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Latest revision as of 04:41, 5 January 2024

A Quiet Night in Gotham (Really!)
Date of Scene: 03 December 2023
Location: Sherwood Florist, Second Floor Apartment
Synopsis: Dinah and Helena have a simple chat in Sherwood Florist.
Cast of Characters: Helena Bertinelli, Dinah Lance

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
With the holiday rush winding into full swing, it is easy to lose track of time, friends and family.

For Helena, the end of the school year means tests and papers to be graded before the winter break arrives in just a few weeks. Still, finding time to get out and enjoy the season is important.

Stopping off at a local coffee shop, she picks up her to-go order. Balancing a carrier holding a few drink cups and a bag filled with food items, she rounds the corner and makes her way into the back hallway that leads up to Dinah's apartment. She could just barge right in but being festive and considerate she taps her knuckles on the door first and then opens the door.

"Knock knock Tweety. I come bearing gifts!"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's lost track of time herself, /despite/ knowing Helena was coming over, which is why she answers that rapping with a startled jolt, and why her dear friend enters into the loft above her flower shop to find the famous Black Canary desperately trying to tame a wet mass of blonde hair /and/ make sure the plush cotton bathrobe she has on is belted and snugly cozy about her body as she cries out, "Helena! Are you /early/?! Oh my god, how'd it get so late?!"

The blonde manages a scowl that's nowhere near genuine, especially with those bright blue eyes gleaming in warm playfulness as she heaves out a sigh, "And with a bag of goodies /and/ hot drinks? Are you gunning for an official promotion to the Santa of Gotham?" Arms cross, one eyebrow arches and her head tilts in mock accusatory angle.

And then she's spreading her arms to heave out another sigh, "Get over here. It's been too long! I swear, it's like balancing a social life, a day job, /and/ crimefighting is too much. Crazy thought, right?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli looks amused as Dinah comes rushing out. "Look! It's Just Out Of The Shower Barbie!" her dark eyes sparkle playfully.

"Sorry, Di. I'm actually late because I'm Italian. Never arrive early when you can arrive fashionably late. Never arrive empty handed when you can arrive with something to feed others." She holds the bag and carrier in her left hand as Dinah moves in for a damp hug.

Laughing, she hugs back. "Nah. You know the rules. No guns. I just stab people. Remotely." It's not really a joke.

"It's been a while. Between missions, other projects and class, I've been pretty much MIA. And that's why I called and said I was coming by." Giving another hug, damp or not, Helena steps back. "Seems like it was just the Fourth of July and now it's almost Christmas. Adulting sucks doesn't it?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's eyes narrow as she hisses out, "I... oh you... I'm going to /make/ you sit through the Barbie movie now. Like, not /right/ now... probably... but... you're gonna rue the day, tall dark and witty."

She laughs softly and shakes her head, fingers idly teasing through damp locks, "Oh, it's okay. I mean, I was planning to be dressed and lounging around by the time you showed up, but I wound up doing this whole... stopping an armored car heist thing earlier, and then I fell down one of those 'critique every move I made' moods in the shower and suddenly it was /late/."

She snorts softly and returns each and every squeeze of hug, "Yeah, I mean, every day I wake up and look out and see frost or a hint of snow... god, why can't it be summer again already? We should go fight crime in like... Bermuda. Kick some pirate booty."

She smiles lopsidedly and heaves out a sigh, "And hey, you stab people from a distance better than anyone I know. I wouldn't trust anyone else to remote-stab people I was in a fist fight with Hel. You're great." She clicks her tongue softly, "But maybe don't let your students or their parents hear you bemoaning that adulting is hard. I can't imagine it'd inspire a ton of confidence in their teacher..." Eyes narrow ever so slightly. Just a /little/ barb from Barbie as it were.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli bats her lashes. "That's fine.. if you make me watch it, it means you're stuck watching it with me.." she teases.

"Ennh.. Armored Car robberies are the worst. I always seem to chip a nail even with armored gloves" she laments.

Nodding she moves to set the drink carrier down. "Well.. I thought it would be seasonal to avoid coffee. They had freshly mulled cider. It smelled -so- good." Setting out the cups, she then pulls out the items from inside the bag, "And with it, they had fresh pumpkin bread. And some gingerbread cookies. I couldn't decide. So I got both." Both is always better.

Then she nods, "Yes. I do remotely stab well, don't I?" Preening with amusement she smirks. "You know what? I don't even care if the parent's hear me complaining. It's -their- little angels that make me regret adulting most week days.."

She picks up her cup. Siiiiips. Eyeing Dinah she adds, "I regret nothing."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah looks aghast, "/Stuck/ watching it with you? How could I be stuck? I get to spend time with my friend! Time with my friend watching a /cinematic masterpiece/ of our era!" She snorts softly and flashes a grin, "Oh, I dunno, they're not too bad. It was up in Manhattan, so I didn't feel as bad about wrecking the asphalt to stop the armored car, because their public works aren't as overwhelmed as Gotham."

She whistles cheerily and begins to reach towards the drink carrier, "Plus, all I really had to do was scream a little to stop the thing, then kick the driver in the head. Turns out New york's crawling with supersorts, ran into Tigra and..." She clicks her tongue, "I guess fur means you don't feel the winter chill so badly. Also? She can rip an armored car's doors open. Pretty impressive."

Dinah's eyebrows perk as she sips her own cider and then practically melts with a low, happy noise. "Well, you could always buy a couple nerf guns. Put the fear of god into the students."