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Birthday Planner meets Birthday Present
Date of Scene: 02 January 2024
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Elektra hosts a birthday party for a family friend. Steve Rogers is brought by the son of a Howling Commando who is also acquainted with him.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Steve Rogers

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"No, over there."

The preparations for the birthday have been going swimmingly, or at least as well as they can go where it comes to birthday parties in the Hellfire Club. Which means they are prepared to the exact detail. It's what an old family friend deserves after all, isn't it? One Mr. Cassian, old family friend to Elektra's father but more importantly an old member of the Hellfire Club.

The waitress Elektra was talking to nods to then bring the large ponch ball over to another table as more guests continue to flock into the room. Did he invite half of Manhattan for his party? Maybe so, at least Elektra is spotting quite a few familiar faces in the crowd that's been getting together. But the man always enjoyed the largesse of life.

"Ah, Miss Natchios. You have surpassed yourself in the preparations for this. I thank the patronage of the Hellfire Club." Hair already greying, impeccable suit, the smile of someone who is having at least is second drink by now, the birthday boy nears Elektra. The woman offers a slim smile in return.

"It's the least we can do for a member of our prestiged club." she says.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Mr. Cassian's time as an ambassador to Turkey for the US gave him plenty of contacts among the diplomatic corps, as well as among the jet set back home in New York. Another of those acquaintance is Nathan Morita, the son of one Jim Morita of the famed Howling Commandos. Nathan walks into the party, the man in his sixties, and turns towards the person accompanying him. Someone much older, though who doesn't look his age.

"Steve," Nathan Morita says to Steve Rogers, "I can't thank you enough for coming. Richard Cassian has a collection of memorabilia from you and Bucky and the Howling Commandos which is his pride and joy. I don't think there is a birthday present that is going to be able to top having you come to his party."

Steve gives Nathan a quick nod and a soft smile. "Fortunately it turned out to be a good night for me to be able to make it. Happy to be able to help out the son of an old comrade," Steve says, clapping Nathan lightly on his back.

The pair look over the party. "There is Richard Cassian there. Talking to Elektra Natchios. Her father was the Greek Ambassador to the US," he tells Steve. "Not quite sure what she's doing these days." He goes on to point out a few other prominent faces.

As he does, Mr. Cassian happens to spot Nathan and his guest. His eyes widen a bit and he leans towards Elektra. "Is that... is that Captain America over there?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Captain America's appearing at this party seemed to be no surprise for Elektra. Specially considering she was the one that veto'ed the guests that would be invited and be part of the festivities. The Hellfire Club doesn't just take anyone after all. So when Cassian shows his surprise at Steve being here there's a knowing smile from Elektra, "I did tell you there would be surprises." she says before one elegant hand gestures towards Morita and Steve.

"Shall we go have a word?" It's not really up for debate, the woman starting to make her way to Steve. She is dressed in an impeccable dark red dress that clings to her exotic form, a cut to the side revealing part of a long leg as the two walk towards Nathan and Steve.

"Welcome to the party, gentlemen." she dips her head in greeting. "I am Elektra Natchios, your host for tonight. May I introduce to you Mr. Richard Cassian. He's our birthday 'boy' today." that last part said through a faint grin, voice smooth with just the faintest hints of an accent to it, eyes staying on Morita and Steve, almost as if sizing them up.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Nathan Morita can't quite hide his grin as he sees the birthday and Elektra coming over, and spots the man's reaction to the surprise guest. Steve turns that way, he's wearing a dark blue suit that must have been tailored to fit his impressive frame so well. He gives the approaching pair a small smile of greeting as they come over and Elektra introduces herself.

"Miss Natchios," Steve responds, offering her his hand. "Very nice to meet you this evening," he tells her with a smile and a nod of his head to her.

"Elektra, nice to see you again," Nathan Morita tells her. He looks to Richard then. "Richard, happy birthday," he says with a laugh, giving Richard a gentle bro-hug and back pat.

After Elektra has had a chance to shake his hand if she likes, Steve turns to Richard. "Mr. Cassian, very nice to meet you," he says, offering his handshake that way next. "Happy birthday, and thank you for letting me come be part of the festivities," he says.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"It is good to finally meet an Avenger in the flesh." Emphasis on the 'flesh', even if Elektra's smile remains as smooth as ever, dark eyes glinting playfully as she offers her hand up to the large man. Elegant fingertips but a trained gaze might notice (or feel) the callouses on her hands that tell of a life that hasn't been spent behind a desk.

"And hello Nathan. I think you have beat everyone on the gift department." She says with a brief laugh of her own. "Quite the occasion for the Hellfire Club to have you here tonight, Mr. Rogers. Remind me to give you a tour of the place later on." she suggests before turning to place a hand on Nathan's shoulder.

"How's the family?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers gives Elektra a two-handed handshake, holding hers in both of his as they shake, and then doing the same with Richard Cassian. "Thank you, Miss Natchios, that would be appreciated. It looks like a beautiful facility," Steve says, having noticed the lavishness of the building that even far exceeds the Avengers Mansion when it comes to decor.

The older Asian man smiles to Elektra, Nathan replying, "They are well. One of my son's wife is pregnant with their third. They are hoping for a girl this time. At least they did it right if so, the two boys older so they can take care of anyone who wants to date her." Richard gives a soft laugh and Steve grins along at the comment.

"I have quite a collection from your war days," Richard tells Steve. "Nathan here got me a few signatures for some pieces. I have a poster from your bond sales days, a pair of cartridges from a Hydra weapon from the factory at Remagen you destroyed, and a few other items from your past."

Steve rubs his chin as he chuckles. "I hope they didn't unload those at me. That was not an easy facility to bring down," he says.

A waitress comes by with a tray of glasses, offering drinks to the group.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
An enigmatic smile is given back at Steve when he speaks of it being a beautiful facility. Elektra's hand then returns to her front once they greet each other and she listens to Nathan's reply, easy smile to her lips, "That family never stops growing." then a laugh when he speaks of having the two boys protect the girl, "Hoping they will follow on your footsteps?" aka enter the military.

The conversation happening between Steve and Richard makes her gesture, "Now I am curious about the story behind that." she says to Steve, "You must have many stories from the war that Richard would love to hear about." she suggests.

Reaching over she takes one of the glasses on offer, taking a sip of the champagne.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve takes one of the glasses when offered, as do Richard and Nathan. "When did you switch to champagne?" Nathan asks the birthday boy, and he gets back a scoffing laugh.

"When the doctor told me I should cut back on dark beer, and whiskey," the older Mr. Cassian responds, getting grins from Nathan and Steve back as well. Turning his attention to Elektra, Mr. Cassian nods his head. "I'm sure he does, probably more than he'd care to recount," he says of his interest in Steve's stories.

"Well, I suppose I have a couple I could share if you'd like," Steve replies back to Richard Cassian. "It is your birthday after all," he adds to a few chuckles from the group, before taking a sip of the champagne.

Steve's attention turns to Elektra as well. "Do you work here then, Miss Natchios? Or just hostess for the party tonight?" he inquires.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I am part of the Club." Elektra explains back to Steve, "Or in this case of it's Inner Circle. We make sure the Club continues to run to the standards that have made so many notables join our ranks." the woman's gaze flashing, "Even some close to you, like Mr. Stark. Or Ms. Van Dyne."

Gaze turns to Richard, "And we always make sure our members get the best they deserve." she says, resting a hand on Richard's shoulder a moment before letting go, "Mr. Cassian has been with us for many years."

"Perhaps we can tempt you to join us one day, Mr. Rogers." Elektra's attention back on Steve.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Glancing about the posh VIP Lounge, Steve Rogers replies with a soft grin. "Yes, this is definitely Janet or Tony's kind of place. And thank you, I don't know that I'd probably make much use. I've had enough excitement in my life I suppose I tend to look for a slower pace when time allows it," he tells Elektra.

Richard looks like he's just about to ask something, when he hears a woman across the room, Yoo Hooing him. And older woman, she waves over his way. "Oh, I'd better go greet Bethany or else I'll never hear the end of it. Come with me Nathan, you can help keep me from being the sole target of her questions," he says, tugging Nathan's arm to come. The Asian man gives a hapless sigh and moves along with him.

Steve had nodded his head towards Richard, to go take care of what he needed. Leaving him there with Elektra, she gets all of Steve's attention. "I imagine they have all sorts of interesting stories as well, having worked in the diplomatic side of things. I think Nathan mentioned your father is an ambassador for Greece?"