definitely come! In fact, I'd love it if you'd see it. If you are free tonight, I'm on in a few hours. Oh! And if you are free now, you can go back with me. I tend to go in really early and get ready ahead of time. People usually make fun of me but I'm always there hours earlier than I need to be."

    Oversharing? Heck yes she does. Singularity is friendly and that's about all it takes to learn all kinds of things about Olivia.

Singularity has posed:
"Kara is my friend!" Singularity explains. "We eat weiners and watch Disney movies together. She introduced me to Aladdin. I'm not sure what movie she's going to show me next."

"Oh. I do not have much time tonight. But soon!" she promises. "I was just out for a walk in order to relax a little and find a place for a date."

"I'll talk to Kara. Maybe she will want to come with me to see the show and come backstage as well!" That is said hopefully as she looks about thoughtfully. "It is fine to be excited about your work, though. I am excited to be a universe!"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    "That's great, then! And Aladdin is amazing. A Whole New World is one of my favorite songs!" She would burst into song, but, well, she's not sure that's allowed, technically. Disney music is sacred ground! Except when she's singing at home.

    "Well, when you have time, please let me know. Oh!" Right. How to do that. She laughs at herself, delivering a few choice words in her heaad about how smooth she is. As she scolds herself, though, she stands up more seriously. She draws a breath. With a flick of her right hand, she is suddenly holding a card. Her official business card. This she presents to Singularity.

    "That has my phone number, email, all the good stuff. I'll add you to my list of people! Who can get tickets! I have a long one, with all my favorite people, and super heroes, and... none of them have ever come. So I hope you will be my first!"

    She is not crestfallen! At least not visibly. It's a bit of a bummer. But when she first put tickets on hold for a list of heroes the staff started giving her looks. They knew it was going to be ridiculous when she started with Superman and Batman. They no longer pay much attention.

    "I should probably let you go, too. I... need to get inside. I don't want them getting nervous or anything. I've had a few accidents lately and two concussions so they worry a bit if I'm not way ahead of time." Her costars treat her like a bay. In fact, a lovely blonde woman emerges from darn near out of nowhere. "Olivia! You said you were on the way!" she scolds. It is Glinda's actress, though not in costume. She heads over, takes Olivia by the hand, and gives Singularity an apologetic smile. She somehow conceals her complete shock at the sight of the unique woman. "Sorry, dear, this little lamb needs to come home now. I hope you don't mind!"

    Olivia is guided away, and her last farewell for the day is to wave back at Singularity. "I hope you can show up soon!"

    A moment later and Rachel asks, "Who on earth was that? Did you finally meet one of those super heroes?" Olivia's answer is lost in the noise of the crowd, but no doubt the conversation is a long one!