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Latest revision as of 00:29, 3 January 2024

Date of Scene: 02 January 2024
Location: Roy's Room
Synopsis: Roy and Roxie ring in the New Year far above Times Square.
Cast of Characters: Roxanne Spaulding, Roy Harper

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
New Years Eve. It's a time when there are plenty of parties to go to, a time to drink a lot, and then of course, if one is in Manhattan, time to watch famous people entertain thousands in Times Square.

After spending the day doing various touristy things in the city, ranging from going to a few of the museums, taking a carriage ride in Central Park, and eating some of the overpriced desserts at Cafe Serendipity, it's time for when Times Square gets absolutely crowded, the subway lines super cramped, and just general chaos.

Fortunately, Roxie and Roy have avoided that somewhat. There are various rooftops that are generally inaccessible but provide excellent views of the ball drop and the main stage, and with her powers and his agility, they find themselves on one of those perches.

Dressed in a dark purple sweater dress, a pair of long leather boots, and wrapped about in her peacoat, she looks down at the crowd. "You think this is what Batman does when nothing's happening? Or Spiderman?"

Roy Harper has posed:
There is no shortage of things to get up to in New York City it's true, and in some respects it is only amplified that much more during the holiday season as a whole host of other options open right up to go with the standard attractions.

While Roy has done a great number of them, it never hurts to have an excuse to get out and check out some old favorites, or just be out and about to experience the city. And all things considered, Roxie is a pretty good reason for all of that.

There is definitely a nip in the air and as the veil of dark begins to slide over the city a light dusting of snow begins to fall as well, ushering in the new year with a blanket of white. Not entirely unwelcome at least, for just one evening anyway.

While Roy has no adversion to crowds, he's not exactly disappointed to be able to rise above them -- quite literally in this case -- to take to their particular perch without the hassle of a host of others pressing around them. And bonus, unlike most of the time he isn't hauling himself up there, climbing up a grappling arrow. No, tonight the redheaded archer is travelling in style.

Sitting beside her, he casts a wry glance her way. "Mmmmm, I don't exactly know either of them well. But I guess I can see Spider-Man doing something like this, sure. But the Big Bad Bat? That's pretty tough to imagine," he admits.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
With her legs just dangling over the ledge, she peers down at all the people below gathering as some famous singer starts entertaining on the main stage. Then of course, they have a pretty decent view of the tower where Ryan Seacrest and company film from for the New Year's Eve special.

"I haven't met either, though maybe one day I will!" Roxie offers as she wraps her arms around one of his and just leans against the redheaded archer. "But maybe if there were gargoyles and this was a gothic cathedral, maybe that's where Batman would perch. It probably fits his vibe better." At least, all that is speculation mainly on news reports about him in various media.

"What about you? Do you find a spot to perch when defending the city?" she wonders aloud.

Roy Harper has posed:
There was certainly a time that he would have loved the idea of spending New Years Eve down in the throngs below, trying to push his way to a better vantage point to catch the performances on the stage, or sneaking a peek into that tower where the yearly broadcast takes place.

Now however? It's pretty darn nice being above it all with a beautiful young woman leaning against him as the little whisps of frosted white falls about them in gentle sheets. Leaning back against her, he flashes a slow grin.

"We have a fair number of gargoyles around here too, at least on the older buildings. I can point some of them out to you sometime. I've gotten pretty familiar with them," he admits wryly. "And it's not the ambience that I think would keep Bats from just hanging out, perching. It's the wasted time when he could be punching crime in the face," he says with a faint smirk.

"Mmmmmm, I don't do a lot of perching either," the redhead admits wryly, squeezing her arm against him. "Not because I resent the wasted time. More because I can sit still long enough to do it properly!"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
After having spent the past couple of years on the run from CADMUS and I.O, it's been nice to have some respite from it all while spending time with the handsome redhead.

"You are a squirrelly one." she says with a sage nod at the mention of his inability to stay still. "But sometimes, you've got to just relax and enjoy the moment. Like whatever the equivalent of stop and smell the flowers is while perching on a rooftop." Her brow quirks a she tries to come up with something. "Sit like a gargoyle and introspect?" Then she shakes her head. "That sounds dumb. I'd rather someone else come up with it."

Returning his grin with a silly little one of her own, she leans in to peck on his cheek. "Would you mind it too terribly if I regularly tried to punch crime in the face?" They've only had one patrol together, and it was rather eventful.

Roy Harper has posed:
Maybe he's a little too hyperactive. Maybe always being on the move doesn't leave time for a lot of introspective. There are at least a few things that Roy would rather not dwell too closely on, a few questions that maybe he would rather not ask himself. Avoidance might not be the recommended approach to things, but it has worked not too terribly for him so far, right?

Why risk such a winning strategy casually?

"You're just saying that because of my great big teeth," the redhead counters, showing off those chompers and biting at the air in front of her playfully for a moment before arching a brow and nudging her shoulder with his own. "Mmmmm, I suppose that might be one possibility. But I am far, far too handsome to be a gargoyle," he adds with feigned haughtiness.

Leaning over, he smiles as she kisses his cheek before turning to look her way once more as she makes that request. "Unfortunately crime seems to be pretty much a growth industry, no matter what we do. I think another hand trying to keep a lid on it is a great idea," he says genuinely, squeezing her arm once more. "Not to mention you make a pretty good partner out there. If something of a distracting one," he teases.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
It seems she's going to stroke his ego this evening, as she reaches up and ruffles that toussled red hair after he nomms in front of her. "You are way too handsome to be a gargoyle. Though, if I were to make a stone relief and I wanted women to swoon, then I would carve your likeness in... marble? Granite?" Roxie says teasingly.

"And as long as I don't distract you, then I'll join you. Besides, the thrill of the patrol was actually nice, and so was post patrol activity." That's said with a silly waggle of her brows, as she bumps his shoulder this time, before looking out.

It's only a few minutes until midnight and the ball drops. There's the big sign of the countdown. "Ooooh, it's almost New Year!" she squeaks excitedly.

Roy Harper has posed:
Hey, Roy's not too proud. He's not going to object to a litle ego puffing on this particular occasion. It's just one more holiday gift. Still, the redhead flashes her a wry smile at the flattery, slipping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her in closer against his side. "Oh, is that so? Well, I can hardly object to that now can I?" he says with a little snort, leaning his head gainst hers.

"I was teasing. Mostly," Roy admits with a grin before growing a little more serious. "I mean, so long as you're comfortable with everything I'm not going to object to having someone out there watching my back some," he assures her. "And yeah, the thrill is pretty hard to beat, isn't it?" he conceeds, that customary grin slipping back into place.

Turning that gaze back over towards the sign and the countdown the is progressing closer and closer, his arm tightens around her back once more. "Out with the old and in with the new!"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"Don't worry, I'll try to not get in your way." Cause if anything, she knows she's the lesser experienced when it comes to modern day superheroics. "But I'll have your..." and she purses her lips, trying to remember what the boys said when playing at Navy SEAL game. "I'll have your six." Roxie says in the end. "And the thrill was amazing, especially the adrenaline rush after wards." Whatever could she mean by that?

With a flash of her pearly whites, she nestles in against him as his arm he tightens his grasp around her. Looking out as the ball begins to drop, she takes his other hand and squeezes it.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6...

Roy Harper has posed:
While she might not have the sheer experience out in the field that Roy has -- despite his relatively young age -- she also has some formidable abilities in her back pocket that he can't hope to match, even with all the considerable trick arrows in his arsenal. Still, the sentiment is appreciated and he nudges her shoulder once more. "I don't think that's likely to be much of an issue, given you can just float out of the way," he points out slyly, grins widening at her comment.

And then the countdown is well and truly on them, echoed by the rather sizable crowd below as it rings out, echoing through the squeare. He slips his hand easily into her own and adds his own voice to the frey.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Happy New Year! It's already looking a whole lot better to me," the redhead comments, turning on that ledge where they are perched, leaning in towards her, letting his vision fill hers before lips find her own lingeringly.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
The countdown is quite exciting isn't it? Even if she's seen it multiple times on tv, it's another thing all together to be there in person to watch the ball drop. It's even another thing to watch it drop from the same elevation as the ball!

As the crowd loudly counts down, Roxie leans in and squeezes Roy's arm once more. Her smile is bright and her eyes twinkling, reflecting the many lights below before she looks towards the archer as he leans towards her.

Bonk! Their foreheads hit first gently, before their lips finally reach other. It's the midnight kiss! And she reaches up, cupping his cheek with one hand, before nibbling his lower lip in a teasing fashion.

"Happy New Year, Roy."