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Latest revision as of 13:04, 13 January 2024

Tropical Swim
Date of Scene: 13 January 2024
Location: Kiana's Tropical Cove
Synopsis: Jason is back on his feet but still healing. He tells Kiana a bit about Gotham and his family.
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Kiana

Jason Todd has posed:
Going from Gotham Harber to.. well, someplace very much Not-Gotham was still a bit disorienting. Someplace in the middle of the Indian ocean for that matter. It had been a couple days and Jason's injuries and concussion from the yacht incident were healing. His armor had taken the brunt but he still thinks he may have cracked a rib, strained his lower back and defintely sprained his left ankle.

Ragdolling away from an explosion and slamming into the water on his back certainly tends to do things like that.

He is moving around, if a bit gingerly. Whatever Kiana had done to revive him had helped - but really it's just going to be about time now. Stepping outside, the darkhaired vigilante stares at the turquoise water and white beach, his eyes narrowed against the glare. He wears a slightly tattered button up shirt left open. The scars and past injuries of his chosen life are visible as the breeze flutters the tails of the shirt. His armored pants? Those were shredded in the explosion but there was enough left he could modify. Now they're more like cargo shorts just with frayed kevlar and canvas threads dangling from the above the knee 'hem'. A number of other rips exist but they're more than functional for him. Barefoot, he can't help but enjoy the warmth of the sand between his toes.

He hadn't expected to be here, sure, but there were far worse places to recover from injuries right?

Kiana has posed:
The water sparkles with reflected sunlight, the waves breaking out on the far edges of the reef, then passing more gently to lap on the soft white sandy beach. Overhead a few gulls drift on the breeze, ever alert for a meal. Granite cliffs rise all about the little hidden cove, probably leaving Jason unclear if one can even get here apart from by sea. He hasn't had a chance to explore it yet, not that the cove is all that huge, but the vegetation between beach and cliffs is thick enough that a visual inspection isn't enough to find a way out.

There's movement in the cove, as Kiana rises up out of the water where it's waist deep and begins walking into to shore. As she sees Jason standing there in his modified clothing, a soft smile graces the Polynesian girl's face. "You're up and moving about. A little better than yesterday I hope?" she ask as she walks in with a fish in hand, something large enough it will make a nice dinner for both of them.

Kiana's medical knowledge is miniscule. Beyond stopping bleeding or common sense things like a sling if an arm needs it, she doesn't show a lot of medical craft. Jason's own knowledge there far exceeding her, so the teen has given way to Jason being his own doctor. Or medic at least.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd is content standing under the shade of one of the coconut trees. It wasn't as hot, there was a good breeze and the view was better than looking at Gotham's poluted harbor any day of the week.

Seeing Kiana surface and walk out of the ocean, he offers a little crooked smile. The scar long the left side of his face always tugs at the left side of his mouth differentl.

He nods, responding quietly, "I am. Still hurting a little. Stiff. But I couldn't lay around much longer, nice as that idea seams."

He looks to the water then back to her, "Good morning so far?"

Kiana has posed:
Kiana stops a little short of Jason, turning to the ocean for a moment. A stream of water rushes up the sands, swirling about and excavating a hole far enough from the water that the surf won't make it there until the tide is much higher. The water then settles into the hole, and Kiana drops the fish in, a little impromptu tank to keep it alive and fresh until it is time to eat.

She turns back to Jason, moving over closer to the taller man, looking up at him, squinting a bit against the sun at his back. "If the cuts are closed enough to not bleed," she says, reaching over to softly touch one of his arms near to where there had been a small laceration, "Maybe you would want to try the water? Could just float on the top, or see if you're up for a little action, swimming?" she asks. Her large brown eyes shine. "I could show you the reef, there's lot of colorful animals and coral there."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd watches with morbid curiosity. It was odd to see, but he knows enough about fishing that the idea is sound, just usually they're kept in a live well or cooler and out of sight. But the fate of the fish is dismissed. Soon enough he'll be ready to eat and it won't matter anyway.

"That's a pretty neat ability, manipulating water like that. The closest I can come is inhaling it and choking on it" he notes wryly.

"I think everything's healing up. Even so, the salt water might sting but it'll help keep the wounds clean anyway. Salt is a useful antibiotic." With a nod, he agrees. "Let's see how I do. Don't think I've gone swimming in the ocean without a dive mask to keep the salt out of my eyes but I can cope for a while anyway. I'd love to see the reef."

Kiana has posed:
"Is it?" Kiana replies in an interested tone about the effects of salt, and salt water, as if she's learned something new. "And thank you," she says with a gentle, pleased smile at the compliment about her ability. "I don't really use it as much when I'm in the water, just to propel myself," she tells him.

She looks at the water. "I could probably make an air bubble around your head. Just by holding the water back. Though I'm not sure that would help with seeing, it would probably be more distorted than opening them in the water," she says.

She looks to the water. The girl loves the sea, Jason will have already noticed that in the few days he's been there healing. She smiles and says, "Let's give it a try, but if it's too much just tell me and I can help you back to shore. Assuming you feel ok enough to go in the deeper water."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd nods. "It's not exactly ideal but salt water is better than nothing. It certainly won't hurt." He nods, "Alright."

Pausing to carefully shrug off the shirt because it requires movement of his ribs, he hangs it over a branch near the pathway and begins to follow Kiana toward the water.

"It'll be nice to stretch my muscles again." Considering his physique it's clear he exercises, or something, likely daily. Running rooftops doesn't hurt either.

Kiana has posed:
If Jason allows, when Kiana sees removing the shirt is a bit of a struggle with his injuries, she moves to help. A light touch helping him slide it off without having to contort as much as he will on his own. Especially with the warm weather and the sun making the fabric want to cling to any perspiration-damp skin.

The girl hasn't asked him any questions at all so far that relate to Jason's nighttime proclivities. Though as she looks at the scars revealed the shirts removal, she asks, "Have you been in a lot of fights where you come from? You have so many scars." She reaches out to touch one, a slash from a cut of some sort. After touching it she begins slowly moving towards the water, but letting Jason set the pace to whatever is most comfortable for him.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd doesn't protest, "Thanks. Still hurts stretching too far. But that means things are healing."

He looks down to his chest and the myriad of cuts, bullet and stabbing wounds. He doesn't twitch from the touch, the scar long since having healed. "I have. For a lot of different reasons. Some of them were illegal, when I was a dumb kid. Others from being on the right side of the law." Or so he maintains.

"A few.. " he shrugs, shaking his head. How do you explain being used as a living pinata for a psycho killer clown just out to cause your da... your boss pain? That'll keep for some other time.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana's eyes drift back over to the old, healed wounds as they reach the water line where the waves lap softly on the wet sand. The tropical waters are warm, a lovely aqua blue with some darker patches where the coral grows nearer to the surface to block the large waves and shelter the little cove.

"I can't imagine what you must have been through. I'm glad you're ok," she tells him. "It's too bad the man who healed me on the beach wasn't there when those happened. I didn't even end up with a scar," she says, She motions down to a slender, tanned leg. "I had a bad gash across my thigh that should have scarred, he said."

There's no sign she's ever been injured, just smooth, tanned skin. And the little silver anklet with the tiny charm on it. "What is... Gotham... City... like?" she asks, hesitating as she makes sure she gets the city name correct, a sure sign she isn't familiar with it.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd stops at the water line, watching the waves ebb and flow, gliding easily over his bare feet.

He shrugs, "A lot of it was my own doing, good or bad. Some of it was from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or around the wrong people." He doesn't offer more details but he isn't bothered by the conversation.

He looks out at the horizon, no civilization in sight, ocean as far as he can see. "Well. It is the complete opposite of this."

He looks to her, "There are, I think, three? Four million.. people in the city these days? It used to be twice that before an earthquake hit the area. Parts of the city never recovered. The areas where people have money? Those were fixed first of course." He idly pushes his right foot through the wet sand, watching the grains moving over and past. "Even with all of the skyscrapers and tall buildings and their lighting, most nights feel dark. Like I would imagine a night out here would feel on a moonless night. Only.. more smog. More oppression and violence and noise. No such thing as a quiet night in Gotham. I think that's part of why I'm not sleeping very well here. It's.. too quiet." He offers a wry smile.

"THe city can look beautiful at night. Or even in the day time. But when the air is still and the polution just hovers over the city, it just looks like a cloud of dispair smothering the city sometimes."

He looks to her and laughs bitterly. "Sorry. I've lived there my whole life and it has its good points. But the bad ones are what most people think of first, or only, when you tell them you're from Gotham. The city is so large that crime is a problem. The police do what they can. But.. it's like trying to hold the tide back with a shovel. You might make progress in one area but the water will just flow around somewhere else."

Kiana has posed:
The tanned girl's eyes widen a bit at the size of the city's population, as if she's struggling to even envision such a large number of people. The entire island of Genosha is only back to a half million people now, and she hasn't even seen Hammer Bay yet except from a distance.

Her expression grows sympathetic as she listens to Jason tell her about his home. "I can tell that even with those negatives, that you have a love for it," she tells him quietly, and reaches a hand over to touch his side as if wishing her touch could somehow soothe whatever pains he might feel at discussing the negative parts.

"Maybe I can get to see it sometime. You can show me the good points of it. And the ways that it is beautiful," she says. "And, if you want to show me the other parts too, I'll see those as well. Because, that's part of it, and it's worth it to see the whole of something, I think," Kiana offers quietly.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks out to the horizon. "You'd never be able to do this except down near the waterfront. Even then you can't really see beyond the reaches of the harbor. Cranes, ships.. farther in the buildings all block the view. The buildings are the cities mountains. The streetlights its trees. There -are- real trees and plants. But they have their own struggles." Ivy has made everyone well aware of that.

"Sure. I guess I love it. I have.. family there. I like the city. The dark side is still part of it even if many of us do what we can to hold it back."

He looks back to her. "If you'd like to come to Gotham, sure. I could show you around. It wouldn't be a very good idea to show up and explore on your own. I'm sure you can take care of yourself, obviously. But it's always better and safer with a friend."

Kiana has posed:
Kiana gets a thoughtful look. "I suppose I probably could. Take care of myself. Some at least? I mean if I had to... to push someone away with water. Or just get away from them," she says with a slowness that suggests she's thinking for the first time of exactly what she could do in such a situation if she had to.

The warm water laps up on their feet, making them sink just slightly into the sand, squeezing it between their toes. A little trickle of the water flows up Jason's leg, circling about it in a spiral as it goes to give him a little splash. Kiana's lips quirking at the corners playfully.

"Your family," she says, looking down a little shyly, a fall of the sun-kissed brown hair hiding her eyes as she does. "What are they like? Do you have many brothers or sisters?" she asks him. There's a sense of something in Kiana's tone as she asks about his family. Maybe a sense of wistfulness. Or something a little deeper, a vulnerability.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks down as the water defies gravity to coil around his ankle briefly. "Usually things like that are movie special effects and not real." It doesn't bother him, and he has seen the unusual or strange many times. It's just different when it's your own ankle.

Moving out into the water till his knees are covered, he looks back to her as she asks about family.

"It's. Complicated."

He pauses, "My birth parents were both fuckups. Both involved with crime and drugs. By the time I was 10 I was stealing and doing things no adult let alone a kid should be doing. I ran into someone when I was about 15 who saw through it all and offered me a chance at a stable - or more stable - life. Since my birth parents were dead by that point it seemed like the logical thing so I was adopted. My adoptive dad was an orphan. So he seems to look for and attract a lot of .. well strays." He smirks a little. "We're not always happy. We're almost always dysfunctional. But anyone who tries to fuck with us quickly learns it was a big mistake."

He idly splashes water back at her. "So yeah. I've got four brothers. A sister. A soon to be a sister in law. And a couple others that hang around like family but aren't officially adopted. Or I don't think they are. I can't keep up with all the happenings that way." He shakes his head in wonder at the menagerie Bruce has put together.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana wades out next to Jason, and grinning at him as he wets the tanned skin that had started to dry out while standing in the warm sunshine, talking to him. "I can't even make myself decide how I might feel in your place, about your original parents. Do you find that you miss them? Or, did the hurt that they did you, does that affect your memories of them too much?" she asks him, tone gentle if curious.

"I'm glad that you found the family that you did. It sounds like your adoptive father is a good person, to have had that kind of impact on your life." She wades a little deeper, then reaches down to pick up a starfish from the bottom. It's still alive, grasping hold of her hand and crawling slowly up her wrist. She brings it over for Jason to see.

"I don't know if I have any family out there," she says. "I mean I must, I doubt I just... hatched from egg or something," she says with a soft chuckle. Then pauses. "Mutants... mutants don't hatch from eggs do they?" she asks uncertainly, not really seeming to know.

"I'm sure if there is someone they will find me eventually. Or I'll find them. Or I'll start to remember. I'm just... trying to be patient. That's what Old Ned said. Don't let it worry me. Just do what feels right and it'll work out in the end. Right?" she says, looking up to Jason and giving him a hopeful smile.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd shrugs his shoulder. "It's hard to understand what anyone goes through if we haven't experienced the same things ourself. Even then everyone's experience is different. We just do the best we can to understand and support or whatever." He's hardly the sort to play therapist. Probably scared off more of them trying to help him than could be counted.

"They're a decent family yeah. Some more than others. But that's just how family is." He looks at the starfish as its arms slowly wriggle. "That's cool. Nature is so resilient."

He laughs, "No. No I'm pretty certain that, uh, mutants are born the same way as the rest of us mundane humans." He offers another grin.

"Being patient is never an easy thing. Harder when it's something important you're being told to stay patient over. Trying to find family is a complicated thing. The planet is a big place to search. Do you have any details or clues to start with?"

Kiana has posed:
Kiana brings her hand back underwater, letting the starfish release and slowly float down to the bottom and begin to move away. She turns back to Jason as she straightens, reaching up to brush ack some of the loose brown hair that falls about her shoulders and and cheeks. "I don't. I only had my bikini, and this anklet," she tells him. "And a bunch of wounds. I don't remember anything, not clearly. There's kind of a vague memory of... a ship of some sort, and it's storming out, grey dark skies and rain. I can't even tell you what kind of ship it is, or how big, it's such... it's just not a clear image in my head," she tells Jason. "I don't know, maybe I fell off of it, or it sank. Maybe it was my parents boat," she says slowly.

Her arms move unconsciously to wrap about herself in a self-hug. "I feel more comfortable in the water than I do on the island. Maybe I'm from another island. Or we lived off the boat? I don't know," she says, shaking her head, arms about herself tightening just a little more.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd watches the starfish sink back into the shallows and safety. Looking back to Kiana he listens and nods grimly.

"Memory is a challenging thing. Sometimes we don't remember, can't remember. And sometimes traumatic events are suppressed or forgotten as a self preservation instinct. Doesn't mean they're gone just harder to unlock."

He thinks about it and turns to reach over and touch her shoulder. "There's nothing to beat yourself up over. It isn't your fault." He looks out over the ocean again. "It isn't something I can help you with. But if you do decide to come to Gotham sometime. I know some people who either can help you or can put you in touch with someone else who can. There are a lot of very good, uh, researchers and knowledge seekers that may be willing and able to help. If that is something you'd like."