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Latest revision as of 13:04, 13 January 2024

When Cats and Kits Cross Paths
Date of Scene: 12 January 2024
Location: New York City Rooftops
Synopsis: Felicia meets Kitkat seeking Greer while doing patrol in front of the MET.
Cast of Characters: Felicia Hardy, Kitkat

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    It's been a few days since her encounter with the burglary in progress and foiling it with 'Blood Spider' Whoever that really was. Felicia didn't know and didn't much care, or she wouldn't have if he didn't sound JUST like the original Spider.

    That and the self inflicted goal of becoming an Avenger again, the burglar in her isn't exactly on the forefront of her persona, but it's always there. Like how some soldiers never stop doing the soldier thing when they get home, Felicia can't stop the criminal thing, but that's not so bad is it?

    She's on top of the world at the moment, her hair flowing behind her like some sort of natural white cape, and the tufts on her costume certainly look grand in the breeze, but today they're more than ornamental, they're keeping her from freezing to death as she looms over a city street, the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the otherside and she's certainly got her mind on what's inside, even if it is only the ego and not the id.

Kitkat has posed:
Who was the Blood Spider? Kitkat didn't knew. Only that he was a pain in the butt, complaining about self defense with a sword, when she met him.* Btu now he didn't matter, the feline woman with the calico fur taking a run over the roofs. Medium streets didn't seem obstacles if she had some height over the other houses. She's on the search for something...

5th Avenue below on the left, she's darting over the roads, at times making a hook closer to Madison to get the correct angle to another house and then climbing up over them back to get to the next. Her tail balanced out the sudden jerks, the jumps throwing her over the nightly illuminated streets, almost diving through the air. Her own fur kept her from freezing in the night air, the leather not adding too much extra insulation. As she works her way over roofs, and one is occupied, she almost passes, stops and turns, the gravel under her feet grinding as she looks. "Huh?"

*Ed.Note: See Issue 16375.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia was about to move from her spot when the pitter patter crunch of feet on gravel behind her causes the thief to tense her shoulders but then there's the grunty 'huh' sound. Not a thief. Decidedly.

    The thief turns her head and then follows the whole of her as she looks towards the Catperson. "Can I help you?" Felicia says in her sultry tones, face partially hidden by the domino mask around her eyes.

Kitkat has posed:
"Dunno... you happen to have an idea where to find The Tigra?" Kitkat answered, the offer for help taken very literally. "It's a real hazzle to get a hold of her it seems. Anyway, who're you?"

Kitkat stretches, then cracks the bones of her neck, most likely deliberately. "I'm Kitkat, Adventurer!"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I might, caaaan I ask who's calling?" Felicia says, a teasing ring to her tone, but she forwardly isn't giving out the information, so it must be a half tease. The thief seems a bit puzzled by this woman in front of her and so she decides to have some fun. Leaning a hip against the AC unit next to her, Felicia crosses one arm beneath her chest and the other lifts up to idly twist through a few strands of her wavy hair. "Yeah, she can be tough to get a hold of, you know how those cat women can be." Felicia says, checking her perfume at the fur of her wrist. "I'm the Black Cat. Kitkat... Adventurer?" The leather clad woman asks with a raised eyebrow hidden by her mask, "Like- like the candy bar? Are you gonna break a piece off or something?"

Kitkat has posed:
"What bar?" Kitkat counters, eyebrow rising, the head tilting a moment as she regards Felicia like she said something strange. "It's a perfectly normal name in the Land Within. Nobody would name a bar like a person though."

"Black Cat... Cat women... hey, do you happejn to know that one? I mean, Catwoman? I met her once, just like The Tigra. Too bad The Tigra left so quickly and I only learned who she was after she left... anyway. Yes, I am an Adventurer. This all is an Adventure in Outworld!"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Kitkat bar... it's a..." Felicia starts to explain but kind of stops. "Nevermind." She does catch on that this woman is essentially a tourist or possible immigrant so she doesn't hold her odd customs against her. "I know OF her, but I don't KNOW her." Felicia explains.

    A deep breath and Felicia lowers her hand to slap against her hip not against the metal appliance. "This might be an adventure to you kid, but it's kind of just Thursday for the rest of us. Have fun out there." The thief says before turning around to look down to the museum once again.

Kitkat has posed:
"There's always adventure to be had, even when you know the place. What interests you that place with all the old weapons behind glass? That thing is no fun. Half the stuff is defect and you're not even allowed to handle them to see how they feel." Kitkat complains about the MET Felicia is looking at, shrugging a moment.

"But you do know The Tigra? Have you met her?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "You're right." Felicia says, taking another calming breath before she moves towards the lip of the building and points out the banners that are hanging.

    New Exhibits are showing, some rare stuff on loan from India, and other Himalayan artifacts are in New York. They are quite proud of the collection, that much should be obvious due to the amount of advertising they're doing.

    "That's not what I'm doing, I'm here expecting someone to try and steal something." Felicia reports idly before looking over her shoulder towards Kitkat and asking, "You got a fixation on Tigra or something?"

Kitkat has posed:
"A Fixation? No, but she is like... The Tigra is more like a mythical title in the Land Within! Like, without the Cat People would still be enslaved by some Wizards. You happen to know what they want to steal?" Kitkat counters, stretching her arms before vaulting onto the air condition system, crouching down on the cold metal to look the same direction Felicia was.

"So you're like a guardian of the place? I guarded a gate for some time. It was boooring. Standing at the gate for hours and nothing happening."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "So it's this weird sort of savior thing. Huh. I never heard that story." Felicia says with a shrug of her shoulders while still facing the museum. "No idea, I'd want to steal the saber of Kun Lun, or the Ice Heart of Qomolangma." Felicia explains with a smirk.

    "And yeah, this work can be boring, but it is something that must be done. Don't you have some sense of honor or anything about your work?" Felicia asks, turning at that last question to look towards Kitkat.

Kitkat has posed:
Kitkat yawns a moment, leaning over to Felicia, looking into her eyes past that Domino. "My work? I stopped being a guard to become an adventurer because I was bored. I *do* have a pride in trying to find the missing stones of this bracelet though! It's a worthy quest."

"What's so fancy about that saber and what's that Ice heart? Why would someone store a frozen body part anyway?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "The saber they say is made of some extinct animal bones and rare metals. The Ice Heart, is a gem of some kind, and is rumored to be from the center of Mount Everest. Supposedly it has magical properties." Felicia says, wiggling her fingers and going OooOOoo afterwards.

    She cants her head to the side and squints softly at Kitkat, "Are metaphors and similies not big for your people? I mean... Tigra has always been a bit ... different but I could always hold a conversation with her." The thief says with a squint before looking back at the museum and yawning.

Kitkat has posed:
Angling the head again a moment, Kitkat peers back at Felicia. "Magic? Huh, I might need to look in that house again some time. Too bad they want so many of the green prayer slips that get good meat just to let you look at stuff. A pitty."

Seeing the yawn, Kitkat mirrors it almost, just her teeth are quite feline in setup, and sharp. "You look tired. Didn't you get your 14 hours of sleep?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "As long as you don't take it while I'm sitting here, you can do whatever you want." Felicia says, starting to pace back and forth across the front of the rooftop while keeping her target in sight. "That's just how money works." Felicia says with a shrug, her green eyes shifting to look at Kitkat for another moment, curious, memorizing the patterns of her fur, and the shape of her teeth and that soft muzzle she has.

    "I am tired, and no, I only got eight, but that's all we humans tend to need, normally." The thief indulges Kitkat's question.

Kitkat has posed:
Kitkat sneezes at the notion of only eight hours of sleep. "That's way too short to properly rest. Did you at least have the time to just laze around in the light of the sky fire for some hours to compensate? Have a decent meal? You can't just call yoruself Black Cat and not even rest enough to stay awake all night! Why you call yourself that way anyway?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "It's enough for me." Felicia says, but then she stops her pace and moves over towards the AC unit and softly reaches her hand up towards Kitkat, slowly, carefully, and calmly, to let the girl smell her hand, like she would to a stray she just encountered. "I eat well, and I lounge about all I want, and that thing is simply called the Sun." The thief smirks towards Kitkat, "As far as my name, that's a trade secret. If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Kitkat has posed:
"Its an orb of fire in the sky. So It's a sky fire." Kitkat counters, the hand eyed for a few moments but not smelled at. Instead, she's shrugging, then vaulting back to the roof with a salto, the tail balancing it all out. "You'd have to kill me? That sounds like the ganger that tried to turn that guy calling themselves blood spider into minced meat. He ended up getting killed by his own buddy who in turn lost his hands to my sword for trying to do the same to me. So I guess you'd not be the first to try. Not even the second... But what could be so secret that you'd want to do that?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I know what it is, but if you're going to visit, maybe for the sake of your own sanity and for those around you, just trust me on calling it the sun." Felicia pulls her hand back and smirks as she watches the catgirl move around like a gymnist. But then in a show of her giving Kitkat some trust, she faces the building again, her back to the feline woman. "I've got my reasons, and they're enough for me to not go around telling everyone I meet my secrets." She says with a soft shrug of her shoulders, the costume moving with her body. "Though the chill is starting to get to me." Felicia complains.

Kitkat has posed:
Kitkat stretches some, shrugging twice before she steps to the edge, looking back down to the building. "But still you need to stay? Isn't there a warmer spot to stand for a guard?" She helpfully looks around for one, then shaking her head, playing with the golden bracelet on her arm. A bracelet with more empty sockets than filled ones. "Or a blanket?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Nope, but I'll get a coffee in a little bit. It's all part of the gig." Felicia says with a smile. "So, I might go do that." She says with a knowing smile and a glance to Kitkat before her arms spread wide and she leaps forwards into a dive off the side of the building. While saying, "Ta Kitten!"