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Latest revision as of 04:15, 26 April 2020

Lab discoveries
Date of Scene: 26 April 2020
Location: Stark Biomedical
Synopsis: Pepper finally puts face to the name that has crossed her desk more than once.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Peter Parker

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's getting to the point where Stark Industries really should start considering a 'campus' and buying up (more) of the adjoining properties. It makes the commute from one subsidiary to another a whole lot easier. And, there is only so much information one can get from submitted paperwork, from data collections from HOMER, and from video conferencing. Pepper really does believe in offering a face to the thousands of signatures that she's put on documents over the years. If they don't see Tony that often, at least they see her. (Though, to be fair, Tony throws some amazing company parties and picnics!)

It's late afternoon, and the skies are clear, but the temperature still isn't as warm as it could be. Stark Expo is in full swing, and the radio just keeps with the announcements that seem to be news worthy. Even the Biomed section has displays at the Expo, though they're not yet highlighted. That will change next cycle, which is why Miss Pepper Potts is taking the ride out to the building.

Stepping out of the dark sedan driven by a particular driver, Pepper closes her jacket for the chill, covering a light colored business skirt set, light colored heels making the *click*click* sound first on the sidewalk, and then on the grey marble flooring.

Pepper isn't challenged, but rather, she greets the security guards as she passes them, moving easily through doors and finally to the lab section. Green eyes look to the doors; hematology, cytology.. wrong section of labs. Off to the kinestheology section.. bones, muscles..


Peter Parker has posed:
Someone in Pepper's position gets a lot of notifications. Most are categorized by her entourage of assistants and advisors, but some are set to automatically go through to her directly. And one of these "Go Directly to Pepper Potts" categories is anything involving Ironworks.

<ACTIVITY: Access Request Granted to Parker, Peter B., Ironworks.>

Peter Parker. A name that had touched off one of the most insidious chapters in the company's history. The Director of HR, Paul Blevins, had apparently gone rogue, hiring those who would benefit him directly, and blacklisting those he felt "unworthy" by sharing their names with other HR divisions from other companies. It could have crippled SI if any of the blacklisted set up a lawsuit, but their legal team, headed by Leonard Sibelius, Esq, had defused the situation, hired many of the blacklisted, and fired the cronies Blevins had hired (including one of Leonard's own legal team; what a meltdown THAT had been).

And now the catalyst in question had just entered an Ironworks lab.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While HR has a certain amount of pull, if asked, Pepper would not have had any problem with contacting her own vast set of network contacts to get each and every person affected into a position commensurate with their talent and experience. Thankfully, it didn't have to come to that. The Personal Assistant of Mr. Tony Stark has no little pull of her own, from her own merit, though her detractors might say otherwise (and they do!).


Pepper's phone goes off all the time, however on this occasion, she catches a voice in her earpiece making the announcement,

'Miss Potts. You asked to watch for Mr Peter Parker. He's signed in."

"Thank you, Homer." Pepper is so used to talking to AIs that she no longer looks up in the air, even pretending she's talking to 'someone' in the aether.

The door in question, the one that HOMER had tagged as particular to Mr Parker is opened, and she steps through enough to allow the door to close behind her, but no more. Taking in the environs, she can't help but feel no little pride in what had been only a dream a year, two ago?

Peter Parker has posed:
The sound that greets Pepper first is the music:


"While I'm in deep REM sleep or twilight zones
I take a freight elevator and press fast-forward

I get to grind these teeth and beat through time
If I could bring things back they'd be that WILD..."

The young man moving to the beat is walking along the aisle near the drafting table, where a 3-D representation of the left leg from knee to hip is displayed, along with a cutaway of the hip revealing a metal hip-replacement rig.

"When I saw the future...the geeks were right!"

Pepper Potts has posed:
The music that pounds from the little speaker seems to be rather.. appropos to the work being done. (Better than AC/DC, in her opinion) A smile ghosts onto her face, and she cants her head, her brows rise with some humor. A soft laugh exits as she watches the young man work, the style so very familiar to her. "I see why Mr. Stark made the effort."

Pepper takes a couple more steps in to stand at the corner of one of the other drafting tables. "Maybe on the next applicants, I should actually ask what sort of music they listen to."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter JUMPS as he hears another voice in the lab, spinning around to see...

Oh my gosh it's Miss Potts, Mr. Stark's right-hand person, OMGWTFBBQ.

"Oh! Hi! Uhm, sorry! Sorry! I'll go...turn off the music, uhm...!" He reaches over to shut the MP3 player on the beat-up-looking Samsung phone, then turns back to Pepper, his face practically crimson. "I didn't think anyone else would be here..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's hopefully obvious to the young Peter Parker that Pepper doesn't find anything wrong with what is occuring in the lab from the light expression on her face, green eyes echoing the sentiment. Raising her hand as if to forestall the action, she drops it soon after. It'll be easier to speak with him without the distraction.

"I show up at the darndest places," is joked. "Actually, I didn't come here specifically to look for you, but Homer told me you'd signed in, so I figured that I'd put a face to the name that is all over the paperwork that's come across my desk."
Another step forward is made towards the newly hired, and she extends a hand, "Pepper Potts."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks almost owlishly, then steps forward to shake Pepper's hand. Firm grip, there. "Peter Parker, Miss Potts. Exxxcept you knew that already. Sorry." Still embarrassed. Deep breaths.

"Uhm, I was working on the project I emailed Mr. Stark about. He's a pretty busy guy." He points to the 3-D display. "It...was kind of a personal project, though. My Aunt May...she got a hip replacement four years ago and it's already showing its age. It hurts her to walk, and forget carrying anything heavier than a bouquet of flowers."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Of course she knew that already! And, given Peter's reaction at seeing her, her own introduction probably wasn't needed either, but there are conventions and etiquette!

Peter's hand is given a quick squeeze; her own hand small, delicately boned. It's the hand that has sealed many a multi-million, multi-billion dollar deal or has brought companies down. Once retrieved, her gaze does flicker over towards the table and the 3D rendition.

As Peter gives his report, here comes that smile again, but it's shifted from the casual, 'new meeting' sort to a warmer, down-to-earth-ier sort. "That is very sweet," she begins, and Pepper starts her approach, her attention flickering back and forth from art to artist, as it were. "I'm sure he read it." Good cover! "If he didn't, you wouldn't have the funding for it," is reminded gently. Of course, truth be told, it was more a blanket signature. Pepper funded it. "What do you need for it?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter took a deep breath. "Well, I am working on the requisition list now. Medical-grade silver is the big thing. It needs a three-millimeter depth at least to be medically sound. There's also a polymer here for the ball joint. It's pH-balanced, completely non-toxic, bonds to the joint...and even has an application system. It's rated for ten years, but in case more needs to be added..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's head bounces slightly, her strawberry blonde hair moving with the gesture ever so slightly. She has it down, giving something of a 'business casual' affair. She's listening to every word, her jaw slightly shifting as she considers. Sources, costs, best products, added applications...

"Are you looking for a body-produced, organic bond to the joint, like, the polymer accepting the take, or one that comes from the manufactured limb that the body will accept? Because there's a big difference between the joint accepting it and just sort of ignoring it and growing over, and the joint a, well, partner in it?" If that sounds right?

"Still, I don't think that shopping list is unreasonable. You'd have to have enough for several prototypes, testing.." As the words fall, Pepper remembers to take a breath and nods, "Email me directly please?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles wryly. This is definitely his wheelhouse. "Yes, ma'am...but the polymer has a number of uses, and there is something about it I feel you should know. It's a collaborative effort between me and another scientist. We want to release the formula publicly. Open-source it, basically. Like what Volvo did with the seat-belt design. It has too many useful medical applications."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Well now.. with that bit of information, Pepper pauses and falls silent. That took her by surprise, certainly, and it's clear on her face. "I see," comes out slowly. "Who is the other scientist, if I may ask?" Now, she turns her full attention at the burgeoning scientist, and her brows rise again in inquiry, "While I understand that it can have many applications, there's nothing wrong with being a patent holder. That way, at least it's remarked and no one can take it from you, effectively shutting down your efforts with a cease and desist letter.

"Besides," Pepper smiles in order to couch what might seem to be something taken as harsh, "It's reasonable to at least recoup outlay. And actually stick to the timetable, rather than what the larger corporations do." Sell for pennies on the dollar outside the country and charge exorbitant fees within, all in the name of 'funding research for future projects'.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, taking a deep breath. "The other scientist involved is Princess Shuri of Wakanda. It's her restriction. We'd like to share ownership of the patent, but make it available as a humanitarian gesture." He smiles wryly. "The hip-replacement, though, that's a dedicated Stark Industries product. I'm trying to finish testing on it so that the AMA can approve it. Aunt May...well, the pain is very bad, although she'll never admit it."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Princess Shuri," Pepper repeats, "I see. I also understand." She smiles and offers her advice, "When you're close, talk to the lawyers. They'll help you navigate the waters. If they have any questions, have them call me."

Pepper takes the first steps back, away from the table, from the display. As the conversation slips towards the more personal, she most certainly looks sympathetic. "Let us know when it's done. Or, if you want help on it. I'm sure that we can find one or two people that would be willing to pitch in." In a corporation of thousands! "And let us know if we can do anything to help your Aunt, please?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Well, you're already doing it. The salary is VERY generous, and it will pay all the bills as well as cover college. I'm going to ESU in the fall." He takes a breath. "Just...I should be finished with the prototype in a few days. If you...well, the company...could prioritize this project with the AMA, get it approved by the medical community...it would mean a lot to me. It would get it approved so Aunt May can utilize it for her operation."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper listens to the explanation, to the list and looks as if she's making her mind up, and it's to the positive for Peter's case. "I'll see what I can do, okay?" For her, no doubt that's a 'expect it at first light' sort of thing, but, "It may take a couple of days. And it's the weekend, so..." Even she can't force the government to come into the office on weekends. (For the most part.)

"I'm going to let you to it. I still have those other projects I need to check on. It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Peter." She sounds honestly genuine in that sentiment, and continues again. "Contact me if you need anything, okay? Or if she needs anything. And that includes a ride somewhere."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods and takes a deep breath. "I'm just glad that my medical insurance through this job covers her. But...okay. If I need anything special, I'll reach out to you." He looks around at the large lab. "...If you only knew how much this job means to me, Miss Potts..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper takes that look around the lab as Peter does and nods her head in that light bob. "I can see it, Peter. Make Tony proud, okay? You're going to go far."

With that, the woman turns around and heads from the lab, and down to the next destination on her list.