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Defend the Weiners!
Date of Scene: 27 January 2024
Location: The Danger Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Kara and Damian have an early training session to start to learn to work together and get advice from Vivian.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Kara Danvers, Vivian Vision

Damian Wayne has posed:
A flurry of early messages between Kara and Damian is quickly becoming a thing in the morning. Seeing what the other had planned for the day, light flirting, discussions of likes, and a touch upon a plan that had been discussed previously.

Damian> Training room? We can have something... attack the Weiner Hut, oh no! Can we work together to save your precious weiner? Weiners.

Which has led Damian into the training room, already kitted up in his Robin gear, since they're using Metropolis, he's in the midsts of changing from the black, grey and red of the Gotham Robin outfit into the more colorful red, yellows and green of the outside one... which Kara may have opinions on, so she'll arrive just as he's starting to adjust the colors.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is hovering in the air above Metropolis, which is sort of a morning ritual for her since she came to earth, when the beeping from her phone draws out a big ol grin.. not many people text her because most people know she's not very good at texting anyways. So she's pretty well sure who it is before she even looks at the screen.

Kara> Be there shortly.

Which is about as true to word as she can get. There is almost no where she can't get quickly... and shortly there after is landing in the training facility of the Tower with her arms folded across her chest. At first just watching him switch up his color scheme with a blinky grin. "That is very vibrant." She says to him, knowing full well he already knows she's there.

The Bats always know.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Kara can't get better at texting if she doesn't get someone to practice texting with her. That's Damian's working theory, at least. As he hears her voice, a small smile blossoms on his face. It's far more warm than the smiles he usually wears in costume - since it's just the pair of them at the moment.

"It is the original colors of the Robin costume. All of us that are under Father's tutelage have the ability to switch to these colors as needed. It confuses villains if there is a different Robin in different places around Gotham." he explains as he steps closer to her.

"I was looking over the scenarios, there is precious little that will give you much of a challenge." An amused smirk crosses his features, "You're on veteran mode while I'm a filthy casual." Video game reference, something else he said he'd show Kara when she wants. "But I think I have an idea? Kind of generic, but the point is for us to find some synchronisity."

A pause, and he looks at her, his domino mask hiding his green eyes, but if she did peek, he has a thoughtful look. "What's the protocol here, Kara. Am I allowed to kiss Supergirl?" The tone's slightly teasing, but curious. This is uncharted waters, he's never dated anyone this completely.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara never has any problem texting if people send her them. It's just she has a weird way of using emoji, which he probably is starting to figure out isn't nearly as unintentional as she makes out. Sure, she's only been on Earth for 4 years, but... Kryptonian's pick up on things very quickly. She probably knows a whole lot more than she's pretending to, most of the time.

WIth her her arms laid across her chest, she beams a bright smile at him when he's approaching. Big lashes fluttering over her big blue eyes, "I understand that reference." A tease about the video games. It only took her a few times hearing Damian and Babs talk about it before she didn't stand there staring at them like they were speaking Atlantian. "Yes! We should learn to work more closely together." Something she'd always wished to achieve with other Titans.

But hadn't. Not since the black kryptonite incident.

"The protocol is... whatever you are comfortable with, Damian. I am 'always' Supergirl." Her head tilts slightly, reaching out to straighten his cape where it lays across the front of his chest. "No making out in resteraunts, of course, but that is more about privacy than where you are allowed to kiss me."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian is aware of the black kryptonite thing. And what happened to Kara in the aftermath. But honestly? He was a murder hobbit that people should be thankful didn't have a fraction of her powers, because back then - he may not have been able to hold back as much as she did. She'll talk about it when she wants. When she's ready. If she wants.

"Good!" Robin chuckles, an amused crinkle to the corners of his mouth, but still subdued. She can tell the slight difference between the two, while they're the same person, there are slight changes - while she is always Supergirl.

"I'm so not suggesting that we make out in the middle of an alien invasion or the like. But right now, just us?" He leans down and a light kiss to her cheek.

"Please, can you imagine the papers if we made out in a restaurant?" A roll of his eyes as he gives her hand a quick squeeze and then drifts back. "Alright." Pulling up his wrist computer, he works on programming the room, bringing up the exterior of a Weiner Hut somewhere in the United States - Kara can probably figure out which one it is easily.

And as the pair are immersed into the simulation, there's a shuddering shake that crushes the ground and rattles windows as car alarms sound and civilians panic.

Landing upon the ground, it's thrusters shorting out, the Wild Sentinel is pretty damaged. Part of it's head was blown off back in the Genosha invasion and has self-healed to the point where it was mobile again. It drags bits of armor and dried seaweed that draped across it's body as it is on it's trek back to the defunct Sentinel facility - it doesn't know that it's defunct. A large foot comes down and crushes a car.

"*tszzz*nel return protocol. O-oppose all th*zzzt*ats." it rattles as it contines to advance, it's current path will crush the restaurant where people have taken refuge unless stopped!

"This work?" Robin asks Supergirl hopefully.

Kara Danvers has posed:
It was a very dark time for her. She very nearly killed some of her friends and... they forgave her.. but she's never really gotten over it herself. It's not like her brain turned off after she was cured. It's not like she doesn't remember every single thing she did and every single person she hurt. That stuff has a way of sticking to the spread sheet and corrupting the data... if a little rock can do that too her, can she honestly be trusted? Maybe that's what drew them together, Damian and Kara. They both understand that.

She will talk about it eventually.

RIght now she's peering around as he works on setting up the command prompts to bring the simulation to life. Brow raised, mouth open, she forms it into a grin when the Wiener Hut materializes. Because yes, she definitely knows which one it is. "I can imagine they would probably give us free food and try to subscribe to our channel..." She muses playfully, "Hit that like button young viewers!" See? She could be a content creator, she has the lingo down.

Her hand comes up to rest against his opposite cheek when he kisses hers, but the simulation begins in ernest. With the Sentinel dragging itself, damaged, out of the ground. Causing destruction and chaos in its wake. "I was not here when this happened." Musing, she knows how to take the thing apart, but that's not the point of the exercise. It would also end in civilians getting hurt if it explodes... "This will work."

Looking back to Robin with a nod, "Typically I would keep the giant robot busy while you keep the people safe. Would you like to try something else?" Since the point is them getting better as a team. A car explodes when the Sentinel steps on it, the holographic emitters flash the explosion across the side of her face, illuminating her in left cheek and eye.

Vivian Vision has posed:
When Vivian Vision is on duty at Titan's Tower it's generally in a very thorough sense. What's the point of the building having such comprehensive sensors if you don't use them? And this includes things like the Danger Room systems.

She's not listening in on the room. That'd be rude. But the data? Well that's different. And what does the data show? Another giant robot scenario getting run!

Rather than intrude directly, that could cause a distraction during training which might result in injury, she minorly edits the scenario. A sky writing plane begins spelling out "A girl could get offended at how often Organics run 'giant killer robots' for training. VV."

The Synthezoid herself is somewhere in the kitchens. Ironically following up on another Supergirls idea about making a limited edition Wiener Hut menu item. Mia having suggested a Thanksgiving special menu item, leading to the studious synthezoid attempting to create a gravy & mash potato based condiment.

Which is to say rather. Especially when the creator doesn't actually eat food.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Mutual, relatable traumas make strange bedfellows. But that is something to be discussed later, when it's time. When they're both ready. For now?


Robin's eyes light up beneath the mask when Supergirl reminds herself this is about working together as a team. The Sentinel will totally explode with all the force of a 74 Pinto if hit too hard. "Would you like to assist the civilians while I keep the Sentinel at bay?" That is said with a smirk, a clear tease - and he has no plans or want to try to solo the Sentinel.

"Where do you see spots where we can work together effectively?" he asks her as he is already looking around, and realizing - there's really no tall buildings around. Grapple gunning is going to be rather ineffective in this environment.

Though there is a glance up at the airplane, and his smirk becomes a bit more flat. A quick message over the group comm. 'Work on finding scenarios that we can scale to Supergirl's abilities, Viv? I haven't had my coffee yet. - R.'

With that, his attention again rotates back to the current situation. "I have my full arsenal with me, so... use me as you see best fit, and I'll work off what I know about you. For now?" His hand reaches for hers, "Get us in close, lets see if we can get it's attention!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
The explosion creates a bit of wind that pushes Kara's cape off from her side, dust blowing over her and drawing the screams of holographic civilians. They are not, in the strictest sense, real, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be seen after... As that's the point of these training simulations.

Blue eyes glance upwards at the plane spelling out a message from Vivian somewhere else in the Tower. A grin curls the corners of her mouth, keying the tower comms, 'You are not a giant killer robot.' Because that seemed important to point out.

Don't take their side Vivian, gawd.

"I will get us closer." Arm around Damian, she waits for him to agree before rocketing forward at a speed that he'll easily be able to handle, until she has a better understanding of exactly how much that is. Landing in the path of the Sentinel, she uncoils her arm from around his waist and steps off to the side with her eyes up on the big killer robot.

That she is going to destroy.

For Training purposes.

"How far can you throw one of your batarangs?" She asks of Damian, using the team level comms systems so she need not scream it over the sound of the machines janky vocabulation and movements.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Sky writing wouldn't be a practical way to communicate with people in real time. But the plus side of simulations is they are generally customizable. So little things like the pilots ability to fly and his planes technical specifications can be enhanced until they can handle writing responses at the speed Viv needs. "Scaling for Supergirl and Robin? My analysis suggests a mystical threat would be most suitable. I could transfer my intelligence into a different form. Perhaps I will build a synthezoid kaiju to inhabit once Project SPARKY is concluded."

Yes it probably would have been easier just to edit in hovering drones with holographic systems. But it's more fun to program this way.

"A cognitive challenge such as a Sphynx perhaps. If you cannot solve my riddles three then this Weiner Hut no more shall be."

Damian Wayne has posed:
As she slips his arm around him, Damian moves in closer to Kara, knowing that he will probably use her to help shield him from most of the windshear he's about to experience. "Go!" he announces, holding onto her tightly as she rushes forward, getting them there in a matter of moments as they land on the ground.

The Sentinel turns it's one good optic onto the pair on the ground and is scanning them intently. And it rattles, announcing, "Subject: *zt*bin. No powers det-tected. Threat: Negligible." However, as it scans Kara, it immediately raises it's arms, "Subject: Szzzupergirl. Flight. Ssspeed. Enhanced s-strength. Heat Vision. Threat: Omega. Engage. S-s-suppress!" it warns as it starts to unleash coiled metal tentacles to lash out towards Kara to attempt to wrap around the Maiden of Might and try to restrain her! It's eye is also starting to glow, apparently preparing some type of ranged attack upon her if it gets the chance.

As the tentacles lash out, Damian heard Kara's question as he drops a birdarang into his hand. "Pretty far, they're aerodynamic!" And he flings it towards the tentacle that is lashing out towards her.

Not that it, by itself can do much. There's only a small explosive charge that's build into the device, and as always, their not really set to be lethal.

However, amongst all of this, he is taking in Vivian's suggestion, and giving a solid nod, 'How large is our database on mystical threats, Vivian?' comes his querry, 'Kara and I were talking about creating more teamwork exercises outside of the social ones. I would like to hear your ideas if you have them?'

All the while, he's on the move, trying to stay in view of Supergirl while trying to find ways that the two of them can team up on the attack of the Sentinel. A small chuckle at the Sphynx/Weiner Hut joke.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Vivian is a great resource for buidling training exercise." Kara confirms, knowing this even before the Synthezoid teen proves her point by rattling off several excellent ideas without much prep-time. There are not, in and of themselves, a great deal of purely physical threats that really pose much of one for Supergirl. It's the nature of things... she's almost always stronger... because even when she's not, it's because she was holding back.

This isn't even a flex, it's a fact.

One that bothers her more than she feels any sense of pride.

It's hard to be this way because it sets you as different.. Even mutants. Mutants are, at the very least, still from Earth. Whereas Kara having a nightmare could destroy a city. It's a lot of weight on a very young person's shoulders.

Which she cannot really focus on during the training exercise. Damian is already throwing one of his birdarangs and Kara is tracking it with a turn of her head. The blue of her eyes grows increasingly red until a pair of focused heat vision beams hit the metal at just the right way to heat it up rather than melt it down. Where once they would have been an annoyance for the appendages being sent out towards her, they now can cut through the armored plating around them.

If not out right cutting them in half, certainly making mobility less fluid. Which in turn makes her moving out of their way even easier. A woosh of dust and Supergirl slides back into focus off to the side of those tentacles, one of them gripped in her hands, which she's pulling to drag the Sentinel off balance on it's damaged legs.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"The database has links to the Justice League," Vivian points out in sky-written text format. "Plus Titan records going back to the groups founding. Not to mention individual members links with other groups.. also I can just look online. Given the nature of the Danger Room I could also upload in characters from any fictional series." The sky writing ends as the plane loops back round. It's aerodynamics so radically different it moves more like a blip on a UFO show. "Sadly due to the technical limitations of the system even if I were to simulate a Supergirl level threat the system would likely overload."

Or they'd get trapped inside with the safety features turned off.

"The Titans have a large enough roster to make any hypothetical situation viable for training. There are non-combat situations which the team also responds to which would work to promote teamwork. Finding survivors after an Earthquake for example.."

Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin, in the meantime, is still learning the team dynamic. It's one thing to work within the Batfamily, they are a tight-knit unit that can read each others moves and play off each other with the greatest of ease. When they all work together, it's a thing of beauty.

An elegant and sophisticated waltz.

With Kara, Damian is still learning the basic box-step slow dance. It's going to take time, and it's clunky. She is holding back, knowing her powers, trying to find her balance. He's trying to find his place, the one that is normal amongst all the super.

Dick makes it look so easy when he leads them. Damian has no learning curve and a lot to catch up and well... that's a story for another time.

Kara's overload of the birdarang as it strikes between the junction of two of the coils on the tentacle that was lashing out is very effective as it is ripped open with the explosion, causing it to flop while the Sentinel's already over-taxed repair systems try to deal with it. Kara rushes in, grabbing it and giving a mighty tug, pulling the robot down onto one knee as the weakened joint gives out.

As it hits the ground, it's own optic glows, preparing to fire. "Solar power refraction changed. Now optimized as red solar energy. Deploying." it announces.

"Kara!" Robin calls out, yanking around his grapple gun and firing it off to wrap around her waist and with a hard pull, he tugs her to him, catching her in his arms. "Ah. Hi." a quick sheepish look as he releases the grapple from around her waist as the red solar energy bathes the spot she was in just a moment ago.

'Vivian, would you be opposed to the idea if I discussed it with Caitlin and Donna about you coming up with a series of scenarios that we can upload into the BBS so that anyone can access them and run them in a group dynamic? I can also give you what information that you may need on the villains in Gotham if you wish to use them.' Without the access to the Batcomputer, of course.

'And I agree, we do need to be prepared for more situations than just an attack. This was just the first one that came to mind.' he admits as he glances towards Kara, and under his breath adds, "I hope to get many more."

Then louder, "Alright, think we can take off that thing's head and shut it down without triggering it's auto-destruct?" he asks Kara. He knows they can, he wants to see what she comes up with.

Kara Danvers has posed:
That sounds bad. Solar energy? Yeah, Kara doesn't like that at all.

She hovers a few inches off the ground, ready to fly in closer towards the sentinel, when she hears Damian shout and feels the coil wrapping around her waist from his grapple gun. The combination of her motion and being up in the air makes it easy for her to yank to one side, right into his catching arms. A wrinkly nosed grin direct his way. "Hi." Her finger taps his nose, "Boop."

Then she's hovering beside him, turning to face the Sentinel as it tries to work it's way back up onto it's feet. The conversation about setting up BBS drives and data bases doesn't go cover her head, she follows what's being said, "I believe it is high time that I lend Kryptonian Technology to the technical wizards here at the Tower. Help set up a system that could store more elaborate constructs with less need for equally elaborate mainframes." Fists at her side.

She nods to Damian, "Yes." She could very easily punch the things head off, probably... but that's not the point of the exercise! "Do you have your sword?" Turning to look at him with a widening grin, hand on his shoulder.. "I will throw you up there at the neck junction and keep it's optic busy firing at me so you can get your sword in through the weaker plates near it's neck."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"My understanding is there are already a vast number of scenarios available," Vivian writes. Changing the texts font to something more contemplative. "I would be happy to help curate some pre-sets though."

As if to demonstrate she adjusts various in-scenario pieces of advertising. Supergirl, Troia, and Caitlin fighting a giant ape climbing up the side of a building. Robin, Gar, and Kian fighting on the roof of a Wiener delivery van. All sorts of possible team ups in although because she's manipulating the Wiener hut ads? There's an awful lot of them which feature fast food locations.

"Functionally anything you can imagine within the physical laws of our universe could be simulated. When I was much younger Kara and I used the Danger room to practise phasing explosives that'd been implanted in peoples brains before we attempted the real thing."

And with Kryptonian tech added in? Probably even the laws of physics could be temporarily be adjusted. Not that this would necessarily be a great idea. Probably best no-one brings it up with her Great Aunt Nadia.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Kara could have probably easily avoided the attack. But Damian couldn't have been sure of that, so... he gets booped for his efforts and his nose curls cutely at her like he's trying to hold in a...

He sneezes, "Ah-choo!"

At least his hand was up to cover his mouth so he doesn't sneeze all over Kara. A quick wipe of his face from the dry sneeze, and his attention returns to the situation at hand. Standing next to Kara, when her question comes up about his sword, there's a flick of his cape and she can see the hilt of the Themysciran blade at the small of his back. "Always." he comments with a small grin, teeth pulled over his lower lip as he listens to her plan. "Let's do it!" Feet set to the sides, he waits for Kara to yeet him towards the Sentinel, which is turning to prepare to fire on Supergirl again.

Damian's eyes scan over the advertisements, 'The ability to do so is not the issue.' he points out as he considers the options. 'It's the organization. Making the time to get people together to train and what not.' He knows there's a bit that goes on behind the scenes, but still.

Nodding as he listens to the tale of implanted explosives, he ohs gently. 'That is something I had not considered.' Mainly because he's used to the more pratical of the Batcave over the hypothetical of the Danger Room. But he's making the effort.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Maybe she could have maybe she couldn't.

Kara doesn't seem bothered to have been saved, at the very least, so in her mind.. things worked out exactly as they should have! Now they're formulating a plan, starting to find a rhythm, and a way to compliment each others abilities.

With a grin, she grabs Robin by a hard point on his costume and nods, waits for him to return it, and then hurls him with a side arm drag towards the Sentinel's upper torso. Her aim, while not exact, puts him plenty close enough to capitalize on whatever distraction she can provide.

Which, as it turns out, is a big one.

The Maiden of Might swishes over towards a toppled over light pole with electricity spewing out of the base and yanks it up with bits of concrete tearing along with it. The hologram shudders, but holds, which she bounces in her palm a few times before slamming against the side of a crushed vehicle to knock off some of the concrete to get the weight just right.

When she comes around with it, it hits the Sentinel right in the left knee. Like a baseball player trying to knock one out of the park. She's careful not to do anything that would dislodge Damian until his work is delt with. Swatting at any sentacles (See what I did there?) that are constructed to try and wrap her up. "Get. That. Crapola. Out. Of. Here." Eye beams, splits one sentacle in tway.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I would say scheduling superheroes is like herding cats," Vivian types. "But that would imply Vorpal was easy to herd."

Over with her physical form she's hard at work cooking. A potato mousse with a gravy reduction? Perhaps too fancy. Putting potato in the bread and then putting stuffing and gravy on top? Probably does not look appealing. Organics really are so troublesome not just eating light.

"It was a technique the Red Room used to try manipulate and then capture my Great Aunt. Normal civilians who are being magically controlled or have some sort of mechanical system directing how they move. That's the 'optimal' combat training scenario for you and Supergirl. She must exercise extreme control to avoid hurting innocents. Or at least that's the means I would attempt to use were I a supervillain. The innocents could even be other superheroes for extra hard difficulty scaling."

Damian Wayne has posed:
When Supergirl grabs a hold of him, Robin prepares and then nods. She winds up and flings him towards the Sentinel as he arches into the air. The sword flashes out as it is removed from it's sheath, the highly polished and sharpened blade held over his head as his body curls into itself to make him a small little cannonball of doom as he comes down towards the Sentinel.

Which has it's hands completely full of Kara. It tried to bring down one hand as a fist down onto Supergirl, just to be thrown off-balance as the light post mace slams into the metal, furthering the rending of the Sentinel's knee and that fist that was supposed to slam down on Kara is now used to brace itself. In the meantime, the tentacle from the other hand is sliced in twain by Kara's heat vision, proving exactly how easy mode this is for Kara. He'll have to work on that.

As Damian's blade cuts into the metal tendons at the Sentinel's neck, the robot's optic starts to flicker in and out as sparks fly from the neck. "Almost..." he growls between gritted teeth before it gives away and the head lulls over slightly.

"Kara!" he calls out, giving her the cue that the head is probably more than loose enough for her to be able to send into low orbit easily.

'Herding cats would be easier.' Damian responds dryly, as he falls backward, seemingly tumbling from the large robot as Kara comes rocketing in. He should be able to recover his fall, right?

He does hear Vivian's suggestion on the optimal situation for Kara and Damian to work together in and there's a small smirk. 'Future date?' he asks Kara.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara moves so quickly once she unhooks the chains and stops pulling punches. She's not as fast as the Flash, but it's arguable that she's as close as anyone is ever likely going to be. That scene from Justice League where Superman is slowly turning his eyes to follow Barry? Can we agree that was, at the very least, kind of cool?

What she is is far faster than a human.

One minute she's here... the next she's catching a fist thrown at her with the swung end of a lightpole turned blugeoning weapon to knock it away with relative ease of someone swatting at a fly. These things weren't built Krypton tough.

Metallo, on the other hand. He has Kryptonite powered engines or... whatever the hell.

Sentinels have to step up their game.

The point is she keeps it busy until she hears from Damian that he has the head loosened enough for low orbit. The pole is bounced in her palm, reversed, and hurled up wards like a javaline. Right through the single optic laser mount... It might not be 'blind', but it's distracted. Distracted enough that Kara sends an flying upper cut just beneath it's big stupid purple chin with enough maximum force velocity to stop a train dead on the tracks.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I can certainly try help get people together," Vivian offers. Somehow conveying a sense of uncertainty via font alone. "I will have my own commitments to attend to though. Which place limits on my ability to chase people for scheduling information." She does a series of dots to indicate a deliberate pause for thought. "I'm also not qualified to act as an instructor. I can provide opinions but I try resolve situations without physical altercations whenever possible."

She's a thinker not a fighter. Even if she can tear a tank apart with her bare hands.

Having done a little predictive analysis she zips the sky writing plane around with some impossible aerobatics for a normal plane to achieve. And draws a bullseye target in the sky. Giving Kara somewhere to aim with that devastating strike. Just in case she wants to make team Sentinel blast off (again).

Damian Wayne has posed:
She's faster. Stronger. More powerful. There's a lot of things that Kara is great at. Damian is just going to have to keep up. And he's more than happy to do so. Because, let's face it - Kara's is very cool. If a nerd. And adorkable.

The loud creak of metal and groan of breaking steel announces the piercing of the Sentinel's head. It stumbles backwards, the large robot off-balance and twisting - just to present itself to Kara for some sweet-sweet chin music. Her fist smashes the metal, bending it in, clefting the chin, smashing through, into the 'mouth' as she rips out the entire lower jaw, which coupled with Damian's damage to it's neck - dislodges the head from the robot.

It rolls back and is lifted off where it flies several blocks away, slamming right into that target Vivian set up and giving Kara all the points.

With the Sentinel downed, the simulation ends, shutting down and completing the exercise just as Damian flips around to land seemlessly onto his feet, tucking into himself to disperse the energy.

A glance aside to his girlfriend as the holograms fade and he chuckles. "I mean. It was our first dance?" he asks her with a lift of a brow. "I didn't step on your toes /too much/."

Turning his attention to Vivian as he steps closer to Kara, "I know, Vivian. And I wouldn't want to put that on you. I'll see if Caitlin and Donna are busy later on, if not we can chat on it. Not that I'm against pizza parties and the like. Just think some actual training would be good."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara settles back down as the simulation begins to close. The hard light projections become the uniform gray walls and she rests there with hands on her hips watching Damian come closer with a little grin. "You did not step on my toes at all." Definitive nod. This is... probably.. the longest she has spent in the Tower in almost a year. Now that she thinks about it fully, anyways. A glance around and she's nestling herself right up against Robin's side, hands down in front of her, one around the other wrist where the long sleeves of her top ends in little gold trim.

A smile on her face.

"Vivian, I smell food. Are you attempting to cook?" Even from this distance.

Very good senses.

"We have acquired a great deal of data that Vivian can look over. See where we can improve on our teamwork." Where they can look over it too. Like watching game footage. "I think this was a very good first dance." Another smile for him, bumping her shoulder against his upper arm.

"Now we go have wieners?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
With the simulation over Viv is free to use the intercom system. "Have you ever tried moving enough pizza for Irie or Wally?" she muses. "It's both a logistical battle and the heavy lifting involved is an impressive feat of strength."

Thankfully the speedsters usually fetch their own meals. Spreading the strain of keeping them fed over as wide an area as possible. Also it means they can usually get the pizza they like best in the world...

"Attempting?" The intercom is more than capable of conveying a pout. No need for fancy fonts now. "I am working on my own legally distinct versions of a seasonal classic." So yes then. "Which required me to learn basic butchering skills so I could make my own ground meat blend using turkey and bacon to go into natural casings." Or 'I made turkey bacon wieners' in plain English. "It's a wonder just what this kitchen has. I expect if I looked hard enough I'd find Caitlin has the right cookware to cook an entire cow on a spit."

Damian Wayne has posed:
As Kara cleaves into him, Damian's hand moves, sliding between Kara's arms as he reaches down to caress her wrist where that gold trim meets blue, and then into her hand to hold it, pancakes for now, waffles when she's ready.

He bumps gently against her in return and chuckles. "Oh, I'm aware, I saw the bill for it. The logistics are something that Batman has had Damian working on so he understand exactly what it takes for the Titans to run efficently.

"When do you think you will have a sample ready?" comes his question to Vivian. "Though, I will probably need to request a vegan option as well." Not that he's going to push on that, he's one of the few with that dietary need.

But to answer Kara's question. "Yes, we can totally get cleaned up and go for weiners."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Keeps the pancake for a few seconds, but then adjusts her hand to slip her fingers between Damian's as she leads them out of the simulation chamber towards wherever Vivian is cooking. He almost certainly knows that look.

She didn't say she was cooking wieners, but... Kara knows what she's cooking.

"Come come, she is making homemade wieners." This isn't the most important thing going on today, but it's certainly top five... at least in Kara's world. And she has #1 with her, so... it feels like a win win.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I have lots of samples of lots of things ready now," Vivian says looking around her and making a hmmm noise. "I did not prepare anything specifically vegan wiener wise. But I can cut a slice of stuffing, pan fry it in a little oil, and serve it in a bun with the same condiments." There are accompanying cooking scents and sounds which suggest she's doing so as she speaks. At least for Kara's senses anyway.

Probably she had not adequately planned for the scenario where a vegan would like to engage in her experiment. The shame of not getting the odds perfect. The woe.

"And I will need to make sure I have at least some leftover to leave at Harpers place." Which is code for Kara please don't eat them all. She does have a super stomach to go with her super pretty much everything else. Do Kryptonians have a super appendix? Does it do super nothing? So many mysteries!

Damian Wayne has posed:
Fingers captured, Damian laughs as Kara starts to tug him along. He couldn't stop her if he wanted to. He knows that look, he so knows that look.

"Vivian, we're on our way, put aside whatever you want to save for Harper!" he offers her at least a few moments of warning, since surely Kara won't just pick him up and carry him to the kitchen, right?